Are sweeteners harmful

Are sweeteners harmful to the shaken human health, in what cases they are useful, and when they cause irreparable damage. Let's analyze the benefits and harms of sweeteners, which is called "by the bones."

I will try to give detailed answers to all the questions that interest us.

What are sweeteners in general:

Medicine says - organic plant compounds. They taste 10 to 500 times sweeter than our usual sugar.

They are produced in the form of powders, tablets, just liquids.

You can sweeten any drinks:

  1. Tea.
  2. Compotes.
  3. Add to jam.
  4. Bake cookies.
  5. Make any desserts.

Why are sweeteners needed at all:

We began to consume too much sugar and foods that are stuffed with it. Result - began to lose shape. All right, the sides, weight would grow.

After all, it was revealed en masse and became unmanageable. Sweeteners contain very few calories in their composition. At the same time, the taste remains. Applying them can be significant.

Don't forget, these are chemicals anyway. Better pull yourself together, give up sweets.

What sweeteners are made from:

For the production of sugar substitutes, the following are used:

  1. Fruit.
  2. Mushrooms.
  3. Starch.
  4. Wood.
  5. Vegetables.

It tastes very similar to sugar, in normal doses it can replace it. One gram of sweetener contains 4 calories. They are completely absorbed by the body, if you count calories, do not forget to count them.

We'll have to understand that there are just sweeteners, and there are sweeteners. What's the Difference?

  1. Sweeteners - synthetic chemical compounds.
  2. Sweeteners - organic plant compounds.

Big difference.

What sweeteners generally produce:

List of the most famous names:

Product name

Sweeter than sugar (how many times)


1,2 times


1,1 once


0,8 once


0,7 once


0,6 once


Slightly less than 0.5 times


0,5 once

The most common sweeteners are:

    Saccharin:(instantly dissolves in boiling or hot water).

    Aspartame:(the taste of sugar is preserved, one tablet corresponds to the dose of a teaspoon of sugar). It is impossible to heat liquids with its use, it does not withstand high temperatures. Contraindicated in phenylketonuria. Although the disease is rare, it does occur.

    Acesulfame:(withstands high temperatures, which means you can cook with it. Sweeter than sugar 200 times).

    Cyclamates:(tastes better than sugar by 10 or 30 times. With an increase in the dose, the taste of food will have a bitter aftertaste).

Fructose does not raise blood insulin levels as quickly as sugar does.

Are sweeteners harmful, why should they not be consumed thoughtlessly:

Since the last century, the use of cyclamates has been banned in America. Then the ban extended to saccharin. Studies have shown that their use increases the risk of cancer.

Then there were doubts about the results obtained. One thing is certain, they contribute to the development of cancer. Therefore, if you do not have diabetes, it is not worth the risk. Lead a healthy lifestyle - sweeteners will not be needed.

Safe doses of sweeteners:

Healthcare has taken care of our health by publishing acceptable dosages of sugar substitutes.

Daily doses:

Saccharin: at a dose of 2.5 mg per kilogram of human weight.

Tsiklamata: a dose of 12.34 mg per kilogram of a person's weight. With a weight of 80 kg, you can take just over 20 tablets. Or 1 - 2 tablets at one time in coffee or tea.

If you have diabetes, completely deprive yourself of sucrose or glucose (grape sugar). Small doses are better than complete replacement. The doctor will calculate the maximum allowable doses for you, taking into account the blood glucose values.

Please note that if you have diarrhea while using sweeteners, the dose should be reduced.

Unpleasant symptoms when taking sweeteners:


  1. Bloating, which is doubly unpleasant.
  2. Disruption of the intestines, even complications may occur.

If you are, choosing a diet designed for diabetics is a bad option. Proven - harm to health.

How to use sugar correctly without harm:

Remember, almost all foods contain sugar. This is already enough for us. Imagine what is going on in our body when we drink too much sweet tea, compotes.

  • We eat bread, cookies, sweets, pasta, porridge. Doses are off the charts.
  • The more we eat these foods, the more we want to eat. We think we are constantly hungry. Eat a piece of fish, chicken breast, or cottage cheese to fill you up.
  • Such food contains proteins, is digested for a long time, blood glucose does not rise sharply. Weight will cease to be added. Of course, if you don't eat half a loaf of bread for the company. This is already a carbohydrate.
  • Better use honey, it is a natural product, there will be more benefits. Moderate doses (2 - 3 teaspoons).
  • Do not encourage children with candy; teach them to eat fruit. Health and habits are formed from childhood.
  • You can forever say goodbye to your microbes in your mouth will not have a chance to survive.
  • Sugar is absorbed by the body instantly, after 30 minutes it is no longer in the body, you are hungry again. Sugar consumption - useless exercise for the body.
  • Sugar - short-term energy source.
  • It is better to replace it with the use of dried fruits, if it is hard for you without sweetness.

