"invisible threads in the spring forest." Education portal Provide examples of invisible threads in the forest

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

GBPOU "Bugulma Vocational and Pedagogical College"

A lesson in the world

Theme :   “Invisible threads in the spring forest”

MBOU gymnasium № 7

Composed by: student of 221 groups

Specialty: 44. 02. 02

Primary school teaching

Apalkova Elena Nikolaevna


Methodist: ________ / Fatkuldinova G.N. /

Teacher: __________ / Likhacheva M.A. /

Date: 04/13/2017

They examine the drawing and try to explain.

They read.

Find and read.

Offer their answers.

Give their examples.

The food chain always starts with a plant. The plant feeds on the energy of the sun and minerals from the soil. The food chain includes living organisms. In the oak forest, plants and animals are interconnected, adapted to live together. They cannot survive without each other. We talked about invisible threads, but now we saw an explicit thread that connects them.

Perform a physical training session.

Personal: Justification for choosing your own way of solving. Building confidence in one’s own knowledge.

Communicative: participate in the dialogue, formulate their own position.

5. Primary consolidation

Work in a group, complete the task and try to prove what will happen if the ecological balance is disturbed.

Repeat the rules of group work.

1 group, 3 group

If hunting birds of prey is prohibited, but all large trees are cut down, will birds of prey survive in the area?

2 group, 4 group

Food chain example:

Plum-- aphid ----- ant - woodpecker ------- owl (insectivorous (bird of prey)

What happens when birds of prey are destroyed?

Well done boys!

To consolidate knowledge, let's complete task number 1 in a workbook. We open the page 50.

If you cut down large trees, then the number of birds of prey will decrease, because trees are a home for them; there they build nests. Predators are beneficial because they are the orderlies of the forest.

The destruction of birds of prey will lead to an increase in the number of rodents. And if the number of rodents increases, then the plants will suffer. The extermination of predators from among birds will lead to an increase in the number of insectivorous birds.

Complete the task.

Communicative: participate in the dialogue, formulate their own position

Cognitive: productive use of learning activities;


Regulatory: self-control.

6. Independent work with self-examination in the classroom.

Theme: "Invisible threads in the spring forest."

    What do insects carry from flower to flower?

A) pollen

B) nectar

    Which bird eats shaggy caterpillars?

A) Sparrow

B) falcon

C) cuckoo

    What insects feed on flowering plants?

A) bees, bumblebees

B) flies, mosquitoes

    Which bird does not build nests?

A) starling

B) cuckoo

    Give an example of invisible threads in a spring forest:


Perform a test.

Regulatory:  goal setting, forecasting;

Cognitive: choosing the most effective ways to solve problems;


7. The result of classes. Reflectionthe activities

Summarizes the lesson:

What new have you learned?

How did you find out what helped?

Where is knowledge useful?

Which of the guys most helped in the discovery of knowledge?

Answer the questions of the teacher.

It fixes the satisfaction / dissatisfaction of their work in the lesson.

Regulatory:  control, correction and awareness of what has already been assimilated and what is still to be assimilated,

Personal:  self determination

    There are a lot of invisible threads in the spring forest.

    The main ones are: living and inanimate nature; animals and plants; birds and insects; man and nature in general, etc. Here, one should not forget about other factors, such as the sun, water, air and earth.

    You can make such examples of invisible threads in the spring forest:

    oak - larva - woodpecker;

    leaves - caterpillar - bird;

    the sun - grass - hare - wolf - man.

    Often the various kinds of connections that exist in nature between living beings, between living and nonliving, between man and the world, are called invisible bonds. These connections are everywhere and you only need to be able to find them. For example, for the spring forest, one can find such connections: The sun heats the air more strongly, the earth melts, the first grass and flowers break through, leaves on the trees bloom, insects come to life, attracted by the first flowers, which they feed on pollen, while pollinating plants. Birds come from warm places, because insects and plants appear and now they can not worry about their food. Animals wake up from hibernation, who will also have something to eat in the spring forest. Rivers are freed from ice and spawning of fish begins, which at this moment the forest predators try to catch.

    Well, some types of invisible threads can be schematically depicted for example as follows:

    All nature is interconnected thanks to invisible threads.

    If we consider separately the nature of the spring forest, then we can refer to the following patterns of invisible threads:

    As you can see, the food chains in the forest are quite long and overlap with each other.

    For example, birds eat small insects that feed on foliage, tree bark. Bees collect nectar in flowers that cannot exist without the sun, fertile land, oxygen.

    Invisible threads - these are the names of the connections that exist everywhere, for example, between living and nonliving nature, plants and animals, insects and birds, man and nature.

    If we talk about the relationship “ plants are animals”, then we can draw the following conclusion: plants are for animals, firstly, food, secondly, shelter, and thirdly, material for their home. And animals spread plant seeds, destroy pests.

    And here is a good example of the connection between man and nature:

    here is the connection between living and nonliving nature:

    Invisible threads are very clearly visible in the forest. All living and nonliving are interconnected to one degree or another, something more, something less.

