Спорт в британии на английском с переводом. Sport in Great Britain - Спорт в Великобритании (5), устная тема по английскому языку с переводом

Think of your favourite sport. Whatever it is, there is a good chance that it was first played in Britain, and an even better chance that its modern rules were first codified in Britain. The public schools of the Victorian era believed that organized competitive games had many psychological benefits. These games appealed to, and developed, the British sense of «fair play». You had to be a «good loser». To be a cheat was shameful, but to lose was just «part of the game». Team games were best, because they developed «team spirit».

Modern sport in Britain is very different. “Winning isn’t everything” and «it’s only a game» are still well-known sayings, but to modern professionals, sport is clearly not just a game. These days, top players in any sport talk about having a «professional attitude» and doing their «job» well, even if, officially, their sport is still an amateur one.

Sport probably plays a more important part in people’s lives in Britain that it does in most other countries. For a very large number, this is especially true for men, it is their main form of entertainment. Millions take part in some kind of sport at least once a week. Many millions more are regular spectators and follow one or more sports. One of the chief spectator sports in British life is horse-racing. Lots of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. The Derby is perhaps the most famous single sporting event.

There are hours of televised sport each week. Every newspaper, national or local, quality or popular, devotes several pages entirely to sport.

Sometimes the traditions which accompany an event can seem as important as the actual sporting contest. Wimbledon, for instance, is not just a tennis tournament. It means summer fashions, all white, strawberries and cream, garden parties and long, warm English summer evenings.

Many of such events have become world-famous. Therefore, it is not only the British who tune in to watch. The Grand National, for example, attracts a television audience of 300 million. The cup finals of other countries often have better quality and more entertaining football on view – but more Europeans watch the English Cup Final than any other. The standard of British tennis is poor, and Wimbledon is only one of the world’s major tournaments. But if you ask any top tennis player, you find that Wimbledon is the one they really want to win. Every footballer in the world dreams of playing at Wembley, every cricketer in the world of playing at Lord’s. Wimbledon, Wembley and Lord’s are the “spiritual homes” of their respective sports.

Sport is a British export!

TEXT 12. Read and translate the text. Be ready to discuss.

Four Characters of the British

It is interesting to know something about the people who live in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

The best way of describing them to you is to «invent» four different characters on our own. They are Michael Wallingford-Smith, from England; Paddy O’Donoghue, from Ireland; Robby McGregor, from Scotland; David Jones, from Wales.

The stories about them are meant to be funny.

What Is an Englishman?

This is Michael Wallingford-Smith. He is an Englishman. He was born on November 23 rd, 1960. He lives in a small country town outside London. Every morning, he goes to his local station, buys a copy of The Times and catches the 8.14 train to London. (He says: «I catch the 8.14 to Town».)

Mr. Wallingford-Smith works there for a bank in the City. He has worked there for twenty-four years, and he has never missed the 8.14 train. Mr. Wallingford-Smith has a pretty wife, called Marion. They have two children: a boy, called Mark, who is thirteen, and a girl, called Sylvia, who is nineteen. Mark goes to the same school his father went to, and Sylvia is engaged to a young man who also works for a bank in the City.

Mr. Wallingford-Smith likes: The Times, the Queen, money, people who call him «Sir», big dogs, and his umbrella.

He doesn’t like: the Rolling Stones, and girls in mini-skirts.

What Is an Irishman?

This is Paddy O’Donoghue. He is an Irishman. He was born on March 15th, 1963.

Paddy lives in a grey brick house with five rooms, in Dublin, the capital of Southern Ire­land. He dislikes work very much; if he didn’t have to work, he would be a very happy man. He says: «Well, you see, I’ve got a wife and six children and they all need food and clothes». So to earn money, Paddy writes about horse-racing every week for a Dublin newspaper.

Paddy loves talking and telling stories. If he didn’t have to work every day, he says, he knows exactly what he would do: he would get up late in the morning and eat a big plate of bacon for breakfast. He would then go to his favourite «pub» and have three glasses of beer, and tell everybody what he did the day before. In the evening, he would have a big meal and then dance and sing with his wife, and friends.

Paddy likes: a good fight, his coloured ties, the bar-maid in the pub, singing, beer, and Ire­land.

He doesn’t like: rich Englishmen, people who don’t listen to his stories, and work.

What Is a Scotsman?

