What is a post in the month of Chavval? How to observe it? Advantages of the month of shavval

The month of Chavval is the tenth month of the Muslim calendar. Shavval begins immediately after Ramadan and obligatory fasting. In the first days of the month, Shavval is celebrated with one of the greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr - the Feast of Revelation - Uraza-bairam, as a thanks to the Almighty for the honor of fasting in Ramadan.

One of Chavval's highest strengths is a six-day post this month. Fasting in Chavval is mentioned in one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

"The one who fasts the month of Ramadan and follows the fast for six days of Shavval is equal to the one who fasts throughout life."

This fasting is very important, because it marks the completion of the obligatory fasting in Ramadan, an indication that one cannot return to sins after the uraza, and that our worship and good deeds are not temporary. Shavval is also called the month of remuneration, since Allah generously rewards fasting for a six-day fast.

This month it is necessary to increase worship of the Almighty. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) once even performed a tikaf (solitude in a mosque). For good deeds and for fasting in the month of Chavval, a believer gains the love of the Most High and His Messenger. Fasting in Shavval is not necessary to observe all six days in a row. It is allowed to fast at any time during the month, it is possible intermittently. If the fasting person has debts from the month of Ramadan, then first you need to repay the debt, and then fast for six days in Shavval.

Despite the fact that our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) indicated that fasting this month is equal to fasting for a lifetime, this does not mean that throughout life there is no need to fast. In the month of Chavval, many important events took place:

1. Allah this month created Heaven and Earth in six days. The Prophet said: “Indeed, Allah created Heaven and Earth in six days. Whoever fasts for six days in the month of Chavval, Allah will record as many saubas (rewards) as there are creations. So many sins will be forgiven. And he will exalt his gift (degree of dignity) ”. In another hadith it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) conveyed: “Allah created the soil of the Earth on the sixth day of creation, on Saturday. He created the mountains on the first day, that is, on Sunday. On Monday, the second day, the Almighty created trees. And on Tuesday, on the third day, makrukh (reproach action) was created. The creation of nur (light) was on the fourth day, Wednesday. Animals were created on Thursday, the fifth day of creation. And the first man, Adam, was created on Friday, in Jumga, in Asr (afternoon prayer). Allah created all other creations between the afternoon and night ".

2. This month of the first year of Hijra, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) married the mother of the faithful Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). Aisha herself said this in one of the hadiths: “I married the Prophet in the month of Chavval. I am the happiest woman in the world. And I wish all Muslim women to get married in Shavval. ”.

3. In the 3rd year of the Hijra, another uncle of the Prophet (peace be upon him), sahab Hamza bin Abdul - Mutallib (may Allah be pleased with him) went into the world. The merits of the month of Chavval are numerous. And we must hurry to use its blessings in order to achieve even greater contentment of the Almighty and reward from Him.

Allah said in the Holy Quran:

“Whoever appears with a good deed will receive a tenfold reward. And whoever appears with an evil deed will receive only the corresponding retribution, and they will not be treated unjustly with them. ”

(surah “Al-An, am”; 160)


In a hadith from Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) it says: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: « If the Muslim who fasted the entire month of Ramadan, next month will also keep Shavval a six-day fast, then it will be equal to the one who fasted for ages "or as it has come in other versions of this hadith" ... throughout the year« .

About the desirability of compliance " six day additional post"In the month of Shawval, it is said in the hadiths published in the collections of Muslim, Abu Dawood, al-Nasai, Ibn-i Maj, Tabarani and other Muhaddis (may Allah be merciful to them).

Also from Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), a hadith is given in which he conveys from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):
« If a Muslim who fasted the entire month of Ramadan, next month will also observe Shavval six-day fast, he will become sinless as a newborn baby". The collection of Imam Tabarani- “Muujamul-Kabir” (weak hadith).

The true meaning of the six-day fasting in the month of Shavval is known only by Almighty Allah. People can only speculate. According to some scholars, the savab of this additional post is as follows:
  Allah Almighty said in the Holy Quran:

« For one good deed will be repaid tenfold". (Surah 6, 160)

Consequently, for a thirty-day fasting a month, Ramadan will be given Savab as a three hundred-day fasting! And for a six-day post in the month of Chavval - as for a sixty-day post! Thus, as a result of observing these posts, the Muslim will receive Savab as for posts observed for three hundred and sixty days, that is, as in one year.

