How to understand that sugar fell. Why blood sugar drops sharply

Low blood sugar is also dangerous, and so is high. This disease is called hypoglycemia, when the glucose level is very low, the organs do not feed, because of this there are problems with the brain. If glucose does not get into the brain, it will disconnect and the person will fall into a coma. Because it is so important to know, because of anything can lower blood sugar levels? What to do in order to return it to normal? What kind of treatment is needed? How to eat to avoid development?

Reasons for low blood sugar

First of all, diabetics should control blood sugar levels, because they show sharp jumps in their indicators. Many people know about it. Because they are always on hand candy or sugar.

But dangerous situations are considered when healthy people do not know that their sugar level has decreased very much. What can this happen?

1. Due to a strict diet and a limited diet, when the body is depleted, the main source of nutritional energy for the body is carbohydrates, when they run out, it loses energy.

2. If a big break between meals. With the help of the metabolic process, carbohydrates are quickly split, some of them are converted into energy, and some disappear. If a person does not eat more than 8 hours, his blood sugar level decreases, very often there is a low level of blood sugar in the morning, because a person does not eat at night, carbohydrates do not flow.

3. After intense physical exertion, even if a person eats well, his sugar level may fall because he is involved in sports.

4. A person enjoys sweets - candy, sweet pastries, milk chocolate, because of this, at first it grows rapidly and then drops sharply. Alcohol and sweet sparkling water also works.

Signs of low blood sugar

Hypoglycemia is of a different nature, in some people it appears in the morning, while they are drowsy, weak, irritable. You can check the sugar level at the moment with the help of a glucometer, it will show a figure lower than 3.3 mmol / l. When a person has breakfast, it becomes easier for him and the symptoms disappear.

In cases of reciprocal hypoglycemia, due to which blood sugar falls after eating, this suggests that a person develops diabetes. But remember, reducing blood sugar is a gradual process, because it is so important to pay attention to the following signs in time:

1. A person is very irritable, weak and very tired.

2. His hands are shaking, he may shiver, may, on the contrary, throw him into a fever.

3. Increased sweating.

4. The occurrence of headaches and.

5. The muscles feel weak, noticeable heaviness in the legs, limbs grow dumb.

6. Vision problems, white veil in front of eyes, front sight or darkening.

7. Severe nausea.

8. Feeling hungry.

When the brain suffers from insufficient energy, this symptom occurs, it is very important to measure the blood sugar level with a portable blood glucose meter, if the indicator is lower than 3 mmol / l, be sure to eat, it is best to eat carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed. If you do not do it in time, maybe a deterioration and such reactions:

2. Speech is incoherent, like after drinking alcohol.

3. Dissolved attention.

4. Gait loses stability.

If a person doesn’t use glucose in time, he may lose consciousness, he may have a cramp that is similar to epilepsy, even a stroke that completely affects the brain. People who are sick diabetes mellitusfall into a coma, it is very dangerous it leads to death.

Methods of treating low blood sugar

The goal of treatment is to prevent repeated bouts of hypoglycemia. For this, those who have diabetes need to calculate the right amount of insulin, especially if the patient plans to still exercise. In no case can not take their own drugs that reduce blood sugar levels, be sure to first consult with your doctor.

To avoid low blood sugar, be sure to watch your diet, it must be correct and balanced. It is very important to include such in your diet - tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, seafood, dairy products. Pay attention to the products that they have, this includes flour products and bread from whole grains. With the help of these products there is a gradual release of sugar, because the glucose level does not grow sharply. At the same time, the level of sugar decreases very smoothly.

We must not forget about the rules of nutrition, you need to eat in small portions after a while, so you can reduce the risk of hypoglycemia. It is best to forget about alcoholic beverages, especially carefully you need to eat them on an empty stomach, because an attack of hypoglycemia may occur.

Also, it is very important for athletes to learn how to properly consume and expend their energy, women who are fond of diets should also be careful with their diet.

What signs of low blood sugar may appear at night?

