Natural zones of western Siberia. Natural zones of western Siberia and their characteristics Which natural zone prevails in eastern Siberia

What natural zones are located in the north of Eurasia

Arctic deserts, tundra, taiga.

Questions in paragraph

* On the map, determine which of the natural zones occupies West Siberian Plain the largest area. What changes in the composition of natural zones are taking place here in comparison with the Russian Plain?

The taiga forest bog zone occupies the most extensive area on the plain. In comparison with the Russian Plain, a zone of Arctic deserts appears on the West Siberian Plain, the area of ​​tundra and taiga increases, a zone of mixed and broadleaf forests stretches out in a narrow strip.

Questions at the end of a paragraph

1. Name the natural zones of the West Siberian Plain.

Tundra, forest-tundra, taiga forest-bog zone, deciduous forest subzone, West Siberian forest-steppe.

2. Give a description of the largest natural zone in Western Siberia.

The taiga forest bog zone is the most extensive of the natural zones of the plain (its area is 1.5 million km2). In the taiga - the kingdom of spruce-fir, larch-cedar-pine forests with lichens and shrubs. In the northern part, larch-cedar and pine forests... The middle part of the zone is dominated by the taiga of pine, cedar, spruce and fir. Aspen and birch forests are common at the site of forest fires.

The southern part of the taiga is birch-aspen small-leaved forests. The fauna of the taiga is rich in it, and "Europeans", such as mink and pine marten, and "East Siberians", such as sable, are found in it. A chipmunk, a squirrel, a badger and the owner of the taiga, a bear, live in the taiga. Seeds forest trees and shrubs feed on birds - wood grouse, hazel grouse, woodpeckers, turtle doves. The fauna of the taiga river valleys is the most diverse. Here you can meet a white hare, a mole, a wolf and a fox. Taiga old women and lakes abound different kinds ducks, waders. The gray crane, snipe and great snipe nest in the swamps. The most typical wetlands of the taiga on the flat interfluves of the Ob and Irtysh are called urmans. After fires in the taiga, aspen and birch forests appear in place of dark coniferous species.

The taiga of Western Siberia is formed by spruce and cedar, larch and fir, pine and aspen-birch forests. Animal world West Siberian taiga has a lot general types with the European taiga. Everywhere in the taiga live: brown bear, lynx, wolverine, squirrel, ermine.

3. Explain what urmans, manes, and pegs are.

Urmans are typical wetlands of the taiga on the flat interfluves of the Ob and Irtysh rivers.

Manes are sandy ridges with a height of 3 to 10 m, less often up to 30 m, covered with pine forests.

The groves are groves of birches and aspens, green, like oases, among the waterlessness of the surrounding steppe plains. These are quiet, poetic corners full of shade and freshness, bright colors and the singing of birds.

Eastern Siberia occupies an impressive area - more than 4 million square meters. km. The diversity of local landscapes is due to the large extent of the region from north to south in the Asian territory Russian Federation... Natural zones of Eastern Siberia are represented by arctic deserts, forests and steppes, but the largest area is occupied by the taiga zone.


The climatic features of Eastern Siberia are due to its geographical location:

  • great distance from the Atlantic Ocean;
  • isolation from the Pacific Ocean;
  • placement in high latitudes.

The climate of this region is sharply continental, consistently severe. Its characteristic feature is significant daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations, little cloudiness and insufficient moisture level.

In the Far North of the region, the polar night reigns in winter, when the sun does not appear above the horizon for two months. But with the onset of summer, the sun, on the contrary, shines constantly, even at midnight, for several weeks.

Rice. 1. Polar night.

Continental air currents cool very quickly in the ground layers, resulting in incredibly low temperatures in winter. The minus 60 degrees Celsius and the prevailing arctic winds are not uncommon for winter in Eastern Siberia.

Summer is quite cold, the air temperature in July rarely exceeds +15 degrees. In addition, it is very short, and the growing season in these parts is 2-2.5 months.

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Vegetable world

Due to its great length in the meridional direction, the nature of Eastern Siberia, as well as the natural zones of Central Siberia, lies in three climatic zones:

  • arctic;
  • subarctic;
  • moderate.

Taiga occupies the predominant territory of Eastern Siberia. Fir, larch, pine, cedar grow here.

Rich taiga forests with a length of several thousand kilometers make up almost half of all forest resources Russian Federation.