Abdullah the Ecumenical
  for the site www.whyislam.ru - Why Islam

First replenishment of Ramadan, then the post of Chavval

Regarding the six days of the shawval after the day of Ida: should a woman start by filling out the fast of those days that she missed due to menstruation, after which she should fast for 6 days from the shawl, or not?

  Praise be to Allah.
  If she wants ajr (reward), which is mentioned in the hadith of the prophet, may Allah bless him and salute, “Who fasted ramadan, then six days from the shawl, he seemed to fast for a year
  ”من صام رمضان ثم أتبعه ستا من شوال كان كصيام الدهر (hadith narrated by Muslim, No. 1984), then in order for this hadith to come to her and she has reached the ajra mentioned in it, she must first make up for the days of ramadan, and then fast for 6 days from the shawval.As for permission, she is allowed to postpone the replenishment of Ramadan days, but to have her make up for them until the next Ramadan.

Question: Is a person allowed to fast six days of a shawl up to fill up the days of ramadan he missed if the remaining part of the month of the shawl is not enough to stay in it for 6 days?

Praise be to Allah.
  It is correct that the fasting for six days of the month of shawal is associated with the end of the fast of Ramadan, - this is indicated by the words of the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him: “ Who fasted Ramadan, then six days of shawl, he seemed to fast for a year
  ”من صام رمضان ثم أتبعه ستا من شوال كان كصيام الدهر (hadith transmitted by Muslim, No. 1164).
  His words “later” (“sum” ثم) - harf atf حرف عطف, indicate priority and sequence. They indicate that it is first necessary to complete the fast of Ramadan, then to fast for six days from the shawal in order to achieve the ajr, which is mentioned in the hadith.
  Because of the one who should reimburse the days from Ramadan, they say “ bad Ramadan herselfصام بعض رمضان” – “ he fasted some of ramadan“But do not say“ Ramadan herself صام رمضان ”-“ he fasted ramadan“.
  But if a person has an excuse that prevented him from fasting six days of shawal in the shawal because of reimbursing Ramadan days, such as the nafsa woman نفساء (with postpartum hemorrhage), who redeems the whole shawal for the missed ramadan, then she can fast for six days of shawwal in zul qaed, as she has a good reason. Also, everyone who has an excuse (uzr عذر) is allowed to make up for six days of shawal in sul qa'ad after reimbursing Ramadan days. As for the one who came out of the month of the shawval without having been posted in it for six days without a reason, he will not receive ajra (if he fasts for 6 days in sul-qaeda).

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked whether it is possible for a woman who has a duty for ramadan to first attend six days of shawal, or does Ramadan need to be replenished first?

He replied: “If a woman did not reach Ramadan, then she should not fast for six days from the shawal before she completes the Ramadan, because the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Who fasted ramadan, then six days from the shavval ...”,and that woman who has a debt for ramadan and has not attained will receive ajr for holding the post of six days only after Ramadan has finished fasting. If we assume that the replenishment of ramadan will take up the whole shavval, as, for example, for a nafsa woman (with postpartum hemorrhage), who did not fast a day in ramadan, then she began to reimburse ramadan in the shawala and did not finish the compensation before the month of sul qaeda, then she can fast for six days as a savory in a savory, and she will have ajr for fasting in a savory, because the postponement of Ramadan reimbursement in this case - darura (necessity), holding the post of six days of shavval has justification, and she will have ajr for it (“Majmu al-fatava”, 19 \\ 20).
  Here you can add that the replenishment (قضاд) of ramadan - wajib (mandatory) for someone who did not hold the post for a good reason (uzr), moreover, this is part (juz) of the post, one of the pillars of Islam, so a person needs to hurry to fill up the post and get rid of debts before doing something mustahabbnoe (fasting six days of shavval).

Reimbursement of missed Ramadan posts and 6 days of Shavval post with one intention, invalid

Question: Can I, after fasting for 6 days in the month of Chavval, have the intention to simultaneously compensate for the 6 days of Ramadan that were missed due to the menstrual cycle?


Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeenmay Allah have mercy on him, said: “He who fasted on the day of Arafat or on the day of Ashur, while he was on a debt post for the missed days of Ramadan, his post will be valid. However, if he intended to fast on this day and thereby repay the debt, he would have acquired two awards: the reward for the post of Arafat’s day and the other for reimbursement of a missed post. This applies to additional posts ( at-tatovu al-mutlyak), which have nothing to do with Ramadan. But the fasting of the 6 days of Shavval is connected with Ramadan and it cannot happen in any way, except after the completion of all the days of the fasting of this month. If someone fasted these days before he redeemed the post of Ramadan, then he will not receive the desired reward, because The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever fasted the month of Ramadan, and then continued the fasting for 6 days of the month of Chaval, he is like fasting for a whole year."   Fatawa As-Siyam 438.