1. Heavy sweating.

2. Restless sleep.

3. Reproduction of unusual sounds.

4. Trying in a dream to get out of bed or fall from it.

5. Walk in a dream.

7. The appearance of a headache in the morning.

So, they often talk about the danger of high blood sugar and completely forget about the low level, but it is also no less dangerous, because it can also cause diabetes, and the development of other diseases - cardiovascular, kidney, vision, etc. . Often, blood sugar can drop after an illness, especially caution should be taken to reduce glucose in children. It appears on an empty stomach, after consuming large doses of alcohol, with hormonal disruption, fasting and taking certain medications.


Hypoglycemia is manifested by a sharp pale skin, sweating, hand tremor and partial clouding of consciousness. If not stabilized, it can lead to loss of consciousness and even coma.

How to increase the sugar in the body, everyone knows suffering from diabetes. The so-called hyp, if blood sugar is too low, is a terrible condition that everyone is afraid of. A sharp drop in it can provoke sad consequences for the body.

However, the fall in blood glucose threatens not only with a confirmed diagnosis. There are several reasons why sugar falls in a healthy person. Therefore, this issue is relevant not only for patients of the endocrinological department or poor heredity.

Syndrome development

Has blood glucose dropped below 3.3 mmol / l? Such a strong drop in blood sugar signals the development of hypoglycemic syndrome. A low glucose level provokes convulsions, loss of consciousness and even death.

The disadvantage is manifested in three stages:

  • easy - primary degree lasting 2-8 minutes. The treatment consists in the immediate consumption of fast carbohydrates (fruits, sweets);
  • medium - in the absence of the necessary glucose, hypoglycemia of moderate severity lasts up to 30 minutes. Raising the level of sugar in this case is more difficult;
  • final - critical condition. Low blood sugar: the symptoms are reduced to convulsions, fainting and, in some cases, even coma. Lack of medical intervention leads to death.

Self-diagnosis of hypoglycemia

How to understand that this condition is hypoglycemia? Droplets of blood sugar make themselves known long before the first serious symptoms, according to diabetics. Although the signs of falling are purely individual.

  • hunger and thirst;
  • irregular heartbeat or tachycardia;
  • hand tremor;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • disorientation in space;
  • anger, irascibility;
  • darkening of the eyes, split objects;
  • unclear speech;
  • panic, feeling of fear;
  • drowsiness, desire to lie down;
  • even hallucinations are possible.

Low sugar in the blood and its manifestations ever felt every diabetic. But they have already studied the symptoms of blood sugar, so that immediately, even with primary hypoglycemia, they take all the necessary measures. But at the first encounter with this problem, the person is lost and does not understand how to raise the level of glucose when symptoms are felt. For self-diagnosis useful blood glucose meter. The blood sugar level of the device is determined in seconds, and the time during hypoglycemia is very valuable. It is usually more difficult for those who do not even know how to raise a small sugar in the blood and why this syndrome develops.

What to do if the blood is less than the normal blood glucose? The main thing - do not fall asleep. The disease develops rapidly, and, unfortunately, a person can no longer wake up. Ask others to stay awake when symptoms appear that the level of glucose has plummeted.

Fell blood sugar? The “lie down and rest” treatment method here will definitely not help. Than all this can end for the patient, it was described earlier. By the way, hypoglycemia sometimes occurs in a dream. In this case, a sharp drop in glucose in the blood test provokes nightmares and sweating.

Causes of hypoglycemia

Low blood sugar never arises unreasonably. The reasons why its level drops dramatically should be identified immediately after the first attack.

  1. Sugar deficiency is most often caused by long breaks between meals or low-carb meals. Most often this is the reason for the drop in the blood of women on very strict starvation diets.
  2. Tremor, which means low sugar in the body, is possible with prolonged power loads in combination with a low-calorie diet.
  3. Blood sugar index changes when eating junk food, fast food.
  4. Bad habits. The level of glucose in the blood is strongly influenced by smoking and alcohol. And even sugar-lowering drugs can not always compensate for this indicator.
  5. Blood glucose fluctuates greatly in malignant tumors. In particular, this is one of the most frequent manifestations of the waste of beta cells that produce insulin.

Sugar improvement measures

If the glucose drops, but the syndrome is still mild, the lack is compensated by one of the following methods.

  1. One or a couple of small candies, ¼ of a chocolate bar, or several slices of chocolate.
  2. A cup of hot tea with honey.
  3. A banana or a few pieces of figs, dried apricots, prunes.
  4. 100-150 ml of juice, preferably with pulp.

