Working with your weight as they say. Home body weight training program

Training with own weight is effective and most in an accessible way development of strength and endurance. If desired, such exercises can be performed almost anywhere, which means there is no strict framework for visiting the gym at a certain time, which may not always be convenient due to the work or study schedule. In addition, bodyweight exercises are the safest, because the purpose of such training is not significant strength results, as in heavy movements with a barbell, dumbbells or on simulators, but to strengthen all muscle groups with the development of their strength and athletic appearance.

Here are 5 best exercise for working with their own weight:

Pushups... Effectively developing the shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles and triceps, push-ups are also great for strengthening stabilizing core muscles such as abdominals and lower back. Various options for doing push-ups allow you to focus on specific tasks. For example, if you do push-ups in the usual mode, consisting of 4 sets of 15-30 repetitions each, then the basic development of the pectoral, shoulder girdle, triceps and core muscles (core) is stimulated. But if you combine the execution of three different types push-ups: with a wide setting of hands, with medium and narrow in one triset or superset (two types are combined), then the intensity of such training will increase significantly and the effect, in addition to physical indicators, will already extend to the fat burning effect and the promotion of metabolism, more about this here. Naturally, when combining various options, the number of repetitions in each of them is reduced in order to normally perform the entire triset.

During push-ups, the back is kept completely straight.

Bodyweight squats... Exercise to develop leg strength, endurance and cardiovascular health. Bodyweight squats are a great alternative to all kinds of leg exercises. This is a simple and very effective movement of the most the best way works if you squat with full amplitude, that is, sit as deep as possible. The pace of movement should not be too fast or slow. Repetitions are performed at medium speed without stopping at the upper or lower points of the amplitude. Squat - inhale, rise - exhale. Everyone chooses the number of repetitions and sets according to their well-being. It is better to use the principle of progression and start with small results, trying to find your own rhythm and memorize the technique of movement. Gradually, as strength and endurance increase, the number of repetitions and sets increases. For a change, it is sometimes possible to supplement regular squats with jumps at the moment of lifting from a squat, which will noticeably complicate the set and make it much more intense.

Pull-ups... An excellent basic exercise for developing your lats and biceps. If you regularly perform pull-ups from childhood, then this, as a rule, affects the formation of a wider shoulder girdle and an increase in height. To improve the effectiveness of pull-ups, they can be done in three different grips in turn. For example, start with a wide grip, then, having rest 60-90 seconds, continue with a medium grip, and perform the third approach narrow grip palms towards you. To enhance the development of muscles at the end of each approach, you need to linger at the top point for 5-10 seconds.

Bulgarian split squats... This type of squat is difficult and requires sufficient leg strength to perform at least 6 reps with each leg, since too few reps are almost pointless. Therefore, before embarking on the Bulgarian lunges, it is important to develop basic leg strength and consolidate the technique of performing regular squats. Due to the fact that each leg is worked out here alternately, the exercise belongs to the category of those movements that can eliminate the imbalance in the development of individual muscle groups, in this case the quadriceps of the right or left leg. Ideally, the number of repetitions should be at least 8-10, you can squat both with your own body weight and with a small additional one. Lunges stress the knees, so heavy weight is contraindicated here. In addition to targeting quads, Bulgarian split squats strengthen the glutes and lower back, and improve posture and coordination.

Abdominal roller exercise... This is, in fact, a more advanced modification of the "plank", except that in the "plank" the position of the body remains motionless for a certain time, but here, due to the roller, movements are made - rolling out (the roller away from you) and twisting (the roller towards you). Roller exercise is extremely powerful on the abdominal and lower back muscles, so a thorough warm-up is necessary before performing directly. To begin with, it is better to do roll-out from the knees, and when the strength of the press and lower back increase, then gradually move on to roll-out from the starting position while standing on straight legs.

With a fully extended body position, you need to keep your back straight or slightly arched, but not bend down, otherwise the payload will leave the target nucleus muscles. It is also important not to overdo it with the training time, since the study here is very intense. It is necessary to focus on the burning sensation in the abdominal muscles. If it is achieved and is getting stronger, then the set has completed its task and it is necessary to take a break. With regular roller movements, the core muscles are significantly strengthened.

