Proper feeding of an infant. Breast Feeding Technique

Immediately after giving birth, a woman has no milk, but there is colostrum, a colorless liquid that appears in the breast in the second trimester of pregnancy. Colostrum contains a huge amount of useful substances in a concentrated form. They are able to protect the newborn from infectious diseases and intestinal disorders, allow you to organize a complete immune protection of the infant. Colostrum is 100% digested by infants. It is very important that the baby receives the first food as quickly as possible, because during pregnancy he was used to the fact that food comes to him around the clock, without any effort, that he does not know such a feeling of hunger and is frightened by these new, unpleasant sensations.

Early attachment of a newborn to the maternal breast is of particular importance for a woman. In the process of sucking in the female body, the production of a special hormone oxytocin is activated, which contributes to the reduction of the uterus and prevents postpartum hemorrhage. In addition, the formation of the hormone prolactin, responsible for the amount of breast milk, is launched.

That is why the first attachment to the breast, which in the ideal case should happen within half an hour after birth, is so important for the baby and for his mother. Well, if the baby gets about 50 ml of colostrum. Therefore, do not rush, feed your little miracle properly, let him understand that he has come to a cozy and good world.

How to breastfeed?

A newborn who has just come into the world does not know and does not understand how he should now receive food, because before that everything happened by itself, but what now? It should be noted that during pregnancy general principle  suck all babies master. Also, being in mom's tummy, they suck their fingers and cams, producing a sucking reflex. Therefore, immediately after birth, the baby instinctively opens the mouth, sticks out the tongue, trying to find a source of food. This is where the mother should attach the baby to the breast, filled with colostrum. And it is important to make it so that the baby and you feel comfortable. With proper breast grabbing, the baby will never hurt you, will not swallow air. Therefore, it is desirable to master the feeding technique while still in the hospital. How to give a breast to a newborn:

  • Step 1. Take a comfortable position. You can feed the baby while sitting, lying and standing. It is important to follow the basic rule - the body and the face of the newborn should be in the same plane. It is desirable for mom to relax, the main thing is calm and comfort. You can put pads under your back, take cover with a rug, if it is cool, because feeding takes quite a long time. How to breastfeed while lying? Yes, as well as sitting, the basic principles remain the same.
  • Step 2. We take the baby, pressing it tightly to itself, the head should be opposite the chest, the mouth at the level of the areola (brown circle around the nipple). Make sure that the baby's head is not thrown back, your shoulders do not sag between your hands. , another feed and guide the chest.
  • Step 3. Start feeding. With the thumb and forefinger we squeeze the areola of that breast from which we will give milk, we achieve the appearance of folds. Place it parallel to the lips of the baby. We spend the tip of the nipple on the lips of the baby, waiting for him to open his mouth wide, tracking his tongue to lie on the lower gum, and at this moment attract him, putting the areola deeper into his mouth. Pay attention, not chest closer to the child, and his to him.
  • Step 4. Feed. After the baby begins to eat vigorously, you can remove your fingers from the areola and relax. In the first days you will have to start feeding several times, since the baby will twist his head, lose his breast, fall asleep in the process of feeding. It is important to patiently and persistently put an areola in his mouth, at least a centimeter. Then the baby, eating, will press on the way of passing the milk, stimulating its production. Remember that the baby will learn to eat correctly only by the second or third week, and a steady skill will be formed by two or three months.

How often to breastfeed a child?

The answer to this question worries all young moms. Everything is simple here. In the first days, when the baby was just born, its ventricle is still very small and poorly adapted for feeding. Colostrum is absorbed very quickly and comes the feeling of hunger. Noticed that the baby starts to cry, open his mouth, sticks out the tongue, trying to suck the cam? It's time to put it to your chest, let him eat, do not finish feeding until he interrupts him. It is recommended to organize such a diet during the first 5 days after delivery. On average, it turns out that the baby eats 15-20 times a day. Specially do not wake the baby, let everything around coincide with its own rhythm. Around the fifth day, mommy will have a significant milk rush and you can already go on a diet that experts recommend, about 10-12 times a day.

How long to breastfeed?

The optimal period for breastfeeding is 2 years. Previously, pediatricians insisted that a baby should be weaned a year, today we are talking about two years. It can be concluded that this solution is largely individual. Hard deadlines do not exist. As the baby matures, the composition of mother's milk changes, it adapts to the children's organism, the amount of nutrients in it is enough to satisfy the needs of the growing organism. Of course, starting from 6 months, additional food, juices, mashed potatoes, etc. are necessarily introduced. But, to deny the baby in obtaining breast milk, if the mother has it, is not necessary. The end of breastfeeding in each family has its own. Trust your intuition, but try to feed your little treasure yourself for at least half a year.

