How is meat assimilated in the human body. Useful properties of meat

M. Bircher-Benner says: “I had two rickshaws - strong young people of 22 and 25 years old. They had to transport me, a person weighing 80 kg, to a distance of 40 km nonstop daily for three weeks. He kept the former food, the content of which was half the usual medical norm, the protein content ranged between 60-80% of the required amount, but carbohydrates were introduced in unusually large quantities in the form of rice, potatoes, barley, chestnuts, roots of lilies and other local foods. days I weigh l of their rickshaws. The weight of one of them remained unchanged, the other added half a pound. I asked if they wanted to get meat. They were very grateful to me, since meat is a luxury for them. Then I replaced some of the carbohydrates with the appropriate amounts of protein, True, not as large as the norm requires, but still pretty. ”Rickshaws ate it with pleasure, but three days later they came to me asking me to cancel the meat and give it to them at the end of the experiment, since they felt very tired and could no longer run as good as before. Then I returned them to their original food. "

The food introduced into the human body is in a completely different environment from the one where it “burns out” in the laboratory to evaluate its calories. This test was carried out by measuring the flow of nervous energy in the body before and after a meal consisting of various types of products.

It was found that some foods make the body use them energetically. This energetic manifestation led to the conviction that the products in question increase the energy of the body, while the opposite is true: after the digestion and assimilation processes end, the body appears with reduced energy reserves.

This example clearly shows that meat has nothing to do with muscle strength. It has only an exciting effect, which is taken as evidence of the great nutritional value of meat. In fact, this value is insignificant, and the more meat a person eats, the less hardy and efficient he becomes.

M. Bircher-Benner warns: “Neither science nor the experience of mankind says that meat is a fortifying food. And the apparent increase in strength and supposedly strength in eating meat are based, like drinking alcohol, on the fatal deception of our taste nerves and sensory organs. Irritation, toxic effects, arousal are taken for a surge of strength. "

The term "ham" has the root of "drying." That is, dry a respectable pig's thigh by salting. Ham is considered the king of meat, boasting an Italian plant gastronomy. Varieties of ham, includes the preparation of ham. Ham and sausage are more requested and refined, and not just for starters, the preceding Dinner is also considered by nutritionists as an excellent second course, often accompanied by fruits such as melons, figs, etc. Raw materials are usually made from large pork thighs with significant weight.

Italy is home to the best raw ham, which are usually called in the place of origin: Parma, Langirano, San Daniele del Friuli, Modena, Veneto Euganeo. Seasoning well branded ham is at least 8 months. In fact, raw ham should be considered as food pretreated with salt. Some people have the disadvantage of discarding the white portion of ham ham. Raw ham is also indicated in the feeding of infants, even because a small child considers it very appetizing.

However, many continue to believe that meat food is one of the most nutritious and easily nourishing dishes in the body, and without meat a person becomes unsuitable for physical labor, sport and sexual life. Let's see how this corresponds to the truth.

Firstly, meat requires significantly more time for digestion. Rice, for example, is digested for 1 hour, apple, oatmeal, raw egg - 1 hour 20 minutes, fresh milk - 2 hours, and meat - from 3 to 5 hours or more. It is this prolonged digestion of meat in the stomach that makes people consider meat dishes hearty: after a meat dish, a person does not remember food for several hours.

Many mothers, on the advice of pediatricians, run them in the newspapers after mixing. Old people, who often have problems with their teeth and, therefore, chewing, demonstrate that they like ham in two cooked and raw versions. however, there are contraindications in the “elder when there are serious reservations regarding” daily salt intake. Minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, zinc. Calories per 100 grams of boiled: 415 calories - raw: 471 calories.

Serial nutrition - a higher degree of separation. Separate nutrition is based on the discovery that foods that combine with a more appropriate method for our organs can be better absorbed and absorbed. And the important thing is not how much food we got, but how much we have mastered. Eastern wisdom says: "Food that is not consumed by the body eats the one who eats it."

But now you know what happens to meat after it enters your stomach! You imagine what a huge amount of digestive juices, bile and pancreatic juice is necessary for the digestion and assimilation of meat, what kind of work is done by the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs. Remember: after eating meat it is filled with uric acid, purine substances, nucleic acids, and our half-starved cells begin to be poisoned by poisons produced in the body. Meat and its products - sausages, sausages, sausages, ham, etc. more poison than nourish our body, contributing to the emergence of a variety of diseases. Children, whose protective forces are still weak, usually get sick from tasty meat food. Neither meat, nor broth, nor eggs should be given to a child up to 7-8 years old. At this age, the body of the child does not yet have the forces that can neutralize the toxins generated by the use of these products.