This is Robby McGregor. He is a Scotsman. He was born on August 6th, 1965.

Robby’s house is in the hills, in the north of Scotland. He is married and has three children – all boys. He is very proud of his kilt and the McGregor family tartan. He goes to work every day wearing trousers but he wears a kilt at the weekend and on special occasions.

Robby works in a factory which makes tartans. He says: «Only true Scotsmen should wear the kilt. I am a true Scotsman».

Robby, like most Scotsmen, is a proud man. He likes to work hard and earn a lot of money, but doesn’t like to spend it. (He always feels guilty if he goes out for an evening and enjoys himself.)

Robby’s youngest son is learning to play the bagpipes – Scotland’s traditional instrument. This makes Robby feel very proud. The bagpipes, however, are a difficult instrument to play: they sound beautiful if someone plays them well but they sound horrible if a learner tries to play them.

Robby likes: his kilt, fishing, Scotch whisky, and the Highland Games.

He dislikes: people who say he looks stupid in his kilt, the English, and people who wear kilts and are not Scotsmen.

What Is a Welshman?

This is David Jones. He is a Welshman. He was born on March 1st, 1958.

David lives in a mining vil­lage in South Wales. Most of the men in his village work in a coal-mine. Every day, after work, they meet in «The Black Spade» and drink and sing together. David loves to sing: he sings in chapel every Sunday, and he sings in the coal-mine when he is working. David’s wife, Glynis, says: «He sings in his bath every night, too».

David speaks Welsh, his country’s language. But if he speaks Welsh in England, Ireland or Scotland, nobody can understand him. He thinks that everybody should speak Welsh because it is a very musical language.

David’s eldest son, John, plays rugby for his school team; his daughter, Jenny, is learning to play the harp, the national instrument of Wales.

David sometimes takes his wife and children to London, but he thinks it is too big. He doesn’t like London very much because none of his friends live there, and there are no mountains in London.

David likes: music, poetry, fresh air, singing in the bath, his family, and his friends in the coal-mine.

He doesn’t like: people who say the Welsh language is old-fashioned, big cities, and English cuisine.

TEXT 13. Read and translate. Name 3 things you associate with the English.

British people are very fond of sports. Sport is part of their normal life. The two most popular games are football and cricket.
Football, also called soccer, is the most popular sport in the United Kingdom. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own Football Leagues and national teams. Games are played on Saturday afternoons from August to April. In addition to the FL games there is a competition called the Football Association Cup. The Cup Final is played at Wembley Stadium (London) in May.

Cricket is considered to be the English National game. Its rules are very complicated. It is played by two teams of eleven men each, the player at a time tries to hit the ball with a bat. Golf is the Scottish national game. It originated in the XV century and the most famous golf course in the world, known as the Royal and Ancient Club, is at St. Andrew’s.
Lawn tennis was first played in Britain in the late 19th century. The most famous British championship is Wimbledon, played annually during the last week of June and the first week of July.
Those are the most popular kinds of sport in the UK. But there are many other sports such as rugby, swimming, golf, horse-racing and the traditional fox-hunting.

1. Are British fond of sports?
2. What is the most popular game in the UK?
3. Do all the parts of the UK have their Football Leagues and teams?
4. When and where the Football Association Cup final is played?
5. What is considered to be the English national game?
6. What is the name of the Scottish national game? When did it originate?
7. What are the other sports popular in the UK?

Спорт в Великобритании
Британцы очень любят спорт. Он составляет часть их жизни. Два самых популярных вида спорта - футбол и крикет.
Футбол - самый популярный вид спорта в Соединенном Королевстве. В Англии, Уэльсе, Шотландии и Северной Ирландии есть футбольные лиги и национальные команды. Матчи проводятся каждую субботу с августа по апрель. Помимо игр футбольной лиги, существует чемпионат, называемый Кубком Футбольной Ассоциации. Финал Кубка проводится на стадионе Уэмбли (Лондон) в мае.
Крикет считается национальной английской игрой. Его правила очень сложны. Он играется двумя командами, по одиннадцать человек каждая; игрок пытается забить мяч битой.
Гольф - шотландская национальная игра. Он берет свое начало в XV веке, и самая известная в мире школа гольфа - Королевский и Древний Клуб, находится в Ст. Эндрю.
Теннис впервые появился в Британии в конце XIX века. Наиболее известный британский чемпионат - Уимблдон, который проводится ежегодно в последнюю неделю июня - первую неделю июля.
Это наиболее популярные виды спорта в Англии. Но существуют и другие, такие, как: регби, плавание, гребля, скачки и традиционная охота на лис.