    I will give the following rather simple and illustrative example:

    Insects eat plants, insects eat birds, birds eat predators. All the waste products of the life of everything and all of the above, nourish, saturate the earth. Not only the earth but also water, air, and the sun participate in this. Everything is interconnected, one such invisible thread will break, the balance will be disturbed.

    With the first rays of the sun, the spring forest is being transformed: where there was a hardened, lifeless earth, the first sprouts are already breaking through, larvae, worms, insects appear from nowhere: some loosen the ground, the second pollinate, the third eat the emerging shoots, the fourth become food themselves . All these processes are interconnected by invisible, but very strong threads.

    Insects - food for birds, some of them survived the harsh winter, another part returned from distant wanderings, both of them are hungry, but are determined to survive, find a mate, create offspring and ... be eaten by predators someday or insects.

    In fact, the whole world around us is in balance due to those very invisible threads.

    Each phenomenon or object of nature affects some other object, which in turn has an effect on the third object.

    Schematically, this relationship in the forest is as follows.

    For example, leaves on trees grow thanks to nutrients from the soil, air and the sun. Caterpillar eats leaves on the trees. At the same time, birds feed on caterpillars.

    First you need to understand what this invisible thread is, or as they are also called, invisible bonds. This is a definite connection between events and what is generally happening in the forest. The simplest examples are plants that pollinate and insects that feed on this pollen at the same time help pollinate. Surely, the following connection can be attributed to the threads: the leaves on the trees eat caterpillars, the birds feed on the caterpillars themselves, some birds can become prey of predatory animals.

    Invisible threads in a spring forest are made up of chains

    Animals - Animals

    Wildlife - Inanimate Nature

    Plants - animals people

    Based on the above chain, examples

    Spring threads in the forest

    Spruce - squirrel - marten.

    The spruce gives food to the barbel beetle, which in turn serves as food for the woodpecker, and the woodpecker needs to be wary of the hawk.

    Invisible threads in the forest are connected to each other, for example, by a food chain, who eats whom. So insects are associated with a flower, transfer pollen from flower to flower. The squirrel carries cones from the spruce and drops the cones along the road, a new Christmas tree grows. The sun shines and forest flowers bloom.

    You can take any inhabitant of the forest and draw a line connecting him with another representative of the flora and fauna and you will get an invisible chain.

    And in the picture, look at the long invisible chains in the spring forest of several links. By the way, making up invisible chains, you can add shelter to forest inhabitants.

    First, let's deal with the very concept of invisible threads. Generally invisible threads are present everywhere, they characterize the interactions in nature between living and non-living nature, between animals, between plants, between plants and animals, between humans and animals, between humans and plants.

World lesson

on this topic:


Grade 2 "Perspective"

Prepared and held

primary school teacher

Sergeeva G.G.


Grade 2, "Perspective", according to the textbook A. Pleshakov ..

Lesson Objectives: continue to develop knowledge of the relationships in nature; to teach children to identify these connections in the spring forest with specific examples.



Explain the concept of “invisible threads”

Systematize and expand children's knowledge of natural connections.


The development of logical thinking, imagination.

The development of cognitive interest in the subject.

Development of abilities to work in pairs, groups.

Develop a sense of responsibility.


To instill a love of nature

To develop empathy for all living things.

Expected Results: learn about the relationships between plants and animals in the spring forest; learn to give examples of invisible threads in the spring forest.
Equipment: PC,   Projector, pencils, sheets of paper.

During the classes

1.Organizational moment.

Good morning, guys. Despite the bad weather, let's smile and wish each other good.

2. Actualization of knowledge

1.Checking homework:

Work in pairs

Raffle, I gave you assignments. You must answer the test questions as quickly and correctly as possible.

Underline the correct answer

What birds live in houses made for them by humans?

Swifts Starlings

Woodpeckers Swallows

Which animals change their coat color in spring?

Squirrel Hares

Beavers Bears

Which animal wakes up in the spring after hibernation?

Hare Badger

Fox elk

Which birds are the last to arrive?

Swallows Ducks

Starlings Rooks

What birds fly away from us in the spring to the north, into the taiga forests?

Rooks of Oatmeal

Nightingale Waxwings

3. Self-determination to activity.

Guess the riddles. (Slide2)

I climbed out of the crumb barrels,

The roots started up and grew,

i became tall and powerful

i’m not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.

I feed pigs and protein -

Nothing that the fruit is shallow. (oak)

Now red, then gray. And the name is white. (squirrel)

You cannot see the blue wings of beauty in the forest.

Fluttering swiftly through the knots with a sharp hoarse scream ... (jay)

I will bite the crack in the house and make a mink for myself;

Well, and summer on my nose - I'm in the field and in the forest. (Mouse)

Do you think there are connections between guesses? (student responses)

How are oak and squirrel related? (Student responses)

What do you guys think, what will we learn today?

Today in the lesson we will talk about the connections in nature. We will call them invisible threads. But before we move on to a new topic, let's look at the whiteboard and set goals for ourselves (children choose goalsslide3)

In today's lesson, you will learn from concrete examples of the relationships that exist in nature.