Here's what you should know ...

A bear gait can be bad and even cause significant damage to your shoulders and lower back. When this exercise is performed on high speed or the approach takes a very long time, then the bear walk * becomes a nightmare for your ligaments, bones and muscles.

Replace the bear gait in your workouts with a technical developmental gait. Yes, she will make you sweat too.

Running up the stairs will turn your articular cartilage into mince (you will kill your knees approx. lane)... Replace it with lifting lunges.

Jumping from an emphasis-squat position on an obstacle will certainly interest you, but speed squats significantly reduce the load on the joints, which, in the end, will leave you on the winning side. (less injuries - more productive workouts approx. per).

Bodyweight Exercise - Cardio for the Strong?

Nowadays, many strength athletes hate the idea of ​​traditional cardiovascular training. Therefore, it will not surprise anyone that many types of modern strength training prefer to use body weight repetitive exercises (from the so-called "old school" strength training) instead of classical cardio. While the very idea of ​​replacing cardio with bodyweight strength training seems pretty appealing, the exercise you choose is often questionable.

While bodyweight exercises are gaining popularity around the world, the most popular of these exercises have far more potential to cause harm and injury than they can provide you with any beneficial results. Joints, ligaments and tendons in such exercises are exposed to excessive and unnatural stress, which usually does not lead to anything good.

Destructive exercises

There are much more effective methods increase cardiovascular rate and stimulate the release of anabolic hormones than bodyweight exercises, which we will talk about below. In today's article we will start with the less traumatic ones and go to the most dangerous ones, and at the same time we will tell you about what exercises you can replace these "killers" with.

# 3: bear walk

Getting on all fours and moving in this position in a straight line has become one of the most popular training crazies of recent times.

Crawling on all fours is one of the most primitive and basic models of movement of people (small children), which they perfectly master even before they learn to walk on two legs. Moving on all fours can add a significant amount of variety to our workout routines, allowing us to "get back to basics" to increase our mobility and resilience.

In theory, this "back to basics" sounds pretty cool, right? But in reality, it all sounds tempting exactly until people actually try to get on all fours and start training!

With our daily, everyday, loads and the position familiar to our body in space, for which our entire musculoskeletal system is adjusted, learning to crawl on all fours again will be about as easy as doing a barbell jerk weighing 150 kilograms. Even if you succeed, you risk serious injury in the process.

While the bear gait includes a fairly dynamic hip and gluteal muscles, in order to save the spine from unnecessary and dangerous load, only a few people will be able, purely physically, to master the correct technique of this gait. Incorrect execution of the exercise will lead to excessive tension in the joints, which ultimately affects the health of the lumbar spine.

This is why your back aches after doing the bear walk, even though your coach will tell you that you just haven't gotten enough strength for this exercise yet.

In addition to your lower back, a bearish gait will also have a negative impact on your shoulders. As the speed of movement and the duration of the exercise increase, as most "trainers" like to do, the compression load on your joints becomes excessive and the likelihood of serious injury increases again.

Alternative: Controlled gait

The main meaning of this "gait" is that it is based on simple mechanics of movement, which allows you to master it without difficulty and injury.

If you feel like you're not getting the cardio workout you want from of this type gait, this is due to the fact that you have not yet tried to perform this lead. Slow and well-controlled movements will make you sweat as if you were "running like a bear" and, of course, without any back pain after the exercise.

# 2: running stairs

Rocky Balboa has been solely responsible for half of the world's knee costs over the past 30 years. You understood everything correctly (and for those who did not understand, here is the video below). Because before the "Italian Stallion", men and women around the world used ladders only for their intended purpose.

I mean, what could be cooler than sprint climbing the stairs and then looking down victoriously? I would answer that? for example, knee health and the ability to walk in principle. It's good that Rocky is a fictional character, otherwise he would go limping to the local hospital, where he had to do major surgery kneeling at the age of 46.