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Think of your favourite sport. Whatever it is, there is a good chance that it was first played in Britain, and an even better chance that its modern rules were first codified in Britain. The public schools of the Victorian era believed that organized competitive games had many psychological benefits. These games appealed to, and developed, the British sense of "fair play". You had to be a "good loser". To be a cheat was shameful, but to lose was just "part of the game". Team games were best, because they developed "team spirit".

Modem sport in Britain is very different. "Winning isn"t everything" and "it"s only a game" are still well-known sayings, but to modern professionals, sport is clearly not just a game. These days, top players in any sport talk about having a "professional attitude" and doing their "job" well, even if, officially, their sport is still an amateur one.

Sport probably plays a more important part in people"s lives in Britain than it does in most other countries. For a very large number, this is especially true for men, it is their main form of entertainment. Millions take part in some kind of sport at least once a week. Many millions more are regular spectators and follow one or more sports. There are hours of televised sport each week. Every newspaper, national or local, quality or popular, devotes several pages entirely to sport.

Sometimes the traditions which accompany an event can seem as important as the actual sporting contest. Wimbledon, for instance, is not just a tennis tournament. It means summer fashions, strawberries and cream, garden parties and long, warm English summer evenings.

Many of such events have become world-famous. Therefore, it is not only the British who tune in to watch. The Grand National, for example, attracts a television audience of 300 million. The cup finals of other countries often have better quality and more entertaining football on view - but more Europeans watch the English Cup Final than any other. The standard of British tennis is poor, and Wimbledon is only one of the world"s major tournaments. But if you ask any top tennis player, you find that Wimbledon is the one they really want to win. Every footballer in the world dreams of playing at Wembley, every cricketer in the world of playing at Lord"s.

Sports in Britain - Спорт Великобритании

It is rather difficult to describe the sports in Britain in short. Speaking in general, sport is an important part of Englishman"s daily life (1) . But of all sports at least two have won the greatest popularity with Britons: these are football (soccer) which is played in winter and cricket played in summer.
Cricket is a typically English sport which foreigners (2) can hardly understand. There are two teams of 11 players. Matches last from one to five days. Many people think it is a slow and boring (3) game, but most Englishmen find it very exciting (4) .
If you come to England in the summer time, you can hardly avoid (5) seeing a game of cricket, especially at weekends or during a long, fine evening. You"ll, probably, pee from a window of a train a green field dotted (6) with white figures all of whom seem to be doing absolutely nothing. It"s one of the mysterious (7) charms (8) of the game that baffles (9) non-cricketing nations, this placidity (10) , this elegant eventfulness (11) .
And no English village is without its cricket field, its "village green", which is often "common land", the property (12) of the people by ancient (13) law. From the, village"s oldest inhabitant (14) to its youngest articulate child (15) , you"ll find a readiness (16) , even eagerness (17) , to explain the game to you.
It should be also mentioned (18) Rugby ("rugger"), a kind (19) of English football in which the players use their hands for carrying the ball. This game is played by teams of 15 men with an oval ball. It is often considered to be a violent (20) game.
Other sports such as golf, tennis, bowling, horse racing are also very popular in England.
Young people go in for traditional athletics - running, jumping, as well as rowing, swimming and boxing. But those who take to motoring, hunting or fishing in youth continue with these sports even in middle age and on.
In Scotland, where there are good conditions 21 for winter sports, skiing and climbing are very popular.
The English are great lovers of sport, and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them. In Britain about 29 million people over the age of 16 regularly take part in sport or exercise.
England is the birthplace of many modern kinds of sports. That"s why many of them have English names. It is often easy to understand how these sports were named. For example, baseball is played with a ball and bases. Basketball is played with a ball and two baskets. The names for other sports come from the name of the place where they were first played. Badminton comes from the name of a piece of land owned (22) by an English Duke (23) . The game was first played on the Duke"s land in 1873. Golf was first played in Scotland, but its name comes from the Dutch (24) word for a hockey club, "colf".

