Groups of mushrooms around the world. In the kingdom of mushrooms

All life on Earth is usually attributed either to the plant or animal world, however, there are special organisms - fungi, which for a long time scientists found it difficult to attribute to a certain class. Mushrooms are unique in their structure, way of life and diversity. They are represented by a huge number of varieties and differ in the mechanism of their existence even among themselves. Mushrooms were first attributed to plants, then to animals, and only recently it was decided to attribute them to their own, special kingdom. Mushrooms are neither a plant nor an animal.

What are mushrooms?

Mushrooms, unlike plants, do not contain the chlorophyll pigment, which gives the foliage a green color and extracts nutrients from carbon dioxide. Mushrooms are not able to independently produce nutrients, but extract them from the object on which they grow: tree, soil, plants. Nutrition with prepared substances makes mushrooms very close to animals. In addition, moisture is vital for this group of living organisms, so they cannot exist where there is no liquid.

Mushrooms can be cap, mold and yeast. It is the cap we collect in the forest. Mold fungi are common mold, yeast - yeast and the like, very small microorganisms. Mushrooms can develop on living organisms or eat their metabolic products. Mushrooms can create mutually beneficial relationships with higher plants and insects, these relationships are called symbiosis. Mushrooms are an essential component of the digestive system of herbivores. They play a very large role in the life of not only animals, plants, but also humans.

The structure of the cap mushroom

Everyone knows that the mushroom consists of a leg and a hat, and we cut them off when we collect the mushrooms. However, this is only a small part of the fungus called the “fruit body”. By the structure of the fruiting body, you can determine the edible fungus or not. Fruit bodies consist of interwoven strands, these are “hyphae”. If you turn the mushroom upside down and look at the hat from below, you will notice that some mushrooms have thin plastics (these are plate mushrooms), while others have a sponge (sponge mushrooms). It is there that spores (very small seeds) are formed, necessary for the reproduction of the fungus.

The fruit body makes up only 10% of the fungus itself. The main part of the fungus is mycelium, it is not visible to the eye because it is in the soil or bark of a tree and also represents the interweaving of hyphae. Another name for the mycelium is “mycelium”. A large area of \u200b\u200bmycelium is needed for the collection of nutrients and moisture by the fungus. In addition, it attaches the fungus to the surface and promotes further spread along it.

Edible mushrooms

The most popular edible mushrooms among mushroom pickers include: porcini mushroom, brown boletus, boletus, butterdish, flywheel, honey agaric, lump, russula, chanterelle, saffron mushroom, and throat.

One mushroom can have many varieties, which is why mushrooms with the same name may look different.

White mushroom (boletus)  mushroom pickers love for its unsurpassed taste and aroma. It is very similar in shape to a barrel. The cap of this mushroom looks like a round pillow and has a brown color from pale to dark. Its surface is smooth. The pulp is dense, white, odorless and has a pleasant nutty taste. The leg of the cep is very voluminous, up to 5 cm thick, white, sometimes beige. Most of it is underground. This mushroom can be harvested from June to October in coniferous, deciduous or mixed forests and its appearance depends on where it grows. Eat white mushroom in any form.

Common boletus

Common boletus (obabek)  also a mushroom quite desirable for mushroom pickers. His hat also has the form of a pillow and is painted either in light brown or dark brown. Its diameter is up to 15 cm. The flesh of the cap is white, but may slightly turn pink on the cut. The length of the leg is up to 15 cm. It slightly expands downward and has a light gray color with brown scales. Brown boletus grows in deciduous and mixed forests from June to late autumn. He really loves the light, so most often it can be seen at the edges. Boletus can be eaten boiled, fried and stewed.


Boletus (red-headed) is easily recognizable by the interesting color of his hat, reminiscent of autumn foliage. The color of the hat depends on the place of growth. It ranges from almost white to yellow-red or brown. In the place of the break, the flesh begins to change color, darkens up to black. The boletus leg is very dense and large, reaching a length of 15 cm. In appearance from the boletus boletus, the boletus differs in that it has black spots painted horizontally on its legs, and more vertically on the boletus boletus. This mushroom can be harvested from early summer to October. It is most often found in deciduous and mixed forests, in aspen forests and light forests.


Butterdishit has a fairly wide hat, up to 10 cm in diameter. It can be colored from yellow to chocolate, convex. The peel can be easily separated from the pulp of the hat and to the touch it can be very mucous, slippery. The flesh in the hat is soft, yellowish and juicy. In young people, the sponge under the hat is tightened with a white film; in adults, a skirt remains on the leg from it. The leg has the shape of a cylinder. At the top, it is yellow, and at the bottom it can be slightly darker. The butterdish grows in coniferous forests on sandy soil from May to November. It can be consumed in pickled, dried and salted form.


Kozlyak  very similar to the old oiler, but the sponge under his hat is darker, with large pores and there is no skirt on the leg.


Flywheels  have a cushioned hat with velvet skin from brown to dark green. The leg is dense, yellow-brown. The pulp may turn blue or green in the cut and has a brown color. Most often there are green and yellow-brown moss-flies. They have excellent taste and can be used in fried and dried form. Before taking it for food, be sure to clean the hat. Mushrooms grow in deciduous and coniferous forests of temperate latitudes from mid-summer to mid-autumn.


