The most effective sports nutrition for muscle building. Quality sports nutrition. top best manufacturers

For a long time, our athletes bought European sports nutrition only for the reason that it was impossible to get another. Of course, this affected the cost of production. Today we are witnessing the rapid growth of domestic companies that fill this niche in the market. At the same time, it cannot be said that the quality is much inferior to European brands. Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition are focused on the domestic consumer, which means they adhere to acceptable. Today we will consider the main brands of the Russian market so that you have information for a comparative analysis.

Analyst Review

Before you start your own investigation, let's see what the experts say. Numerous studies conducted on the basis of leading sports clubs suggest that many Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition are buying cheap in China. Since it does not apply to medicines, quality control is not so tough, but control purchases show that the product does not meet established standards. That is, due to unscrupulous suppliers, Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition have greatly discredited themselves in the market.

Russian companies are leaders

However, at the same time, a number of companies operate on the market, the services of which are used by many athletes. In particular, Ironman is considered one of the best. According to consumers, this is a brand you can trust. In addition, it is necessary to announce a short list - these are Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition, which also hold the leading position:

  • products of the Leader line.
  • RealPump;
  • "Fortogen";
  • Actiformula;
  • Ironman;
  • XXI Power;
  • "Junior" ("Young Athlete");
  • LadyFitness;
  • Shaper
  • "Vansiton";
  • "Extreme".

Expert opinion

At the same time, ongoing studies indicate that the quality of products of even these leading companies does not meet international standards. Thus, we can conclude that domestic firms cannot yet ensure the European level of quality of sports products, the only advantage is the lower price. We brought the opinion of experts, now let's look at the main brands and draw our own conclusions.

Belarusian company Atlant

Since these products are frequent guests on the shelves of Russia, let us include them in our investigation list. So, Atlant is a sports nutrition that is produced somewhere in the vast expanses of Belarus, and there is no information about the location of the manufacturing plant on the packaging. Contact details and a logo are missing, although serious companies never do so. According to information provided by the manufacturer, the product is 80% protein. Independent researchers conclude that its content does not exceed 14%. We did an analysis of the feedback received from consumers of Atlant products. Sports nutrition seemed good mainly to beginners who tried a similar product for the first time. Experienced athletes report that they have never experienced headaches or gastrointestinal problems when using such supplements. The average price for a package is 700 rubles. I would like to add that not a single sports nutrition store with a good reputation implements this brand. Among their products are often found brands Syntha-6 from BSN, Elite 12 Hour Protein from Dymatize, Matrix from Syntrax, Elite Fusion 7 from Dymatize.

Sports Nutrition Manufacturers

First of all, many are interested in sports nutrition of St. Petersburg, since the city on the Neva is considered the center of Russian sports life. It should be noted that here in stores it is very difficult to find goods of a domestic manufacturer, it is much easier to order from the capital. And in St. Petersburg stores the consumer will be offered excellent, high-quality, but somewhat expensive products. We’ll list the main brands to make it easier for you to compare prices. This is 100% Casein Protein of the average cost of one can - 4500 rubles. The cheapest product of this brand is Whey Performance - its price is only 1000 rubles, while the composition is a high-quality whey protein mixture. One serving is approximately 8 g, while in a 900 g can. Sports nutrition in St. Petersburg is somewhat conservative, it is difficult to find cheap analogues of world brands at low prices.

Sports Nutrition in Moscow

The choice here is much wider than in all other cities. This applies to the network of online stores, and huge centers where a professional athlete will advise you on all issues. The FUZE Multicomponent Protein brand is very popular. This is a multicomponent protein, which is positioned as one of the best. As part of the drug, whey, milk and other types of protein. The food supplement has an incomparable taste, good quality and low price. Just 600 rubles per 1000 g per serving - about 193 kcal, the supplement helps to restore the spent amino acids and increase muscle mass. As you can see, high-quality sports nutrition can be quite affordable. Moscow is a city of great opportunities and choices, there are products for everyone.

Capital brands for every taste

The second most popular is the domestic OAT "N" Whey from Scitec Nutrition. This is a quality source of protein and healthy foods like the ones we get with cereals. A balanced composition allows you to saturate the body with the necessary elements and quickly recover after a workout, and also provides nutrition to the muscles. A portion of the product contains 354 kcal, of which 54 are fats.

