Schisandra chinensis: cultivation, care and beneficial properties. Schisandra chinensis, cultivation and care

Schisandra chinensis (lat. Schisandra chinensis)   It is a species of the genus Schisandra Lemongrass family, which is found in the wild on the edges and glades of coniferous-deciduous and deciduous forests, in narrow valleys of streams and mountain rivers, on old burnt areas and clearings of Korea, Japan, China and the Russian territory of the Far East. It grows in groups, forming thickets and rising into the mountains to a height of 600 m above sea level. In a culture, Chinese Schisandra has been grown for a very long time: for medicinal purposes, it began to be cultivated at least 250 years before our era.

Schisandra chinensis - description

The plant is a winding deciduous vine up to 15 m long with a trunk up to 2.5 cm in diameter and shoots covered with brown-brown bark, peeling on the old, and shiny and smooth on the young. Both shoots and leaves of lemongrass have a characteristic citrus aroma, because of which the plant got its name.

The leaves of lemongrass are dense, obovate or elliptical, with a wedge-shaped base and a few and implicitly pronounced teeth along the edges. The leaves are connected with shoots by pink or red petioles up to 3 cm long. In spring and summer, the upper part of the leaf plate is light green, shiny, bare, and the lower part is bluish, with pubescence along the veins. In the fall, leaves of Chinese magnolia vine are painted in yellow-orange and ocher-yellow hues.

Fragrant waxy white dioecious flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm on drooping pedicels are 3-5 pieces in the axils of the leaves. The prefabricated brush-like fruit up to 10 cm long consists of edible spherical two-seeded berries of red color and sour taste. The berries of Chinese magnolia vine also have a characteristic odor for the plant. The kidney-shaped seeds of Schisandra chinensis germinate only until spring.

  Chinese Schisandra planting

When to plant Schisandra chinensis.

The cultivation of Schisandra chinensis and its care is carried out not only for medicinal purposes, but also to decorate the site, since the plant has high decorative qualities. In areas with a warm, mild climate, lemongrass is planted in October, and in the middle lane, planting is carried out in late April or early May. Professionals recommend planting at least three plants immediately at a distance of 1m from each other. If you want to grow a creeper near the house, step back 1-1.5 m from the wall so that water from the roof does not drip onto the lemongrass.

How to plant Chinese Schisandra.

Schisandra prefers light, but rich in humus, moist and drained soil. The plant is shade tolerant, but will develop better in a well-lit area.

As a planting material, two or three year old seedlings are used, in which the root system is well developed with a shoot height of only 10-15 cm. Before planting, the taller shoots of the seedling are shortened to 3 buds, and the roots are pruned to 20-25 cm.

A landing pit for Chinese magnolia vine is dug with a diameter of 60-70 cm and a depth of at least 40 cm. A drainage layer of expanded clay, broken brick or crushed stone 10 cm thick is laid at the bottom, and a soil mixture is prepared to fill the pit from equal parts of humus, leaf compost and turf earth, adding 200 g of superphosphate to it, a pound of wood ash and mixing thoroughly. Before planting, a soil mixture is poured onto the drainage layer.

Dip the roots of the seedling in a clay mash, on which a bucket of 1 liter of mullein should be added, and place the plant on the knoll so that its root neck after planting is at surface level. Spread the roots of lemongrass and fill the pit with prepared fertile soil. Then tamp the soil in the near-stem circle and water abundantly, and when the water is absorbed, fill the root hole with humus or peat. Chinese lemongrass seedlings take root very quickly, but at first it is advisable to protect them from the bright sun, to ensure regular watering and evening spraying in dry weather.

  Chinese Schisandra Care

Growing Schisandra chinensis.

Planting Chinese lemongrass and caring for it is not laborious and will not take you much time. The main care measures are watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds, fertilizing, spraying in prolonged dry heat and pruning.

During the growing season, lemongrass is often and abundantly watered: 6-7 buckets of water are poured under the plant at a time. The next day after wetting or rain, you need to loosen the soil around the vine and remove the weed grass. Do not neglect the evening spraying of Chinese magnolia vine in the heat. Especially young creepers need this procedure. To prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil, it is best to always keep the barrel circle under the mulch of organic material.

Chinese lemongrass begins to be fed from the third year of life: during spring and summer, once every two to three weeks, a solution of organic fertilizers is applied to the soil - cow (1:10) or chicken (1:20) litter. A good result is the mulching of the trunk circle of Schisandra chinensis with humus or leaf compost. After leaf fall, 100 g of wood ash and 20 g of superphosphate are added to each bush, followed by embedment to a depth of about 10 cm with obligatory subsequent watering of the soil in the near-stem circle.