To watch a video with detailed instructions of an expert on successful breastfeeding, you can purchase our course.

Young mothers, remember the main thing - the best, perfectly balanced food for an infant is breast milk. Do not worry that feeding can spoil your figure, will prevent weight loss gained during pregnancy. All these are myths.

Breastfeeding is a guarantee of health not only for babies, but also for the wonderful state of health and the amazing beauty of his mother!

Every year more and more mothers face problems related to breastfeeding. In many cases, this is due to the misbehavior of pregnant women and lack of knowledge of aspects of how to properly feed the newborn. breast milk. But mother's milk is the basis of the health of the baby. The first six months it is vital, because no matter how good the infant formula is, it does not repeat the structure of breast milk by 100%. Nature has taken care that everything in milk is necessary for the full development and formation of all body systems.

How to feed a newborn with breast milk

After birth, the child must be attached to the breast. There are several reasons for this:

  • A child is unlikely to immediately suck the breast, but if he lays it and a couple drops of colostrum fall into his mouth, it will have a beneficial effect on the work of his immune system (“passive immunization”).
  • The mother begins to receive signals to the brain to produce milk.
  • The contact of the mother with the child, he feels her warm. It is important. Childbirth for a child is stressful - he has come to a world that is still alien to him.

In the first three days, mom produces colostrum - primary milk. It is radically different from mature milk in a smaller amount of carbohydrates, but there is a huge amount of vitamins and proteins in it. Colostrum strengthens the child’s immune system and colonizes its intestines with vital microflora. Also, colostrum allows the intestines of the child to clear meconium (primary stool), as it has a small, laxative effect.

Colostrum is constantly released, in contrast to milk, which is released in "waves", periods. To start the production of milk faster, you need to attach the child to the breast. The more he, with the help of sucking movements irritates the nipple, the more signals goes to the mother's brain. Result: in three days milk production will begin.

When making milk, you need to ensure that no traffic jams form, there is no redness. If there is a lot of milk, it needs to be decanted, otherwise stagnation may occur, which can develop into inflammations. If you feel chest pain and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not do it in time, there is a need for an operation.

How to apply a baby for feeding

Now, in maternity homes, young mothers are taught how to properly apply a baby for feeding, apparently this is not being done adequately. It is best to protect yourself from unpleasant moments and even before childbirth to remember and learn the rules of how to properly apply the newborn for feeding. You protect yourself from troubles and help yourself and the child to enjoy the joint pastime.

The main and unchanging is that you need to understand how to properly feed an infant, this is comfort and relaxation for both. Otherwise, it should not be because feeding takes a long time and can tire both.

At the beginning of feeding, the baby must grab not only the nipple, but also the halo around it. Otherwise, bleeding wounds may appear around the nipple, making feeding very painful or even impossible.

In order for the child to correctly capture the nipple and the halo, it is necessary, with the mouth wide open, to give him a little chest with an inclination "up" so that the nipple is not in the center, but above and rests the child at the sky. The halo around the nipple should be fully captured, but if it is too voluminous, then it is allowed, as the norm, if its upper part is partially visible. Some women are comfortable when they “feed” the breast, capturing the area around the halo with the thumb and forefinger, and some hold it a little higher.

At this time, the tongue should be down on the jaw. Check it out or not, you can look at the lower sponge. If it is turned out a little, during the nipple halo girth, then the tongue is in place.

How to feed a newborn with breast milk, video

If you have correctly attached the child to your chest, it will “turn on” a powerful natural “vacuum”. The first sucking movements are rather chaotic and do not have a rhythm, since milk is released and, if there is a lot of it, the baby can suck a little. And after that already begins to suck more measured. If you see that the breast is too hard and hard to grab, and it is even impossible for a child and it hurts for you, then dissolve it a little.

It is best to use several poses alternately. This will help you to release different breast lobes from milk and to prevent milk stagnation. If you experiment a bit with postures, follow the sensations in the chest, then you will quickly understand which postures are best to use. Sometimes a child loves some of them more, sucks the milk better and falls asleep faster.

  You have to be prepared for the fact that during the first few months, feeding can take a lot of time, so immediately, before feeding, you need to prepare and deliver what you need: water, a book or any interesting reading matter (so that time passes faster and not get tired). And, of course, be patient.