Dubovik grows mainly in oak forests. In appearance, it resembles a porcini mushroom in shape, and in color - a moss fly. The surface of the cap of young mushrooms is velvety, in wet weather it is mucous. From touching the hat becomes covered with dark spots. The mushroom flesh is yellowish, dense, red or reddish at the base of the leg, turns blue at the cut, then turns brown, odorless, the taste is mild. The mushroom is edible, but it is easy to confuse it with the inedible mushroom: a satanic and bile fungus. If part of the leg is covered with a dark net, this is not a cudgel, but its inedible double. In an olive-brown oak, the flesh on the cut immediately turns blue, and in a poisonous double, it slowly changes color, first to red, and then turns blue.

All the mushrooms described above are spongy. Among the spongy mushrooms, only the bile fungus and the satanic mushroom are poisonous, they look like white, but immediately change color on the cut, and even pepper is not edible, because bitter, about them below. But among the lamellar mushrooms there are many inedible and poisonous, so the child should remember the names and descriptions of edible mushrooms before going on a "silent hunt."

Honey agaric

Honey agaric  grows on the basis of trees, and meadow honey agaric - in the meadows. Its convex hat is up to 10 cm in diameter and has a tan color, similar to an umbrella. The length of the leg is up to 12 cm. In the upper part it is light and has a ring (skirt), and below it acquires a brownish tint. The mushroom pulp is dense, dry, with a pleasant smell.

Autumn honey agaric grows from August to October. It can be found both on the basis of dead and living trees. The hat is brownish, dense, the plates are yellowish, with a white ring on the leg. Most often it is found in a birch grove. This mushroom can be eaten dried, fried, pickled and boiled.

Autumn honey agaric

Summer honey agaric, like autumn honey, grows on stumps all summer and even in autumn. Its hat on the edge is darker than in the middle and thinner than that of the autumn honey fly. On the leg is a brown ring.

Honey agaric

Meadowworm has been growing in meadows and pastures since the end of May. Sometimes mushrooms form a circle, which mushroom pickers call the Witch’s Ring.

Honey agaric


Russula have a round hat with easily peelable edges. The hat reaches 15 cm in diameter. The hat may be convex, flat, concave or funnel-shaped. Its color varies from red-brown and blue-gray to yellowish and light gray. The leg is white, fragile. The pulp also has a white color. Russula can be found in both deciduous and coniferous forests. They also grow in a birch park, and on the banks of the river. The first mushrooms appear in late spring, and the largest number occurs in early autumn.


Fox  - an edible mushroom pleasant in appearance and taste. Her velvety hat is reddish in color and resembles a funnel in shape with folds at the edges. Its pulp is dense and has the same color as the hat. The hat goes smoothly into the leg. The leg is also red, smooth, tapering down. Its length is up to 7 cm. The chanterelle is found in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. It can often be found in moss and among conifers. It grows from June to November. You can use it in any form.

The breast

The breast  It has a concave hat with a funnel in the center and wavy edges. It is firm to the touch and fleshy. The surface of the cap is white and sometimes covered with fluff, it is dry or vice versa, mucous and wet, depending on the type of loaf. The pulp is brittle and, when broken, white juice with a bitter taste is released. Depending on the type of milk, the juice may turn yellow or turn pink. The leg of the breast is dense, white. This fungus grows in deciduous and mixed forests, often covered with dry foliage so that it is not visible, but only a mound is visible. It can be collected from the first summer month to September. Mushrooms are good for pickling. Much less often they are fried or consumed in a cooked form. The breast is black, but black tastes much worse.

White breast (real)

Dry breast (preload)

Aspen breast

Black breast

The wake

Wake  they are distinguished by a small hat with a depression in the center and a beautiful fringe along slightly tucked edges. Its color varies from yellowish to pink. The pulp is white and dense. This is a conditionally edible mushroom. The juice has a very bitter taste, so before you cook this mushroom, it needs to be soaked for a long time. The leg is dense, up to 6 cm in length. Volnushki love humid terrain and grow in deciduous and mixed forests, preferring birch trees. They are best collected from August to September. The flakes can be eaten in a salted and pickled form.


Ginger they are similar to waves, but larger in size, they do not have a fringe on the edges, they are light orange in color, and the flesh on the cut is also orange, it turns green on the edge. The mushroom does not have bitter juice, so you can cook it right away without steeping it. The mushroom is edible. Ginger fried, boiled and pickled.


Champignon  grow in the forest, and in the city, and even in landfills and cellars from summer to autumn. While the mushroom is young, its hat has the shape of a half ball white or grayish in color, the reverse side of the hat is covered with a white veil. When the hat opens, the veil turns into a skirt on the leg, exposing the gray plates with spores. Mushrooms are edible, they are fried, boiled, pickled without much pre-treatment.


The mushroom, which creaks slightly when you hold it with your fingernail or when rubbing the hats, many call it a creak. It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests, usually in groups. The violinist is similar to a breast, but unlike the breast, its plates are cast in yellowish or greenish colors, and the hat may also be not pure white, and also velvety. The pulp of the mushroom is white, very dense, hard, but brittle, with a faint pleasant smell and a very pungent taste. At the break, it emits a very caustic white milky juice. The white flesh in the air acquires a greenish-yellow color. Milky juice, drying, becomes reddish. The violin is a conditionally edible mushroom; it is edible in a salty form after soaking.

Valui (goby)  has a light brown hat with whitish plates and a white leg. While the mushroom is young, the hat is bent down and slightly slippery. Young mushrooms are picked and eaten, but only after removing the skin, prolonged soaking or boiling the mushroom.