No matter where you live. You can easily get sports nutrition: Moscow is open to the whole world today, online stores make the shopping process easy and enjoyable. Meet another popular Genetic Nutrition product. 100% Dairy Casein is an ideal assistant for those who need a constant supply of protein in the body for a long time. It is ideal for evening use, after training, as it allows you to slowly release amino acids at night. At the same time, serum analogues act very quickly, throwing all the potential into the blood at the same time, that is, they are best used before training. 100% Dairy Casein is suitable for people who are on a diet, as it will effectively replace dinner. A large package contains 1.8 kg of powder, that is, it will last a long time.

Sports Nutrition (Chelyabinsk)

Each city is distinguished by its favorite brand, so let's look at what sports nutrition is preferred here. Brand number one can be considered WheyProtein from Pure Protein. This is a real whey concentrate that is absorbed quickly and almost completely. It is necessary for a person leading an active lifestyle in order to have the strength for hard training. The amino acid composition of the product is very close to the composition of muscle tissue, therefore it is so easily transformed one into another, which means that muscle mass will grow quickly and without any problems. Cost - 1000 rubles per 1000 g.

We continue to consider sports nutrition. Chelyabinsk has a tendency to purchase and offer low-cost brands to the consumer, which ultimately will lead to the same result as well-known brands. One of these products can be called whey protein concentrate "KSB Lactomin 80". A simple kilogram package, without colorful pictures, and in the composition - a natural protein obtained from cow's milk. The cost is quite acceptable - 1000 rubles per can. This is a reasonable savings for those who do not consider it necessary to pay for packaging. The disadvantage is the lack of flavors, but this can easily be fixed by adding cocoa, fruits, and berries to cocktails.

Economical Option: Cheap Sports Nutrition

Today we consider brands of manufacturers with a big name, but affordable at their price. Such brands are in almost every product line. But keep in mind that your health depends on what you eat. Do not save on specialized products, because how you endure high physical activity depends on their quality. Twinlab enjoys good reviews, its 100% Whey Protein Fuel product is an excellent combination of the highest quality whey proteins that are easy to dissolve and digest. As a result of the intake, not only muscle mass begins to grow actively, but endurance, as well as the ability to recover after training, also noticeably increase. Cheap sports nutrition does not mean bad, this example once again confirms the rule. The cost of this product is 1300 rubles per 1000 g.

Russian protein producers

What is this product? Pure protein, which is so necessary for a person during a period of increased physical exertion. Without adequate protein intake, there will be no muscle growth, and depletion will quickly ensue. If you are going to lose extra pounds, then you will also need a protein diet, since it is this element that gives a lot of energy, it is vitally necessary as a building material for body cells. Of course, the consumer wants to buy the best quality product at the lowest price. That is why we have prepared a selection of the most affordable protein supplements. This is affordable sports nutrition. Prices do not exceed 800 rubles per pack in 1000 g. Given the low consumption - 8 g each before and after physical exertion, it is enough for a long time. So, we are talking about the following products:

1. The well-known company Pureprotein with its brands Casein Protein, Whey Protein, Egg Protein, Multi Protein, Soy Protein.

2. Second on the list is the manufacturer Maxler, offering consumers the brand Wey Protein, Matrix 5.0.

3. Syntrax closes the list with the brands Whey Shake, Consecutive Protein 85, Elite Whey Protein.

Russian manufacturer "Superset"

This is one of the leading manufacturers of sports nutrition in our country. The company has several dozen products of excellent quality. The fact that leading sports clubs buy it for their champions speaks of effectiveness. "Superset" - food that is approved and recommended for use by the Russian Federation of Fitness. All products of the company are certified according to European standards. Moreover, the cost of goods is simply sky-high. A set of sports nutrition, which includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, proteins and amino acids, will cost about 250,000 rubles. True, the packaging is large, 3000 g each, so that’s enough for a long time. Studies say that this particular brand can be considered the benchmark in the world of products based on high-quality milk proteins.

Products of the company "Superset"

Super Muscle Milk Protein is used to build muscle. It contains a milk concentrate (potassium caseinate) and whey proteins. In addition, the composition contains crystalline glucose, a vitamin and mineral complex. Athletes have to overcome heavy loads, so vitamins A and D, a full range of B vitamins are vital. In addition, the composition includes calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Any other analogues of sports nutrition are much inferior to the original product in terms of quality and nutrient content.