For a feeling of complete comfort, you will need pillows, which are also needed to adjust the position of the baby. Sometimes they use coasters for their feet, maybe mom will also like it, as it contributes to the rest of the legs and the back.

The “classic” feeding position is the “cradle”. It is important that the baby’s tummy is pressed against the mother’s belly. This is optimal for the child, his communication with his mother and eliminates colic. The head of the child lies on her elbow. Mom can sit in a chair or where she is comfortable. In order not to get tired hand, some put a pillow under the child. If it is necessary to direct the seizure of the breast by the child, then opposite to the breast where the child is, with the hand, take the head and direct it to the breast.

Pose for feeding newborns in the photo

Useful posture "from under the arm." If there is stagnation, then the milk is well removed from the lower and side lobes of the breast. The child is lying under the arm. Be sure to use pillows, otherwise the hand gets tired.

For night feedings are very comfortable posture in the prone position. They will allow the mother to rest, and not accidentally "pounce" on the child. Mom's head should lie on a pillow, and shoulders should be lower. The child should lie on its side. If you need to give the child another chest, you just need to put it on the pillow so that it is at chest level.

Perhaps mom will like the pose "jack." It removes milk from the upper lobes. The child rests his chin on the upper part of the breast, milk with these lobes comes out better, and the lobes are released. For convenience, you can put the baby under the back of the roller. How to feed a newborn lying down, the mother should decide on the basis of what is convenient for both of them.

If the mother's milk secretion occurs intensively, you can use the pose when the baby is lying on top. Mom takes a half-sitting position, putting the baby on her stomach. At the same time, milk is not so actively excreted, so it will not choke and express discontent. And still there is a stimulation, easy massage of a tummy and to the child colic will annoy less.

Other poses are less popular. Everything is very individual, so the mother herself should decide what suits her and the child more.

Pose for feeding an infant, how to properly attach the baby when feeding, video

How much should a newborn eat in one feed?
  and how often you need to feed

Now all pediatricians agree that there is no particular debate about how often to feed a newborn with breast milk. Feeding by the hour - a restriction that entails inconvenience. The baby must suckle without restrictions. This is important in the first months of life. He will take the breast up to 10 times a day. He wants to be close to his mother, to feel her warmth, energy, sucking him calms, gives security and allows you to grow organically.

There are babies who suck actively, quickly gorge themselves and fall asleep sweetly. There are "gourmets", they love to pull time, suck slowly, with the arrangement, falling asleep, hold their breasts. How to understand, determine the time of feeding? It's impossible.

In one feeding, one breast is given, the next breast changes. It organizes by letting suck the “front” and “back” milk. "Front" plays the role of drinking, instead of water, and the "back" is thicker and fatter, it has more nutrients. It is necessary to give the child the breast in turns, two at once, if the child is not full.

Often mothers worry if the baby is full. If you are full:

  • Quietly falling asleep
  • Has a deep sleep
  • Weight gain and height according to normal

It so happens that mom is afraid to overfeed. As a rule, he decides how much to eat. The rate of feeding a newborn breastfed has no clearly defined boundaries. Baby should never be clear and consistent scheme - 150 ml per feeding. He can eat 5 ml, the next time 150 ml. If he ate a little and fell asleep, he will wake up in 1-1.5 hours and will demand that he put it on his chest.

In addition to all the rules, the mother must comply with the regime of the day. It is important that her diet was varied, but given the fact that you can eat, and what can cause your baby allergies or colic.

Ideally, if the mother feeds breast milk up to a year. But up to 6 months milk is vital. It is an ideal food in which all nutrients are balanced. In the first year, the baby is bookmarking further health, and the milk will help him. Mom should make every effort to have milk.
  If problems began with lactation, then you should not give up and immediately transfer the child to bottle feeding. Apply it to your chest for several days. Perhaps this is temporary and the milk will start flowing again.

Modern mothers know that mother's milk is the most valuable food for a baby. It contains all the necessary vitamins. Mom should try to extend the period of feeding. How to breastfeed, and is it possible to prepare for this in advance?

A young mother should learn information about breastfeeding before birth. This will give her confidence in himself, help calmly tune in to the feeding process when the baby is born.