Довольно трудно вкратце охарактеризовать спорт Британии. Вообще говоря, спорт - это важная составляющая повседневной жизни англичан. Но из всех видов спорта, по крайней мере два имеют у британцев самую высокую популярность: футбол (соккер), в который играют зимой, и крикет, в который играют летом.
Крикет - типично английский вид спорта, который иностранцу трудно понять. Есть 2 команды из 11 игроков. Матчи длятся от 1 до 5 дней. Многие считают, что это медленная и скучная игра, но большинство англичан считают ее очень волнующей.
Если вы приехали в Англию летом, вы вряд ли избежите созерцания игры в крикет, особенно в выходные дни или в течение долгого замечательного вечера. Вы, наверное, видели из окна поезда зеленые поля с белыми фигурами, которые, казалось бы, абсолютно ничего не делают. В этом - непостижимая очарование игры, которая озадачивает "не крикетные" народы, особый покой, безмятежность изысканный течение событий.
Не существует ни одного английского села без крикетного поля или "сельского зеленого луга", который часто является "общей землей", народной собственностью по древнему закону. Среди крестьян - от старейших до самых маленьких детей, которые умеют разговаривать. Всегда найдутся желающие упорно объяснить вам смысл игры.
Стоит также упомянуть регби ("рагер"), разновидность английского футбола, в котором игрокам разрешается брать мяч руками. В эту игру играют команды из 15 человек овальным мячом. Часто эту игру считают жестокой.
В Англии очень популярны еще и другие виды спорта, такие как гольф, теннис, боулинг (игра в кегли), конные скачки. Молодежь увлекается традиционной легкой атлетикой - бегом, прыжками, так же, как греблей, плаванием, боксом. А тот, кто занимался в молодости мотогонками, охотой или рыбалкой, даже в зрелые годы продолжает это делать.
В Шотландии, где хорошие условия для зимних видов спорта, очень популярны катание на лыжах и альпинизм.
Англичане - большие любители спорта, и когда они не играют или не наблюдают игры, они любят поговорить о них. В Британии примерно 29 миллионов человек старше 16 лет, регулярно занимаются спортом или физкультурой.
Англия - родина многих современных видов спорта. Вот почему многие из них имеют английские названия. Обычно легко понять, почему тот или иной вид спорта имеет такое название. Например, в бейсбол играет мячом и "базами". В баскетбол играет мячом и двумя корзинами. Названия других игр происходит от названия местности, где начинали играть в них впервые. Название бадминтона происходит от названия участка земли, которой владел английский герцог. В эту игру впервые играли на земле герцога в 1873 году. В гольф начали играть в Шотландии, но название игры происходит от голландского слова, что означает хоккейный клуб "колф".


1. daily life - повседневная жизнь
2. foreigner - иностранец
3. boring - скучный, отвлекающий
4. exciting -возбуждающий, возбуждающий
5. avoid - избегать, уклоняться
6. dotted - усыпанный, усеянный
7. mysterious - таинственный, непостижимый
8. charm - очарование
9. baffle - смущать, грузить
10. placidity - спокойствие, безмятежность
11. eventfulness - наполненность событиями
12. property - собственность
13. ancient - старинный
14. inhabitant - житель
15. articulate [ɑː"tɪkjəleɪt] child - ребенок, который умеет говорить
16. readiness - готовность
17. eagerness - страстное желание
18. mention - вспоминать
19. kind - разновидность
20. violent ["vaɪəl(ə)nt] - жестокий, грубый
21. conditions - условия
22. own - владеть
23. duke - герцог
24. Dutch - голландский


1. What are the most popular sports with Бриттов?
2. What do you know about "soccer" and "rugger"?
3. Why does the game of cricket baffle the foreigners?
4. What sports attract middle-aged people?
5. What sports have English names?
6. What world-famous sports events do you know?

В восьмом классе у нас начинается тема спорта. Трудно переоценить его значение в жизни каждого британца. Самые популярные виды спорта в Англии - ходьба, футбол и крикет. Но есть ещё немало замечательных, традиционных для страны видов. Я постараюсь постепенно рассказать о большинстве из них. А главное – разместить на блоге видеоролики и фотоматериалы о каждом из представляемых видов. Рассказ о каждом виде спорта сопровождается небольшим видеосюжетом и текстом на английском языке - для перевода ученикам.