You can find such bizarre mushrooms in the forest and in the meadow: morel, stitch, dung beetle, blue-green stroparia. They are conditionally edible, but recently they are less and less eaten by people. The young mushroom umbrella and raincoat are edible.

Poisonous mushrooms

Inedible mushrooms or food products containing their poisons can cause severe poisoning and even death. The most life-threatening inedible, poisonous mushrooms include: fly agarics, pale grebe, false mushrooms.

A very noticeable mushroom in the forest. His red hat with white dots is visible to the forester from afar. However, depending on the type, the hats can also be of other colors: green, brown, white, orange. The hat is shaped like an umbrella. This mushroom is quite large. The leg usually extends downward. There is a "skirt" on it. It represents the remains of the shell in which the young mushrooms were located. This poisonous mushroom can be confused with russula golden red. The russula has a cap slightly pressed in the center and there is no “skirt” (Volvo).

Pale grebe (Amanita green)  even in small amounts can cause great harm to human health. Her hat can be white, green, gray or yellowish. But the form depends on the age of the fungus. The hat of a young pale grebe resembles a small egg, and over time it becomes almost flat. The leg of the mushroom is white, tapers down. The pulp does not change at the incision site and is odorless. Pale grebe grows in all forests with alumina soil. This mushroom is very similar to mushrooms and russula. However, champignon plates are usually colored darker, and they are white in pale toadstools. The russula does not have this skirt on the leg, and they are more brittle.

False honey mushrooms  can be easily confused with edible mushrooms. They usually grow on stumps. The cap of these mushrooms has a bright color, and the edges are covered with white flaky particles. Unlike edible mushrooms, the smell and taste of these mushrooms are unpleasant.

Gall mushroom  - double of white. It differs from boletus in that the upper part of its leg is covered with a dark mesh, and the flesh turns pink on the cut.

Satanic mushroom  also similar to white, but his sponge under the hat is reddish, the leg has a red mesh, and the cut becomes purple.

Pepper mushroom  looks like a moss fly or oiler, but the sponge under the hat is lilac.

False fox  - the inedible double of the chanterelle. The color of the false fox is darker, reddish-orange, white juice stands out at the fracture of the hat.

Both the flywheel and the chanterelles also have inedible doubles.

As you understand, mushrooms are not only those that have a hat and a leg and which grow in the forest.

  • Yeast mushrooms are used to create some drinks, using them during the fermentation process (for example, kvass). Mold fungi are a source of antibiotics and save millions of lives every day. Special types of mushrooms are used to give products, such as cheeses, a special taste. They are also used to create chemicals.
  • Spores of fungi, with the help of which they multiply, can sprout after 10 years or more.
  • There are also predatory species of fungi that feed on worms. Their mycelium forms dense rings, when hit it is already impossible to break out.
  • The oldest mushroom found in amber is 100 million years old.
  • An interesting fact is that leaf-cutting ants are able to independently grow the mushrooms they need to feed. They acquired this ability 20 million years ago.
  • In nature, there are about 68 species of luminous mushrooms. Most often they are found in Japan. Such mushrooms differ in that they glow green in the dark, it looks especially impressive if the mushroom grows in the middle of rotted tree trunks.
  • Some mushrooms lead to serious diseases and affect agricultural plants.

Mushrooms are mysterious and very interesting organisms, full of unsolved secrets and unusual discoveries. Edible species are a very tasty and healthy product, and inedible species can cause great harm to health. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish them and you should not put a mushroom in a basket in which there is no complete confidence. But this risk does not stop admiring their diversity and beauty against the background of blooming nature.

The world around us - Grade 3 on the topic: Mushrooms

Summary of the lesson on the surrounding world in grade 3 (in accordance with GEF)
Theme: "Mushrooms"

Purpose:   to form ideas about mushrooms as a special kingdom of wildlife; introduce to the structural features and varieties of mushrooms; give the concept of microscopic fungi; to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of fungi in the life of plants, animals and humans; cultivate respect for nature
Lesson Type: lesson of study and initial consolidation of new knowledge
Expected Results: Subjects:
- to know about the presence of the kingdom of mushrooms
- find and list parts of the mushroom
- know the varieties of mushrooms
- know edible and inedible mushrooms;
Meta subject:
- Compare mushrooms and plants and find distinctive signs;
- Compare your findings with the textbook;
- classify mushrooms into two groups: edible and inedible;
- formulate the rules for collecting mushrooms;
- build a monologue, take into account different opinions and interests and justify their own position;
- perceive and understand various types of messages, consciously read texts in order to master and use information,
- work with information presented in different forms (text, picture, diagram);
- realize the importance of mushrooms for the forest, for animals, for humans
- recognize the importance of proper mushroom picking;
- recognize the importance of respect for nature
Equipment:   laptop, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, digital microscope, PROCLass on-line monitoring system, pieces of mold bread, cards with texts for working in groups, signal cards, presentation for the lesson, Mushrooms test (presentation), textbook “The World. Grade 3 "N.F. Vinogradova

During the classes.