Any of these options increases blood sugar as quickly as possible and does not aggravate the condition. In the light stage, the sugar drops to 2.7 ... 3.3 mmol / l. Of course, a sharp drop should be tracked by a meter or test strips. But based only on feelings in this case just can not. Although diabetics with great "experience" feel even slightly reduced blood sugar.

The level of glucose in the blood is regulated by the so-called fast carbohydrates. Practically any kind of fruit or candied fruits will help to improve your well-being, but they are hardly always at hand. But cereals and bread are useless here: long carbohydrates can not immediately increase blood sugar.

But the beginning symptoms do not suggest eating everything at once to eliminate the symptoms. Low blood sugar will be replaced by another problem - hyperglycemia. In addition, such jumps destroy the capillaries.

Hypoglycemia in childhood

In newborns, a low rate in the blood test requires immediate treatment in a hospital. If a child has low glucose, then a thorough examination is required. It is necessary to identify why the body drops sugar. What is important is not so much the reason why sugar is so low in newborns, as the timely detection of possible methods of stabilization.

The transient form of hypoglycemia in a child is possible immediately after birth. When passing through the birth canal in newborns, glycogen stores are used, due to which glucose in the blood is kept at a normal level. But if its reserves are small in the liver, sugar drops sharply in newborns. But the postpartum low blood sugar quickly passes. Internal mechanisms regulate glucose in the body without medication or other treatment. Normal indicators in the analysis of blood in newborns will appear if a special “diet” is observed with low sugar - breast-feeding. Regular intake of glucose in the body eliminates the development of hypoglycemia in newborns.

Hypoglycemia in healthy people

Rather, these tips are addressed to people who consider themselves healthy. A significant part of the population is at risk of impaired glycemic balance. For example, in the blood of men, the lack of glucose can be caused by serious physical exertion in combination with an incorrect diet.

Such symptoms in women are typical for those who like to subtract the miraculous recipe for rapid weight loss. Instant failure of carbohydrates leads to a complete imbalance of the system. proper nutrition. The girl simply weakens, such a diet is dangerous to health, moreover, to life. Blood sugar drops - at any time possible fainting.

This kind of bullying is not justified. Even the most severe form of diabetes involves the consumption of about 50 grams of carbohydrates. Their minimization in the diet of a healthy person is a big danger. After eating, the sugar should increase slightly so that its excess can be converted to glycogen. But blood sugar is below the norm, if the next meal does not receive carbohydrates. Accordingly, with the depletion of stocks will begin hypoglycemic syndrome. Low blood sugar levels in men are more dangerous, since their daily energy inputs are somewhat higher.

Reducing glucose in the body is a dangerous phenomenon, so even minor deviations from the basics of proper nutrition should be controlled by a specialist. Low calorie intake is one of the causes of hypoglycemia, and without special knowledge to raise the level of sugar in the blood is quite difficult.

How to avoid?

  1. A decrease in blood sugar will not manifest itself, if you get used to five times a balanced diet. High risk of experiencing hypoglycemic syndrome are those who are often glucose dips in the diet.
  2. Not to starve. Blood glucose below normal will become commonplace, as all glycogen stores are quickly depleted.
  3. To fill the lack of chromium. This is one of the ways to quickly raise sugar after regular attacks.
  4. Do not overdo it with carbohydrates at one meal. The level of glucose in the blood will rise sharply at first, after which a jump will occur and blood sugar will drop.

Thus, glucose deficiency is a phenomenon that requires timely diagnosis of the patient. You can raise it in a matter of minutes, but constant jumps will also not have a positive effect on the state. Therefore, it is better to treat health more attentively and listen to the first symptoms of hypoglycemia.


Low blood sugar (or hypoglycemia) - This is a dangerous condition in which the glucose level is critically low. Hypoglycemia is no less dangerous than high blood sugar. With a low glucose level, the organs do not receive nutrition, and the brain suffers most of all. The late delivery of glucose to the brain leads to the fact that the brain “shuts down”, and the person falls into a coma.

Causes of low blood sugar

It is believed that caring for blood sugar levels is the prerogative of diabetics. This judgment is partly true. In the body of a diabetic, glucose is labile, sometimes the indicators can reach a critical level. Many people with diabetes are aware of this peculiarity of their bodies, so they have an ambulance, a candy or a piece of sugar, at the ready.