The human digestive system is not adapted to digest more than one kind of concentrated food at a time. Concentrated food is any food that is not a fruit or vegetables. If you want to get even more health benefits, try to eat consistently - the higher the diet.

Consistent food is one in which a person fully eats food before moving on to the next species, but observing the principles of isolated nutrition. Contrary to popular belief, food does not mix in the stomach. When you eat food one by one, it is laid in the stomach. For each layer, certain enzymes are necessary for the digestion of food, and thus, any food deteriorates better.

Secondly, meat contains a large number of various extractive substances, which are especially harmful to the nervous system, and their salts irritate the vascular system. It is not surprising, therefore, that among people who eat mainly meat, neurasthenia, sexual disorders, vascular degeneration, cardiac and anemic diseases, and premature aging are so common.

If you find it difficult to get rid of your favorite foods, but you have problems with a healthy digestive system, you can try the principles of consistent nutrition for several weeks. One of the important positive effects of a consistent meal is weight loss, which just melts. With constant nutrition, even if you keep your regular diet low in fat, you will lose weight because you naturally start eating less food.

Here are some consistent nutritional guidelines. Start with the best foods and end with the driest and most concentrated foods. Do not drink with food because liquids dilute and flush enzymes and make digestion difficult. Fruits and vegetables are very good at one meal if you take them in the correct order. Salad vegetables are taken in front of fruits to maximize the use of minerals.

Thirdly, meat food is made from dead, quickly decomposing tissue, abundantly containing various putrefactive poisons and other toxic protein compounds that pollute our body. Game, oysters, crayfish and old cheese are especially rich in poisonous products.

Despite all this, the strong broths that feed the sick and children are considered very useful, nutritious. After surgery, after removal of cancerous tumors, broths are immediately prescribed. But the most useful thing - protein - a clean housekeeper carefully removes and throws away foam or scum in the form of soup polluting the soup, and the strong substance of cartilage, tendons and bones does not have any dietary value even in combination with delicious parts of meat; it is proved that they not only do not support life processes, but rather harm them. If it were not for cereals, vegetables, bread and other seasonings for meat soup, then with the exclusive use of meat food we would die a starvation. Meat broth does not belong to the category of nutrients. It serves only as an irritant of the nervous system, very similar in action to pathogens such as tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, spices (pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, mustard, etc.). They do not nourish, do not provide the body with vitality or bioenergy, but serve as a scourge for a person, acting like a whip for a horse exhausting from work.

Avoid fruits combined with cooked foods if you eat once a day. Acidic foods and pickled fruits should never be consumed after starchy foods. Never consume sugars, syrups, fresh and dried fruits after starch, protein or fat.

One of the rare exceptions that combines protein and starch. Potatoes are about 10 times less concentrated food than grains and quickly degrade. Fruits also eat one after another, up to three kinds. Juicy salad vegetables can be combined in a dish such as tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, pepper. If you want, you can add other vegetables as well as sprouts.

Meat beneficial properties

Useful properties of meat products, nutritional value, vitamins, calorie content. What gives meat to our body and how it is useful. Do you need vegetarianism ....

Meat beneficial properties

Meat is an important component of our diet. Meat has beneficial properties., it contains beneficial amino acids that are not produced by our body. The meat is rich in lipids, protein minerals and so on.

Stewed or cooked vegetables can be eaten one after another as follows: first a leaf, then a dense one, the end of the roots, carrots, radishes, beets. With a healthy stomach, you can mix your cereal with your taste. Seeds can be mixed with two types.

Nuts can eat up to two types one after another, but it is best to eat one type of nut. If nuts are moistened in water overnight, they are easier to digest. Fish can be mixed up to 2-3 species. Chicken or meat up to 2 types, but not desirable. Eat only one type of starch or protein to eat.

Meat is a nutritious and high-calorie product that contains a lot of healthy and nutritious substances that our body needs. Contributes to the regulation of blood glucose, useful for the spinal cord and brain of the head.

The beneficial properties of meat in the fact that meat is involved in the metabolism of fats, is an antioxidant. It nourishes the skin, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, and regulates blood sugar. Favorably affects the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract.