Today, for many people who already experience joint problems in their legs, adding extra running on inclines or stairs can be disastrous. If you plan on running stairs no more than once a week, you may still be able to avoid serious problems. Otherwise, this whole undertaking will lead to such a serious and painful injury that you yourself ask someone to just finish you off.

Understand that if you ran up stairs while at school or university, that doesn't mean you can run up stairs now. And running like this will bring you nothing but injured knees and lower back pain. After some time of such training, your articular cartilage will resemble minced meat, and not a functional shock absorber, so it's time to find a replacement!

Alternative: One-leg lifts

If you will do this exercise fully and without cheating, then it can be the most productive exercise for strengthening your legs.

Try to do sets, each on a separate leg - without alternating, this will add complexity. When you feel a spasm in your legs, when the sound of your heartbeat maximum speed Doing the exercise you will not hear your own breathing, end the workout with this weight, and next time take 5 kg more weight.

The stress on your knees, hips and back during this exercise is simply incredible!

It is always necessary to approach the performance of such exercises with special care and caution in order to protect yourself from various injuries. And the harder and harder the exercise, the more attention he needs to be paid. Unfortunately, the reality is quite the opposite. Hurdle jumping is not an exercise you can do in the background jumping up and down for 15 minutes and think you are doing something good for your health. Like any other plyometric exercise, it cannot be performed for a long time while maintaining the correct technique, shape and movement pattern in general.

In addition, today, thanks to the growing popularity of the CrossFit direction, the usefulness of any exercise is determined not by what results it gives to your health, but by how "shitty" you feel after doing it. It is for this reason that jumping out (burpees) have become the most popular bodyweight cardio exercise today. At the same time, it is difficult to find such a traumatic exercise.

Alternative: Quick Squats

Quick squats can help you strengthen your joints while minimizing the risk of injury, unlike jumping. Not to mention, they'll give you the cardio workout you need.

Why not combine all these dangerous exercises?

If you strive to self-destruct but don't want to join CrossFit, why not join Cardio Boot Camp?

This community is currently gaining popularity as a form of group training. And it was "Cardio Boot Camp" that combined in its training program all the most dangerous exercises that we talked about above.

Every weekend in city parks, unskilled trainers drill their hapless charges under the auspices of the Cardio Boot Camp. Of course, they have their own special program and rather funny ways to exhaust their wards by forcing them to perform all these non-functional and dangerous exercises, but the question remains open - will all these exercises and training lead to anything other than self-affirmation and new injuries?

My personal opinion is that a great alternative to the Cardio Boot Camp program would be to stay at home on Saturday morning and drink coffee with a decent dose of whipped cream, so at least your spinal discs would remain intact.


Remember, proper training must comply with three rules, without observing them, you are simply wasting your time, money, energy and health:

1. Exercise should bring you some kind of positive results.
2. Exercise exercises should be chosen so that you can do them in the long term.
3. Exercise should not harm your health.

Analyzing any exercise that is new to you, think about whether it will harm your health.

The development of muscles through the systematic repetition of a set of basic exercises that are included in bodyweight training helps thousands of people to get their bodies in order every year. The main advantage of the methodology is the availability of classes for each person. Some exercises require additional equipment, for example, dumbbells or a chair, however, at first this is not the most important thing. A set of workouts can be fully performed without special devices.

What is bodyweight training

Admirers active image life in recent times filled the gym sections, finally abandoning classes with their own weight. Now this topic is not interesting to anyone, although this system physical activity It has high efficiency... Mass gym attendance has gone from being a wellness event to a popular trend that quickly amassed a large following.

However, bodyweight training is considered a relevant niche that is able to provide worthy competition to any sports establishment. With the help of a group of exercises, each person can achieve high indicators of endurance and growth at home. muscle mass... The intensity of the session determines the rate at which results appear.


Visit gyms is not considered a prerequisite for eliminating body fat. Working with your own weight allows you to restore muscle tone and lose excess weight, you can practice both on the street and at home. Regular exercise guarantees a stable result in the form of an increase in muscle volume for representatives of any gender, be it a woman or a man.