However, there are situations when the level of sugar in the body of absolutely healthy people drops to a dangerous minimum. Why is this happening?

  • The main reason for low sugar is a limited diet. A strict diet depletes the internal reserves of the body, first of all the carbohydrate reserves - the main source of energy - run out.
  • Long breaks between meals. Carbohydrates enter the body with food, but metabolism quickly breaks down carbohydrates. Some of them are recycled, and some are converted into energy. If a person abstains from eating for 8 hours, then it is likely that blood sugar will be low. For the same reason, low blood sugar is possible in the morning, since the person did not eat at night, and there was no carbohydrate flow.
  • Intense physical exertion. Even with adequate nutrition, there may be a drop in sugar levels, if at the same time a person goes in for sports. There is a shortage of energy, because the level of consumed carbohydrates more consumed.
  • Excess sweets in the diet. Foods with a high glycemic index (sweets, milk chocolate, sweet pastries) make the blood glucose level rise rapidly. However, after a rapid increase, the sugar level also rapidly decreases. Alcoholic drinks or sweet soda have the same effect.

Symptoms of low blood sugar

Hypoglycemia can be of a different nature. Sometimes low blood sugar is observed only in the morning, in which case the external manifestations are low tone, drowsiness, weakness and irritability. If you measure blood sugar with a glucometer, then surely the indicator will be below 3.3 mmol / l. In this case, it is enough for a healthy person to have breakfast in order to normalize the sugar level and the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

There is a response hypoglycemia, in which the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases after a meal - the level drops in direct proportion to the time of fasting. Response hypoglycemia may indicate developing diabetes. Fortunately, blood sugar can drop gradually, so it is important to “catch” the following warning signs:

  • irritability, weakness, severe fatigue;
  • hand tremors, chills, in rare cases - hot flashes;
  • increased sweating;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • muscle weakness, heaviness in the legs or numbness of the limbs;
  • possible visual impairment - a white veil in front of the eyes, front sight, darkening of the eyes;
  • nausea;
  • strong feeling of hunger.

These body reactions are dictated by the brain, because it is he who suffers from a lack of energy. In this case, it is recommended to measure the blood sugar level with a portable glucometer, and if the indicator is below 3 mmol / l, you should immediately eat food, preferably with fast-absorbing carbohydrates. If this is not done, the condition will worsen, the following unpleasant reactions are possible:

  1. convulsions;
  2. distracted attention;
  3. incoherent speech (as if intoxicated);
  4. unstable gait.

If at present the body is not provided with timely support by glucose, then the person may lose consciousness, fall into a convulsive seizure (looks like an epileptic seizure), sometimes a stroke develops and a serious brain damage occurs. People with diabetes can fall into a coma in this condition. It is important to prevent this, as diabetic coma is extremely dangerous and can lead to death.

Treatment of low blood sugar

The main treatment for low sugar is to prevent attacks of hypoglycemia. For this, diabetics need to correctly calculate the therapeutic dose of insulin, especially if physical exercises are planned. You should also not take sugar-lowering drugs yourself without first consulting a doctor.

In order to avoid falling blood sugar levels, you must follow a certain diet and proper diet. The main feature of this diet - the use of foods with a low glycemic index. These include seafood, vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini and others), dairy products.

There is a whole list of foods that have a low or medium glycemic index, and this can include flour products, for example, whole grain bread. The fact is that when digested, these foods release sugar into the body gradually, and the level of glucose also grows slowly. The decrease in blood sugar occurs smoothly, the critical mark is not reached.

You need to eat through small periods of time, then the dose of carbohydrates will enter the body regularly, which will reduce the likelihood of hypoglycemia. Alcohol requires careful handling - alcohol cannot be consumed on an empty stomach, otherwise an attack of hypoglycemia may be triggered.

Even completely healthy people must correctly relate the amount of food consumed to the amount of energy consumed during training or sports activities. Especially this warning applies to women who are on a diet and with the help of physical activity tend to enhance the effect of weight loss.

Hypoglycemia, how it arises in me, my feelings, measures. Description. A sharp decrease in blood sugar in diabetes mellitus. (10+)

Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar. Symptoms, signs, treatment

  What is hypoglycemia? When and why occurs?