During flowering, fruit-bearing vines are fed with Nitrophos at the rate of 50 g per m², and after flowering, a solution of fermented mullein or bird droppings is poured under the plant under a bucket. In autumn, 60 g of superphosphate and 30-40 g of potassium sulfate are scattered under the bushes, and once every 2-3 years for each plant, compost at a depth of 6-8 cm is closed at the rate of 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper m².

Schisandra chinensis, since it is a vine, is grown on a trellis, which is installed in the year the planted plant. This arrangement of branches and shoots allows the sun to better illuminate the plant, and this contributes to the formation of larger fruits and an increase in yield. If you grow lemongrass without support, it is unlikely to bear fruit. The tapestry is made of poles of such height that, after digging to a depth of 60 cm, they rise above the ground by 2-2.5 m. The distance between the poles is maintained at about 3 m, and they are connected together by three rows of horizontal wire guides, the lower of which is stretched to 50 cm from the ground, and the next every 70-100 cm. In the first year, the sprouted shoots are tied to the lower guide, and in the subsequent ones to those located above. Shoots are fixed on a support by a fan. In winter, Chinese magnolia vine is not removed from the trellis.

If you plant a creeper near the house, then you can use a mounted ladder as a support.

Trimming lemongrass begins in the third year after planting, when the development of its root system is replaced by increased growth of shoots. From the correct pruning depends not only the decorative Chinese magnolia vine, but also the quality of its fruiting. At the first forming pruning, 3 to 6 of the strongest and most correctly located shoots are left on the bush - the future skeleton of the plant, and the remaining shoots are cut at ground level. In the future, pruning Schisandra chinensis is carried out twice a year: in autumn and summer. In autumn, after all the leaves have fallen from the plant, weak, sick, incorrectly growing and dried shoots formed during the summer are cut. Should be removed and that part of the vine that has been actively bearing fruit for the past three years. This is done so that young shoots of creepers can develop and yield crops.

In summer, lemongrass is pruned only if the plant has formed too many young shoots. Professionals advise cutting branches 10-12 buds from the edge. In addition, you need to fight root offsprings every year, and also regularly replace the old skeletal branches with new strong shoots from the basal shoots.

Pests and diseases of Schisandra chinensis.

Schisandra possesses good immunity and, subject to agricultural practices and good care, is rarely affected by diseases. It is resistant to pests. However, if you get infected planting material, you need to be prepared to confront the disease. Most often, lemongrass is affected by spotting, powdery mildew and fusarium wilt.

Of the spotting, lemongrass Chinese is striking ramularis   and ascochitosis. Brown blurry spots and an edge on the leaves are the main signs of these diseases. Black dots may appear on the underside of the leaf plate - fungal pycnids. Sick leaves need to be removed and burned, and the vine should be treated with one percent Bordeaux liquid or another copper-based fungicide.

Powdery mildew   Covers leaves and stems of plants with a scruffy whitish bloom. As a result of the development of the disease, lemongrass leaves fall prematurely. Powdery mildew is also affected by the shoots, buds and roots of Chinese magnolia vine. If its symptoms are detected, all affected leaves must be removed, and the plant treated with sulfur powder and soda ash solution until the liana recovers. Intervals between treatments - 7-10 days.

Fusarium can hit lemongrass at any age, but more often this trouble happens with young plants. The cause of the disease is, as a rule, infection of planting material. Withering is manifested by the formation of rotting sites on the root neck and roots of the plant. The lemongrass stems darken, become thinner, the leaves turn yellow and fall, and the liana dies from clogging of blood vessels. It is impossible to cure Chinese magnolia vine from Fusarium, but it is quite possible to prevent the development of the disease if the seeds and seedlings are treated with a fungicide solution before sowing and planting, and Trichodermin is used to treat the soil. If the plant is still sick, it will have to be removed and burned, and healthy bushes, until they become infected, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Schisandra chinensis in the suburbs.

Schisandra chinensis in Moscow suburbs has long been not uncommon, like Chinese chinensis in the Urals, since the plant normally tolerates even harsh winters up to -35 ºC, and the decorative and healing qualities of this culture, as well as its unpretentiousness in care, make the Far Eastern liana ever more popular among gardeners - lovers. In the middle lane, Chinese magnolia vine for the winter does not need to be laid on the ground or covered, only young plants need protection from the cold, and then only in the first winter. But in conditions of Siberian frosts, the lashes are carefully removed from the trellis, placed on a laid down spruce or straw, and sprinkled abundantly with leaves, straw or covered with spruce branches.

