The composition of the mixture is baby from birth. Baby: infant formula from birth, composition, types

The MALUTE ® 1 mixture from birth contains:

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids for the development of the nervous system

Prebiotics GOS / FOS - natural dietary fiber similar in composition to the prebiotics of breast milk to improve digestion

Vitamins and minerals necessary for harmonious development in accordance with the age of the baby.

Surround yourself with pleasant things and make pleasant surprises for yourself. Little must see that his mother is happy. Remember the golden rule: happy baby, happy mother. If you are sad - pay, but be sure to explain to the little one why you are excited. The child must see the feelings of his relatives and is able to respond to them.

Express the sympathy of your child when he complains and asks for help. Comment on the behavior and emotions of other people if the little boy paid attention to this: “The boy is crying, apparently because he does not want to go home,” but never confuse the feelings of others and do not show them as an example for a child.

Cooking method

Feeding table

For cooking, refer to this table and consult a pediatrician. 100 ml of the finished mixture \u003d 90 ml of water + 3 scoops of dry mix (1 scoop \u003d 4.53 g of dry mix).

Parent Questions

I noticed that the MALUTKA ® mixtures contain GOS / FOS prebiotics. What are GOS / FOS prebiotics? How are they useful?

If a child dies and catches, be sure to cuddle both the child and the object with which it crashed. In no case can it be said that the matter is bad, the child got over, and we will immediately punish him. In this way, you will encourage little aggression towards the outside world.

When communicating with other aspects of the child, try to discuss only good questions and share only the achievements and not the problems of your child. Never tell your child how much he cares about you, what he doesn't like, and so on.

Always take the position of the child and support him. Sorry if you insult a child with a word or action. Allow your child to interact as much as possible with other children, adults and animals. Always make positive comments about the relationship between the child and the people around you. For example, never say: Do not be afraid, do not worry! This is a good aunt! And rather, say: Oh look, what a good aunt! Let's smile at her! And show it with your own example.

Prebiotics GOS / FOS (galactooligosaccharides / fructooligosaccharides) are natural dietary fibers that are close in effect to the prebiotics of breast milk. Prebiotics are necessary to improve the baby's digestion, and their optimal combination helps the proper development of their own healthy intestinal microflora. This complex of prebiotics provides regular soft stool in babies.

Let the child express all his emotions, if necessary, to help him. For example, if a child suddenly develops hysteria and ceases to control himself, give him the opportunity to defeat him. Whatever difficulty, especially among people, did not try to convince or reassure him. Try not to worry, just take part in the situation. When the clouds of lightning disperse and the child is restless, calmly talk to him, explain this, but do not be fooled by what happened. He himself is afraid of his own behavior and must be sure that nothing happened.

Why in the composition of MALUTE ® Omega 3 and Omega 6? How are they useful?

Omega 3 and Omega 6 are fatty acids that are necessary for the healthy development of the baby’s nervous system. In newborns, omega-3 and omega-6 are formed in a limited number, therefore, their additional intake as part of breast milk or mixture is necessary. An adequate and balanced amount of fatty acids in the baby’s diet is necessary for the proper growth and development of all organs and tissues, which is why the New Formula MALUTA ® contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Let the child understand how important it is to show positive emotions to others. Be an example for him: show how well you are doing with friends and relatives, show them your care and love. The child will love you and express the same emotions to his friends, especially if they are in a disadvantaged position. If such an attitude becomes a habit, he will never perceive others and will not allow his peers to do so.

Discuss the value of the feelings of the child. They help to overcome suffering, enjoy, feel offended, solve problems and conflicts, as well as win and achieve balance in life. To teach a child to understand his feelings and not be afraid to survive is the best help for successful learning and solving adult problems in the future.

Can a baby under 6 months be transferred from MALYUTKA ® 1 to MALYUTKA ® 2?

No, it is not recommended to transfer a baby up to 6 months to MALYUTKA ® 2. The mixture of MALUTA ® 1 differs in composition from MALUTA ® and 2. MALUTA ® 1 corresponds to the needs of the baby in the first half of life. This mixture contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals, optimized for the age of the baby, for its harmonious growth.