  1. Doctors believe that the child should be applied to the mother’s breast immediately after childbirth. And this is true. Just a few hours of colostrum is the most nourishing and strengthens the immune system of the baby.
  2. In some cases it is forbidden to put the baby to the chest. This is due to the use of general anesthesia, birth trauma of the baby or serious illness of the mother: HIV, syphilis.
  3. For women's health, early breast attachment is important. The fact is that sucking provokes a contraction of the uterus and separation of the placenta.
  4. Taking antibiotics and undergoing treatment with a number of drugs, you cannot breastfeed.
  5. A healthy baby does not need additional feeding, since colostrum provides all the needs of a newborn. Give the chest as often as possible.
  6. Feed the baby need for 15 minutes, but the chest should be alternated. This stimulates lactation well and milk will soon appear.
  7. Breast size does not affect lactation. Want more milk? Let the baby suck more often.
  8. If after childbirth HB is contraindicated, it is necessary to express milk. This will prevent the development of mastitis. Regular treatment is the key to long lactation.

How to give breast newborn

For a successful feeding process, every mother needs to know how to properly breastfeed her baby. If you do not acquire certain skills, you can provoke a failure of the newborn from GW. To establish a good lactation will help:

  • comfortable posture for mothers during feeding;
  • comfortable position of the child;
  • proper position and grip on the nipple.

From the very first day you need to select the most comfortable postures for feeding, because the process can take a long time. The inconvenient position of the mother or baby will cause a desire to abandon HB. Every woman should be serious about this issue.

Top feeding positions

When choosing suitable poses for feeding, a mother should take into account her weight, breast size and shape, and her state of health. Not only the saturation of the infant with milk, but also the release of the glands depends on the correctly chosen position.

Various postures from a prone position are considered the most comfortable when feeding. They allow the mother to rest, relax, and feed the baby after feeding. For those who practice joint sleep, posture lying most comfortable.

Often there are poses for feeding, when the mother is sitting. They are not less convenient, provide the correct capture of a breast and bring to the kid full saturation with milk.

  1. Position "cradle". A woman sitting holds the child in her arms, his head lies on the crook of her elbow. This option is considered to be as comfortable as possible; the baby clears the milk way well, completely sated with milk.
  2. There is a pose “backward crib”. The head of the baby is on the hand of a woman, while his torso is located under the arm. Sitting in this position, the mother does not get tired of the process and can control the seizure of the breast, adjusting the position of the nipple.
  3. From under the arm. A rather comfortable position when the baby is lying loose, and the mother is holding his head with her palms. A good feeding option for hyperactive children or after cesarean section. The body of the newborn is under the arm, which reduces the pressure on the uterus and ensures proper grip of the breast.
  4. A good option when breastfeeding children from 6 months will be sitting posture. The child is independently placed on the mother’s lap, which provides comfort for both.

Modern women value their time, the rhythm of life forces them to be active. Sometimes the feeding process takes place almost on the run.

  1. Swaying baby standing. Good posturewhen you need to feed and feed the child. Mom has to keep it at chest level, so that the baby was as comfortable as possible.
  2. A child who is well-legged can be fed by placing it on a chair. Hands mother holds baby, ensuring full grip on the nipple.
  3. With frequent regurgitation, you can feed the child when he sits on his mother's thigh, legs wrapped around her waist. With this option, the woman is standing.

How often to feed the baby

Many mothers wonder: how often to give a breast to a newborn? Today, doctors advise feeding on demand. Although most recently they insisted on strict compliance with the regime. So where is the truth?

Correct breast-feeding  incompatible with modes. In the first months of a child’s life, he should receive food in response to each of his screams or search movement.

Recognizing a hungry cry is quite simple. The baby starts shaking his head in different directions in search of a nipple, opens his mouth and grabs his finger. Most babies are fully saturated in 20 minutes, but some children are slow. It is not necessary to take the breast when the baby gets enough milk, he will let her go. The last portions are the most nutritious, contain more vitamins. Such milk is often called "back".

Daily feeding of infants should be at least once every two hours. But at night, if the child is sleeping peacefully, the intervals between meals can be up to four hours.

Suck off night feedings are not worth it. The woman's body is designed so that hormones are produced at night. Between 3 and 8 o'clock there should be several feedings. Adhering to these rules, a woman will ensure a long and stable lactation.

Some experienced experts advise moms to feed the baby while lying in warm water in the bath. In their opinion, this allows you to establish full tactile contact with the baby, which relieves stress and eliminates colic. With this method of feeding, both can fully enjoy the process.

Feeding should not be associated with difficulty. Mom should rest, relax and think only about the baby. Choose the most comfortable posture: on the couch, easy chair or bed. This is sure to benefit both and prolong such an important stage in the life of the infant - natural feeding.

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