Should I keep a six-day fast in the month of Chavval, without interruption, day after day?

Question:I would like to ask about the desired six-day fast in the month of Chavval. Should it be kept day after day, or is it possible at any time during the month? For example, I would like to keep him in three approaches, on the weekend, at the end of each week.


Continuity is not a condition for compliance with this post. Whether a person fasted day after day or on different days, there is no problem. However, the sooner he starts and completes it, the better.

Allah says:
"Strive to get ahead of each other in good deeds."  Surah Bakar 148 ayah.

Allah says:
“Strive for the forgiveness of your Lord.”  Surah Aal Imran 133 ayah.

Musa, peace be upon him, said:
He said: "... I hurried to Thee, Lord, so that You would be satisfied."Sura Ta-ha 84 ayah.

Scientists of the Shafi'i madhhab and some Hanbalites were inclined to start and finish this post as soon as possible, however, there is nothing wrong with fasting later, at a convenient time, in the middle or at the end of the month.

The Imam al-Navawi said, may Allah have mercy on him: “Our comrades said:“ ... A six-day fast in the month of Chavval is considered desirable, which follows from the above hadith. ”They also said: “It is considered desirable that this post be held day after day, at the beginning of the month (that is, from the first decade of Shavval), but if someone did not hold it daily or postponed it at the end of the month, then this is allowed. This will count as fulfilling the basis of this desired action (i.e., fasting). There is no disagreement among us, and the Imam Ahmad and Dawood said likewise. ”. Al Majmua.

Prepared by Sestram.com

Mufti Muhammad Taki Usmani al-Hanafi writes:

“Six days of fasting in the month of Chavval are a noble cause. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

"If someone completed the fast in Ramadan and added six days of fasting in the month of Chavval to him, he will get such a savab as if he had been fasting all year."(Muslim)

This hadeeth speaks of a great reward for the six days of fasting this month. Therefore, every Muslim should use the opportunity to receive such a great reward from Allah. It is more preferable to start fasting on the 2nd of the month of Chavval and fasting before the 7th. But if a person fasts for 6 days at another time during the month, there is hope that he will fulfill the requirements of this hadith.

There is disagreement among scholars as to which form of fasting is preferable in this case. According to the first opinion, it is better to keep the post for 6 consecutive days immediately after the end of Eid al-Fitr. According to the second opinion, it is advisable to fast 6 days separately in different parts of the month of Chavval, while it is better to start fasting a few days after the end of Ramadan. Allowed to follow either of these two opinions. ”

According to the Hanafi madhhab, fasting these days is a mustahbb (desirable).

Fatwas that it’s better not to hold in a row, but to scatter:

« It is advisable to keep 6 days of fasting in the month of Chavval scattered (not in a row), but this is allowed according to the chosen opinion. Abu Yusuf thought it was a makrooh » .   (Rad ul-Mukhtar)

« You can fast these 6 days in a row. But it would be better to fast 2 days a week, i.e. on monday and thursday. In doing so, you will observe another Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallahu "alayhi wa sallam) » . (Fatahua Al-Hindiya 1/201)

The desired six-day fast of Shavval refers to those types of fasting for which it is not necessary to express an intention at night before fasting day (i.e. it can be expressed before the time of Dahwatul-Kubrahttp://darulfikr.ru/story/fiqh/fast_hanafi_3 ) and indicate in the intent what kind of post the person intends to commit.

Answering the question: “If a person missed one or several days of fasting in Ramadan, can he, reimbursing them for the month of Shavval, combine the intention of the kaza-post and the desired post in Shavval? “In this case, will he receive the promised savab for his post in Chavval?”

Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed from« Jamiat-ul Ulama»   writes:

"Not. You cannot include the kaza-post of the month of Ramadan in the six days of the fasting of the month of Shavval, since fasting in the month of Shavval is Sunna, and the kaza-post for the month of Ramadan is fard.