I Organizational moment.
- The funny bell rang
I called you guys to a lesson.
- Today we have an unusual lesson in the world around us. (Slide 1: Item name: environment, class 3.) Let's show how we can work, be active, attentive.
II Actualization of knowledge.
- Remember what nature is? (Alive and inanimate)
- What applies to wildlife? (Animals, plants, mushrooms, etc.)
- And what about inanimate nature? (Air, water, Sun, etc.)
- What are the signs of living organisms. (Nutrition, movement, respiration, growth, development, etc.)
- To which group do bacteria belong? (Nature)
III Goal setting and motivation.
- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted in detail with the amazing kingdom of living organisms. And how, you will learn by guessing the riddle:

Under the pine tree by the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boot,
There is a hat - no head.
“We will travel to the kingdom of mushrooms.” (Slide 2: Pictures of mushrooms). What do you think our lesson plan is? (The structure of mushrooms. Types of mushrooms. The value of mushrooms in nature. How mushrooms use
IV Study of new material. 1. Acquaintance with the structure of mushrooms. (Front work)
- What do you think of what parts the mushroom consists of? (Slide 3: Schematic diagram “Structure of the mushroom” (fruiting body: hat, stump and mycelium)
- The fungus distinguishes the underground part - mycelium. It is located in the soil, formed from branching tubular threads. Very similar to a web. For mycelium to grow, heat, air and moisture are needed. The ground part of fungi is called the fruiting body. In the fruit body, a hat and a leg (stump) are distinguished.
- Consider the illustration in the textbook on page 40. Which mushrooms are depicted here?
- Compare in appearance. Make a conclusion about the diversity of fruiting bodies in mushrooms.
2. Work in groups (two). - Decide who will be the responsible organizer in the group. (Tasks: 1 gr. Identification of differences between mushrooms and plants (textbook p. 41) 2 gr. Acquaintance with the types of mushrooms. Propagation of mushrooms (textbook p. 42)
3. Group messages. 4. Generalization of the teacher. Findings. - For a long time, mushrooms were attributed to the kingdom of plants. However, they are currently singled out as a separate kingdom. It includes about 100,000 known species.
- What are the main distinguishing features of mushrooms. (Slide 4: Conclusions: 1. Mushrooms do not have a green color. 2. Mushrooms cannot, like plants, create nutrients.)
- What groups can be divided into mushrooms? (Slide 5: Types of mushrooms: hat, tubular, lamellar.)
5. Acquaintance with microscopic mushrooms.
“Mushrooms are amazing living things.” Some live near us, in our houses and apartments, but we don’t even notice them. For example, leave pieces of white or black bread in the bread box or in a sealed plastic bag for several days. They are covered with spots of white, yellowish or green mold. Mold mushrooms settle on bread, jam and other products. (Slide 6: Pictures of molds) They can only be viewed under a microscope.
Work with a digital microscope:
- Examine the mold on slices of bread under a microscope. It is called mukor.
- Under the microscope, thin, colorless branching filaments are visible.
6. Fizminutka   (Slides 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Pictures to the words of the physical minute)
All little animals at the edge (marching in place)
Looking for breasts and thrills.
Squirrels galloped, (jumping squatting, depicting squirrels)
Redheads were looking.
The little fox ran, (running on the spot)
I collected chanterelles.
Jumping rabbits, (jumping)
They were looking for an edge.
The bear passed, (go, depicting a bear)
Amanita crushed. (Did he do the right thing?)
7. The value of mushrooms in nature and human life. Rules for picking mushrooms.
(Conversation with a slide show, work on an interactive whiteboard)
- Mushrooms in nature play a very important role. Which one?
- Destroying plant and animal remains, they perform a large sanitary work to clean the environment, creating useful substances. Without mushroom activity, dried leaves, decaying trees and animals would have accumulated on Earth. (Slide 12: Photos of mushrooms about their role in nature)
- How does a person use mushrooms?
- Edible mushrooms are sometimes called vegetable meat. They have many essential nutrients and vitamins for the body. (Slide 13: Pictures: edible mushrooms in a basket, dishes with mushrooms)
- In addition to the fact that people use mushrooms for food, they have a different meaning. Please remember, your mothers and grandmothers bake pies. But first you need to knead the dough. What do they add to it? (Yeast).
- Yeast is not quite like the mushrooms familiar to our attention. These are small unicellular mushrooms. They carry out the fermentation process, thanks to which the dough becomes magnificent. Man learned to use yeast in bakery. (Slide 14 Picture: Yeast)
- Some mushrooms grow under trees. What kind?
- I must say that they are "inseparable friends." (Slide 15: Image: mushrooms near the trees) By the name of the mushroom, you can determine which tree it is "friends" with. Mushrooms are very attached to their trees. The mycelium grows together with the roots of trees, forming a “mushroom root”. Such friendship is beneficial to both the mushroom and the tree. The mushroom mycelium braids the roots of trees and receives ready sugar from them. The mushroom gives the tree the nutrients that it takes from the soil.
Because of this, scientists have not yet been able to grow boletus, boletus, saffron on the beds. But it is known that if you take an old mushroom, grind it, mix it with water and water the roots of the trees in young forest belts with this solution, then after 2 to 3 years you can pick mushrooms here.
- Some inedible mushrooms eat animals: magpies, squirrels. And moose swallow these mushrooms in their entirety. Amanita for moose is a cure. (Slide 16: Pictures, Photos: Mushrooms and Animals)
- Let's remember what rules must be observed when collecting mushrooms? (Kids' answers. Slide show 17: Mushroom picking rules)
- Collect only the mushrooms you know;
When picking mushrooms, use a knife, cutting the mushroom, and not tearing it out of the ground. (Why?)
Never pick mushrooms with an old fruiting body.
In the process of cooking, the mushrooms must be boiled, and then used for cooking.
At the first signs of poisoning, consult a doctor immediately.
-Which mushrooms are edible, and which are poisonous? (Assignment on an interactive whiteboard: "PUT EDIBLE MUSHROOMS IN A BASKET")

V Securing the studied.

