Water resources of our region. Presentation on the surrounding world "water resources of our land" Medicinal plants of the Osered River

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Water wealth our land

1. Complete assignments for group work.

1) Make a list of water bodies in your region.

The Kuban River, the Sea of ​​Azov, the Black Sea, the Krasnodar Reservoir, the Belaya River, the Laba River.

2) Fill in the tables.

Table 1. Description of the river

Description Plan - Basic Information

  1. Name - Kuban River
  2. Where is the source of the river - On Mount Elbrus.
  3. What is the current: fast or slow - fast.
  4. Tributaries - Laba, Pshish, Belaya, Psekups, Teberda, etc.
  5. Where the river flows into is the Temryuk Bay of the Azov Sea.
  6. How the river changes into different times year - in summer during drought there is less water, in rainy season from autumn to spring - full-flowing.
  7. Plants and animals of the river - 400 species of zooplankton, 70 species of fish. Reed, sedge, and reed grow.
  8. Human use of the river - Carrying cargo and passengers, watering fields.
  9. How people influence the river - Pollute it.
  10. ... What people are doing to protect the river - Fight against violators, clean the river.

Table 2. Description of the Kuban River

1. Floods - 6-7 floods per year.

2. Power supplies - Precipitation, glaciers, underground waters.

3. How many glaciers are in the river basin - 408.

4. How many inflows - 14,000.

5. The length of the river is 870 km.

6. History of the river - The river used to flow into the Black Sea.

7. Delta of the river - Located in the lower reaches, not far from the Sea of ​​Azov.

8. The area of ​​the delta is 4300 square kilometers.

Complete assignments for group work.

1) Make a list of water bodies in your region.

There are up to 2,000 rivers and streams, of which 323 are more than 10 km long. The rivers of the Moscow region belong entirely to the Volga basin.

The largest rivers in the Moscow region are the Oka and Moscow with their tributaries. The third major river in the Klyazma region.

Rivers: Moscow, Yauza, Klyazma, Setun, Skhodnya, Khimka.
Lakes: Beloe, Kosinskie lakes, Svyatoe (lake, Moscow), Trostenskoe, Nerskoe, Krugloye
Swamps: Black, Great, Holy, Oak

2) Fill in the tables.

Table 1. Description of the river.

Description plan Basic information
1. Title
Moscow is a river
2. Where is the source of the river on the Smolensk - Moscow Upland in the Starkov bog
3. Which current: fast or slow slow flow
4. Tributaries Gathering, Beggar, Khimka, Kotlovka, Chura, Tarakanovka
5. Where does the river flow into the Oka river on the territory of the city of Kolomna
6. How the river changes at different times of the year freezes in November - December, opens in March - April
7. Plants and animals of the river birch, meadow grasses, perch, roach, bream, bleak
8. Human use of the river for water supply of the city
9. How people influence the river the river is polluted by sewage and waste from factories
10. What are people doing to protect the river there are treatment facilities, monitor the level of pollution

Table 2. Description of Moscow - rivers

Description plan Basic information
1. Title
Moscow is a river
2. General characteristics length 473 km, location - middle river in Central Russia, in the Moscow region, Moscow and, for a short distance, in the Smolensk region, the left tributary of the Oka (Volga basin)
3. The nature of the channel, width winding, from 80 to 120 m
4. Coastal flora birch groves, forests, meadows
5. Fish resources 35 types of fish: roach, bream
6. Economic value water supply, transport
7. Tourism and recreation walks, excursions, fishing
8. The beauty of the river your impression

Use the tutorial to make a diagram.

The value of water resources in nature and human life

Using the diagram, explain the importance of water resources.

Think about what environmental concerns are expressed by these signs. Formulate and write down.

Pollution of water resources by industrial waste

Pollution of water resources with garbage and human waste products

Entering rivers and lakes together with groundwater chemical substances, for example fertilizers and pesticides from the fields
Water pollution with gasoline and engine oil when washing cars in rivers

Suggest conservation measures for class discussion that can help solve these problems.