In addition, the reward for the six days of fasting per month of Chavval depends on the fasting of Ramadan. In the hadith it is written that the one who will fast the entire Ramadan and six days of (voluntary) fasting in the month of Shavval will receive the award of one year fasting.

Therefore, this award is only for those who have kept all the days of fasting during the month of Ramadan. Those who, for good reason, could not fast during Ramadan, for example, due to illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, Haida or Nifas, but who sincerely wanted to keep the whole Ramadan fast, will also deserve a Savab of six days of fasting month of Shavval at provided that they make up for missed days of fasting Ramadan during the year (until the next Ramadan).

The reason that a person will receive the reward of one-year fast due to a six-day fast in Shavval is because the Quran’s principle is that every good deed is multiplied ten times.

مَنْ جَاءَ بِالْحَسَنَةِ فَلَهُ عَشْرُ أَمْثَالِهَا

“He who appears with a good deed will receive a tenfold reward.”  (Quran 6: 160)

Therefore, thirty days of fasting in Ramadan are equivalent in value to three hundred days, or fasting for one month is equal to fasting for ten months. Add six more days (fasting days in Shavval) - and you get another sixty. Thus, a person will receive the value of fasting for three hundred and sixty days, which is equivalent to one year. And this is explicitly stated in the hadiths.

صيام شهر رمضان بعشرة أشهر وستة أيام بعدهن بشهرين، فذلك تمام سنة

“Fasting in the month of Ramadan is equal to fasting for ten months, and fasting six days after it is equal to fasting for two months, thus we get a whole year.”  (Darimi, hadith 1796, narrated by Sauban). ”

And Allah knows better

Prepared by Hadith Al-Hanafi

The reader is invited to several fatwas on fasting in the month of Chavval.

Question No. 7859:  The dignity of a six-day fast in the month of Chavval.

What is the position of the six-day fast in the month of Chavval, is it mandatory?


All praise belongs to Allah!

Fasting six days in the month of Chavval is desirable. sunna, but by no means a mandatory prescription. A Muslim is advised to fast for six days in the month of Chavval. It contains great benefit and enormous reward. He who fulfills the observance of this fast will receive a reward for fasting for a whole year, as it is reliably reported from the Chosen One - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! - in the hadith, transmitted from the words of Abu Ayub, may Allah be pleased with him. It says: “The Messenger of Allah - peace and blessings be upon him! - said: “Whoever fulfills fasting in Ramadan, and after him will also fast for six days of Shavval, [will be counted ]  as if he was fasting for a long period of time ” » .

This hadeeth is given by Muslim, Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nas’i and Ibn Majah.

The Prophet himself is peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! - explained the duration of this period of time, saying: “Who will fast six days after [Of the day ]  conversations [will be counted ]  a whole year of fasting, for he who does a good deed will receive a reward in tenfold size ” . Another version says: “... Allah will increase beneficiation tenfold. So one month [fasting in ramadan ]  will be counted for ten months, and another six days [fasting in Shavval will be counted as two months, and thus it turns out that the person fasted ] whole year " .

They bring al-Nas’i and Ibn Majah. This hadith is also given in the collection. "Sahih at-targyb wa-t-tarhib"  (1/421). It is also transmitted by Ibn Husheim in the following form: “Fasting in the month of Ramadan will be estimated at ten times, and six days of fasting will be counted as two months, and this will turn out a whole year” .

Hanbaliteand shafiitescholars say that observing a six-day fast in Shavval after fasting in Ramadan will be equivalent to compulsory fasting for a whole year, since every good deed is evaluated tenfold, and such a multiple increase in reward extends to all the blessings, including additional desirable ones posts.

Also, one of the important advantages of the six-day fast in Shavval is that it makes up for the omissions made while observing the obligatory fast in Ramadan. The fasting person is not pure from negligence and misconduct that diminishes his fast, and on the Day of Judgment from the additional fasting will be taken what will cover the shortcomings of obligatory fasting, since the Prophet is peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! - said: “The first act for which people will be accountable on the Day of Judgment is prayer. Our Lord is great and omnipotent! - He will say to His angels, although He will know better than them: “Look at the prayer of My slave, whether it was full, or insufficient!”. If it turns out to be full, then it will be recorded as full, and if there is any flaw in it, then Allah will say: “Look, My slave does not have additional prayers!” If he has additional prayers, then He will say: “Make up for My slave the shortcomings of his obligatory prayer from his additional prayers!” Then all cases will be dealt with in the same way. ” .

This hadith leads Abu Dawood.