Basic weight-loss movements include warm-ups, planks, push-ups, lunges, and squats. Such a circular set is the initial stage for the formation slim figure and takes no more than fifteen minutes of free time. Classes should be held at a predetermined pace, since slow training with your own weight will not have the desired effect on the body:

  • warm-up (10 min.);
  • squats of any kind (3x10);
  • twisting the torso (3x15);
  • horizontal push-ups from the floor (2x10);
  • jump lunges (4x8);
  • plank (1 min.).

To gain mass

There is a popular belief in sports circles that gaining body weight without additional burden is a hopeless endeavor. However, a balanced and versatile set of exercises can help develop not only endurance, but also strength and muscle mass. A good result can be achieved if you train using weights from improvised items (a backpack or a canister of water). The lesson program includes the following exercises:

  • push-ups from the floor (2x15);
  • push-ups between the supports for pumping the pectoral muscles (2x10);
  • pull-ups with a reverse grip (3x8);
  • vertical push-ups (3x10);
  • back push-ups (3x6).

Bodyweight training program

Acquisition of everything necessary equipment helps you do your weight-bearing exercises at home much more effectively. The main devices for practicing indoors are: a bar for pull-ups, a gymnastic roller and a rubber expander. All these simple paraphernalia were created with one goal in mind - to provide the necessary level of comfort, so that training with your own weight will not cause unnecessary inconvenience. The first step is to do pull-ups on the bar or horizontal bar. You should descend up and down smoothly so as not to injure the muscles.

Bodyweight Strength Exercises

Observing simple rules, you can avoid mistakes in the course of classes and pump up to the desired level. A training program with your own weight implies the competent execution of a set of exercises that simultaneously involve several different zones on the body. It is very important to try to monitor your breathing and take breaks in time, because excessive physical effort can deplete the body's resources.

After a couple of weeks of intense sets, the first changes in the body will become noticeable, however, they will affect not only the appearance. Since the active work of metabolic processes is triggered, a steady surge of energy and a boost of vivacity will be felt throughout the day. Strength training is aimed at developing endurance, which is clearly seen from the initial parameters of the loads:

  • fast run (15 min.);
  • squats (3x15);
  • lunges (3x12);
  • plank (1-2 minutes).

Bodyweight Functional Exercises

There are different periods in life, it is not always possible to pay for sports activities. In these conditions, functional training at home becomes the last option. It is convenient to use this scheme not only during the financial crisis, because sometimes professional athletes also need rest. Beginners will need to familiarize themselves with all the necessary theoretical knowledge first in order to increase their awareness of the exercise.

The dynamics of the classes should become more complicated step by step, slowly moving from simple sets to more advanced ones. Making an unprepared person a master of sports in a couple of months is an overwhelming task, but it is quite possible to achieve visible results in a few weeks. It is recommended to start with the lightest types of exercises that are easy to perform:

  • push-ups on one hand (2x6);
  • vertical push-ups (2x8);
  • push-ups from the floor (3x10);
  • squats (3x10);
  • triceps push-ups (3x8).

Bodyweight exercises at home

You can lose the desired amount of kilograms with the help of a balanced diet and vigorous exercises, which simultaneously involve all parts of the body, from the upper to the lower ones. A set of exercises with your own weight will help you do without individual trainers and save a decent amount of money, while achieving dramatic changes in the state of your body.

The training program can be thought over independently or found in sports pubs. The first basic exercise is considered to be push-ups from the floor, which involve the triceps, chest and deltoid muscles... To pump up your abdominal muscles, you must perform a series of upper body lifts from the starting position. For effective training backs, bars or horizontal bars are best.

A set of exercises for girls

Most of the girls visit the gym as part of one mission - to burn the accumulated fat deposits and return to the body pristine view... Bodyweight training for women is mainly about shaping an aesthetically pleasing figure, especially parts of it such as breasts, glutes and abs. These zones are emphasized in all sets of exercises designed for the health of girls:

  • warm-up (5-10 minutes);
  • lifting the legs lying down (3x12);
  • twisting on the floor (3x10);
  • dumbbell bench press (3x15);
  • push-ups from the bench (2x15);
  • lifting on socks with dumbbells (3x12).