Ant Question and Wise Turtle ask you to write a letter to your peers from other cities and villages, urging you to take care of water resources. In your letter, try to prove that water resources in any corner of the country need protection.

Boys and girls! Everything water resources(rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, streams) are the most important wealth of our planet. Net drinking water essential for the life of people, animals and plants. Life is impossible without water! The water is home to a wide variety of fish and other animals that participate in a variety of food webs. In addition, a person has learned to use water resources in his economic activity... Protect water resources: keep the water clean, clear springs and streams, protect plants and animals. Save water!

What color is the water on the map? Why is the planet Earth called "blue"?

Does the water taste the same?

Now you named the bodies of water. Let's divide the reservoirs into 2 groups according to their origin: natural reservoirs (created by nature) and artificial (man-made).

How do natural reservoirs "live"? How do rivers and lakes feed?

Water dropped from clouds to the surface of the earth partially seeps into the ground, forming groundwater. Part of it flows down the surface of the earth, part of it evaporates. Groundwater in outcrops flows out to form springs. From springs in the form of streams, water flows downhill. Streams, connecting with each other, form ... rivers.

Other rivers flow into the river. These are its tributaries. They are usually shorter main river... The more tributaries, the more watery the river. The place where the river flows into another river, sea, lake, is called ..... The length of the rivers is different - from tens of kilometers to several thousand.

The speed of the river flow depends on the area over which it flows. On the plains the course of the river is smooth, in the mountains it is stormy.

Water constantly flows into the river. In the summer, our rivers are fed by the rains, and groundwater... A lot of water flows into the river in the spring from melting snow. At this time, rivers often overflow their banks, flood vast low places, and flood begins.

In winter, the rivers are fed by the discharge of groundwater.

Lakes, unlike rivers, have neither source nor mouth. These are natural depressions on the surface of the land, filled with water. In some lakes, the water is fresh, while in others it is salty.

The lakes are also fed by underground and surface waters... Rivers often flow into them. For example, many rivers flow into Lake Ladoga, and only the Neva flows out, on which the city stands….

In winter, our reservoirs are covered with ice. Ice forms first along the banks and then covers the entire surface of a river or lake. However, on many rivers, areas not covered with ice remain for a long time (full waters - polynyas). Be aware that these areas are very dangerous to cross. Don't go out on the ice. Take your time skating on thin ice.

In spring, ice begins to melt, first along the coast, and then in the middle. Spring ice is very deceiving, it is porous and therefore fragile. Cross bodies of water spring ice extremely dangerous.

You should be especially careful when swimming in the water in summer. Swim only in designated areas under adult supervision. Remember the good proverb: "If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water."

Working with the map Chelyabinsk region:

- What reservoirs are located on the territory of our region? Show them on the map.

- Name natural bodies of water.

- List the artificial reservoirs of our area.

- On the bank of which river is our city located?

- Show the source and mouth of the river on which our city stands.

- On which bank (right or left) is our city?

- How to find out?

- Does this river have tributaries?

Now make a story-description of the Miass River according to the plan on p. 145 textbook.

  1. Using a map of the region and local history literature, make a list of rivers, lakes and other water bodies of your region.
  2. Based on your observations, as well as with the help of a map and local history literature, compose a description of the river, lake, sea (depending on what is in your region).

    As a guide, you can use the plan for describing the river given in the textbook. If you prepare a description of another natural object, make a plan yourself.

    River description plan

    1. Name.
    2. Where is the source of the river.
    3. What is the current: fast or slow.
    4. Tributaries.
    5. Where the river flows.
    6. How the river changes at different times of the year.
    7. Plants and animals of the river.
    8. Human use of the river.
    9. How people influence the river.
    10. What people are doing to protect the river.
  1. Discuss the results in class. If necessary, make corrections and additions to the list and description that you have compiled.

The importance of water resources and their protection

The importance of rivers, lakes, seas in human life is great. They decorate the Earth, delight us with their beauty. People rest on their shores. Vessels travel by water and carry cargo. People take water from rivers and lakes, without which it is impossible to do either in everyday life or at work.