Hypoglycemia periodically occurs in almost all diabetic patients receiving treatment with sugar-reducing drugs. The reason is that a healthy person's blood sugar level is automatically adjusted. If it is tall (you eat well), then insulin is released, and the sugar is absorbed, converted into energy and fat stores. If the sugar is low (you haven’t eaten for a long time, you are physically tense), the liver secretes glucose into the blood (which is why it hurts while running), and fat is also decaying. In diabetics, such automatic regulation does not occur. A person is forced to take on a regulatory function. Of course, the quality of manual regulation is worse than automatic.

Thus, in diabetic, hypoglycemia periodically occurs (lowering sugar below an acceptable level) and hyperglycemia (elevating sugar above a useful level). It is concerns about hypoglycemia (gips) that prevent diabetic sugar levels from falling to normal levels. Indeed, as soon as we set the average values ​​of sugars at a level typical of a healthy person, immediately the frequency and severity of hypoglycemic states increases.

  Signs of hypoglycemia

The decline in sugar in me usually manifests itself in the appearance of tremors in the limbs, decreased visual acuity, dizziness, lethargy and drowsiness. Dramatically increased sweating. Cold limbs, nose and ears. Reduced speed of reaction. My deeper sugar decline is accompanied by nausea.

Attention! You have manifestations of hypoglycemia may differ from mine.

A deep drop in blood sugar can lead to hypoglycemic coma, even to loss of consciousness. Such a state, of course, is dangerous, especially when performing work that requires attention, for example, driving a car. But to be afraid of this, if your diet and treatment are chosen correctly, it is hardly worth it. For all my life (more than 20 years) with diabetes, a coma with a state close to unconsciousness, I had only once. You just need to always remember that such states can happen and behave responsibly. Namely: Always carry a blood glucose meter and a sweet drink. At the first sign of a hypo, immediately, without delay, stop performing critical operations (stop the car on the side of the road, climb down the stairs or turn off the lathe), measure the sugar and, if necessary, drink sweet water. Wait for the sugar level to recover, relaxing, trying to move minimally. Even a small exercise in this state can lead to loss of consciousness. In no case do not return to their dangerous activities until the full normalization of sugar.

From the moment of the first symptoms of hypoglycemia to the onset of deep coma, it takes a long time, which is sufficient for taking responsible measures.

In general, hypoglycemic conditions are not considered very dangerous now. If the whole therapy is well-chosen, your liver is healthy and you behave responsibly, follow the diabetes compensation plan, regularly control sugar, have sweet things with you, you cannot get too deep hypoglycemia, and a small hypo can be compensated independently due to the release of glucose from the liver.

Frequent and regular gips can contribute to the development of diabetic neuropathy - damage to nerve cells in diabetes mellitus.

  What if sugar drops sharply?

You need to make sure that your condition is caused precisely by hypoglycemia (measure sugar). Sometimes I have a state similar to a hip, for quite different reasons, for example, because of stress. At the same time, sugar is normal.

If sugar is really low, then you need to drink sweet soda. My experience has shown that it is sweet soda that brings sugar to blood the fastest. It is enough for me to rinse my mouth with cola, without swallowing, so that the sugar will grow by 2 units. Just be careful, soda should be just with sugar, and not with sweeteners (not light). You understand that it is precisely because of such a rapid absorption that in any other cases, except for gypsum, you should not drink sweet sparkling water.

Sweet carbonated water is ideal for combating hypo, as it is easily stored, does not turn sour, and can always be at hand. The most convenient way is to use the water in a bottle with a screw cap, as you will not need the whole bottle at once.

You need to drink in small portions, controlling sugar. I usually have 100 grams of cola. I drink a third of a bottle of 0.33, in 20 minutes I measure sugar. If it is low, then I drink another 100 grams and repeat the measurement after 20 minutes.

  How to prevent sugar falling below normal?

Reducing sugar with properly selected doses of sugar-lowering drugs (insulin or oral) usually occurs due to two reasons.

First, a surge of physical exertion. For example, I had to go a couple of extra kilometers or dig a shovel.