(Work in the PROCLass operational control system. Children perform test tasks on the subject “Mushrooms” (tasks on a prepared presentation)
1. Tests on the topic "Mushrooms" (at the presentation):
1. What is the main body of the fungus called:
A) fruiting body
B) mycelium
C) disputes
2. What does the mushroom share with the tree?
A) water
B) sugar
C) rooted
3. What extra mushroom?
A) birch
B) boletus
B) fly agaric
4. Mushrooms that are used in the production of bread:
A) kefir mushroom
B) yeast
C) bile fungus
5. The smallest and most primitive living things on Earth are ...
A) mushrooms
B) insects
C) bacteria
6. Mushrooms are related to ....
A) the kingdom of plants
B) the kingdom of animals
C) a separate kingdom
2. Test results.

VI Summary of the lesson.

Our journey to the kingdom of mushrooms has ended. What did you learn in the lesson?
Reflection: "I found out ..."
"I learned…"
"I can…"
Homework: textbook pp. 39 - 44, workbook on a printed basis: assignment on page 23, exercise 44.
-Select a signal card
Evaluation criteria: green - I understand everything, yellow - I understand, but not everything; red color - a lot is not clear.

Dear Guys! Today we’ll talk about mushrooms.

Did you pick mushrooms?

Tell us where and what mushrooms you found.

Try to recall which mushrooms you know.

Right! Porcini mushroom, brown boletus, boletus, mushroom, butterdish, russula, saffron ...

Mushrooms grow in forests and fields, in meadows and swamps. They appear on the ground among the fallen leaves, mossy tree stumps and tree trunks stick around, mushrooms are found even underground.

What is a mushroom?

A mushroom is a plant, but the plant is special. He has no branches, no leaves, no flowers.

Mushrooms reproduce by spores. Spores are tiny particles that hide in the caps of mushrooms. When the mushrooms ripen, spores spill out onto the ground, they are picked up by the wind and spreads through the forest or meadow. New young mushrooms grow out of spores.

Mushrooms have a mycelium. It looks like a felt nest and consists of a huge number of densely interwoven threads. These finest, like cobwebs, threads are called hyphae. Mushroom strings go deep into the ground. In appearance, they resemble the roots of trees and permeate the underground space around the fungus. Through filamentous hyphae, the fungus receives water from the soil and the nutrients dissolved in it that are necessary for it to grow. The mushroom picker and the threads diverging in all directions underground can be compared with the trunk and roots of a tree. The mushroom picker is the trunk, and the threads are the roots.

The fruit of this extraordinary tree is a mushroom, which we gladly put in a basket or basket. The mushroom has a hat and a leg.

Imagine that in the early morning you went to the forest for mushrooms. Silence still reigns in the forest, between the trunks of trees silver-white fog spreads. But then the first rays of the dawn broke out, they flare up brighter, illuminating the pink radiance of the cloud. The fog dissipates, the contours of the trees become clearly visible, and from the green grass tower the Oriole flies out and loudly sings its morning song.

Oriole song

"Fiu-liu, fiu-liu, -

The Oriole whistles loudly. -

The summer morning is beautiful

The dew glistens with a twinkle.

The gully smells across the ravines

The singing of the springs is heard

Under the pine and under the spruce

A lot of fungi has grown! ”

For a long time people not only hunted animals and birds in the forests, but also collected forest gifts - mushrooms. Mushroom picking is called "silent hunting."

“Among the various human hunts, there is a humble hunt to walk on mushrooms, or to take mushrooms. I’m even ready to give priority to mushrooms, because they must be found, therefore, it is possible not to find them; it mixes some skill, knowledge of the mushroom deposits, knowledge of the area and happiness. No wonder the proverb says: "With happiness it’s good to go mushrooms too." These words belong to Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, writer, connoisseur of Russian nature.

With Aksakov’s light hand, picking up mushrooms was called the “silent hunt”.

Why do experienced mushroom pickers go on a "silent hunt" in the early morning, and not at sultry noon or in the evening?

Yes, because:

"On the dewy dawn

The mushroom is strong, fragrant,

And on a sultry day -

Like a rotten stump. "

Such a saying has been made by the people.

They also say this: "Whoever gets up earlier will pick up mushrooms, and only nettles remain drowsy and lazy."

Many mushroom pickers know a joyful feeling when they find the very first forest trophy - a stately strong mushroom!

“For me, the most valuable thing is to enter the forest when it’s still gloomy and quiet and untouched in the forest, and under your first spruce your first mushroom is waiting for you, as if he had deliberately stepped closer to the edge to be the first to catch his eye and make him happy,” - noted the writer Vladimir Soloukhin.

Forest trophy

Dawn is shy, shy

Pleasant forest chill.

Under the spruce, right on the trail

Tear off a young fungus.

How strong, vigorous he is!

He wants to please me.

Dew on green grasses,

Like crystal beads.

I will love a little bit

The gift of gnomes and fairies

And put it in a basket

His first forest trophy.

How to get dressed, going to the forest mushrooms?

You need to wear rubber boots with woolen socks on your feet, because in the early dewy morning in the forest it is also damp and cool. It is better not to put anything rustling in the forest, so as not to frighten the forest inhabitants, and bright, so as not to attract insects. Bees and wasps can take you for a large elegant flower and sting inadvertently!

The most suitable clothes for the mushroom picker are a tracksuit and a light cap.

The main thing is that the head, arms and legs are covered with clothing. Do not forget that dangerous insects are found in forests - ticks, which bites can cause serious illness.