Rivers, lakes, seas must be clean! Unfortunately, not enough is being done to ensure that factories, factories and farms do not pollute them. But they are not the only ones to blame for the pollution.

V agriculture fertilizers and pesticides are used. It happens that more of these substances are used than required. Then rainwater will bring some of the fertilizers and pesticides to the river, lake or sea.

Now imagine that the driver washed his car in the river. Gasoline, engine oil got into the water. You cannot wash cars, motorcycles, mopeds and even bicycles in this way (some of their parts are also oiled with machine oil).

Very often people throw garbage into the water. Broken bottles, sharp edged cans and much more are found under the water. Imagine how dangerous it is for people who swim, especially for those who dive. Never throw rubbish into the water! Do not leave him on the shore, from where he can get into the water!

Schoolchildren can help adults protect water resources: keep the water clean, clear springs and streams, and protect plants and animals. You can also participate in this work.

Attention! Never dive in an unfamiliar place! Broken bottles and other objects with sharp, cutting edges may be at the bottom.

check yourself

  1. Tell us about the importance of water resources in people's lives.
  2. How should adults and schoolchildren protect rivers, lakes, seas? Is this done in your region?
  3. Why should you be careful when swimming?

Homework assignments

  1. Design and make a model showing the importance of rivers, lakes, seas in people's lives.
  2. In the book "The Giant in the Glade" read the story "Bottle Mail". Do you always take good care of the water resources of your land?
  3. If your students are involved in water conservation, learn more about their work. Try to take part in it.

Pain of nature

"Treasure" at the bottom of the river

Scientists once examined the bottom of the river. On a section of the bottom 5 kilometers long, they found: 14 reinforced concrete slabs, 34 pieces of rails, 112 sledges, 108 pots, kettles and pots, 36 pans, 2486 broken bottles, 814 broken glass jars, 2214 cans. Draw your own conclusions from this study.

In the next lesson

We will learn about the most important minerals of our region, about the protection of underground resources. We will learn to distinguish and describe the minerals of our region.

Remember what minerals are. What minerals do you know? What minerals are mined in your region?

Municipal government educational institution

The main secondary school of the village of Rusanovo

Oryol district of Kirov region

The world

4th grade

Educational complex "School of Russia"


Teacher primary grades

Shalaginova K.V.


Lesson summary.

Item : The world

Class: 4

Lesson #: 23

Lesson type: Lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge.

Theme: "Water resources of our land".

Target: To acquaint students with the diversity of reservoirs in the Kirov region, expand and deepen the students' natural history knowledge.


    To form an idea of ​​students about natural and artificial reservoirs of the region.

    Develop cognitive interest, the ability to reason, analyze.

    To foster a respect for nature; show the need for and ways to protect water bodies.

Forms of work: frontal, individual, in pairs.

Means of education: Textbook "The World Around" Pleshakov A.A. 4 class 1 part; workbook - A.A. Pleshakov 1 part; multimedia projector; a computer; physical map Kirov region; photographs of reservoirs of the Vyatka Territory; test for checking homework on the topic "The surface of our land", a globe.

Formed UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

Carry out logical actions: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, analogy;

Search for the necessary information, choose the most effective ways problem solving, planning, forecasting, knowledge structuring;

Compare and group objects, objects on several grounds; find patterns;

Observe and make independent simple conclusions.

Regulatory CU D:

Be aware of the task, accept it; striving for its successful solution;

Navigate the textbook;

Plan your actions;

Monitor and evaluate your work.

Communicative UUD :

Active use speech means and means of information and communication technologies for solving cognitive problems;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express your opinion and argue your point of view.

Personal UUD:

Evaluate the assimilated content from a moral and ethical point of view;

Realize responsibility for a common cause;

Follow moral standards and ethical requirements in behavior;

Understand the meaning of knowledge for a person and accept it;

Have a desire to learn, show interest in the subject being studied, understand its importance;

Evaluate the assimilated content from a moral and ethical point of view; to be aware of responsibility for a common cause.