What do we attribute to wildlife? (answers)

And what about inanimate nature? (answers)

And how to determine what nature the subject belongs to? Wildlife items must:

1) be born 2) grow 3) breathe 4) give offspring 5) die,

and inanimate objects do not have these signs.  (slide 4)

What are the wildlife objects of the forest. Slide5

What animals live in the forest?

-   howare plants and animals related?  Slide6

What benefits do plants bring to animals?

And animals to plants?


What do you think means plants for animals and animals for plants? Slide 7

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Well done, carefully sat down and work with textbooks. Considerdrawing on p. 90 textbooks - Who knew what kind of tree is painted here? (willow)

On what grounds did you determine that it is willow? (catkins)

What wasps, bees and butterflies carry away from willow? (nectar)

What can you call a willow in relation to a wasp, a bee and a butterfly? (breadwinner)

How do bees, wasps and butterflies help willow? (pollinate)

Students read text on p. 90-91 textbooks. The class then concludes: "Willow is the breadwinner for the wasp, bee and butterfly."
  Then the children consider the scheme on with. 91 textbooks (Slide 8) and the teacher asks the questions: “Why are the arrows in the diagram double? What are wasps, bees and willow butterflies useful for? (Children’s answers.)

- You guys are right, the connections in nature are always mutual. These relationships are of the following types:  slide9

Inanimate Nature - Wildlife

Animals - animals

Animal plants

Man is nature

Let's try to give examples. (Children's answers)

Physical fitness .

Well done, we did a good job, you need to relax a bit!

(physical under video)

5. Securing the studied material

- Now get together in your teams. Look at the slide and install. What are the connections between spruce and squirrel, crossbill. woodpecker, mouse, hare (children discuss)


Which team is ready to respond?

So, invisible threads are bonds that are everywhere in nature. .

And now, I will give you leaflets, listen carefully to the assignment!

Assignments to the teams: think and give examples of the links between:slide 11

1) animals and plants - 1 team

2) man and nature - 2 team.

3) animals and animals - 3 team

. 4 team members simultaneously do the work and pass each other in a circle a piece of paper with an example of communication written on it. Then they answer one participant from the team.

All together think and name examples of the connections between inanimate and living natureSlide12

Let's see what examples of connections I have chosen for you.Slides 13,14,15

Slide 16 -Guys, look at the screen, in front of you are some photos. What do you see on them?

Everything is fine in 1 photo, but everything has changed in the second and third

Why do you think this happened? What is disturbed in nature? Lost communications. Something worked on the forest

What affected the forest? (Natural phenomena, man)

Guys, what can we conclude? Who or what affects the connections in nature?

(The connections in nature are influenced by man and nature).

Slide17 -   What will happen if anything narusew in this family: cut down trees or destroy all animals?

Will the forest live on or die?

6. Summarizing the lesson.

Well done. Let's summarize the lesson.Slide18

What do we call invisible threads?

What invisible threads can be found in the autumn forest?

Who or what can destroy “invisible threads”?

Slide 15. Homework:

Let's write down our homework:theoretical material on p. 90-93 of the textbook, give 2 examples for each type of communication in nature.

7. Reflection

So guys, you have emoticons on your desk. If you understood everything in the lesson and liked everything, raise green emoticons, if you still do not understand, raise yellow emoticons, if you did not understand anything and did not like it, raise red emoticons. (Some ask what you liked and what you didn’t like )

Thanks guys for the lesson!




Nature is an unusually complex system. This system involves trees, shrubs, insects, animals, birds and so on. The survival of the whole system is the key to the well-being of each of its elements.

What are invisible threads in a spring forest

This relationship of the elements of nature is called invisible threads. They permeate the life of all animals and plants. These threads bind all living things, creating a single system. They are stretched from each plant to every animal, shrub or tree.

Therefore, any, even the smallest insect is connected by many threads to other inhabitants of the forest or steppe.

These threads are invisible, but they are very important and it is dangerous to upset the balance created by nature. Even a slight violation of it can lead to disastrous consequences - the death of individual species or the whole ecosystem.

An example of threads in a spring forest

In spring, the level of moisture in the soil and air rises significantly. This is due to melting snow and an increase in air temperature. Nature comes to life in the spring. At this time, invisible threads are most noticeable:

  • Soil moisture, warmed air leads to the growth of grass, shrubs and trees. New sprouts appear, mature trees grow stronger and actively grow;
  • Insects eat grass, foliage. They become fertilizer for the same shrubs or trees;
  • The food of insects feeds birds and animals. The products of their livelihoods again become fertilizer, which ensures the growth of trees;
  • Herbivores, birds feed on predators. The presence of herbivores is the key to the existence of predators at the top of the food chain;
  • Dying, predators fertilize the soil, contributing to the growth of new plants.

Thus, nothing is lost in the spring forest. Everything that happens is for the common good. Even the death of an animal is needed. It is essential for the survival of everyone else. Therefore, the natural course of things does not lead to the extinction of entire species of living things.

Such relationships are the threads of the spring forest.

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