Home workouts for men with body weight

Home workouts are intended to create athletic-type relief muscles, but they have a limit. If the main task is to achieve the level of a professional bodybuilder with a huge mountain of muscles, then no set of bodyweight exercises for men can help develop muscles to the desired level. But pumping up the biceps and shoulder girdle is not difficult. The main thing is to correctly perform the set and alternate the load.

Immediately after the warm-up, intensive classes begin, the first among which are push-ups on the uneven bars. To some, the exercise will seem simple, but if you complicate it a little, then even the most enduring athlete will not be easy. It is necessary to perform push-ups as follows: lower your body to the lowest point and try to stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then quickly pull up. The rest of the lessons include:

  • exercise "cat" (5-10 repetitions);
  • head tilt (2 min.);
  • hyperextension (3x12);
  • pull-ups on the crossbar (3x15);
  • push-ups from the floor (3x10).

Bodyweight circuit training

If reusable approaches are too tiring, then circuit training will prepare the body for the upcoming stress. Pull-ups are ideal for beginners and, when done correctly, help build up your front back muscles. The width of the grip during exercise should slightly exceed the length of the shoulders. Another version of the same exercise is pull-ups with a narrow grip, the principle is still the same, the main thing is to monitor the position of the hands.

At the same time, it is possible to make all muscle groups work with the help of a burpee. This is a multifunctional set of movements, the starting position of which starts on all fours. It is important that the knees are as tightly as possible to the chest, the result of the exercise depends on this. From this position, the legs are pushed back with a sharp movement, becoming in the bar. Then you need to return to the previous position and jump up from it.


Data physical exercises stimulate the development of the gluteal muscles and train back surface hips, which reduces the risk of knee injuries. Plus, bodyweight squats help build quads and a firm, rounded shape. Any sports activities are the prevention of age-related diseases and pathological changes in the body. Bodyweight squats are the most simple exercises from this category, however, their effectiveness is undeniable:

  • squats "on the chair" (2x8);
  • pulsation squats (3x12);
  • squats on one leg (2x6);

Exercises for the legs

Strong legs are essential for survival in any habitat. In the absence of danger, this tool will also come in handy for solving all kinds of everyday problems that put additional stress on the body. Self-weight leg exercises do not require special equipment. Squats of various types stimulate the work of several muscle groups, therefore, experts are recommended to alternate exercises with each other. During classes, it is allowed to make changes to the program at your own discretion:

  • classic lunges (2x15);
  • squats with dumbbells (3x10);
  • back lunges (3x12);
  • twisting squats (3x8).

Back exercises

Workouts to strengthen the body should include a variety of exercises that activate the work of the entire muscle frame. The microcycle of classes is divided into several stages, each of which involves a specific muscle group. It is allowed to perform complex exercises for the back with its own weight during one set, after which it is necessary to switch to other body movements:

  • classic pull-ups (3x10);
  • pull-ups with a wide straight grip (3x12);
  • deadlift(2x20);
  • pull-ups with a narrow grip (3x8);
  • dumbbell deadlift (3x6);
  • pull-ups with a reverse grip (3x15).

Multi-joint exercises

The set of exercises directly affects the effectiveness of sports activities. For professional athletes, repetitions of entry-level sets will not bring visible results, therefore multi-joint bodyweight exercises have been developed, thanks to which the desired goals can be achieved in a minimum period of time:

  • warming up (5 min.);
  • push-ups from the floor (3x10);
  • lunges (3x12);
  • squats (3x10).

Exercises for biceps

For pumping biceps without visiting sports sections, dumbbells should be purchased. An alternative can be any heavy household items that are comfortable to hold in your hands. Using them as weighting agents in the classroom, it will be possible for short term develop muscles and engage all muscle groups. Any workout that includes bodyweight exercises on the shoulders favors the gradual growth of the biceps:

  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3x12);
  • hammer lifting of dumbbells (3x15);
  • bending arms with dumbbells (3x8).

Benefits of bodyweight training

Each person, with rare exceptions, has enough free time to devote to its improvement own body in the gym. However, due to the lack of knowledge and experience in the sports field, people often prefer to avoid additional loads. Fear of the heavy physical activities makes you forget about the effectiveness of exercise and the potential for development for the body. However, home workouts can be the first impetus for the desired change.