Planned results:

Subject : will have the opportunity to learn how to work with a textbook, a map, work with models of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Metasubject : master the abilityunderstand learning task lesson, answer questions, generalize your own ideas;listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, evaluate your achievements in the lesson; enter into verbal communication, use the textbook.

Personal : have a responsible attitude towards learning; show readiness and ability for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and cognition

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

There are many interesting things in the world
We are sometimes unknown.
There is no limit to the world of knowledge,
So hurry up, friends, get down to business!

2. Updating knowledge.

- Guys, let's remember which section of the textbook are we studying? (Motherland- part big country)

What does the word "edge" mean?

What is the name of our land?

What have you already learned about our region?

So today we have to learn something new and interesting about our region, but first, let's remember what topic we studied in the last lesson?(The surface of our edge)

Now we will complete the test and check how many points you have mastered the topics of the new section (5 min).(Annex 1 )

I really hope that each of you did the job. Now swap notebooks with your deskmate and check the test, the answers to which you see on the slide.(SLIDE 2) (The teacher, together with the students, examines the questions).

Give marks in accordance with the criteria No errors - 5, 1-2 errors –4, 3-4 errors - 3, 5 and more -2.

Raise your hand, who has no mistakes. Who has 1-2 mistakes? Who has 3-4? Who has 5 or more?

Well done, who coped with the tasks, who did not, need to be repeated.

Who wants to tell us about the surface of our land?

- How is the surface used in our region?

3. Motivation for learning activities.

- And now I invite you to guess the riddles.

1) I am both a cloud and a fog,

Both the stream and the ocean

I fly and run

And I can be glass.

2) They drink me,

I'm being poured

Everyone needs me.

Who am I?

If you look at the map of the Earth,

There is only one third of the Earth on Earth.

A strange question arises then:

Should the planet be called "Water"?

Why did the poet suggest renaming the planet?

4. Statement of the educational problem.

What do you think we are going to talk about today?

Today we will talk not just about water and reservoirs, but about the water resources of the Kirov region.

Can water on Earth be called wealth? Why?

Formulate the topic of the lesson.(SLIDE 3)

What goal will we set for the lesson?(SLIDE 4)

What would you like to know about this topic. Try to frame your questions? (write questions on the board) ( what reservoirs are there? What groups can the water bodies be divided into? What parts does the river consist of? I want to learn how to compare water yomy.What water bodies are there in our region?)

Today we will get acquainted with some of the reservoirs of our region. Let's find out their meaning in nature and human life. We will learn how to protect them.

5. "Discovery" of new knowledge.

Guys, look at the globe. What color is not mute anymore?

What's in blue? Yes guys, water is blue. Did you know that 2/3 earth surface takes water?

What does the water taste like? (Fresh and salty , analyze these concepts)

What is the water in our reservoirs?

Where is the salty water? (in the seas and oceans )

Now you named the bodies of water. Let's divide the bodies of water into 2 groups according to their origin.(SLIDE 5)

What groups will we divide into? (natural and artificial)

What does it mean "natural"?(Created by nature)

What does artificial mean? (Man made )

What can we attribute to natural reservoirs? To artificial? (SLIDE 6.7)

Do we have all of the natural reservoirs in the Kirov region?(There are no seas and oceans).

What do you think we have on the map more rivers or lakes?

Consider a map of the Kirov region... (SLIDE 8) ( They talk and work on the map.) (Conclusion that there are more rivers)(SLIDE 9)

What parts of the river do you remember?

Let's remember the diagram of the river.(SLIDE 10)

    What is the name of the place where the river originates?

    What else does the river have? (Tributaries. The river flows along the channel, there is a right and left bank. The tributaries are also right and left) ( SLIDE 11)

How do we know?(You need to stand with your face down the river, then right-right, left-left).

Well done, we remembered.