But imagine that you dressed in all the rules of “mushroom hunting” and thought about what you will put mushrooms in.

Neither buckets, nor bags, nor backpacks for picking mushrooms are suitable! After all, mushrooms are tender, soft. Their hats easily break and crumble. In addition, cut mushrooms need to “breathe”, and in buckets and backpacks they will not only break, but also “suffocate” - they will quickly lose their bright forest beauty, become dark and clumped.

No, for picking mushrooms, baskets or baskets woven from flexible willow branches, covered with fragrant moss, and bodies of white birch bark, the top layer of birch bark, are best suited. Mushrooms “breathe” through the holes in them, preserving aromatic freshness and beauty.

Put the fungus in a basket

Put the fungus in the basket,

That weaved from willow branches.

Let the mushroom “breathe” a little,

Let it remain beautiful!

Many mushroom pickers have their own cherished places - fringes, clearings, where they collect a rich mushroom crop every year. But mushrooms are tricky! They like, as the people say, "drive by the nose." They will either hide under a thick dark spruce, or they will be buried in tall herbs near a mossy hemp, or they will hide themselves with a fallen leaf. You pass by and you will not notice!

Many mushroom pickers know that if there are dry sultry days, mushrooms together hide under the bushes, and after the rains they scatter fun in the clearing and edges.

Do you guys know how to cut mushrooms properly? Is it possible to uproot mushrooms?

Right! Mushrooms must not be pulled out of the earth with a mycelium! Having destroyed the mycelium, you will not find more mushrooms at this place. But mushroom mushrooms of some mushrooms live for hundreds of years!

If you find a forest treasure - a young fresh mushroom, you need to cut it with a knife and sprinkle the mushroom lightly with soil, cover it with foliage or a sprig of needles and firmly press it with your palm so that the mushroom grows again next year.

A real mushroom picker, having found a good mushroom, will first admire it, remember where this mushroom grew, and only then carefully cut it and put it in a basket with a hat down on a soft feather bed made of moss.

Many Russian folk signs are associated with where and when to look for mushrooms. People noticed: if “there are a lot of midges, you need to cook a lot of mushrooms for mushrooms,” and “the first fog of summer is a sure mushroom omen.”

Cunning fungus

Sly little fungus

In a round red hat

He doesn’t want a car body,

He plays hide and seek.

Lurking near a stump -

Play is calling me!

Where to find the fungus

If the day is dry and sultry,

Then in the pine forest, resinous, coniferous

All the mushrooms are under the bushes

Under the green leaves.

If the rain makes a noise

If the forest is wet,

Instantly chanterelles and throttles

Run away at the edge of the forest.

Admire the beauty!

Before the fungus

Put in a box,

Take your time, wait

Admire the beauty.

And then don’t be lazy

Gribu bow low.

Cut it under the spine

In winter there will be a pie!

Tip to the mushroom picker

Sprinkle mycelium

Raw earth

Cover with foliage

Yes fragrant needles.

A year will pass -

The fungus will grow again!

Mushrooms grow especially spore in forests after warm summer rains. Such rains are often called “blind”, or “mushroom”. “There will be rain - there will be fungi, and there will be fungi, there will be bodies,” reads the wisdom of the people.

Mushroom rain

Rain is coming. Smelled of moisture

Fine dust water.

I see, in the haze, behind the ravine

Obliquely rolls rain mushroom.

Goes into the forest slowly

A foot touches a shaggy

The stalks are strong nettles,

Bells and mint.

Sits on a fallen trunk

Where there is moss and humus

And conjures over mycelium:

After all, it is not for nothing that he is mushroom!

What months do mushroom pickers pick mushrooms?

The earliest mushrooms are oyster mushrooms, they are harvested in the spring.

“Spring hanged oyster mushrooms on the trees — the earliest spring mushrooms,” the inveterate mushroom picker, geologist and writer Pyotr Sigunov writes about oyster mushrooms. “Oyster mushrooms, like jumping squirrels, like to climb trunks. They will climb onto a dry, beautiful aspen tree and sit there on short felt legs, hanging their thick, pinched ears ... Oyster mushrooms smell of wheat flour. No wonder they are also called buns. ”

But most of the mushroom crop begins to be harvested from mid-summer until the fall days. For autumn mushrooms go in September. The people noted: "If the late fungus - there will be a late snowball."

In the old days in Russia there were many dense forests, and in these forests is full of mushrooms! “With the onset of the season, entire families left smoky huts, hung large deep baskets behind their backs, picked up sticks to feel mushrooms under the humus of fallen leaves, and“ disappeared ”before the cold autumn. These "forest people" lived solely on picking mushrooms. They built booths and huts for themselves, and only left their thickets to sell their goods to the buyers who were waiting for them at the edge of the forest ”(K. Serebryakov).

In the midst of the mushroom season, mushroom pickers scatter through the forest. Every now and then their voices are heard: they have something in common, they are heard. Sometimes people wander into the thicket and lose the familiar path.

How not to get lost in a dense forest?

It turns out that you can find the way to the house and by mushrooms! No wonder they are called "living compasses." You, of course, know that a compass is a device indicating the location of the cardinal points: North, South, West, East. This kind of compass can be a mushroom - an ordinary forest saffron!

These mushrooms usually grow under fir trees. The saffron mushrooms growing to the north of the spruce have large, bright orange hats like cast copper, while the saffron mushrooms growing on the south have small, greenish hats.

The edible mushrooms that we collect in the forests are tubular and lamellar.