Bodyweight Exercise Videos

Self-study without additional paraphernalia, they are perfect for people who have long dreamed of getting their body in shape. Intense cardiovascular exercise affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which stimulates the rapid burning of calories. With the help of enhanced home workouts, most people manage to build muscle and say goodbye to fat folds on the body forever.

Home Weight Training

Basic bodyweight exercises

A set of exercises with their own weight for men

Many novice athletes, trying to achieve any results at the dawn of their careers, spend too much strength and energy on completely unnecessary actions. We are talking about hiking in Sport halls and weight training. Few people know that at the initial stage, bodyweight training will allow everyone to quickly and equally effectively solve all the tasks.

This article focuses on several ready-made programs for beginners with detailed description that will help you quickly get involved in the world of big sports and achieve visible results without going to the gym. We will only talk about training with your own weight.

Arranging the dots

Before diving into the worthy exercises in detail, it is worth deviating a little from the main topic and focusing on goals. The fact is that many beginners believe in the existence of specialized exercises. For example, one complex is performed for weight loss, and completely different exercises are performed for gaining mass or strength.

In fact, there is no difference. Power training with its own weight, it is quite capable of making a beginner athlete and lose weight, because only two factors are important here: heart rate and reaction muscle tissue on the load. For weight loss it is necessary to raise the pulse, for strength it is necessary to "hammer" the muscles, and isolated exercises will give an increase in mass.

Equipment and simulators

Weave yourself out of the air working area will fail. In any case, you will need auxiliary simulators. Ideally, most beginners should have a horizontal bar and parallel bars on hand. Professionals recommend purchasing a 3-in-1 machine, which includes all bodyweight accessories. In extreme cases, the problem can be solved with a couple of chairs, but the likelihood of injury in such cases increases dramatically.

Also, in order to train with your own body weight, it's time to get a special yoga mat, which can be found in any sports store. Such an accessory is more necessary for hygiene purposes, since most of the exercises will have to be performed lying on the floor.

Professional athletes recommend that beginners look at the sports store and for workouts. In just a few years of its existence on the market, this accessory quickly attracted the attention of many newcomers, because if used correctly, it allows you to effectively work out any muscle in the human body.

The main trump card of the beginner

The best is the regular squat. Your home bodyweight workout program simply isn't complete without them. Moreover, squats are effective both for gaining muscle mass and for losing weight. In the first case, you need to do the exercises slowly, concentrating on each repetition, and to get rid of the fat layer, you should squat quickly and not get carried away with prolonged rest between sets (40-60 seconds maximum).

In squats, a technique is important, which not only allows you to focus the load on specific muscles, but also is able to protect against injury. The beginner athlete must fully control the position of his body:

  • an even back (it is advisable to bend the chest forward, bringing the shoulder blades together);
  • in the most bottom point squats, the hips should be parallel to the floor, and the knees should not go beyond the level of the socks.

Also, many trainers recommend always spreading your knees to the sides and not lifting your heels off the floor. It is clear that there are many requirements, but they are all aimed at protecting joints from damage. On initial stages it is recommended to hold onto a chair or wall to avoid falling.

Focusing load

A forward lunge on one leg is also effective exercise... Bodyweight training programs often require lunges to be performed several times a week, as they are not isolated and allow you to develop different muscles on the legs by shifting the center of gravity.

So, when leaning back and straightening the back, the back of the thigh gets under the load. The main thing here is to always control the body: the angle between the body and the floor should be 90 degrees. But a slight forward tilt (20-30 degrees) shifts the load on the front of the thigh, and the muscle is included in the work only when the leg is extended. However, professional athletes recommend that beginners still control the lunge, not allowing knee joint hitting the floor as you could damage your kneecap.

You can't do without gymnastics

The back muscles of any person are quite difficult to develop, since they are already constantly involved. They work when walking, maintaining balance or creating an effort when bending and squatting. However, it is these muscles that are able to force the body to burn excess fat, since their work requires a lot of strength and energy.