And tell me, how do natural reservoirs "live"? How do rivers and lakes feed? (Conversation) (SLIDE 12)

Water dropped from clouds to the surface of the earth, partially seeps into the ground, forming underground waters. Part of it flows down the surface of the earth, part of it evaporates. Groundwater in outcrops flows out to form springs. From springs in the form of streams, water flows downhill. Brooks, connecting with each other, form…. (rivers).

Other rivers flow into the river. These are its tributaries. They are usually shorter than the main river. The more tributaries, the more watery the river. The place where the river flows into another river, sea, lake, is called ..... (mouth). The length of the rivers is different - from tens of kilometers to several thousand.

The speed of the river flow depends on the area over which it flows. On the plains the course of the river is smooth, in the mountains it is stormy.

Water constantly flows into the river. In summer, our rivers are fed by rainfall as well as groundwater. A lot of water flows into the river in the spring from melting snow. At this time, rivers often overflow their banks, flood vast low places, and flood begins.

In winter, the rivers are fed by the discharge of groundwater.

What rivers of the Kirov region do you know? (Slide 13 large rivers Kirov region: Vyatka, Kama, Moloma, Tansy, Luza, Cobra, Cheptsa )

Let's look at the tributaries of the main river of the Kirov region, Vyatka. (SLIDE 14)

Lakes, unlike rivers, have neither source nor mouth.(SLIDE 15)

These are natural depressions on the surface of the land, filled with water. In some lakes, the water is fresh, while in others it is salty. The lakes are also fed by groundwater and surface water. Rivers often flow into them.

Do you know on which river the city of Orlov is located?

And what rivers flow near the Rusanovo village? (Mostovitsa - 11 km, Dubyana - 26 km)

What lakes of the Kirov region do you know? (Slide 16) (Akshuben, Orlovskoe, Muserskoe, Lezhninskoe, Shaitan)

6. "Consolidation" of primary knowledge.

Let's work with you in pairs and do the task in workbook... Page 68. Read the assignment. What needs to be done here?(Make a list of water bodies of the region) (rivers, lakes, swamps)

We work with the map of the Kirov region. (Check, the teacher complements)

Physical education

We'll get some rest
Let's get up, take a deep breath
Hands to the sides, forward.
We're on the beach
The sun is burning.

Let's run to the river,
Let's plunge, swim.
Oh, what a blessing!
But you also need to know when to stop.
Let's run to class,
We will listen to the story there.

6. "Discovery of new knowledge"

What was the role of the reservoir was our physical education minute? What did we do?(We rested, which means that the reservoir is a place for people to rest)

What else do you know about the importance of water bodies?(People take water from reservoirs for drinking and cooking. Reservoirs are a home for plants and animals. Water is taken from reservoirs for household needs. Goods are transported by water. Factories and factories take water for work)

Yes, the importance of reservoirs is very great, because without water, neither man, nor plants, nor animals can exist. People have always tried to settle near water bodies, along their banks.

Does a person always treat water bodies correctly?

It is impossible to live on Earth without water. Water is needed not only for human household needs. Without water, crops will not grow in the fields, not a single plant will be able to work. Man, animals, plants - everyone needs water! Unfortunately, pure water is getting smaller and smaller. And the people themselves are to blame for this, who pollute water bodies, use them uneconomically, cut down forests around water bodies, which leads to the destruction of banks and shallowing of rivers. Some industrial enterprises dump waste with chemicals into rivers.

How can this affect fish wealth?

The main food for seagulls is fish. And if the fish is sick and dying out, what happens to this food chain?

Let's turn to the tutorials on page 146 and read the article “The Importance of Water Resources and Their Conservation”.

How should adults and children protect water bodies?

Currently, treatment facilities are being built in factories and factories, where the water that was in production is purified and used again. We know that water is a solvent. Various substances dissolve in it, therefore the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture in large quantities is also dangerous for water bodies. With melt and rainwater, poisons can enter the reservoir, which is dangerous for all living things.

