Cottage cheese recipes for children. Cottage cheese dishes for children

All mothers know that making babies eat dairy and sour-milk products is not only difficult, but sometimes impossible, despite all their benefits. Our recipes for cottage cheese dishes for children leave this statement no chance - the kids will enjoy these treats with pleasure, and even ask for supplements. And if your child flatly refuses this calcium and phosphorus-rich product, maybe you just don’t know how to cook it right?

Our options for children's cottage cheese dishes are easy to learn, cook quickly, and disappear from plates even faster. In addition, unlike the advertised store curds, you know exactly what your dessert includes.

Learning to choose the right curd

Since we will prepare our treats for children (although other members of the family are unlikely to resist such a temptation), it is worth taking the choice of a product seriously. Remember our recommendations the next time you go shopping!

  • The color of the curd product should be from light white to pale cream - all other shades indicate that the product is stale.
  • In the case of purchasing a packaged store product, opt for the product in plastic containers - it is stored there longer.
  • Remember that on the product should be written “Cottage cheese”, and not “Cottage cheese product” and similar combinations.
  • If we are talking about market curd, then ask to try a small piece of the product - so you will know exactly what you get. Also, if you buy cottage cheese by weight, remember that after about 36 hours it will begin to oxidize and will soon become worthless.

Well, the cottage cheese is bought, you can return to your own kitchen and start cooking “delicious things” for the smallest family members.

Dessert from cottage cheese “Pear Fantasy”


For cream:

  • Fresh cottage cheese - 450-500 g + -
  •   - 4 tbsp. l + -
  •   - 4 tbsp. l + -
  •   - 1 slice + -

For a layer of dessert:

  • Pear - 3 fruits + -
  •   - 3 tbsp. l + -
  • Cinnamon - 1 pinch + -
  • Cornflakeshalf a glass+ -
  • Crushed walnuts  - 2 tbsp. l + -
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife + -
  •   - a third of a glass + -
  • Porous Chocolate  - half tile + -


Incredibly delicious, delicate and airy dessert, which at first sight (yes, the first impression is just visual!) Will conquer both adults and children. Young representatives of the family will immediately want to try this curd dish for children, and everyone else will have a silent question in their eyes “HOW did you manage it?”!

1. Melt the chocolate in a small saucepan in a water bath, let it cool slightly.

2. Pour cornflakes into chocolate and mix. Then we extract these flakes, put them on a plate and carefully separate. We remove the dishes with cereals in the refrigerator for cooling.

3. Wash the pears under water, peel them, remove the middle from them and cut them into centimeter cubes.

4. Put the pear slices in a saucepan, fill in three tablespoons of sugar and pour about half a glass of water or a little less. We put the pear harvest on a small fire for languishing. Fruits should be soft, but not turn into a homogeneous mass. Toward the end of the process, add cinnamon to the pears and mix.

5. Well, now let's start preparing a gentle curd cream. To do this, send the cottage cheese, sour cream and juice of a lemon slice into a blender bowl and turn it into a homogeneous mass.

6. We begin to make out our dessert: in a deep glass or bowl we spread a layer of cottage cheese. From above we evenly distribute a layer of pears, which we cover with chocolate flakes. We complete the “assembly” with a curd cream hat.

7. We decorate the resulting dish of cottage cheese for children with crushed walnuts. As an option, you can complement the decoration with grated chocolate and a leaf of mint - in this case you will receive exquisite refreshments worthy of serving in the best restaurants.

With such a “curd tale” you can end the children's holiday by offering guests an interesting alternative to a classic cake, or simply pamper a little gourmet on a Sunday. By the way, why only the baby? Adults will also be delighted with your culinary delight!

Egg cakes from cottage cheese


  • Cottage cheese - 0.5 kg + -
  • Flour - 0.5 kg + -
  • Serum - half a glass+ -
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp. + -
  •   - half a tsp + -
  •   - 6 pcs. + -
  •   - small bunch + -
  •   - 100 g + -


We are somehow used to the fact that children's dishes from cottage cheese traditionally mean all sorts of “sweets” and desserts. Our recipe clearly proves that unsweetened curd dishes turn out incredibly mouth-watering!

1. We set the eggs to cook for 5-7 minutes.

2. We extinguish the serum with soda.

3. We mix flour with cottage cheese, salt and pour the whey into the mixture. Knead the resulting composition into a tight dense dough and let it stand for a bit.

4. In the meantime, we move on to preparing the toppings: peel the eggs and chop them with a knife. Dill finely chop and mix with eggs and salt.