But Allah knows better!

Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajid

Question number 7860:  When does a Muslim begin to observe the six-day fast of the month of Shavval?

Now we are on another vacation. When can I now begin the observance of the six-day fast of the month of Chavval?


All praise belongs to Allah!

You can begin to observe the six-day fast of Shavval from the second day of the month of Shavval, as it is forbidden to fast on a holiday. You can fast on any six days of the month of Chavval, whatever you want, but the best good deeds are those that happen early.

The Permanent Council was asked: “Is it necessary that after the end of Ramadan the observance of the six-day fasting begins immediately on the day after the holiday, or can it be observed a few days after the holiday in the month of Chavval?”

The council replied:

“There is no need to start fasting the day after the Feast of Conversation. You can begin to comply with it a day or a few days after the holiday. Whoever wants to, can observe these six days of fasting in a row in Shavval one after another, and whoever wants to observe them with breaks between fasting days, it will be more convenient for a person. In this matter, everyone is free to choose what to do. And this six-day fast is not mandatory, but only desirable.

And Allah is helping! And may Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his companions, and send them peace! ”

“Fatava al-Lajnati d-Daima”, 10 / 391.

Question No. 40389:  Is it possible, before restoring the missed obligatory posts, to fulfill the observance of the six-day post of Shavval at first, if there are not enough remaining days?

Is it possible to observe the six-day post of Shavval before the posts missed in Ramadan are restored if the remaining days of the month are not enough to fit both of them in them?


All praise belongs to Allah!

According to a reliable opinion, the observance of the six-day fast in the month of Chavval is due to the full completion of the fast in the month of Ramadan. I point out the words of the Prophet - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! - [will be counted ] .

Leads Muslim (1164).

The words: "and then…" , is an adverb used to indicate a time sequence of actions. It indicates that first of all, the observance of the fast in Ramadan (both timely and reimbursable) should be fully fulfilled, and only after this does the observance of the six-day fast in Shavval begin. Only with this sequence will it be possible to gain the reward mentioned in the hadith.

Moreover, those who have debts on the posts of Ramadan, they say: "He partially fulfilled the observance of the fast in Ramadan," but they do not say: "He fulfilled the observance of the fast in Ramadan."

However, if a person had a good reason that did not allow him to fast for six days in the month of Shavval, because he compensated for missed posts this month, such as a woman who had postpartum hemorrhages in Ramadan and Throughout the whole month of Shavval she restored the posts missed in Ramadan, then such a person can compensate for the missing six-day post of Shavval in the month of Zul-ka'da after he reimburses the post of Ramadan. But if, for no good reason, he does not observe the post in Shavval and skips this way all month, then he will no longer be able to receive a reward for this missed post.

Once, Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen - may Allah Almighty have mercy on him! - they asked about whether a woman who has debts on the posts of Ramadan can first fulfill the observance of the six-day post, or whether she must first fulfill the debt posts. He replied:

“If a woman has debts on posts that she will have to restore, then she cannot observe the six-day post of Shavval until she repays her debt posts. Prophet - peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! - said: “Whoever fulfills fasting in Ramadan, and then after him will also fast for six days of Shavval, [will be counted ]  as if he was fasting for a long period of time " .

The one who has the obligation to restore the posts missed in Ramadan cannot be recognized by those who have fulfilled the observance of the fast in Ramadan, and she will not be able to receive the reward provided for the observance of the six-day fast until she is released from debt posts.

But if we assume that the reimbursement of missed posts will take the whole month of Chavval, such as if a woman has postpartum hemorrhages, because of which she will not fast for a single day in Ramadan, and then proceed to reimburse the missed posts in Shavval and complete them recovery only after Zul-ka'da arrives, then she can then begin to observe a six-day fast and receive a reward like the one who fasted these six days in Shavval, because their postponement was forced, and their timely execution (that eu the fulfillment of the six days of fasting in Shavval) was impossible ”(end of quote).

"Majmu  al-fatava, 20 / 19.

See also questions Nos. 4082 and 7863.

Among other things, the restoration of a missed post for a good reason is a duty. Moreover, it is part of this pillar of Islam. Therefore, the haste in fulfilling this obligation and in freeing oneself from the burden of this debt is priority over the commission of all other additional desirable actions.

See also issue No. 23429.

Question No. 106468:  Is it possible to combine the observance of six days of fasting Shavval with fasting on Mondays and Thursdays?