Secondly, the change in the speed and parameters of the absorption of sugars in the intestines. Digestive disorders unambiguously lead to sugar jumps in one direction or another, but not only them. For violation of the quality of compensation of diabetes, simply changing the bacterial composition of the intestinal microflora, the speed of passage of food through it.

From my own experience I will say that, for example, switching to eating cheese with bread (traditional for Swiss people) from our usual borscht immediately leads to an increase in sugar. Reverse transition gives hypoglycemia. This is because borsch consists of vegetables and leaves our intestines much faster than bread covered with cheese.

So, in order to maintain normal sugar and eliminate hypoglycemia, it is necessary to take into account physical activity in nutrition and to ensure stable operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recommendations for reducing the dose of insulin or oral medications during exercise are considered a delusion. I tried to do this before, but it leads to ketoacidosis. In fact, with additional physical exertion, you just need to eat the right amount of additional calories. On the contrary, if today you are lying on the couch, instead of the usual walk, leave the doses of drugs the same, but eat less.

The stable operation of the intestine and its stable microbial composition is easiest to ensure, taking a little kefir with bifidobacteria before each meal. I came across this topic by chance. Was on business in Azerbaijan. They traditionally eat matsoni before meals. My sugar returned to normal, my gips disappeared. Returning home, he took the technology into service. As such kefir you can use purchased biokefir or sour with good milk yourself.

By the way, if milk is fermented into clabber, this is a sign of its high quality and nutritional value. Often, the milk from the bags does not sour, does not form a homogeneous mass of yogurt, stratified. It is better not to buy such milk and not to drink at all.

I made a leaven for such yogurt from a purchased biokefir, adding it to the fermented milk for the first time. Now, the porridge already, using the remains of yogurt from the previous time.

Having thus adjusted the work of the intestines and having made an approximate table, how much should I eat additionally for different types of physical activity, I, together with the endocrinologist, more accurately selected insulin doses, normalized total sugar and at times reduced the incidence of hypoglycemia.

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Low blood sugar is called hypoglycemia. You can determine it by well-being and physiological signs, as well as donating blood for sugar, and the result of the analysis will show a level below the norm.

This condition is poorly tolerated by the body and can cause malaise. In addition, its symptoms indicate either unsuccessful treatment of diabetes, or the presence in the body of other painful processes.

The role of glucose in the body's energy metabolism

Glucose is a vital type of sugar that provides the most energy-intensive processes in our body. With her participation, heat exchange flows, it feeds the brain and the nervous system, with its help toxins are eliminated from the body.

When it comes from food, glucose is consumed by organs and systems, and is also deposited in the liver and muscles as glycogen, which, if necessary, can be restored to simple sugar and re-enters the blood as soon as the brain requests the necessary portion of it. Thus, the constant movement of glucose in the body ensures the normal functioning and well-being of each of us.

With a disease such as diabetes mellitus, there is a lack of enzymes that absorb glucose, and it is retained in the blood, not turning into glycogen. Its high rate in the blood and urine indicates the disease and is a real threat to health. The hormone insulin used to treat diabetes is designed to convert free glucose to glycogen.

However, it happens that the treatment excessively reduces the indicators, and the lack of glucose in the blood is already hypoglycemia and carries the opposite danger.

Why blood sugar drops

It is not only the unfortunate treatment of diabetes that causes hypoglycemia. Usually, the human body regulates glucose through a complex system that includes brain signals, hormone production, and adrenal glands and liver function.

At any stage, malfunctions can occur, and glucose starvation begins. In addition, the cause of a low glucose level can also be a factor external to the body — malnutrition, hunger, diet, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Causes of hypoglycemia (lower blood sugar):

  • thirst, dehydration;
  • hunger, malnutrition;
  • severe physical fatigue;
  • alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • chloroform, arsenic salts;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • liver disease;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • obesity;
  • overdose with insulin preparations;
  • some serious diseases are tumors, stroke, sarcoidosis;
  • dropper with saline without adding glucose.

Most often, a decrease in blood sugar levels is accompanied by an overdose of a drug such as insulin, that is, hypoglycemia is more likely to occur in diabetic patients who are on insulin treatment. The second place in the list of possible pathologies is physical exhaustion - for example, from malnutrition.

The remaining options are rare and almost never occur on their own, because every disease has clear symptoms, and without a doctor, it is impossible to determine from a drop in sugar that you overcame your illness.