Rice. 2. Endless taiga forests of Eastern Siberia.

Also, an impressive part of the region is occupied by the tundra zone. Poor soils, excess moisture and low temperatures do not create the most Better conditions for the development of vegetation. Dwarf trees, saxifrage, cotton grass, and poppy grow here.

Animal world

Practically all regions of Eastern Siberia are not distinguished by a great variety of fauna. The main reason for this is poor plant development, lack of food in the required quantities and permafrost.

Of the large predators, it should be distinguished brown bear, wolverine, lynx. There are also foxes, deer, moose, sables, ermines, ferrets, badgers. Due to the constantly cold soils, very few rodents live in this region. The world of birds, on the other hand, is very diverse. The wood grouse, woodpecker, crossbill, goose, nutcracker, crow, sandpiper and many other species of birds live here.

Rice. 3. Wolverine.

What have we learned?

Eastern Siberia is very large territory... Thanks to geographic location natural area her flaccidity is pronounced. Largest area occupy two zones: taiga and tundra. Eastern Siberia is especially prized for its impressive woodlands conifers.

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Average rating: 2.9. Total ratings received: 19.

Three large parts can be distinguished as part of Eastern Siberia: Central Siberia, North-Eastern Siberia and mountains Southern Siberia(with mountainous countries- Altai-Sayan and Baikal-Transbaikal), within which, in turn, there are zonal and high-mountain natural complexes.

In order to better imagine the peculiarities of the nature of Eastern Siberia, we will get to know better the tundra of Taimyr, the nature of Yakutia, the East Siberian taiga, the Minusinsk depression, the Altai mountains, Lake Baikal.

The tundras on the Taimyr Peninsula are located both on the plain and in its mountainous part - in the Vyrranga mountains. In the lowland tundra, there are lichens (reindeer moss), sphagnum bogs, hummocks, thickets of shrubs. In the mountain tundra, due to the harsh climate and the deadly cold wind, from 30 to 80% of the soil surface is completely exposed.

Almost the entire vast area of ​​the lowland is a typical shrub tundra. In spring, numerous lakes form in the tundra along small depressions on the permafrost soil. There are meadow areas along the river valleys. V summer period they are covered with a blooming green carpet of forget-me-nots, daisies, astragalus.

The Taimyr forest-tundra is interesting. Here, in addition to mosses and lichens, stunted gnarled larches and spruces grow in places protected from the wind. Nowhere in the world do tree species go as far north as Daurian larch. On the Taimyr Peninsula, it also occurs at 72 ° N. NS.

In the Taimyr tundra live hare, polar fox, fox, wolf, reindeer... There are many valuable fish in rivers and lakes. Every spring, numerous birds return to their harsh homeland in the tundra: snow buntings, ptarmigan, geese.

Our modern knowledge of the nature of the Taimyr Peninsula is the result of the dedicated work of many generations of researchers. The names of some are immortalized on the map, for example, the bay of Maria Pronchishcheva, the first woman who worked as part of a detachment of the Great Northern Expedition that surveyed Taimyr in 1733 and died here together with her husband Vasily Pronchishchev.

Vasily Vasilievich Pronchishchev (1702-1736)

V.V. Pronchishchev led the third detachment of the Great Northern Expedition (from 1733 to 1736), whose task was to study and describe the coast of the Arctic Ocean from the mouth of the Lena to the Khatanga Bay, as well as the coast of the Taimyr Peninsula. The detachment consisted of 50 people, including such famous polar explorers as navigator S. Chelyuskin and surveyor N. Chekin.

In mid-August 1736, a small bay was discovered on the eastern coast of Taimyr, later named Pronchishchev bay. To the north, off the coast of Taimyr, in the sea, which now bears the name of the Laptevs, the detachment discovered several islands - Peter, Thaddeus and Samuil (since 1935 - the islands " Komsomolskaya Pravda"). Pronchishchev with his detachment reached almost 78 ° N. sh., that is, it moved north of Cape Chelyuskin to the eastern entrance to the Vilkitsky Strait.

At this time V. Pronchishchev was already seriously ill with scurvy. He died soon after, he was not even 34 years old. A few days later, his wife also died. The Pronchishchevs are buried nearby on the bank of the river. Olenek. The shore on the eastern coast of Taimyr, the ridge between the mouths of the Anabar and Olenek rivers, a cape near the Vilkitsky Strait are also named after the traveler.