7. Independent work with self-test against the standard.

I now invite you to complete assignment 2 on page 69 of your workbook. Read the assignment. (Make a diagram "The value of reservoirs in nature and human life"). (Examination)SLIDE 17

8. Incorporation of new knowledge into the system of knowledge and repetition.

- Guys, think about what we have ecological problems associated with water bodies? (garbage, sewage, vehicle washing, fertilizers and pesticides)(SLIDE 18)

I suggest you draw up a reminder of behavior at the reservoir. What do you think is the most important thing we should not do, so as not to pollute water bodies? What should you fight with?


1. Don't throw rubbish into the water.

2. Don't leave trash on the shore.

3. Not my bike and others vehicles in reservoirs.

Waste waters of plants, factories, fertilizers and pesticides should not enter the reservoirs.

9. Summing up.

Well done boys. Did a good job in the lesson. Let's draw a conclusion and summarize.

Look at the questions on the board. Have we answered all the questions?

What goal did we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

Did we manage to achieve it.

To consolidate the knowledge gained, let us answer the questions of the "Test yourself" section on page 147 of the textbook.(SLIDE 20)

9. Reflection of activity

Guys, I remember our today's lesson for your speeches, your skills to work in pairs, reason, and draw conclusions. What do you remember about the lesson? What seemed more interesting to you?

What did you do well in the lesson?

What else needs to be worked on?

10. Homework... (Slide 21)

Textbook p. 145-148

Workbook p. 68 No. 2 (2), p. 70 No. 3,4

Thank you for the lesson!

Love and take care of nature!

(Slide 22)


Test on the topic "The surface of our edge"

a) plain; b) mountains.

2. A deepening in the earth's surface with steep crumbling slopes is called:

a) beam; b) a hill; c) ravine.

3. What color are the plateaus on the map?

a) yellow; b) green; c) light brown; d) brown.

4. Mountains created by people are called:

a) hills; b) waste heaps; c) plateaus.

5. The lower part of the mountain, the hill is:

a) sole; b) slope; c) plain.

6. There are ravines, hills and mountains:

a) top; b) slope; c) sole.

7. Deepening on the earth's surface with gentle slopes overgrown with plants is:

a) beam; b) a ravine; c) lake.

8. What color are the lowlands on the map?

a) yellow; b) green; c) light brown.

9. The shape of the surface, which has a bottom, a slope and a top, the height of which is more than 1000 meters, is:

a) mountain; b) a hill; c) waste heaps.

Description of modern techniques and methods used during the lesson.

The lesson "Water resources of our land" is built in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, using information and communication technology. This lesson is presented in the course of studying the section "Native land - part of a large country" in the course "World around" grade 4.

During the development of the lesson, age and psychological characteristics students. The content includes elements of teaching schoolchildren universal training activities: the topic, goals and objectives are determined by the students themselves, based on the corresponding problem situation.

At all stages of the lesson, there is motivation that prompts the student to take action. Throughout the entire lesson, children need to use not only existing knowledge, but also find a new way to perform an action already known to them.

The stages of the lesson are closely interconnected, alternate different kinds activities. Mental action is supported and reinforced by practical action. Educational material throughout the lesson, I worked to organize feasible search and research, and also corresponded to life experience.

When asking questions and identifying buildings in a lesson, the individual characteristics of students are taken into account, only a positive characteristic is given to the results of their activities, which stimulates and increases their activity.

The teaching material of the lesson corresponds to the principle of scientific character, accessibility and is feasible for pupils of grade 4. Learning information is attractive to learners. Due to the attractiveness of the content of knowledge and the presentation of material, the ability of students to achieve their goals in the lesson increases.

Study time is used efficiently, the planned volume is kept within the framework.

    Interdisciplinary connections: Russian language, technology (man and water)

    Control form: frontal, oral, written.

    Lesson form: frontal, individual, steam room.

    Pedagogical technologies: student-centered learning, problem learning technology (in determining the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson) health-preserving (physical education, landing during the lesson), information and communication (presentation)

    Teaching methods: verbal (story, work with a book, conversation, explanation), visual (illustrations, presentation), practical (independent work).

    Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive.

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