Songs give positive emotions. There are festive, solemn, funny and calm songs. Have a collection of children at your fingertips and find out from your child. Help the children understand what they are learning. For example, the ability to read allows them to read interesting stories, rules of the game and read letters from friends. Mathematics learned to calculate the remaining time before the birthday, count money for a ball, etc.

Select illustrations from children's literature to illustrate feelings. Teach your child how to deal with stress. Let the children feel that you care about them. Tell your children about exciting events in your life, such as a wedding or a family trip. Show your children photos and videos.

What is palm oil for?

Palm oil is an important component in the mixture of oils that are easily and quickly absorbed by the child's body. Palm oil is necessary to bring the fat component of the mixture closer to the fat composition of breast milk. Palmitic acid, which is rich in palm oil, is an energy supplier to the growing body, as is palmitic acid in breast milk.

When discussing past events, ask the children what they felt at the time. Create a family game with roles. Emotional experience will help the child remember and understand the essence of the play. It was previously believed that the emotional experience of a child is not very important for his personality. This is currently considered a very important issue. Emotional intelligence, like all other types of intelligence, needs to be developed and improved.

Romualdas Shemeta, obstetrician-gynecologist, head of the maternity hospital. On this special day, at home, everyone is worried about the benefits for the most important, Mother Mother and the Future Man. So trust yourself and be brave! Have your child break through the chest as soon as possible. Best of all, if the newborn is put on the mother’s stomach: the mother’s body will heal him, and the light blanket that will hold both of you will not allow him to dissipate heat.

Is it true that MALUTKA ® mixtures are based on European ingredients?

MALUTKA ® mixes are really made from high-quality, European ingredients to high standards and undergo strict quality and safety control.

Is it possible to store the finished MALUTA ® mix?

The MALUTUK ® mixture must be prepared immediately before use, the finished mixture cannot be stored!

The child will feel the warmth of your heart and hear the beating of your heart. All other - less important - procedures such as the umbilical cord, weighing and washing of newborns can be done later. This immediate skin-to-skin contact is essential for both. And for the mother, because she reflexively stimulates the contraction of the uterus, which is important for the complete displacement of the placenta, stop bleeding and return the uterus back to normal. And for the newborn, since direct contact with the mother protects him from stress, he heats his body perfectly, and the healthy microflora of the normal mother is in the skin of the newborn, protects him from infection in the hospital.

In this article:

Proper nutrition is the basis of the health of a child in its first year of life. The most useful food for the baby is mother's milk. Unfortunately, for some reason a woman is not always able to breastfeed her baby. Sometimes mother’s milk is not enough and supplementary feeding is required. To replace breastfeeding, adapted milk formulas have been invented. The modern market contains such a large selection of baby food that it is difficult to decide not only for mom, but even for the pediatrician. Sufficiently in demand is the Baby formula of the Nutricia company.

Ultimately, this attachment of the first child is a message from the mother of the body that the newborn is alive and needs to be fed. Caesarean section of infants is subject to the same rules, only more protected by the mother's belly. If the operation is performed using local anesthesia, the newborn can be immediately supplemented, and when dealing with general anesthesia, when the mother wakes up after anesthesia.

Do not be surprised if the newborn, placed on the mother’s chest for the first time, is in no hurry to immediately grab the nipple and eat it. Initially, the child simply fails, feeling her mother’s body warm up again and listen to her familiar heartbeat. Then it smells like a characteristic chest odor. Saliva begins to appear in the baby's company. Then he straightens his back, grabbing his fingers, looking at the nipple, and, as if measuring the distance. If the "road" is far, i.e. it is not enough to raise your head to achieve the goal, the newborn gradually slides to his feet with his feet.

The manufacturer made sure that the product was as close as possible in composition to mother's milk. Unfortunately, a universal mixture does not exist. Therefore, abandonment and the transition to artificial nutrition requires clearly justified motivation. It must be understood that only breast milk is the only food that is ideal for the baby. So that the baby grows healthy and develops well, when switching to a mixture, it is important to choose the right one. Before deciding on a choice, it is necessary to consider the advantages, disadvantages and learn the opinion of pediatricians about this product.