The better you chew food, the easier it is to digest it. The less you mix and the less types of food you eat for food, the easier it is to digest it, and the less you are ready to overeat. Source "The Ancient Secret of the Spring of Youth." Healthy eating and diets are becoming more common in everyday life. The hysteria surrounding bad cholesterol has led to an invasion of harmful and even deadly foods, including margarine and a number of other mimetic foods that contain trans fats. Vegetarians have good reasons not to look at meat, but many reasons not to eat meat are closer to mythologists than to reality.

Fatty meat is duck, goose, pig. Fatty meat must be consumed, only no more than 1-2 times a week. Also, once a week, eat 50 grams of fat. Fat enzymes prevent the development of atherosclerosis and destroy high-density cholesterol (scientifically proven).

Meat products as well as the rest should be consumed in moderation. Meat products should not be in your diet every day. It is enough to use them every other day or two.

Meat is replete with harmful saturated fats and cholesterol.

It is also the most common anti-personnel mantra. According to recent studies, cholesterol and saturated fat are not harmful! Cholesterol is one of the most important components of the human body. Thanks to this, the body produces its own hormones. The liver produces enough to make sure there are always supplies. Saturated fats are also not as harmful as they were thought to be, they are responsible for increasing “good” cholesterol.

Meat causes type 2 diabetes and heart disease

The systematic reduction of animal fat due to the plant not only does not reduce the health risk, but, on the contrary, increases it. These are relatively new diseases, and meat is human food for millions of years. Recent studies confirm the unambiguity - there is no connection between the consumption of raw red meat, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes! In processed meat this is not so, but the problem is in the cones and stabilizers, and not in the meat itself.


The benefit of meat until recently, most of us were not in doubt. However, over time, everything has changed. Let's figure out what outweighs - the benefit or harm of meat?

Fans of meat can not imagine life without a delicious steak, flavored with aromatic spices and sprinkled with finely chopped herbs. Vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists do not accept such dishes, they consider them, to put it mildly, unprofitable for physical and spiritual health.

Processed meat is harmful, the reason for this is the substances and methods of preparation and storage. Many people believe that eating leads to osteoporosis. According to this theory, in order to compensate for the increased acidity, our body extracts calcium from bones and thereby neutralizes it. Short-term studies really confirm this. Ultimately, however, it turns out that protein is more beneficial for the skeletal system. Lacking meat will not make your bones healthier.

The meat rots in the colon because it does not break down properly

It's not like that at all. We eat meat, it is decomposed by stomach acids and digestive enzymes. In the small intestine, proteins break down into amino acids, and fatty acids into fatty acids, and then they are absorbed by the blood vessels. There is nothing in the colon that can break down. There is probably a decay of fiber residues from different plants, vegetables and fruits, but this is also not a harmful or dangerous process for the body.

Who is right?

The benefits of meat

Speaking about the value of meat products, first of all, they mean protein richness - the main building material of our body. They contain many amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fats. Many of these amino acids are indispensable, including due to their participation in the synthesis of hormones (the importance of growth hormone growth hormone read here), and the role of iron in hematopoiesis can hardly be overestimated.

Our body does not need meat

It is true that almost all nutrients can be found not only in meat, but also in other products of animal origin. Yes, we can live without meat, but this does not mean that we should do this at all. Even experiments were made that people lived a whole year, consuming only meat and nothing more. They are left in the heart of health! Naturally, not every meat is healthy.

Best of all is meat that comes from naturally grown animals and is not processed with additional substances and procedures for greater longevity. Both people and people in the evolution before them consume meat, so our body is well adapted to this. Our digestive system is not at all like the digestive system of herbivorous mammals. We have a long small intestine and an abundance of stomach acids that help break down animal protein. The human digestive tract is practically combined, making people omnipotent.

The meat of different animals contains from 10 to 35% protein, while in protein-rich nuts and legumes - up to 25%. At the same time, plant protein is absorbed worse by the body. That is, animals give our "building" a lot of "building material", which is quickly included in metabolic processes.

Animal fats have a choleretic effect and are beneficial for the liver.(about the benefits of lard).

It is believed that the consumption of animal food caused the evolution and expansion of our brain, which distinguishes us from other animal species. For 5 million years history and science have been hanging on meat; it reflects how the human race is truly a “meat eater” and how this contradicts the fact that people can comfortably live well and healthy without consuming meat products. Imagine a picture of a post-apocalyptic world where resources are so scarce that all the grain goes to feed people instead of feed animals, writes Nathaniel Johnson.

Very soon, a steak begins to exist only in memories, and eggs are sold only on the black market at unprecedented prices. What will happen in such a situation? It turns out that such scenarios are not just a thought experiment, but a real historical event. During World War I, when the Allies reduced food supplies to Denmark occupied by Germany, the government passed a law requiring people to dispose of their animals so that they would not have to feed them extraordinary precious grains.