In tubular mushrooms, the lower surface of the cap is similar to a porous sponge. It is penetrated by thin tubes in which fungal spores mature. Porcini mushrooms include porcini mushroom and boletus, butterdish and mushroom.

In lamellar mushrooms, the lower surface of the cap is covered with plate ribs. Spores are attached to each plate. When the mushroom ripens, the plates move apart and spores spill out onto the ground. Agaric mushrooms - mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, honey mushrooms.

In addition to edible mushrooms, poisonous mushrooms are also found in the forest. They are best avoided! You can neither touch them, nor cut them with a knife, nor put them in a basket!

They are called "forest werewolves" because these mushrooms look like edible ones.

The well-known handsome fly agaric and false mushrooms, which cleverly fake real mushrooms, also belong to poisonous mushrooms. But the most dangerous poisonous mushroom is a pale toadstool! Even a small piece of this fungus can kill a person. The pale grebe contains several deadly poisons at once.

About poisonous mushrooms and how to distinguish them from edible, you will learn a little later.

Let's think together why edible good mushrooms are so loved by people.

They are tasty and healthy. They can be boiled, fried, salted, marinated and dried. Mushrooms give a special taste and aroma to all dishes! Soups are cooked with mushrooms, baked pies, cooked roast.

Mushrooms contain many useful substances, so from ancient times they were used in the treatment of diseases.

Many fungi have an antimicrobial effect, they contain antibiotics.

Not only people, but also animals love to eat mushrooms. Squirrels and chipmunks stock mushrooms for the winter in different ways. Squirrels prick mushrooms on branches, chipmunks and badgers sprinkle them for drying on the trunks of fallen weather trees.

What mushrooms are especially fond of forest residents?

Squirrels like mushrooms, boletus, mushrooms and mushrooms. Moose love to treat themselves with porcini mushrooms, and they are treated with fly agaric. Reindeer eat appetite with appetite. Wild boars are mushrooms. Before eating the mushrooms, wild boars trample them with their hooves, crush them with fangs and wallow in the mud. They like this dish! Chipmunks and badgers dry for the winter breasts, chanterelles and russules.

How do mushroom pickers know where to look for their "forest happiness"? They have their own little tricks. Inveterate lovers of “silent hunting” know when and under what trees to look for forest treasures. For example, ceps do not grow in young forests, they appear in pine and spruce forests, which are at least fifty years old. They like ceps to grow near anthills. The indefatigable worker-ants loosened the earth there. Fell in love by the "colonels" -boroviki and shady glades.

Oil mushrooms grow more often in young forests, copses, in sunny dry pine trees. Russula is decorated with colorful hats birch trees, and honey mushrooms appear on stumps.

Mushroom pickers know that if threesomes appear, then the mushrooms will soon go. If mushroom pickers bring porcini mushrooms in baskets from the forest, then in three weeks mushrooms will grow up. If autumn honey agarics stuck around the stumps and trunks of trees, it means that soon they flutter in the air, like white moths, snowflakes.

Have you ever wondered where the mushrooms got their names from?

It turns out that some mushrooms are called by their place of growth. For example, a honey agaric has fallen in love with rotten stumps, and a moss fly grows in mosses.

Other mushrooms got their names from the trees under which they grow. The birch tree grows under the birch, the oak tree grows under the oak, the boletus grows under the aspen.

Still others are like any animals. Red chanterelles - on a sister chanterelle, a pig - on a plump pig, and a blackberry mushroom - on a prickly hedgehog.

Mushroom picking rules

It seems to be a simple matter to cut off the mushroom and put it in a basket, but lovers of the “quiet hunt” must remember and observe several important rules of the mushroom picker so that forest gifts bring joy, not disaster.

FIRST, learn to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones. If you notice a poisonous mushroom, do not tear it, do not cut it with a knife, do not knock it down with a stick. Better go around it. By the way, some poisonous mushrooms, dangerous to human health, cure diseases of animals and birds.

SECOND, pick only those mushrooms that you are familiar with. Never cut unfamiliar mushrooms!

THIRD, do not put worms eaten by slugs, overripe mushrooms in the box. In such mushrooms poisonous substances are formed, these mushrooms can be poisoned!

FOURTH, never pick mushrooms in city squares, parks, front gardens, on boulevards, or mushrooms that grow near highways.


Yes, because mushrooms, like sponges, absorb all the harmful substances that accumulate in the soil and are contained in polluted air.

In order not to scare away luck, friends jokingly wish the hunters: “No fluff, no feather”, for the fishermen: “No tail, no fin”, and for the mushroom pickers we wish: “No hat, no spine”. Let the mushrooms themselves catch their eye, and do not hide under the leaves and needles, do not run away from the stumps and trees.

Questions to fix

1. What is a mushroom?

2. What is the difference between mushrooms and other plants.

3. What mushrooms do you know?

4. Why is mushroom picking called “silent hunting”?

5. How to dress properly, gathering mushrooms in the forest?

6. Where better to put the collected mushrooms? Why?

7. How to cut mushrooms?

8. In what months of the year do mushroom pickers harvest mushrooms?

9. Why are mushrooms called “living compasses”?

10. What mushrooms are called tubular?

11. What mushrooms are called "forest werewolves" and why?

12. What mushrooms store squirrels and badgers?

13. What animals like to eat mushrooms?

14. What little secrets do mushroom pickers know?

My favorite mushroom mushroom Report to the topic: Mushrooms. The world. 3rd grade.