These first steps are still very slow and slow, but the goal is clear and finally attainable. While the newborn begins to breastfeed, it is about fifty minutes after birth. It takes time and time for a mother to prepare for her first child. This nipple, bearing the fingers of a newborn, is not accidental, but has a deep meaning.

This is caused by irritation of the nipples and skin around the nerve receptors, which reflect through the brain to the pituitary gland, and the hormones secreted by this blood stimulate the production of new milk and are already pushing towards the breast nipple. The breastbone must be swollen with newborns that contain milk. The first half hour, he continues his first "breakfast".

Advantages of the mixture Baby

Manufacturer - Nutricia company is known worldwide for its scientific research and research in the field of nutrition. A half-century study of the composition and properties of breast milk has led to the emergence of a modern, highly adapted milk formula for.

Today, the Baby mix compares favorably with its predecessors — mixtures produced in Russia earlier. The main difference is a decrease in the ratio of proteins in the product, which leads to its better absorption.

Like adults, newborns are all different. Strong cattle are energetic and happy, pajamas and dreamers like to relax, eat much longer, with interruptions. The language in which the woman was born does not contain milk, because she was simply not allowed to have a normal child.

Indeed, the mother’s breast prepares her children long before the birth, and there is already milk. However, pregnancy hormones are still in a position where the main task is to ensure the birth and birth of the baby. These are estrogens and progesterone of the placental hormone.

They inhibit the hormone prolactin, which is necessary to stimulate milk production. Only when the baby is born does an estrogenic flush leak out, and after removal of the placenta, progesterone residues gradually separate from the mother’s blood. For prolactin to work at full strength, it would take three to four days. But the child does not want such a long wait, he is alive, he needs to eat and grow! We are talking about this newborn and “tells” the mother’s body, adhering to her chest and presenting her first “order”.

Positive characterize the mixture for babies "Baby" contained in it:

  • fatty acid;
  • prebiotics;
  • vitamins and minerals that are matched to the age of the child.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids contribute to the proper development of the baby's nervous system. If the newborn is breastfed, then mother's milk fully satisfies his need for fatty acids. So that the artificial baby does not have a deficiency in fatty acids, they are included in the composition of the "Baby".

When the sperm mouth comes in contact with the nipple, the baby sends nerve signals to the mother’s pituitary gland, so the prolactin wave released there exceeds the levels of estrogen and progesterone. Thus, the more signals, the more often and the longer the baby is breastfeeding, the more prolactin will be in the breast, and the more milk will be produced in them. So the law "supply-demand" begins to operate.

You must have heard that many mothers returned from their nursing home with newborns. It was so often that it was even called "physiological weight loss." If from the very moment of birth the baby is allowed to swallow so often and as long as he wants, day and night, “physiological weight loss” is usually absent.

To improve the digestion of the baby, prebiotics are added to the mixture — substances that do not change in the upper intestine and are fermented only in the lower intestine, due to which the beneficial flora is actively developing. This contributes to better digestion of food and normalization of the stool of the child.

Prebiotics are found in the form of oligosaccharides in human milk. But in the cow there are almost none. The Baby mixture is enriched with the prebiotic inulin, the source of which is chicory. Inulin helps to increase the amount of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestines of crumbs.

In the first few days after birth, the mother’s breasts are colostrum. Appearance - colder and thicker - colostrum differs from the later appearing "mature" or "real" milk. Because of this feature, our ancestors did not trust him, considered him dirty and harmful. It is not known who the first and where such nonsense came from, but this prejudice has existed since ancient times in many parts of the world.

Pregnant women did not allow the baby to breast-feed and colostrum until “true milk” appeared, and ordered rinsing and emptying. This went on for two, three or four days, and the newborn gave something else, which was often unclean and harmful. For example, in Lithuania, a newborn placed a so-called “uterus” - a piece of bread, peanuts, sweets or other “crumbling” stuffed with cloth. In the early 20th century, child mortality in Lithuania was horrific. Rarely did a family raise all the children born there.