How to determine the decrease in sugar

To be alert and to respond quickly to changes in health status, you need to familiarize yourself with the full list of symptoms of low blood sugar:

  • general weakness;
  • dizzy and / or headache;
  • very hungry;
  • in the eyes of doubles, pupils dilated;
  • excessive sweating;
  • the skin of the face and limbs has a pale color;
  • body muscles tremble;
  • uneven and rapid pulse;
  • drowsiness;
  • faint or coma.

We specifically mention the symptoms of nocturnal hypoglycemia - a decrease in sugar levels during sleep as a result of a decrease in activity. endocrine system   at night.

This is restless sleep or nightmares, a person is unusually noisy in a dream, falls out of bed, tries to get up without waking up, sweats profusely, wakes up from cramps in his legs, and in the morning he has a headache.

How to remove sudden hypoglycemia

The acute state of hypoglycemia must be overcome within 5-10 minutes to avoid fainting and other troubles. Eat or drink something sweet or carbohydrate to make up for the lack of glucose in the blood.

Products that can take an attack in 5-10 minutes:

  • fruit juice 100 ml;
  • jam 1-2 tablespoons;
  • honey 2 tsp;
  • 1-2 pieces of caramel;
  • sugar 1-2 teaspoons;
  • sweet drink like lemonade 1 cup.

When the attack is over, do not ignore the symptoms, even if they do not annoy you so far. The sooner you consult a doctor, the more chances you have to successfully overcome hypoglycemia.

How to decipher the analysis

To track hypoglycemia, you need to pass on the analysis of blood from a finger, coming to the laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach. At home, this is done with the help of a glucometer apparatus, which is necessary for every diabetic.

So, the glucose indicator is in the average limit of 3-6 mmol / l:

  • babies - 2.7-4.5 mmol / l;
  • children - 3-5,5 mmol / l;
  • adults - 3.5–6 mmol / l.

For adults, glucose 5.5–6.0 mmol / l is already a wake-up call, which doctors may consider to be a condition of pre-diabetes. The shift of the formula to the lower limit of the norm indicates either depletion or the development of permanent hypoglycemia. A sharp drop in sugar with neurological symptoms (convulsions, syncope) speaks of danger and requires immediate placement in the hospital.

Be sure to need additional research and measures to improve health (diet, weight loss, rejection of bad habits, rest). Usually, lifestyle changes and eating habits in the early stages help to avoid serious problems.

The material is taken from a vein in case of suspected diabetes, that is, to identify high, not low sugar. Venous blood will show a figure, usually 10% more in comparison with arterial blood - up to 6.6 mmol / l, which will also be the norm. On the basis of a blood test from a vein, the alarm should be struck when it reaches 7 or less than 4 mmol / l.

Sometimes in the laboratory they can specify a number in other units:

  • mg / dL - milligram per deciliter;
  • mg / 100 ml - milligram per 100 milliliters;
  • mg% - milligram percent.

If you suddenly need to convert your indicator, you need to use the scheme: mg / dl, mg / 100 ml, mg% divided by 18 - the resulting figure will be the result in mmol / l.

Fasting hypoglycemia

The diagnosis of hypoglycemia on an empty stomach is established in the hospital of the endocrinological department of the hospital. In the absence of acute conditions and a threat to the patient, the examination in the clinic is also possible on an outpatient basis.

Data on fluctuations in weight, diet and digestion, medication and complaints will be important for the case history. The doctor is obliged to probe the liver, kidneys, check for swelling, examine the skin for pigmentation, measure pressure.

It is difficult to identify persistent hypoglycemia if there is no exacerbation of symptoms at the time of the material intake. Therefore, in the hospital can cause a decrease in glucose by fasting for 6 hours (night fasting) or longer (up to 2 days), possibly with physical exertion (stress test). In patients with hypoglycemia on an empty stomach, usually there is a rapid decline in performance. In addition to glucose, doctors will monitor insulin and C-peptide.

As you can see, the causes of hypoglycemia are varied, and in order to properly diagnose, you need to undergo a medical examination - tell the doctor all the symptoms and pass the tests assigned to them. Timely diagnosis and treatment will help the patient to avoid serious consequences and restore health. The prognosis is usually favorable.

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