Useful properties of meat products determined their use as diet for various diseases and diets to reduce weight. This is especially true for rabbit meat, turkey meat and chicken.

The benefits of meat are not limited to its dietary properties. Dishes from animal products are an integral part of the culinary traditions and nutritional rules of many peoples. And some ethnic groups (Chukchi, Eskimos, Mongols, etc.) fully live off their consumption.

Meat harm

According to scientists, the consumption of meat products can contribute to the occurrence of cardiovascular, oncological diseases and metabolic problems.

Animal fat is difficult for our body to digest.Cholesterol from meat products, deposited on the walls of blood vessels, is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis.

Uric acid - a product of the exchange of purine compounds - provokes arthritis, arthrosis and other joint problems.

With frequent and plentiful use of meat products putrefactive processes begin in the intestine. In this case, toxins enter the bloodstream, causing malaise and exacerbating the course of diseases. The liver and kidneys - the "purification facilities" of the body - work in an intense mode and quickly waste the resource laid in them by nature.

Industrial it is impossible to raise animals without feeding them with various chemical additives, including those with growth accelerators, antibiotics, and others that enter our body with what we eat.

That is, the harm of meat is obvious.

What to do?

The prompted facts can be commented on with the familiar phrase: “you can’t execute mercy.” That is, meat is useful, but harmful.

And the way out of this situation is simple: observe moderation.  Food is useful if it is available in limited quantities, and harmful if you indulge the "call" of taste buds and the stomach.

Scientists believe that from 0.6 to 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of mass is enough for a person per day.  That is, a man with a body weight of 80 kg and leading an active life should eat about 64 grams of protein per day. Animal protein should account for half of them, the second half - to vegetable products (cereals, legumes, nuts, etc.). Thus, the daily dose of meat products for an eighty-kilogram person should not exceed 100 g.

How much is it in volume?A piece the size of 5 matchboxes, and for a 60-pound woman - a size of 3.5 boxes.

Do not eat meat every day. Three times a week is enough. On other days, you can eat fish and dairy products. Who is older, he remembers the fish days in the Soviet canteens, which fell on Tuesday and Thursday. It goes without saying that Saturday should also be held under the “sign of fish”, but already cooked at home.

Preference should be given to rabbit meat and poultry.  Exclude sausage from the diet.

So that as much as possible harmful substances get into the body with the eaten meat, before cooking it should be soaked. When cooking, the primary broth, obtained after the first five minutes of boiling, should be poured, and then pour cold water and start cooking again.

Do not fry meat products, since during this method of preparation, a lot of harmful substances are formed, including carcinogens, which can become one of the causes of cancer.

Eat it with green or non-starchy vegetables  (e.g. with radishes, not potatoes). This combination is consistent with the principles of compatibility and promotes rapid digestion and good assimilation of the product.

The structure of the human digestive system is different from herbivores and predators. That is, we are omnivores, and our organs are designed to digest and assimilate products of both plant and animal origin. Both those and other products are natural for us. Therefore, the question of the benefits or dangers of meat is incorrect.

Those who cannot imagine life without meat should learn moderation and simple rules for its consumption. And who, for various reasons, cannot afford to eat meat products, must find a full replacement for them.

What do you think?

In the world, more and more people are switching to vegetarian food. Some people believe that in this way they care about nature, someone decides to protect their health. Well, religious beliefs also find their fans. However, official medicine believes that vegetarianism does not fully provide our body with useful substances, vitamins, amino acids.

Opinions about the beneficial properties of meat have long been divided, some believe that this product is vital, others argue that it does not have any beneficial properties.

Since ancient times, a certain set of products has developed, which necessarily included meat. Currently, beef, lamb, rabbit meat are also related to meat. The listed assortment is valuable in that the source of useful animal proteins is in an optimal and balanced form.

There are almost no carbohydrates in meat, but there are fats. The least fat contains beef, more - in pork. There are vitamins of group B, and the liver of animals is rich in vitamins A and D.

Of the minerals, phosphorus and potassium are present, less contains magnesium, chlorine and sodium. The meat contains useful trace elements - iron, zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt, manganese, iodine, molybdenum.

A specific taste is given to it by nitrogenous substances that are contained in muscle tissues. They affect the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate appetite.

Meat food has one of the main advantages, its reception for a long time eliminates the sensations of hunger, satiation persists for a long time.