The composition of the baby food of this manufacturer includes vitamins, minerals that contribute to the proper development of the child and the prevention of scarce conditions. The amount of these additives is selected in strict accordance with the age requirements of the baby.

Mixes "Baby" do not contain sugar. Previously, sucrose was added to increase the nutritional value of the product. Modern technology does not allow this, and a sweet taste is achieved using maltodextrin and lactose.

An absurd ban on breastfeeding newborns, they just threw the "die-will-live" lottery. Anthrax fills the breast alveoli during the last trimester of pregnancy and is excreted several days after the birth. Even if the mother gave birth to another baby throughout her pregnancy, her milk would still pass through colostrum shortly before and after the newborn.

This is due to the influence of labor hormones. Due to the abundance of immunoglobulins and various other protective factors, crackers can be considered not only for food, but also for treatment. Prenatal immunoglobulins cover the mucous membrane of an immature newborn, thus protecting against bacteria, viruses, parasites and other pathogens. Nerds also have laxative properties, helping the newborn quickly remove the first dark spots from the intestines - meconium and prevent a neonatal yellow color.

The pluses of the mixture include the natural composition. Food is easily dissolved in warm water, the nipple does not clog. A pleasant bonus to this will be the affordable affordable price, which makes the products of this manufacturer affordable for young parents.

In favor of "Baby" is the fact that all its components are manufactured in Europe, undergo mandatory certification, are safe for the baby. The milk from which the food is produced is checked before it gets to the factory for feed quality, safety and the conditions in which the cows were kept. Control is subjected not only to the raw materials from which the mixtures are made, but also to the packaging, up to the quality of the paint applied to the box.

The composition of the mixtures is maximally adapted to the needs of the crumbs and is close to the composition of breast milk. The food tastes good, so the kids eat it willingly. As pluses, a diverse assortment of products under the brand name "Baby" can be noted.

Clinical studies conducted positively characterize infant formulas of this manufacturer. During them, it was proved that prebiotics in the composition of "Baby" reduce discomfort in the digestive tract, normalize.


Along with the pros, the composition of the mixture can distinguish and cons.

They are relative, but there is still a wary attitude to the presence in the diet:

  • palm oil;
  • soya lyceum.

Discussions about the harm-harmlessness of palm oil have not subsided today. Many do not find anything dangerous in it. In fact, this is ordinary vegetable fat, used by most manufacturers of baby food as an ingredient in mixtures and cereals.

Opponents of this component speak about its harm to health, especially to children. But this oil was eaten as early as 5 thousand years ago, and olive and sunflower oils appeared much later. The concentration of nutrients in palm oil is higher than in the rest.

Opponents of it claim that the product is poorly absorbed by the body. However, its higher digestibility is proved in comparison with milk fat. In the production of food for children, high-quality, well-refined palm oil is used, which guarantees its safety. The use of this ingredient in baby food is due to the fact that breast milk fats are 25% palmitic acid, the source of which is palm oil.

Parents may be concerned about the presence of soya lecithin in the mixture. This is due to the fear that genetically modified soybeans could be used to produce it. In fact, soybean oil, which has undergone multi-stage high-quality cleaning, is used to produce this component. It is important to understand that lecithin itself is a necessary and useful nutrient for a baby. Therefore, when choosing a baby formula, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers who have a good reputation.

What are the mixtures of the brand "Baby"?

The manufacturer produces the following types of infant formula "Baby":

  • No. 1 - for babies from birth to six months;
  • No. 2 - from six months to a year.

The Nutricia-Istra company has provided baby milk No. 3 from 1 year old and baby milk No. 4 for children over one and a half years old. Also in the line of baby food from this manufacturer there is a fermented milk mixture for babies “Baby”.

Milk mixtures have certain differences in composition. "Baby" No. 1 contains milk dimerized whey, palm, sunflower, rapeseed oil, arachidonic acid, fish oil, vitamins, lactose, maltodextrin, trace elements, soya lecithin, L-tryptophan, natural dietary fiber-prebiotics, omega 3 and omega fatty acids 6.