The nature of Yakutia differs in severity. There are only two natural zones on the territory of the republic: tundra and taiga. Yakutia knows only two seasons of the year - a long winter lasting almost seven months and a short summer.

The main part of the territory is located within the rigid Siberian platform, resting on the Precambrian basement. Precambrian rocks rise to the surface in the northwest, forming the Anabar Crystalline Shield. In the upper part of the Vilyui basin, there is a vast area of ​​traps - outcrops of igneous rocks to the surface. In the central part of Yakutia, there is the Lena-Vilyui depression - a gentle platform depression filled with marine sediments. Yakutia is a treasury of various mineral raw materials... There's coal here and iron ore, gold and diamonds, deposits of non-ferrous metals and mica.

Fig. 121. Traps of the Central Siberian Plateau

The climate of the republic is sharply continental. There are almost no "warming" intrusions of cyclones that carry oceanic air masses inland. The region of the lowest temperatures roughly coincides with the Yakutsk - lower Lena - lower Kolyma triangle. In the east of this triangle lies the "pole of cold" of the Northern Hemisphere - Oymyakon. In winter, temperatures are common here -50 ...- 55 ° C at absolute minimum about -72 ° C. Even with a faint breath of breeze, every additional degree in a frost of 50-55 ° C feels painful. At this temperature, the characteristics of the metal change (it becomes brittle and brittle, like glass), lubricants, etc. Locals this is how the Yakut winter is described: “An inviolable silence and calmness, silence reigns everywhere. Everything froze, numb, turned into ice, which here acquires the hardness of a rock. Even the roof of the sky looks like a dome carved out of ice. It is pale, transparent, and for weeks on end neither cloudy spots nor clouds can be seen on it ... Immobile by the wind, like the spellbound forests stand, covered with a thick layer of snow. "

On the other hand, winter is the only time of the year when country forest roads become passable for cars, since the earth is frozen in frost. Small rivers freeze to the bottom in winter and have no runoff. On larger ones, especially on Indigirka, ice forms - taryns, when the incoming water, squeezed by the ice in the channel, breaks through the cracks near the coast and, overflowing, immediately freezes.

Yakutia is very rich in lakes. Most of them are of thermokarst origin. Often, lakes stretch out into chains connected by depressions, along which melt water form a through current in the spring. Such chains turn into otryakhi (grassy rivers), having no water at all in summer and winter and becoming watercourses only in case of rain. Overgrown with grasses otryakhi are good forest hayfields.

Yakutia is a classic example of a territory with permafrost. Summer heat is enough only to thaw the upper soil layer to a depth of 1-2 m, and sometimes even less. At a depth of 10-15 m, even on hot days, negative temperatures prevail. A layer of permafrost forms a kind of ice armor separating surface waters from deep underground. Vapors of air penetrating into the soil in summer condense above the permafrost layer and provide additional moisture to plants, which is especially important when there is a lack of atmospheric precipitation.

Permafrost greatly complicates the water supply of villages located away from ice-free water sources... In Yakutsk, they had to build deep wells for water supply of the city with sub-permafrost groundwater.

During the construction of buildings, a special technology has been developed that makes it possible to "preserve" the permafrost, turning it into a reliable foundation during construction. It is necessary to take measures against the swelling of the soil, which occurs as a result of alternating thawing and freezing of the upper layer. Sometimes under the pressure of groundwater freezing close to the surface, bulgunnyakhs are formed - a kind of hillocks with an ice core. Such bumps can spoil the arable field.

Permafrost is convenient for underground work: mines almost do not need fastening, no drainage is needed, etc. The population in rural areas uses permafrost as a reliable storage of perishable products.

East Siberian taiga... “... The strength and charm of the taiga is not in the giant trees and not in the deathly silence, but in the fact that only one migratory birds they know where it ends ... "(A.P. Chekhov)

The southern border of the European taiga stretches from St. Petersburg to Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan, and the Siberian one - from Tyumen to Krasnoyarsk. To the east, the plain taiga adjoins the mountain taiga Sayan and Transbaikalia, and only in the Amur Region there is a clear border of the taiga near Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk with mixed forests and forest-steppes.

Taiga bears the stamp of harsh climatic conditions. In winter, the taiga is the coldest zone in the country. In the east of Siberia, even average temperature January falls below -40 ° C. Summers are moderately warm.