5. Grind the cheese with a grater and put it into the filling, mix well.

6. Now we form our curd product: from the dough we make a small cake, in the middle of which we put the filling. Then we roll out a ball of dough with our hands so that the filling is inside.

7. We fry the pies on both sides, after watering the pan with oil, until “golden”.

Our children's cottage cheese dish will serve as an excellent option for a hearty breakfast that will provide the child with energy and strength for the whole day!

Worthy of a separate mention and dishes from the children's cottage cheese. Do you think this product is suitable only for babies as an additional feeding? Oh no, it has long been used in cooking as a high-quality and especially tender kind of cottage cheese. Try it and you cook an appetizing dish from this product!

Dessert from the cottage cheese “Banana Joy”


  • Banana - 1 fruit + -
  • Apple - 1 fruit + -
  • Mandarin - 1 fruit + -
  • Children's curd  - 1 pack + -
  • Chocolate - a quarter of the bar + -

Cottage cheese dishes  useful to everyone, and especially to children.

Pure curd should be given to a baby from 8 months old little by little, just as any complementary foods are introduced. Cottage cheese is a very valuable and nutritious product, it contains complete protein, calcium, essential amino acids, milk fat and, of course, vitamins. after one year. Proteins of cottage cheese are better digested by the stomach and intestines than proteins of meat (because they are partially associated with salts of calcium and phosphorus), because of this, cottage cheese is well absorbed by the body. Nutritionists advise eating cottage cheese in the afternoon, since it is at this time that calcium is better absorbed. Therefore, dishes from cottage cheese are recommended to be used for dinner, at mid-afternoon. The use of cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes contributes to the formation of proper metabolism in babies. The minerals that make up the cottage cheese take part in bone formation, the formation of hemoglobin in the blood and in the nutrition of the nervous system of children.

It is clear that to prepare meals for children you need to use only fresh and high-quality cottage cheese. If you buy cottage cheese in a store or in the market, then you can doubt that, and in another. After my daughter was poisoned in the summer with baby curd bought in a store, the date of which indicated that it was fresh, I began to make the curd myself. After all, we cannot know reliably in what conditions and at what temperature the products are stored by the seller, especially in the summer. At first, cooking seems long, but now I have got into the habit of cooking my daughters and yogurt every day myself. Up to a year, kids need to cook fresh cottage cheese every day, and after a year it is already possible in a day. Cottage cheese dishes there are a variety of.

In this, it is known that fresh cottage cheese is a very useful product that must be included in the daily diet of any person. Even the most low-calorie diets should not permanently exclude cottage cheese from the diet. Since it is rich in calcium and other beneficial substances that are involved in the life of the body. Unfortunately, not everyone loves the taste of this fresh sour-milk product. However, there are very tasty and healthy cottage cheese dishes that both adults and children enjoy eating.

Cottage Cheese Diet

Let's start with women who prefer cottage cheese diet dishes that have a minimum calorie content and maximum nutritional value. For you, dear ladies, we have prepared a light vegetable salad with cottage cheese, a spicy curd snack and a gentle sour-milk smoothie.

Vegetable salad with cottage cheese

To prepare this fresh and very light dish we will need:

  • 300 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 0%
  • 30 g low-fat sour cream or yogurt
  • 2 multi-colored bell peppers
  • bunch of leek
  • salt and pepper to taste

Pepper must be cut into small cubes, leek - finely chopped. Mix the prepared vegetables with cottage cheese and season with sour cream or yogurt. Salad and pepper to taste. You can also add lemon juice and various spices - ginger, oregano, coriander. Bell pepper is a storehouse of vitamin C. Therefore, this salad can safely be called a "vitamin bomb."

Spicy curd snack

To prepare this dish we need:

  • half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese
  • kilogram of spinach
  • 5 g butter
  • 1 medium onion
  • 4-5 small cloves of garlic
  • ground cloves (half a teaspoon)
  • ginger (2 teaspoons)
  • chili pepper (to taste)

Cooking from cottage cheese takes very little time. In this case, you only need to fry finely chopped onions and garlic over low heat. Add ginger and chili to this. Next, pour the spinach leaves in a frying pan and fry them with onions until soft. This frying should be mixed with cottage cheese, chopped garlic and cloves. Blyulo is ready. You can eat it separately or spread on whole grain toasts. It will be very tasty and healthy.

Curd Smoothie

Finally, we suggest you make a gentle curd drink that you can safely drink during the diet and which you can fully treat your friends to. To make a smoothie, take:

  • half a glass of orange or apple juice,
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 100 g frozen strawberries, raspberries or other berries
  • 80g cottage cheese

All ingredients must be mixed in a blender, and at the end you can add sugar to taste. If you count calories, then you can refuse sugar. To make the drink thicker or more liquid, you can change the proportion of fruit juice.