Unlike mixture No. 1, L-carnitine was added to Baby 2 and the set of vitamins and microelements was changed to the maximum age appropriate for a child from six months to a year. This mixture contains many casein proteins, which are more difficult to digest but more nutritious. Therefore, the second number of the mixture is not recommended for children under 6 months of age to avoid digestive problems.

In “Baby 2” added iron in combination with vitamin C and zinc. This allows the iron to be better absorbed by the child's body and prevent the development of anemia. Both of these mixtures do not contain preservatives, dyes, sugar or artificial additives.

The composition of baby milk is similar to the composition of the mixtures. L-isoleucine and L-cysteine \u200b\u200bare added to the ingredients. The proportions of the remaining components are changed in accordance with the age needs of the baby so that his nutrition is as balanced and complete as possible.

The line of products "Baby" contains a sour-milk mixture. It positively characterizes its presence in the components of a mixture of live sour-milk bacteria, which inhibit the growth of pathogens in the digestive tract of the child, promote the growth of beneficial and reduce gas formation, and, therefore, prevent the appearance.

This product also contains iron in the composition, which helps to prevent iron deficiency in the baby. Sour-milk mixture for newborns “Baby” contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, is well absorbed and strengthens the immune system of crumbs. The product contains no sugar, which reduces the likelihood of a child having digestive problems. The mixture can be used as a main food.

How to switch to this mixture with another?

If the pediatrician, for whatever reason, recommends switching to the Baby formula, then this must be done in accordance with some rules. Changes in nutrition can be a real stress and a test for the body crumbs, so doing so is not recommended.

Rules for the transition to the mixture for babies "Baby" with other mixtures:

  • Switch to another mixture gradually. Even the best and adapted artificial nutrition for the baby in the event of a sharp transition can lead to indigestion.
  • When switching to a new mixture, it should be diluted in a bottle separate from the old mixture.
  • A new mixture should be given at the beginning of feeding in a small amount.
  • First, a new mixture needs to be introduced into daily feedings, so that it is possible to carefully monitor the reaction of the crumbs. If the product is suitable, then it is introduced into the morning and then evening feedings.
  • If no negative reactions of the baby are observed, then gradually increase the amount of the new mixture, and reduce the previous one.

If during the transition to a new mixture the child begins to have colic, stool problems, regurgitation, vomiting, colic, or, the experiment should be stopped and consult a pediatrician.

For example, you can recommend on the first day to give the baby crumbs only 10 ml of the new mixture at the beginning of daily feeding. On the second day, supplement already three feedings with a small dosage (10 ml). If the baby responds well to changes in the diet, then on the third day they choose three daily feedings and give already 30 ml of a new mixture. On the fourth day, you can replace 50 ml of previously used food during all feedings, on the fifth - 100 ml. In the future, provided that the new mixture came up - the old one is removed.

To transfer the crumbs to another mixture, mom needs to make an effort and not rush. It may be tempting not to waste time and immediately feed the baby with a new mixture. No matter how you want it, you can’t do it! Do not experiment with health. A sharp transition can cause digestive upsets and allergic reactions in the baby.

What do pediatricians think?

Nutricia systematically conducts independent surveys of pediatricians to objectively assess the quality of its products. Studies say that in recent years the number of specialists recommending the Baby mixture has increased several times. Positive feedback from pediatricians about the Baby formula for newborns confirms the correct choice of mothers.

  • high quality mix;
  • compliance with modern criteria;
  • optimally selected composition that contributes to the proper development of the baby, good digestion.

These criteria, combined with strict quality control and product safety, allow pediatricians to be confident in their choice when recommending a mixture for artificial and mixed nutrition.

Mixture "Baby" is often recommended by pediatricians as the most affordable. This is a great advantage, because over time, the cost of a child’s food increases, and parents who use expensive mixtures are forced to switch to cheaper ones. A change in nutrition is not always harmless to the baby’s tummy.

Mixture “Baby” is a modern adapted quality product for artificial and mixed feeding of a baby. Thanks to a carefully selected composition and a wide range of products, Nutricia products are in demand among mothers. If there are objective reasons for using the mixture, then the advantages of Baby are obvious: it is its safety and high quality. Before deciding on a choice, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Useful video about the production of milk mixtures

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