Rice. 122. Taiga

Precipitation in the taiga ranges from 300 to 600 mm per year. Only in Central Yakutia does this amount decrease to 200 mm. A significant proportion of precipitation falls in the form of snow.

The river system in the taiga zone is dense, the rivers are full-flowing throughout the year. There are many lakes and swamps.

In the European part of the taiga zone, podzolic soils prevail, and in Siberia, where the climate is harsh, taiga-permafrost. These soils are not fertile, but fertilization and liming make it possible to use them for Agriculture... Taiga forests are formed by only one layer of trees, under which carpets of mosses, rare grasses and dwarf shrubs - lingonberry and blueberry - are spread.

The main species of taiga are spruce, pine, larch. The dominance of evergreen conifers is the response of plants to the length of the frosty winter: needles reduce the consumption of moisture for evaporation, which in frost would be the death of trees.

Spruce and fir are the main species of the gloomy and gloomy dark-war taiga, which prevails in the more humid parts of the zone. Larch taiga is called light coniferous.

The animals living in it are well adapted to life in the taiga. Among the ungulates, this is the elk, or elk, as it is called in the North. Predators are also characteristic of the taiga: lynx, wolverine, sable, marten, ermine. Rodents are also common: squirrel, chipmunk, white hare. Typical taiga birds are wood grouse, hazel grouse, nutcracker, crossbill.

Forests are the breadwinners of humans and animals, giving them nuts, berries, mushrooms, edible shoots, herbs.

Taiga is the world's largest hunting ground: squirrel and sable, marten and ermine, fox and hare are the main objects of the fur trade.

Wood is used for construction, production of technical raw materials, tanning, medicinal, dyeing and many other useful substances.

Forests are mighty oxygen factories, health resorts and resting places. Pine forests, with their fragrant resinous air and coppery-pink reflections of their trunks, are one of the adornments of Russian nature.

The Minusinsk Basin is a large ancient intermontane trough bounded from the east by the Eastern Sayan, from the west by the Kuznetsk Alatau, from the south by the Western Sayan, and from the north by the low ridge Arga.

The Minusinsk Basin is characterized by various forms of relief - wide plains, hills, ridges, small hills and low mountains. In elevated places, you can see the outcrops of ancient rocks. But most of the basin, like a cloak, is dressed in thick layers of loess. Therefore, very fertile forest-steppe and steppe soils - chernozems - are widespread here.

One of the interesting climatic features- the temperature inversions observed here in winter, that is, the inverse vertical distribution of temperature: its increase from bottom to top instead of its usual decrease. Inversions are especially typical for intermontane basins, where masses of heavy cold air stagnate. With the predominance of clear and frosty weather, intense radiation from the surface of a large amount of heat occurs here, which explains the especially low temperatures. winter months in intermontane basins.

In terms of the number of sunny warm days, the Minusinsk Basin differs significantly from the rest of Eastern Siberia. The warm climate allows these places to be called Siberian Italy. Here they are successfully engaged in the cultivation of not only grain crops, but also gardening and melon growing.

Altai- the highest mountains of all Siberia. The artist Nicholas Roerich considered Altai the pearl of Siberia and all of Asia. He admired this wonderful country, full of "beautiful forests, thundering rivers and snow-white ridges." It was in Altai that Academician Vladimir Afanasevich Obruchev identified newest stage in the development of relief - neotectonic. The newest tectonic movements have led to the formation of younger ridges, stretching from west to east. The highest peak of Altai is Mount Belukha, its height is 4506 m. The complex geological history of the development of Altai is the main reason for its richness in metal ores.

Find the main ore deposits Altai. Altai is the westernmost of the South Siberian mountain systems, and therefore the most moisturized. But determine the amount of precipitation on the western and eastern slopes of Altai using the maps of the textbook, explain the reason for the differences.

Here is the richest taiga in all of Siberia, the most lush meadows and mountain pastures. Altai has a distinctly expressed altitudinal zonality (Fig. 123).

Over the steppes and mountain forest-steppe stretches the mighty mountain taiga: in the north it rises up to 400-1500 m, in the south - up to 1700-2400 m. The dark coniferous taiga is formed by Siberian cedars, spruce, fir. The northwestern foothills are covered with pine and deciduous forests... In drier areas, clarified forests of Siberian larch... Taiga is replaced by mountain alpine meadows, which are not inferior in juiciness and color to the Greater Caucasus, and in the gigantism of grasses - to "grass forests" Of the Far East... Mountain tundra and rocky snow-glacial peaks stretch over the meadows (from a height of 1600 m).