Британское правительство всё более активно интересуется проблемами английского спорта . Сегодня значительно расширен перечень видов спорта, развитие которых стимулируется государством. Появилась должность министра спорта, который координирует спортивные мероприятия по всей стране. Правительство приватизировало некоторые спортивные центры, ранее находящиеся под управлением местных властей. Повышается уровень спортивных стандартов и обеспеченность англичан спортивным снаряжением и сооружениями.

Other sports such as golf, tennis, bowling, horse racing are also very popular in England.
Young people go in for traditional athletics - running, jumping, as well as rowing, swimming and boxing. But those who take to motoring, hunting or fishing in youth continue with these sports even in middle age and on.
In Scotland, where there are good conditions for winter sports, skiing and climbing are very popular.
The English are great lovers of sport, and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them. In Britain about 29 million people over the age of 16 regularly take part in sport or exercise.
England is the birthplace of many modern kinds of sports. That"s why many of them have English names. It is often easy to understand how these sports were named. For example, baseball is played with a ball and bases. Basketball is played with a ball and two baskets. The names for other sports come from the name of the place where they were first played. Badminton comes from the name of a piece of land owned by an English Duke . The game was first played on the Duke"s land in 1873. Golf was first played in Scotland, but its name comes from the Dutch word for a hockey club, "colf".
Squash: сквош – традиционная английская спортивная игра


Начнём знакомство с традиционными английскими видами спорта со сквоша. Он похож на теннис и бадминтон, но значительно быстрее. Скорость мяча может превышать 200 км / час, перемещение по корту требует хорошей реакции и выносливости.
Сквош демократичен и всепогоден, им может начать заниматься любой человек без специальной подготовки. Он появился в Англии, но игры, ставшие его предшественницами, практически забылись, а сам сквош стал популярен в Великобритании и за ее пределами. Даже рассматривается вопрос о включении сквоша в программу Олимпиады 2016 года. В Англии 9 тысяч сквош – площадок. Это состязательная игра с использованием ракеток и мяча на специальном корте (зал прямоугольной формы). Задача игроков - поочередно отбивать ракеткой мяч, отскакивающий от стен и пола, не нарушая установленных правил.

The court consists of a square room. Two players with rackets similar to tennis rackets have to strike a small rubber ball. The ball must strike the front wall of the room before it touches the ground. The players hit the ball in turn. The ball must not bounce on the floor more than once before each player hits it; if a player fails to return the ball to the front wall or to hit the ball before it bounces twice, he loses the point. The court is covered and you don"t have to rely on the weather.CRICKET: крикет – игра, понятная только англичанам!

Крикет со смехом.mp4

Считается, что первоначально крикет был детской игрой, взрослые начали проявлять интерес к нему в начале XVII века. На протяжении следующего столетия крикет стремительно набирал популярность на юго-востоке Англии. С тех времен сохранились отчеты о встречах команд, состоящих из одиннадцати игроков. В XVIII веке крикет стал национальным английским спортом. Большую роль в росте его популярности сыграло то обстоятельство, что величина ставок на результаты встреч не была строго ограничена. Состоятельные граждане формировали собственные сборные, а игры собирали на спортивных площадках толпы зрителей. Появились профессиональные крикетисты.
В прилагаемом видеофрагменте собраны курьёзные случаи на крупных международных соревнованиях по крикету. И, хотя нам трудно сразу понять правила игры, оценить комичность возникающих ситуаций мы можем по достоинству.

Cricket is a typically English sport which foreigners can hardly understand. There are two teams of 11 players. Matches last from one to five days. Many people think it is a slow and boring game, but most Englishmen find it very exciting.
If you come to England in the summer time, you can hardly avoid seeing a game of cricket, especially at weekends or during a long, fine evening. You"ll, probably, pee from a window of a train a green field dotted with white figures all of whom seem to be doing absolutely nothing. It"s one of the mysterious charms of the game that baffles non-cricketing nations, this placidity, this elegant eventfulness.
And no English village is without its cricket field, its "village green", which is often "common land", the property of the people by ancient law. From the, village"s oldest inhabitant to its youngest articulate child, you"ll find a readiness, even eagerness, to explain the game to you. Polo: поло - аристократы тоже умеют играть командой!