Cottage cheese dishes for children

The child’s body is growing rapidly, so delicious cottage cheese dishes for kids can be quite high-calorie. You can well give crunchy crispy cookies with compote for a snack, and you can also make a healthy cottage cheese casserole and a delicious cottage cheese dessert. Your child will never refuse these sweets that will replenish his calcium reserves, which are essential for strong teeth, strong bones and beautiful hair.

Curd Cookies

In order to make tender cookies for a child, we need:

  • 250 g of cottage cheese
  • a pack of margarine
  • glass of sugar
  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir
  • some soda
  • vanilla

The cottage cheese must be thoroughly wiped with sugar and margarine until a homogeneous soft mass. You also need to beat the eggs by adding soda and kefir to them (to extinguish the soda). Next, mix cottage cheese with eggs, add vanilla, flour and knead uncooked dough. To make the dough roll better, let it stand for 30-40 minutes. Then it can be rolled out and cut out with a glass of circles. To form an interesting shape of a cookie, you can dip one side of the circle in sugar and pinch it inward in the form of an “envelope” or “rose”. Such cookies are baked on an absolutely dry baking sheet at an average temperature of about 25 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

Many children do not like casserole, although in fact it can be very tender and juicy. So, we take:

  • kilogram of cottage cheese
  • a glass of sour cream
  • glass of sugar
  • 5-6 eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • a few tablespoons of semolina
  • vanilla and some salt

Half an hour before you start cooking, mix semolina with sour cream and leave it to swell. Soak the raisins in advance. We wipe the cottage cheese in a blender or through a sieve. Beat eggs with sugar. In the egg mixture add cottage cheese, swollen semolina, a pinch of salt, vanilla and raisins. We lay out all this mixture in a greased form and bake for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 190 ° C.

Curd dessert

This delicious dessert will perfectly complement our cottage cheese dishes for children. To prepare it, we need:

  • 250 g of cottage cheese
  • a glass of milk
  • 80 g sour cream
  • half a glass of sugar
  • 1-2 bananas
  • vanilla
  • 15-20 g of gelatin

Beat cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar in a blender. On low heat, heat the milk and dissolve the gelatin in it. Add vanilla to the milk. Next, carefully mix the grated curd with a solution of gelatin. We put banana slices in it, put everything in a mold and send it overnight in the refrigerator to freeze our dessert. Your child will certainly appreciate such an airy dessert. Although it takes a maximum of 20 minutes to cook. There are various cottage cheese dishes. Choose what you and your loved ones like. But be sure to ensure that this fresh sour-milk product is constantly present on your table.

Cheesecakes - a tasty and easy-to-cook dish made from cottage cheese, which is given to children for breakfast or as a snack between main meals. In addition, it has a lot of useful properties, as it contains important vitamins and minerals. Cheesecakes strengthen the health of teeth and gums, develop the skeleton and muscle mass, positively affect the condition of the skin and stimulate hair growth. They improve memory and concentration.

Many parents are interested in the age at which you can give your baby cottage cheese pancakes. Pediatricians recommend doing this after 1.2-1.5 years. However, if the baby responds normally to the ingredients, you can prepare a dish for the one-year-old crumbs. In any case, you need to correctly enter the products in the diet of the child. In the article we will consider the rules of feeding this dish and find out the recipe for how to cook delicious cheesecakes for children 1 year old.

How to cook cheese cakes for a one-year-old baby

  • For cooking, it is advisable to take fresh home-made cottage cheese, which can be easily made at home. The recipe for homemade cottage cheese for children you will find;
  • For the first recipe, do not take additional components in the form of vegetables, dried fruits or fruits. Add new ingredients to the recipe gradually;
  • It is advisable to cook cheese cakes in the oven or in a slow cooker. If you still give a fried product, first remove the golden crust;
  • For the first time, give your child a small piece of cottage cheese pancake and watch the baby’s reaction. If the crumb is well tolerated by the curd, there should be no negative consequences;
  • At first, give the baby cottage cheese pancakes no more than once a day, one thing each. Then gradually increase the portion to two or three pieces and give the dish no more than twice a week;
  • Do not feed your baby cheesecakes at night or at night before bedtime, as this is a heavy digestion product;