To summarize

We reviewed a number of companies that offer sports nutrition. On average, prices are reasonably affordable, and a colorful description convinces the buyer that they are quality products. However, comparing with a line of elite manufacturers whose products have all the necessary certificates and guarantee the highest quality, we see a very big difference in price. The conclusion suggests itself that manufacturers save by using inexpensive raw materials to make the product affordable to most. Perhaps if a quality product seems too expensive, you should take a closer look at homemade protein shakes, chicken dishes, eggs, and cottage cheese. Such a diet will provide enough protein, although muscle growth will be slow.

Among the fashion trends of recent years, an active lifestyle, the desire to be in good physical shape and have an ideal figure deserves special attention. For this reason, young people and older people are increasingly sent to gyms, where they actively work on simulators, trying to get a slender torso. At the same time, the efforts of many athletes who have achieved good results would be futile, if not for sports nutrition - an integral part of the athlete's training program. In addition to traditional food, albeit rich in vitamins and minerals, the athlete's body needs additional nutrition in the form of special preparations. They differ in many characteristics, it is worth choosing drugs depending on the athlete’s weight, body constitution and training intensity. The rating of sports nutrition that takes into account the opinions of athletes and experts can help make the right choice.

Top 5 Sports Nutrition

Sports nutrition, offered to those who want to have a good figure and always be on top, is represented by different types. Particularly noteworthy are the so-called gainers - a protein-carbon product designed to quickly gain muscle mass. The rating of sports nutrition manufacturers will allow you to choose a trusted manufacturer whose products have received more recognition, but do not forget about the characteristic features of each drug. An important component is the composition and quality of amino acids, a list of which can be obtained from a specialist. Somewhat more expensive are preparations containing pure products (free amino acids) that are easily absorbed. You should not trust unfamiliar companies that sell protein that is cheaper under the guise of amino acids. We offer a rating of sports nutrition companies in 2016, which will help the athlete make the right choice:

The choice of sports nutrition is especially acute for a beginner who is just starting his first steps in sports. Not to be mistaken and to choose the most effective product will help our sports nutrition rating based on sales in Russia. But with it you can buy really worthwhile supplements that will help in achieving the result.

1 Optimum Nutrition

American sports nutrition at an affordable price, in the sales market for 30 years, which may well be considered the winner of the sports nutrition rating. The brand has many items that work as efficiently as possible - vitamin complexes, many irreplaceable acids. With a wide variety of tastes, when an athlete can choose from a dozen options, some note a specific taste in some products.

The brand has become the brand of the year many times, and the title of the best protein, Gold Standard Whey, has been owned by the product of this company for a decade. The BCAA 5000 Powder amino acid complex is very popular due to the lack of soy and instant absorption. It can also be purchased in capsules, which is quite convenient. The general opinion of all athletes is high-quality, but expensive.

High-level product, like many products marked "Made in Germany." Protein Multipower Formula 80 Evolution is well absorbed, perfectly saturates and does not cause any disorders. To achieve the result, you will need to purchase the entire complex, consisting of a gainer, protein and creatine. Since this is a very popular brand, there is a risk of encountering a fake. Its price is above average, and if you come across a very cheap product, then this is 100% counterfeit.

There are several series of food for different categories of athletes and a separate line for girls, designed to acquire the desired relief. In addition, with its help, you can stabilize the hormonal background.

3 Universal Nutrition

Japanese manufacturer with a worldwide reputation and many years of tradition. His motto is quality above all. The product range is wide - more than 150 items. Jointment OS Ligament and Joint Nutrition Supplements are an excellent way to prevent injuries and sprains. Probably every athlete tried the Animal Pak vitamin complex, since this best drugproviding the body with energy. Universal Nutrition's amino acid supplements have only positive reviews.

German food of good quality in a wide range - there are almost all varieties food additives  with very rare reviews of intolerance. The trademark is widespread in retail chains and therefore it is easy to meet a fake. Many athletes note the fat burner L-carnitin Fire as an excellent drug that greatly accelerates the process of losing weight.

Russian products, which everyone is hearing a lot thanks to advertising. But it has many other advantages of its advantages - good portability, competitive price. You can pick up a whole complex that will complement each other. Gainer Turbo Mass is ideal for beginner athletes, as it is well absorbed and does not contain side effects.