The bodyweight training program for men always includes pull-ups, but many trainers who offer such a program to beginners lose sight of the fact that most people simply do not know how to perform this exercise. This will require the experience of gymnasts who know how to get the back muscles to work.

The usual forward bends of the body create a load on the lumbar spine, but putting the elbows back directly in the slope loads. Yes, such exercises will not replace pull-ups, but at the initial stage they still activate large muscles.

Optional accessory for pull-ups

Still, bodyweight training for men should include exercises to strengthen the back on their list. This is where an athletic harness and a horizontal bar come in handy, which will allow any beginner to master pull-ups. The solution here is pretty simple:

  • the tourniquet is thrown over the horizontal bar and tied in a loop;
  • the athlete, taking hold of the horizontal bar with his hands, fixes one leg in the loop of the tourniquet (at the bottom).

Thus, the stretchable rubber accessory tends up to the bar, pulling the athlete to the horizontal bar. A beginner athlete only needs to bend his chest forward, pull himself up. Yes, at first such an exercise seems difficult and impracticable, but after practicing the technique, the result will not take long to give. On average, after one month of such training (3 times a week), any beginner can independently, without the support of a tourniquet, perform a pull-up once. And this is a serious result, both physically and psychologically.

Disliked exercise

Home bodyweight workouts include push-ups. True, for many newbies leading sedentary image life, it turns into a real torment, and they try to ignore the advice of professionals. The problem is that novice athletes try to include in the work a lot of atrophied muscles that are practically not used in Everyday life... This requires a completely different approach.

It is better to start push-ups not from the floor, but from the wall, resting your hands, creating an angle of 45 degrees between the floor and the body. Yes, this is an easy and simple exercise, however, it can also load the muscles of the arms and chest if you perform several tens of repetitions without interruption.

The second stage is push-ups from the knees. Here it is worth paying attention to the position of the palms relative to the body. Extending the arms to the sides focuses the load on the chest muscles, while the flattening shifts focus to the triceps. It is better to train with your own weight in the initial stages, taking your arms away from the body. Having learned how to do the exercise in this way, you can painlessly switch to regular push-ups from the floor.

Building a figure

Beautiful shoulders have always been the envy of everyone around. And it doesn't matter who has an athletic figure - a man or a woman. It looks great, but not every beginner knows that building shoulders is quite easy at home, without additional devices and equipment. The fact is that they are very sensitive to any load, and making them work is quite simple, you just need to "score" them with a large number of repetitions. The Shoulder Home Bodyweight Workout consists of just three exercises:

  1. Raising your hands up. The main thing here is adherence to the technique. In the initial position, the arms in the shoulder and elbow joints should have exactly 90 degrees. During the exercise, you should not lower your arms below the shoulder joint.
  2. Swing to the sides. With your hands along the body, you need to raise your hands up, creating an angle of 90 degrees at the elbow joint. From this position, you should take your elbows to the sides, without bending or unbending your arms.
  3. Swing in the slope. The starting position practically does not differ from the previous exercise. You just need to bend down, creating an angle of 90 degrees between the floor and the body. Elbows are raised up.

Important event

A bodyweight training program, especially when it comes to losing weight, always includes exercises for the abdominal muscles. However, the majority opinion about burning belly fat in this way is wrong. Excess weight is eliminated in the whole body in proportion, but exercises for the press only tighten the saggy belly.

It is also worth noting that there are no muscles of the lower or upper part of the press, in fact, this is one large muscle, which can be worked out in different ways:

  1. Ups of the torso. The easiest way is to lie on the floor and, resting your feet on the wall, up.
  2. Leg lifts. Lying on the floor, placing your palms under the buttocks for a firm support, you need to raise your legs up without bending them at the knees.
  3. Combined lift. Sitting on a chair or stool, holding the seat with both hands, you need to move the body and legs apart from each other, trying to take a lying position. Then it follows, lifting the body up (maintaining balance), pull the knees to the chest.