Will it be correct if I start observing the six days of Shavval’s fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, in order to receive at the same time a separate reward provided for fasting on Mondays and Thursdays?


All praise belongs to Allah!

Yes, there are no obstacles for you in this. You will be awarded with a reward both for observing the six-day fast in Shavval and for observing the fast on Mondays and Thursdays.

Sheikh Muhammad b. ‘Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him! - said: “If these six days of fasting are observed on Mondays and Thursdays, then two separate awards will be achieved, if there was an intention to purchase a reward for observing the six-day fast and separately a reward for fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, in accordance with the words of the Prophet - peace be upon him and blessings of Allah! - “Verily, deeds are judged by intent, and verily, everyone will receive what he intended to gain.” "(End of quote).

Dear Sheikh Muhammad b. ‘Uthaymeen

The Fatava of Islam, 2/154.

Questions No. 4015:  Intent for simultaneous fasting on white days ( ayamu l-bid) and fasting for six days of Shavval.

Will a reward be given to one who combines three of the six days of Chavval fasting with white days?


All praise belongs to Allah!

I asked our Sheikh ‘Abdu-l-‘Aziz b. ‘Abdullah b. Base. He said he hoped that such a person would receive this. Since in reality it turns out that he observed both the six-day fast and the fast on white days, and the Grace of Allah is unlimited!

Also to my question, dear Sheikh Muhammad b. Salih al-сUsaymin answered as follows:

“Yes ... if he fasts for six days of Shavval, then there is no need for him to fast the white days separately, too. Regardless of whether he kept fasting for six days on white days, or kept them until white days, or kept them after white days, in any case, it turns out that he fasted three days in a month. ‘Aisha - may Allah be pleased with her! - said: “The Prophet is peace and blessings of Allah be upon him! - I fasted for three days a month. And he didn’t care when to observe them, at the beginning of the month, in the middle, or at the end ”.

This is similar to the fact that there is no need to separately perform the prayer of salutation of the mosque, if instead of it a prayer is performed- rata. If anyone enters the mosque and makes a prayer- rata, then he no longer needs to perform the prayer of salutation of the mosque ... but Allah knows better! ”

In the name of Allah the Merciful and the Merciful!
Praise be to Allah Almighty, who gave us the opportunity to spend the month of Ramadan in health and well-being. Throughout the month, Muslims all over the world fasted, showed great zeal in worship and various good deeds, thereby trying to achieve the satisfaction of the Most High. As a rule, the peak of charitable deeds among Orthodox Muslims falls on this blessed month. In this regard, at the end of the holy Ramadan, many believers have a certain feeling of sadness for the days gone by. A spiritual void forms. But life does not end there. The end of Ramadan does not relieve the Muslim of his responsibility to the Creator, nor does good deeds and help to his neighbor end with him. On this occasion, in the holy Quran, Allah Tagala says: “Verily, the number of months for Allah is twelve. This was written in the Scripture on the day when Allah created the heavens and the earth. Four months of them are forbidden. This is the right religion, and therefore do not act in them unjustly in relation to yourself ... (at-Tauba, 36). ” In this verse, Almighty Allah wants to say that all the months before Him are equally valuable. A person who diligently spends the month of Ramadan, and at the end of the holy month returns to his former way of life, ignores the instructions of Allah (the farzy), does not guard against the forbidden (haram), he infringes on himself, acts, as the verse says, unjustly towards himself . One scholar was asked about people worshiping and zealous only in the month of Ramadan, to which he replied: "The worst people - the one that truly knows about Allah only in the month of Ramadan, are truly righteous - they are those who worship and are zealous for all months."

The reasons for the six-day fasting month of Chavval
Proceeding from this, all good and good things should not end after the Eid al-Fitr holiday, but on the contrary, should continue, because there are other valuable and expensive months ahead. One of these months is the month of Chavval, immediately following Ramadan. The epithet "al-mukram" is often added to it, which means "generous." After all, it is on the first day of this month that Eid al-Fitr / Uraza-Bairam comes, a holiday in which Muslims compete in their generosity. One of the features of this month is an additional six-day fast, which is the sunnah of the venerable Prophet (pbuh). in a hadith narrated by Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (p.a.), the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ، وَأتْبَعَهُ بِسِتِّ مِنْ شَوَّالٍ كَانَ كَصِيَامِ الدَّهْرِ