Rice. 123. Altitudinal zonality in the mountains of Eastern Siberia

Questions and tasks

  1. What are the most typical relief and climatic conditions territory can be distinguished in Eastern Siberia?
  2. Write your own description the most beautiful river Siberia - Lena.
  3. Give comparative characteristics nature of depressions and mountainous regions in the south of Eastern Siberia.


Two species grow on the territory of Siberia: Siberian spruce (P. obovata) and Ayan spruce (P. ajanensis). Depending on the growing conditions and others natural factors, the tree has a number of morphobiological forms. Outwardly, they mainly differ in the color of the needles. It can be green, silver, golden, or bluish gray. The last of the listed varieties is considered the rarest.

The emergence of similarities and differences, as environment influences the process of realization of inherited traits, in particular, genetics finds out in spruce trees.

The importance of genetics is great for agriculture and forestry. She serves theoretical basis for the selection of agricultural plants and animals. The task of breeding is to change the hereditary properties of plants and animals, to create varieties and breeds that allow you to get the maximum amount of production best quality and meet the needs of agricultural production.

Genetics has great importance and for medical and agricultural immunology. Specific knowledge in this area allows a targeted fight against hereditary diseases and pathogens of agricultural plants and animals.

Natural characteristics of Siberia

Territories of Siberia. Natural zones of Siberia

The territory of Siberia is primordially divided into two parts: Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia. Western Siberia includes: Tyumen region, Altai region, Kemerovo region... Eastern Siberia includes: Taimyr Territory, Tungus, Yakutia, Transbaikalia, Irkutsk Region and the Republic of Buryatia.

Western Siberia consists of many lakes and rivers, with small areas of taiga. The Tyumen Region is located in the West Siberian Plain. The Yamal and Gydansky peninsulas in Siberia are completely covered with tundra vegetation. Their height above sea level is only 10 - 20 meters. To the south of Siberia, the height of the territories rises to 100 - 150 meters. The Sibirskiy Uval Upland is located in the West Siberian Plain. Its height is about 285 meters above sea level. Further, there is a large swampy valley of the Ob River. These places are rich in oil and natural gas.

About 700 thousand years ago, there were glaciers on the territory of Western Siberia. The northern part of Western Siberia was often flooded by the sea. Inhabited here: a big-horned deer, woolly rhinos and mammoths, whose tusks are still found on the territory of Yamal and the Gydan Peninsula. As a result of the global cooling in Western Siberia, an area of ​​long-term permafrost... In the northern regions, the ground is frozen 450 meters. Only under the water bodies the ground was not frozen. In the more southern regions of Western Siberia, the permafrost has become two-layer: ancient permafrost located at a depth of 150 - 400 meters and modern permafrost.

There is an area of ​​thawed soil between these layers. Such soils are very fragile for construction work.

Several natural zones are located on the territory of Western Siberia. After dark coniferous forests, small-leaved aspen-birch forests are located. They are replaced by forest-steppe, where they grow like meadow herbaceous plants and birch. To the south of Western Siberia, the number tree species decreases. Near the border with Kazakhstan, the landscape is endless vast steppes. A large number of land plowed up for the cultivation of agricultural products. Due to the fact that there are enough areas for pastures, animal husbandry is developed here.

In the southern part of Western Siberia, there are plains and lowlands in the region of the Tobol, Irtysh and Ob rivers. In some places there are hills. This whole area is swampy. The Vasyugan Plain is a continuous swamp occupying vast territories. In the east of Western Siberia, the foothills of the Salair Ridge begin, and then the ranges of the Kuznetsk Altai. Altai mountains are the highest in southern Siberia. They have an unusual relief. Mountain ranges go out from one center and diverge in different directions, like the rays of the sun.

The Putorana plateau is located in the southern part of the Taimyr Territory. It is the highest part of the Central Siberian Plateau. The plateau is composed of layers of sandstone and igneous rocks... Numerous small valleys are lakes. Big Khantaysky is the most large lake with an area of ​​882 square kilometers. The most deep place the lake reaches 420 meters.

Most of Central Siberia is located on the Central Siberian Plateau.

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