  • If you notice symptoms of food allergies, indigestion, or other negative consequences, exclude syrniki from the diet of crumbs and consult a doctor. You can retry the introduction of the product no earlier than a month later and only after consulting a specialist;
  • If the baby eats cheesecakes well, you can gradually include other ingredients in the recipe. Suitable green apples and pears, carrots and bananas, pumpkin and zucchini, dried fruits, cherries and plums;
  • Instead of chicken eggs, quail can be used. This is a dietary hypoallergenic product that is much healthier. If you use quail eggs, take twice as many pieces as chicken eggs;
  • Do not use too liquid or wet cottage cheese, otherwise cheesecakes will spread over the container. To make the cottage cheese dough more dense and elastic, grind the cottage cheese first and pass through a blender or meat grinder. Add more flour to the mixture, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will get pies;
  • When cooking, do not use a lot of salt and sugar. Use low-fat sour cream for serving and filling. Sometimes you can give cottage cheese pancakes with natural honey, jam or jam, if the baby does not have problems with excess weight and stomach, allergies or diathesis, diabetes;
  • When cooking or serving, it is better to refuse condensed milk and cocoa, citrus and exotic fruits (except banana) until the child is 2.5-3 years old. Use chocolate with caution. These are very allergenic foods. In addition, the modern market offers many fake and non-natural similar products with a high content of carcinogens, dyes and various chemicals. This can cause serious poisoning in the crumbs!

Cheesecake recipes for children

Classic recipe

  • Cottage cheese - 120 gr;
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
  • Chicken egg - 1 yolk;
  • Sugar - 1 tea. a spoon;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Butter - 10 gr (for frying);

This recipe is suitable for the first test of cheesecakes. Squeeze the cottage cheese and pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Add flour, yolk and mix thoroughly. Then salt and pour a spoonful of sugar, mix again. Divide the resulting dough into approximately equal portions, roll the balls, roll in flour and form cakes. The billets are fried in butter until golden brown on each side, and then left for five minutes under a lid over low heat.

In the oven

  • Cottage cheese - 450 gr;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 4 table. spoons;
  • Sugar - 3 tables. spoons;
  • Baking powder - ½ teaspoon;
  • Vanilla Sugar - 10 g;
  • Salt to taste.

Grind the eggs with regular and vanilla sugar, and grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Mix flour with baking powder, add to egg mass, put cottage cheese and mix until smooth. The mixture can be laid out in tins or put cakes in a baking dish. Bake forty minutes at 180 degrees.

In a slow cooker

  • Cottage cheese - 240 gr;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 2 tables. spoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tables. spoons;
  • Vanilla Sugar - ½ sachet;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tables. spoons.

Beat the egg, put sugar and mix with a whisk. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork and pour in the egg, add flour and vanilla powder, and salt if desired. Stir the mixture thoroughly until uniform. Form curd cakes and roll in flour. Pour vegetable oil into the capacity of the multicooker and put the curd preparations on the bottom. Leave in the “Baking” mode for five minutes, then turn over and cook for another five minutes.

With raisins

  • Cottage cheese - 250 gr;
  • Raisins - 30 gr;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - ½ cup;
  • Sugar - 1 table. a spoon;
  • Vanillin - 1 tea a spoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tables. spoons;
  • Dough baking powder - 1 tea. a spoon.

Leave the raisins in boiling water for ten minutes. Beat the egg separately, mix with vanilla and sugar. Sift flour and baking powder and combine with the egg, mix. Add cottage cheese and raisins, mix again. Divide the mass into identical pieces, mold the cakes and fry in vegetable oil on each side until golden brown. Instead of raisins, you can take dried apricots, also previously soaked in boiling water and chopped.

Protein syrniki with semolina

  • Cottage cheese - 240 gr;
  • Chicken egg - 2 squirrels;
  • Semolina - 3 tea. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml (for frying);
  • Low-fat sour cream - 50 gr (for dressing).

Pour the proteins into the mashed cottage cheese, pour the semolina and mix. If desired, a little salt and sugar can be added. Form from the mass of cakes and fry for five minutes on each side, then leave for another five minutes over low heat under a lid.

Carrot cheesecakes

  • Cottage cheese - 120 gr;
  • Carrots - 50 gr;
  • Flour - 2 tea spoons;
  • Manka - 1 tea. a spoon;
  • Eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 15 gr;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Butter or vegetable oil for frying;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 30 gr (for dressing).

Peel the carrots, grate and stew in oil until soft. Add semolina to the carrots and mix, simmer another ten minutes. When the carrots have cooled, add sugar and salt, an egg, mix thoroughly. Then put the cottage cheese and mix again until smooth. Divide the curd dough into pieces, mold the cakes and fry on each side for five minutes, then leave it under a closed lid and under low heat for another five minutes. Other useful and tasty recipes for a child of 1-2 years old, you will find here.

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