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Поло – самый элитный английский вид спорта. Клубная система поло создаёт мощную систему имущественного и образовательного ценза для игроков. Плюс – завышенные требования к происхождению. Аристократами должны быть все – игроки и лошади. В Соединенном Королевстве страстными поклонниками этого спорта были представители многих поколений королевской семьи, а внук седьмого герцога Мальборо сэр Уинстон Черчилль входил в число по-настоящему талантливых игроков.
Это командный вид спорта с мячом, в котором участники играют верхом на лошадях, и перемещают мяч по полю с помощью специальной клюшки. Целью игры является поразить ворота соперника наибольшее количество раз. Игра зародилась много веков назад в Персии, в современном виде возрождена английскими военнослужащими в Индии.
В представленном видеоролике большей частью показаны ежегодные студенческие соревнования по поло Jack Wills Varsity Polo. Турнир проводится на поле крупнейшего в мире поло – клуба GUARDS в Виндзоре, президентом которого является принц Филипп, герцог Эдинбургский. В соревнованиях традиционно участвуют команды Кембриджа, Оксфорда, Йеля, Итона и Гарварда. Jack Wills – известный британский бренд студенческой спортивной одежды спонсирует эти соревнования, наряду с известными студенческими турнирами по регби и гребле.

Polo is a team sport played on horseback in which the objective is to score goals against an opposing team. Sometimes called "The Sport of Kings", it was started by Persians. Players score by driving a small white plastic or wooden ball into the opposing team"s goal using a long-handled mallet. The traditional sport of polo is played at speed on a large grass field up to 300 yards (274,2 м) long by 160 yards (146,2 м) wide, and each polo team consists of four riders and their mounts. Field polo is played with a solid plastic ball, which has replaced the wooden ball in much of the sport. The modern game lasts roughly two hours and is divided into periods called chukkas (occasionally rendered as "chukkers"). Polo is played professionally in 16 countries. It was formerly, but is not currently, an Olympic sport.

Croquet: крокет – всепогодный и вездесущий!

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Считается, что игры с деревянным молотком и шарами пришли в Англию из Европы в Средние века. Первоначально они были незатейливы – ещё в XIII веке французские крестьяне, ударяя по шарам деревянными молоточками, отправляли их в ворота из ивовых прутьев. Единых правил долгое время не существовало, и на протяжении нескольких столетий появилось множество вариантов игры. Полагают, что в XV веке из крокета возникли бильярдные игры, когда играть стали на столах в закрытых помещениях.
Сегодня крокет - спортивная игра, участники которой ударами специальных молотков на длинной ручке проводят шары через воротца, расставленные на площадке в определённом порядке. В первой половине 20 века игра входила в программу летних Олимпийских игр. Крокет распространён во всём мире благодаря своей неприхотливости, доступности, нетребовательности к площадке и возможности создать свой «сокращённый» вариант игры в зависимости от имеющихся условий.
Самый распространённый вид крокета - по международным правилам Ассоциации крокета (The Croquet Association), так называемый классический английский крокет. Также популярны гольф – крокет, гарден - крокет (Garden Croquet - садовый крокет) и крокет «Девять калиток» (9 Wicket croquet) Американской Ассоциации Крокета. Предлагаемый видеосюжет иллюстрирует правила игры и доступность крокета в самых различных условиях для самых разных людей.
Association croquet is the name of an advanced game of croquet, played at international level. It involves four balls teamed in pairs, with both balls going through every hoop for one pair to win. The game"s distinguishing feature is the "croquet" shot: when certain balls hit other balls, extra shots are allowed. The six hoops are arranged three at each end of the court, with a centre peg.
In association croquet one side takes the black and blue balls, the other takes red and yellow. At each turn, the player can choose to play with either of his balls for that turn. At the start of a turn, the player plays a stroke. If the player either hits the ball through the correct hoop ("runs" the hoop), or hits another ball (a "roquet"), the turn continues. Following a roquet, the player picks up his or her own ball and puts it down next to the ball that it hit. The next shot is played with the two balls touching: this is the "croquet stroke" from which the game takes its name. After the croquet stroke, the player plays a "continuation" stroke, during which the player may again attempt to make a roquet or run a hoop. Each of the other three balls may be roqueted once in a turn before a hoop is run, after which they become available to be roqueted again. The winner of the game is the team who completes the set circuit of six hoops (and then back again the other way), with both balls, and then strikes the centre peg (making a total of 13 points per ball = 26).

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