My favorite mushroom mushroom

I love salted mushrooms. And saffron milk is the best mushroom for salting. Grandmother pickles saffron mushrooms in large glass jars. And then, in winter, we eat them with the whole family.

Ginger is a very beautiful mushroom. It is bright orange. For this he was called saffron.

He belongs to hat mushrooms because he has a hat and a stump.

The saffron milk belongs to lamellar mushrooms because at the bottom of a hat it has plates.

If it is cut off or broken, it gives off orange juice. In the air, the site of damage to the hemp or hat turns green.

Ginger is an edible mushroom. It belongs to the first category mushrooms. This is one of the most valuable mushrooms. It can be eaten salty, pickled and pickled.

You can collect mushrooms from July to October. The mushrooms grow in pine forests. But there are spruce mushrooms.

Despite the bright color, finding a camelina in the forest is not easy. Mushrooms are hiding in the dense grass. But, individually, they do not grow. Therefore, if one camelina is found, there will certainly be a whole family nearby.

It is not necessary to choose the largest mushrooms, because mushrooms are loved not only by people, but also by worms. They are usually found in large old mushrooms.

Ginger must be carefully cut with a knife so as not to damage the mycelium. Then in a year new mushrooms will grow in the same place.

The kingdom of mushrooms is very diverse. Scientists know about 100 thousand species of these organisms.

The mushrooms that we usually see in the forest consist of hats and legs. And underground, from the legs stretch thin white threads in different directions. This is the mycelium - the underground part of the mushroom. It absorbs water from the soil with mineral salts dissolved in it. Mushrooms cannot themselves produce nutrients like plants. They absorb nutrients from dead plant and animal debris in the soil. At the same time, fungi contribute to the destruction of the remains of organisms and the formation of humus.

Many mushrooms in the forest are closely related to trees (see Fig. 2). The strings of the mycelium grow together with the roots of the trees and help them absorb water and salt from the soil. In return, mushrooms receive from plants the nutrients that plants produce in the light. So mushrooms and trees help each other.

Forests also need mushrooms because many forest animals feed on them. Mushrooms are the wealth of the forest. Treat them with care! Some species of mushrooms are listed in the Red Book of Russia. They need special protection.

Mushrooms from the Red Book of Russia

Edible and inedible mushrooms

Many edible and inedible mushrooms are very similar, so children can pick mushrooms only with adults. Compare and learn to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms.

1.   Read the descriptions of the double mushrooms carefully. Find them in the picture. Highlight the hallmarks.

  1. White mushroom.
  2.   The bottom hat is white or yellowish, the figure on the leg is in the form of a white net, the flesh on the cut remains white. Edible mushroom.

    Bile Mushroom (False White). The bottom hat is pink, the pattern on the leg is in the form of a black net, the flesh turns pink on the cut. Not a poisonous, but very bitter mushroom!

  3. Autumn honey agaric.
  4.   Hat underneath yellowish-white with dark spots, a ring on the leg, white flesh with a pleasant smell. Edible mushroom.

    False brick red.  The bottom hat is dark, there is no ring on the leg, the flesh is yellowish with an unpleasant odor. Poisonous Mushroom!

  5. Champignon.
  6.   The bottom hat is pink or purple; there is no bag on the bottom of the cap. Edible mushroom.

    Death cap.  The cap is white below, a torn bag on the leg below. Deadly poisonous mushroom!

2.   Read the mushroom picking rules. Which of them are already known to you, and which turned out to be new? Always follow these guidelines.

How to pick mushrooms

  1. Collect only those mushrooms that you know well. Indeed, among the mushrooms are many poisonous.
  2. When looking for mushrooms, do not tear and do not scatter leaves, moss. The mushroom picker, being exposed to the sun, can dry out and die.
  3. In order not to damage the mycelium, it is best to cut the mushrooms with a knife.
  4. No need to take old mushrooms. They can be poisonous to humans.
  5. You can’t pick mushrooms near highways and industrial enterprises, in urban squares. These mushrooms accumulate harmful substances that are released into the environment by cars and enterprises.

check yourself

  1. What parts does the mushroom consist of? Find these parts on the diagram.
  2. How are mushrooms related to trees?
  3. What does mushrooms mean for the forest?
  4. What kind of edible and inedible mushrooms do you know?
  5. How to pick mushrooms?

Homework assignments

  1. Record in the dictionary: mycelium, edible mushrooms, inedible mushrooms.
  2. In the book "The Giant in the Clearing" read the story "Who needs a fly agaric." Did Sergei want to do well?
  3. Using a determinant atlas, mold several edible and inedible mushrooms from plasticine. Try to convey their distinguishing features.

Pages for the curious

What are germs?

Microbes (microorganisms) are tiny creatures that are not visible to the simple eye. Their name comes from the Greek word "mik-ros" - small.

Microbes include bacteria, tiny fungi (not the ones we see in the forest), and some other organisms.

Among the bacteria there are dangerous for humans, for example, bacteria that cause tonsillitis or dysentery. But not all bacteria are pathogenic. So, bacteria live in the human intestines that help digest and assimilate food. If they die, the person will fall ill.

Some products - yogurt, yogurt - are obtained as a result of the work of bacteria that settle in milk.

The most famous microscopic fungi are yeast. They are added to the dough when they bake bread, pies, pancakes.

In the next lesson

We learn that every living creature is involved in a single cycle of matter on our planet. We will learn how to build a model of the cycle of substances.

Remember what kingdoms scientists divide wildlife into.

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