Affordable mid-range price. These are potent and safe complexes of a professional orientation. There is even water for the joints. But due to a weak advertising company, they are not widespread enough and sometimes there are problems with finding products.

Protein S.A.N 100% Pure Platinum Whey has a lot of positive reviews. It dissolves well, has good taste and smell, and most importantly - a tangible result.

The company has long been in the sports nutrition market with a large assortment (more than 500 items). Constantly introduces the latest pharmaceutical achievements to keep up with the times. This is an ideal product for beginners, as there is a whole complex designed to maintain the health of a novice athlete. There is a sports drink for allergy sufferers.

8 Ultimate Nutrition

Very good product at a low price. The assortment is large, since the American company has been operating and successfully developing since 1979. There are many tastes, mixtures quickly dissolve and assimilate. With this food you can build up muscle mass  in a short time and without problems. But at the same time, there is a high content of fructose and molasses in the gainer, which, in addition to giving the drink a sweetened taste, also requires an individual dosage selection.

A middle-class brand that focuses on a large and constantly updated assortment. Using the amino acid Super Amino 6000, you can normalize sleep and quickly restore strength after a workout. Elite Proteins are very effective and contribute to fast weight gain. ISO-100 is the best isolate and the only whey protein hydrolyzate. But some athletes complain of poor taste and poor solubility.

10 BSN

An American company with 15 years of experience in producing sports nutrition, widely known to all athletes as Syntha 6 protein. Many people note high-quality fat burners at a good price. And without exception, athletes have noted the excellent solubility of Cellmass 2.0 creatine. However, 10% of consumers complain about side effects  from the gastrointestinal tract.

High-end products, but with a small assortment. Very few products for beginners. At the same time, bodybuilders praise the Mega Mass 4000 gamer, which allows you to effectively build muscle mass.

Today, there are many companies and brands that produce sports nutrition. But it is often difficult to decide which sports nutrition is better and which company’s products are worth buying.

The basis of the creation ratings of sports nutrition manufacturers  customer reviews are primarily about quality and efficiency this product, and of course its price indicator. In most cases, the most popular manufacturers are the USA and Europe, as their products are distributed throughout almost the entire world. Below is a table of the rating of sports nutrition among its consumers.

And now we will consider in detail each of the above manufacturers of sports nutrition.


Multipower is the market leader in sports nutrition and it is he who holds the leading position in all ratings. Country of origin - Germany.  The advantage of Multipower is that they produce entire lines of sports nutrition in advance designed for specific training modes. After their admission, athletes always achieve the expected result. Naturally Multipower  cannot be reproached for quality, since they have it at the highest level and this, in turn, is reflected in pricing policy. Multipower products are on average 10-20% more expensive than products from other manufacturers. Due to its popularity, this sports nutrition is very often faked and frankly low-quality products appear under the guise of Multipower on the market and this undermines the rating of the company.


This American company has been on the market for about 40 years and its rating has never fallen. The founder and developer of the company is David Blackman, who also concurrently developed pharmaceutical products. It was Twinlab who first launched liquid protein into the sports nutrition market. In addition, vitamins, minerals and special medicines for athletes are especially popular with this company.


The company has existed on the market for more than 20 years and has gained wide popularity among both beginners and professional athletes and athletes. The company was created in the USA with the aim of developing special nutrition for people involved in sports. Prolab is constantly developing new products for all categories of athletes and in the manufacture of its products strictly uses only environmentally friendly ingredients.

Optimum Nutrition

An American company that has also been in the sports nutrition market for quite some time. Optimum Nutrition manufactures all types of sports nutrition, special supplements and products for athletes. This company is especially popular with its 100% Whey Gold Standard Protein  and amino acids Superior Amino 2222. She is also the most popular in the CIS countries.


One of the oldest sports nutrition companies in the world that has been around for 80 years. The company was founded in the United States and was initially engaged in the development of special products for athletes, as well as its products one of the very first to hit the USSR market.


Ironman is a Russian sports nutrition company, which is the first manufacturer of sports nutrition in Russia. But in addition to good advertising of this sports nutrition and its popularity in the CIS countries, it still does not reach international quality standards and its effectiveness is about 50%.

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