"The one who fasts the month of Ramadan and follows the fast for six days of Shavval is equal to the one who fasts throughout the year" (Muslim, Siyam, 204, also Tirmizi. Abu Dawud, ibn Maja.) Imam en-Navawi in explaining this hadith to the book “Shahru Ramadan, Shahru al-Hadi Val Furkan,” said: “And this is like a whole year, because for every good deed a reward is written - ten people like him, for a month Ramadan - ten months like him, and for six days - two months like that. " May there be endless praise to Allah Almighty, who, by his boundless mercy, has given us the opportunity, with the help of six days of the month of Shavval, to be like those who fast throughout the year. After all, it is He in the Holy Quran in the 160th verse of Sura al-Angam who says: “Whoever appears with a good deed will receive a tenfold reward ...”  Truly, this is the unlimited mercy of Allah towards us, and we must not forget to give praise for this.

The wisdom of this is simple.
The wisdom of the six-day uraz in the month of Shavval is also a complement to the shortcomings of the obligatory uraz of the month of Ramadan, as well as the wisdom of all the other additional desirable actions that Allah legitimized in order to complement the required acts. In one of the sacred hadiths (kudsi) quoted by Imam Muslim, Allah Almighty says: “Look, does my slave have additional deeds (nafil) that could supplement the shortcomings of the farzes (obligatory deeds)!”

It is the mercy of Allah that He established desirable deeds for obligatory deeds, through which fullness in obligatory deeds is achieved and with which omissions are filled. Having started a speech on additional acts of worship, we cannot but give the following hadith transmitted from the words of Abu Hurairah (s.a.) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “Verily, Allah said:“ I will declare war on the warring who is close to Me! My favorite thing, whatever My servant (does) in striving to draw close to Me, is for Me what I have charged him with, and My slave will try to draw closer to Me by doing more than the necessary (file) until I fall in love him. When I fall in love with him, I will become his hearing, through which he will hear, and his vision, through which he will see, and with his hand with which he will hold, and with his feet with which he will walk. And if he asks Me (for something), I will surely give him (this), and if I turn to Me for protection, I will surely protect him, and nothing that I do that makes Me hesitate as much as (the need to take ) the soul of a believer who does not want death, for I do not want to harm him. " (Bukhari, Ricak, 38.).

This hadith speaks of the merits of additional worship (ibadat), which are highly recommended. A six-day fast in Shavval should also be included here. Most of all, the slave of Allah approaches his Lord through obligatory (farce) worship. But, since farzes are everyone’s responsibility, in order to gain a special affinity for Him, to become His friend, additional Ibadat are needed. Finally, Allah Almighty, having fallen in love with His slave, who is approaching Him through the filial of ibadat, will become his hearing, through which he will hear, his sight, through which he will see, with his hand with which he will hold, and with his feet with which he will walk. In every business, He will help him. Whatever His slave desires, He will give. If His servant runs to Him, He will save him. The Supreme Lord loves such His slaves to such an extent that He does not love what they do not love. Even because they are not happy about death, Allah does not want to take their souls. He declares war on those who are at odds with them. (The expression "... I will become his hearing, through which he will hear, and his vision, through which he will see," in no case should it be understood that the Almighty Allah will enter the body of His slave. This is a beautiful and powerful metaphor, meaning that in the life of this slave of Allah, divine help will be manifested comprehensively.)

How to keep Urava in the month of Chavval?
Fasting in a given month can be kept on any convenient days, except naturally on the 1st of this month, on which the holiday of Uraza Bairam comes. Fasting is a reprobated act these days. On this occasion, the following hadeeth is given from Umar (s.a.): “The Messenger of Allah forbade fasting on the following two days: the first of them is the feast of the end of the fast of Ramadan, and the second is the day of the holiday when you eat meat of sacrificial animals” (Muslim, Syyam, 138). It is not advisable to also fast separately on Friday. According to some scholars of our madhhab, it is better to keep this post continuously for six days and proceed to it after the holiday. This opinion is common in our area. It is also advised to fast for two days in each week of Shavval. Getting to the post you must certainly make the intention: “I intend for Allah to fast in the month of Chavval”.

Small note
If there are missed fasting days in the month of Ramadan, then you need to first make up for them (kaza). Because the fasting of the month of Shavval is an addition to the mandatory fasting, but, no matter how it is not reimbursed.

Nail - Hazrat Biktaev, Imam Khatyp
Samara Historical Mosque

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