Is meat harm or good?

A growing body and people engaged in hard physical labor, meat is necessary. In winter, it is good to use pork for people working in hard jobs. In old age, the need for an animal product is significantly reduced.

Despite its beneficial properties, meat food has its limitations. Meat products contain purines, as a result of which uric acid accumulates in the blood. It affects damage to human tissues and organs. This often leads to gout, urolithiasis, and kidney disease. In these diseases, the consumption of animal products should be limited.

Fatty meat (pork) is contraindicated in atherosclerosis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, eczema.

Useful properties of beef are used for iron deficiency anemia, as it contains a lot of iron, more than other types of meat. However, if the animal was old (more than three years), beef is not suitable for older people, children. It will be poorly absorbed, it is better to include veal for such people in the diet.

By the way, I read that veal in the Russian state began to be consumed only from the end of the 18th century, the peasants tried to take care of the growing young animals, cherished it, did not eat.

Young lamb can be prepared for children, and any mutton is suitable for older people. In mutton there is absolutely no cholesterol, but it contains fluorine, which saves teeth from caries. This meat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, which is the prevention of diabetes.

Pork has less cholesterol compared to eggs and butter. The nutritional properties of pork are very much appreciated, it contains a lot of B vitamins.

However, despite the fact that meat has useful properties, sometimes you should give up meat for some time. Therefore, in religions of the whole world fasts are arranged when a person for a certain period of time refuses all meat.

How to choose meat?

By storage methods and terms, meat products are divided into:

steam room - after cutting the carcass, the meat is in the natural environment for no more than 6 hours, should be used immediately, cannot be stored,

chilled, with a temperature from zero to +4 degrees, is stored for 10 days in refrigerators,

frozen carcasses after cutting are frozen to temperatures not less than minus 6 degrees. Long-term storage.

By its appearance, smell, and consistency, one can judge freshness.

Fresh and chilled meat should be covered with a thin, drying crust, have a pleasant smell. The surface of the product should be shiny, the color is pale red or pale pink. When pressed with your fingers, the pits should be removed. The consistency should be elastic and dense ..

Pork fat should be white or pale pink, lamb white, and beef fat has a cream, white or yellowish tint. A poor-quality product will have a greyish tint.

In the section, beef should be red, veal pale pink, pork reddish pink, lamb red brown.

Do not eat meat products of flabby consistency, with a sour smell, with mucus that have an unnatural color. Such products are poor-quality, can be harmful to health.

By the appearance and smell of the cooked broth, one can judge the quality of the meat product. From a good and high-quality product, a fragrant, transparent and tasty broth is obtained. From a stale product, the broth will be cloudy, with an unpleasant odor.

However, despite the fact that the beneficial properties of meat are undeniable, a sense of proportion must be respected here. It is believed that 70 grams of meat is a sufficient daily dose, weekly consumption is 500 grams. Nutritionists believe that exceeding the norms can lead to overweight, cardiovascular, oncological and metabolic diseases.

The meat is cooked in a variety of ways. Want to cook beef burgundy? There is nothing easier, read and cook.

See more useful information about the properties of meat.


Historical note: the meat of this animal was eaten already in the Stone Age, and in our time, the Norwegian authorities even banned the hunt for it - so actively hunted for it. Agricultural moose farming in Russia began under Stalin - even then it was known about the nutritional and medicinal properties of sahat products, but with the start of the war, farms were closed. Near Kostroma there is now the only sanatorium in which some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated with milk (including a stomach ulcer). Meat is attributed to the source of proteins of the first class: this means that it contains a list of all the necessary essential amino acids in the amount and ratio that are favorable for the human body. The digestion of muscle fiber protein by proteolytic enzymes occurs quickly and is in second place (for fish and dairy products). As a source of vitamin and mineral substances - in third place after dairy and grain products.


As in ordinary beef, the age of the animal is appreciated in the elk - the younger it is, the tastier, more tender the meat will be and the lower is the content of accumulated fat. Broths, meatballs, meat dishes are prepared from such meat. It is considered a gourmet dish and is served in some restaurants at high prices. Given that there is no agricultural production on an industrial scale, moose meat is more a gourmet delicacy and a food product for hunters.

Beneficial features

Vitamins and trace elements are found in the muscle tissue of the animal, therefore meat products are the main sources of B12 (cyanocobalamin), pantothenic acid, biotin, choline, and contain low levels of fat and cholesterol. Its inclusion in the diet at least three times a week will create conditions for:

  • regeneration and normal functioning of the brain: which means - a sound mind, good memory, mental abilities
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system
  • normalization of hemoglobin in the blood.