Difficult exercise

The plank stance is underestimated by some professional athletes who add bodyweight training to beginners. It seems to many that there is nothing easier than to statically hold the body, standing on your hands, with your feet on the floor. However, many coaches, let alone novice athletes, cannot perform this difficult exercise.

Everything is simple here: you need to stand in one position for at least a minute. Naturally, the plank requires you to keep your back straight and not allow your arms to bend at the elbow joint. As a rule, literally at 15-20 seconds, beginners cannot withstand the static load, and after a short tremor with the whole body, they stop the exercise.

Circuit training feature

It is worth noting that sportsmen can perform exercises in several ways. Basic training involves working out each muscle in turn for several repetitions. However, among beginners who want to lose weight quickly, it is very popular with its own weight.

A feature of such exercises is the successive performance of all the above exercises in one approach without rest. This is the beginner's program. After completing one circle, a two-minute break is taken, and everything is repeated anew. Such training heavily loads the cardiovascular system, therefore, beginners are advised to control their pulse, avoiding shortness of breath. You can sacrifice the number of repetitions in each approach, but just not the break between exercises.


Bodyweight training is effective only in the initial stages of training. Further (1-2 months) human body adapts to stress, and muscles stop growing, and fat is not burned. Here it is necessary either to add weights, or to modify the exercises themselves. Alternatively, you can rearrange the exercises in the above list in places and constantly change the pace of the approaches.

It's cold outside, frosty and you have no desire or are you afraid to go outside the sports field into the yard? And in vain, even in a cold season, you should not stop training, dress correctly and continue training.

Today I decided to show and tell you how to train the pectoral muscles in winter. They can be trained quite effectively without the use of dumbbells and barbells. Of course, with them, the return on classes will be much greater, but not always and not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym.

So, in order to pump up the chest with your own weight, you need to follow certain rules. Firstly, in the cold season, you need to dress correctly, in clothes that will protect you from the cold and from overheating, and will also be comfortable. Secondly, be sure to warm up thoroughly before class. Thirdly, observe the correct technique for performing the exercises, without this, the effectiveness of the training decreases.

More detailed information you will learn from my video, so watch, absorb new knowledge and then apply it in practice. Everybody train!

Dumbbell Push-ups
Thanks to high position legs, the load is transferred to the upper chest, and it is from this area that chest training should begin. This is due to the fact that top part most lagging behind most athletes, especially beginners.
Exercise number 1

When doing push-ups, be sure to monitor your body position. Correct technique performing the exercise implies an even position of the body; you cannot protrude up or lower the pelvis. Your body should be in a straight line. As an additional burden, you can use a backpack with something heavy.

Execution technique:
1. Place your feet on a raised platform, rest your hands on the surface, keep your body and legs in one line.
2. While inhaling, start lowering the body down, you should not go very deep, although this is optional.
3. As you exhale, start lifting the body to its original position.
4. Pay attention to the position of the elbows, they should be pulled apart.

1 set 15 reps warm-up
3 sets 8-10 reps with weights

Exercise number 2
Push-ups from the floor with the elbows apart.
This exercise focuses on the middle part of the pectoral muscles.

Execution technique:
1. Take an emphasis lying, legs and torso take an even position, they should be on the same line, put your hands shoulder-width apart.
2. While inhaling, lower the body down, while the depth of push-ups is a good regulator of the degree of load. The deeper the push-ups, the greater the load on the middle of the chest. But do not forget that this increases the load on the shoulder joint. Therefore, if you have Long hands, or hurt shoulder joints, then you should not do deep push-ups.

1 set 15 reps warm-up

Exercise number 3
Dips on the uneven bars.
There are bars of various widths, for training the pectorals, I recommend using wider ones, since in this case more load will fall on the lower chest.

Execution technique:
1. Take the initial position of hanging on the uneven bars, round your back, press your chin to your chest, spread your elbows to the sides, and take your legs back.
2. While inhaling, lower the body down.
3. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

1 set 15 reps warm-up
3 sets of 8-10 reps with weights.

You should do this workout once a week with maximum activity. If you have a desire to train the chest twice a week, then the second workout should be easier, that is, lower the weights and reduce the weight of the weights, lower the number of sets and reps.

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