  1. Xylitol.
  2. Sorbitol.


Produced from corn stalks. At first, it has the form of alcohol, which means that it cannot increase.

Sorbitol-based foods cause loose stools, having a choleretic effect. It was first obtained from rowan berries.

It is used in food preparation very actively as a preservative. Pathogenic organisms cannot multiply when using it.

But, sorbitol tastes less sweet than sugar. If you put more of it - Badly. It is one and a half times more caloric than sugar. Even worse, it causes diarrhea when the dose is increased.


Best known for inhibiting the development of tooth decay. The bacteria are afraid of him. When the dose is increased, it causes flatulence, causes diarrhea. It should be consumed in the doses recommended by the doctor.

If you decide to lose weight, find out if sugar substitutes are harmful:

Yes, taking sweeteners, better than natural ones, will help reduce the total calorie content of food. At first, it is always difficult to get out of the habit of eating.

In two weeks the exchange will be reorganized, you yourself will notice it. Reduce their intake gradually. Better let it be fruit. All the same, you need pectin, fiber and vitamins.

Sweetener fructose:

It is considered a useful product; for its manufacture it is extracted from berries and fruits. For many years, diabetics and fructose have been consuming.

But it turned out that fructose in fruits and that that is sold in stores and pharmacies - products are different. Fructose, found, for example, in an apple, is absorbed slowly. Why? Apple - not only fructose, but also pectin, fiber.

If we add fructose as a drug, it simply does not have time to be processed into glucose in the liver. Most of it is deposited as fat on our sides.

Fructose is contraindicated in all patients with diabetes mellitus. If you didn't know about this, take a note.


B 200 - 300 times sweeter than sugar. This is not a synthetic drug, feel free to use products with its composition.


Synthetic product, but safe for health. Isolated by chemical treatment of sucrose. Much sweeter than sugar (500 times).

There are currently no data on any toxicity of this product. I advise you to apply. It is widely used in sports nutrition.

But, sucralose is an expensive product, not everyone can afford it. Rarely used for industrial purposes, greatly increases the cost of production.

Registered as a food additive E - 955. Absolutely safe product. This product is hardly absorbed by the body, leaving only a sweet taste.


Almost indistinguishable from the taste of sugar. Can be heated and cooked with it. Contained in mushrooms, fruits, vegetables. Eat in soy sauce, wine.

It is produced from starch-containing raw materials by fermentation using some types of yeast. Harmless, non-toxic substance for humans.

This is a completely natural product. Has no calories. Can be used for weight loss. Blood sugar does not increase.

Prevents the formation of caries, tartar. 1 gram of erythritol replaces 0.7 gram of sugar.


Ideal as a sugar substitute. Can be heated, used in cooking. Does not increase blood sugar, can be used by patients with diabetes mellitus.

Good for those people who actively want to lose weight. A natural product made from stevia. This is the name of the plant, also affectionately called honey herb.

Natural ingredients:

Excellent sugar substitute. It is widely used for weight loss, diabetes patients use it without fear. 10 times sweeter than sugar.

Are synthetic sweeteners harmful:

Saccharin cyclamate:

Saccharin is excluded from the list of substances for active consumption by diabetics.

If sour berries or fruits are sprinkled with saccharin, a group of substances with a clear, pronounced carcinogenic effect begins to be released.

Saccharin is not resistant to acidic environments. You cannot heat or cook jam from it.


A synthetic product, usually mixed with saccharin 10: 1. Sold in tablet form.

As mentioned above, one tablet will replace a teaspoon of regular sugar. In our intestines, cyclamate forms toxic compounds under the influence of bacteria.

These carcinogenic compounds in diseases of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract with microflora disorders can lead to bowel cancer.

There are very few healthy people in this regard now, it is better to refrain from using it. This is my advice.

Acesulfame potassium:

It is also a synthetic product. It is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar. Most often used in industrial production. The taste is very different from that of sugar (sucrose).

The synthetic sugar substitutes described above are not completely safe for your health. I do not advise you to recommend it for consumption.


They make ice cream, sweets, cookies from it. It is found in licorice. Sweeter than sugar by tens of times. Due to the fact that it has a licorice flavor, it is not widely used.


Included in most Lait drinks. The use of aspartame has been proven to be very harmful to health. Why it is still used in the food industry is a big question.

Aspartame is not a persistent product. Decomposes in sunlight, heating above 40 degrees. Decomposes to highly toxic compounds.

Their action has a pronounced, instantaneous effect. The most serious thing is the release of methyl alcohol. It can make you go blind and deaf pretty quickly.

Do not drink carbonated drinks of dubious storage, you will be more whole. Aspartame must not be heated.

I hope I clarified the situation a little, whether sweeteners are harmful. Always weigh the pros and cons, and consider the effects of the product on your health. I wish you good health.

Respectfully yours, Tatiana Nikolaevna, author.

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