Its inclusion in the therapeutic diet will help strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve digestion.

Accordingly, the improvement of the general condition of the body, the full production of vitamins and minerals are reflected in the appearance: the condition of the skin is improved, the nails are strengthened; hair becomes lush and thick.


Sokhatin is considered dietary if the rules are followed:

  • meat of a young healthy animal
  • mined in an environmentally friendly region.

We’ll talk about this in more detail: wild moose is not always safe due to the fact that the animal eats mainly aquatic, marsh plants. This contributes to the accumulation of cadmium - salts of heavy metal. Its high concentration in the internal organs of artiodactyls (therefore, the internal organs of an animal older than one year - do not eat), but the meat is considered safe. Wild animals do not receive timely vaccinations. Therefore, it can be a carrier of encephalitis, Lyme disease and helminths. Meat that goes into processing and in restaurants is checked by veterinarians, but hunting, for its own cuisine, is unlikely. Therefore, "wild" meat, even young, is recommended to cook for at least three hours.

There are no carbohydrates in the product, the content of saturated fats does not exceed the norm. Useful when included in the ration in reasonable portions, in the preparation of therapeutic diets.

Calorie content

Given based on 100 grams and the daily ratio to the average daily rate (2190 k / cal):

Meat - benefits and useful properties of various types of meat

  author: Marina Kurochinadata: 04/18/2012

Meat and meat products make up the bulk of the human diet. Only a few refrain from eating meat and eat exclusively vegetarian food. Despite the fact that people have been eating meat for several thousand years, disputes about the benefits and dangers of this product do not subside.

Supporters of meat consumption claim that only this product is able to supply the human body with the necessary and essential proteins. While vegetarians claim that meat is harmful, it is it that is the source of the causative agents of a wide variety of diseases.

Speaking about the benefits and dangers of meat, it must be said that a lot depends on the type of meat. Today, the human diet includes meat from cattle (beef, veal), small cattle (goat, lamb), pork and poultry (chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail). As well as horse meat, rabbit meat and game (the meat includes any wild animals: hare, wild boar, deer, bear, etc.). In some countries they eat the meat of dogs, cats and other animals (camels, buffalos, mules, donkeys). Each type of meat has its own flavor and beneficial properties.

Pork meat

- the benefits of this product are not only in high protein content, but also in the content of vitamin B12, Vitamin D, trace elements: iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Pork is good for the skeletal and nervous system. "Meat-eaters" argue that by excluding pork from their diet, a man is threatened with impotence.


- the benefits of cow and calf meat in a high content of B vitamins, as well as C, E, A, PP, minerals: copper, magnesium, sodium, cobalt, zinc, iron, potassium. Beef is extremely useful for blood formation, able to increase hemoglobin level, indispensable for anemia.

Chicken's meat

- the use of this product in high digestible protein content, in a minimal amount of fat and in the absence of carbohydrates. In addition, chicken is rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron. Chicken meat can affect blood pressure, participates in lipid metabolism, balancing blood sugar and urine, it also lowers cholesterol and stimulates the kidneys. Chicken meat is an excellent dietary product with low energy value.

Turkey meat

- the benefits of this product in a large number of vitamins (A and E), as well as in the content of iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iodine, manganese, magnesium. The sodium content in turkey is two times higher than beef, so salt can not be used when cooking turkey meat. In terms of iron content, turkey meat is also a record holder and is much ahead of beef, pork and chicken together. Calcium, which is contained in meat, makes turkey poultry an excellent prophylaxis of osteoporosis, and prevents joint diseases.

The benefits of duck meat

For the body in a large number of vitamins and nutrients, ducklings contain: B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12), as well as vitamins E and K. Duck meat is rich in selenium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium. Along with the duckling is a rather fatty productcontaining saturated fatty acids that can form cholesterol plaques in blood vessels.

The benefits of rabbit meat

as a dietary product known to everyone, it is a protein-rich product that contains a small amount of fat and minimum amount of cholesterol. The vitamin-mineral composition of rabbit meat is not poorer than the composition of other types of meat, but due to the small amount of sodium salts, it is more useful for the body and is not replaceable for those who suffer from food allergies, cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

Speaking about the benefits of meat, one can not but mention the methods of its preparation. Boiled and baked meat, which is most useful for the body, is much less useful in fried meat and barbecue. Smoked meat is so saturated with carcinogen that it is better not to eat it.

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