  Propagation of Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis propagates by seeds, shoots and root cuttings, however, all the properties of the mother plant are preserved only during vegetative propagation.

Propagation of Schisandra chinensis by seed.

The easiest way to sow lemongrass seeds on prepared beds for the winter immediately after their collection. You can sow in the spring, but in this case the seeds are stratified: they are kept in the lower drawer of the refrigerator for two months. There is a very effective way of preparing seeds for sowing, developed by professionals: until January they are stored in fruits, then washed from the pulp, put in a nylon stocking and placed under constantly flowing water. At home, the seeds in the stocking can be kept in the toilet flush cistern, so that after each flush they appear in fresh clean water. Four days later, the seeds are squeezed out, put directly in a stocking in a container with moist calcined sand and kept at a temperature of 18-20 ºC for a month, after which the container with seeds is buried in the snow for stratification. After a month, the seeds are brought into a room with a temperature of 10 ºC and observed: after a week or two they begin to crack, and then they can be sown to a depth of 5 mm in boxes with a mixture of sand and humus in equal parts. Crops are covered with paper and watered daily. Shoots with large cotyledons, similar to sprouts of cucumbers, appear in 1-2 weeks. Care of seedlings is to protect from direct sunlight, watering and 1-2 treatments with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for the prevention of blacklegs and other fungal diseases. At the stage of development of 3-4 real leaves, seedlings dive into larger boxes according to the 5x5 cm pattern, and in early June, after the heat has finally settled, the quenched Chinese schisandra seedlings can be planted in open ground at partial shade. The nutrition area of \u200b\u200bone plant is 10x10 cm². Protect the seedlings from too much sun, and with the onset of autumn, cover them with fir spruce branches or a thick layer of foliage. In a permanent place, Schisandra chinensis is planted from seeds at the age of two to three.

Propagation of Schisandra chinensis.

The most effective method of reproduction is to plant the shoots. Liana is literally surrounded by many shoots on which the sleeping buds are located. Siblings are separated from the bush and immediately transplanted to a permanent place. In the southern regions, this can be done before the sap flow and after the fall, and in the northern regions only in the early spring.

Propagation of lemongrass by root cuttings.

Pieces of roots from 5 to 10 cm long with several sleeping buds are cut from the rhizome and, so that the fallen roots do not dry, immediately sprinkle the pieces with moist soil or cover with a wet towel. Then the root cuttings are planted on a bed or in a cold greenhouse according to the 10x10 scheme and are covered with a layer of fertile soil 2-3 cm thick. Care for planting consists in regular watering. In the spring of next year, cuttings that gave sprouts are planted in a permanent place.

  Varieties of Schisandra chinensis

Unfortunately, there are not so many varieties of Chinese lemongrass. Currently, the most famous of them are:

  • Garden-1   - self-pollinating, highly productive winter-hardy variety, whose branches reach a length of 10 m. The fruits of Schisandra chinensis of this variety consist of spherical juicy and sour berries of red color with a lemon smell, collected in racemose fruit fruit up to 10 cm long;
  • Mountain   - winter-hardy and productive variety of medium maturity, relatively resistant to diseases and pests. The fruit crop up to 9 cm long and weighing up to 13 g consists of 15-17 dark red berries of a bitter-sour taste;
  • Volgar   - hardy, drought-resistant, practically not affected by diseases and pests, lemongrass of late ripening and universal use. It is a monoecious vine with fruits weighing up to 7.3 g, consisting of 14-15 round red fruits of sour taste with a resinous aroma;
  • Firstborn   - frost-resistant and resistant to diseases and pests medium-ripening variety of Russian breeding with carmine-red fruits with juicy bright red pulp, specific sour taste and lemon aroma;
  • Myth   - a hybrid cultivar of unknown origin with medium length fruit seeds consisting of 15 red fruits with a pleasant sour taste.

  Properties of Schisandra chinensis - harm and benefit

The healing properties of Chinese magnolia vine.

For medicinal purposes, mostly the fruits and seeds of the plant are used. The fruits of Schisandra chinensis contain resinous substances, schizandrin, potassium, organic acids (malic, citric and tartaric), vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements copper, iodine, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc, essential oil.

The beneficial properties of this species were known in ancient China and the plant was actively used in pharmacology. Today, Chinese Schisandra is grown on an industrial scale. The berries of the plant have the ability to tone and stimulate the nervous system, so Nanai hunters, taking off, take with them a handful of dried fruits. And not so long ago, trials with the participation of military personnel and athletes showed that lemongrass has the ability to relieve fatigue during strong physical exertion: only 2-5 berries of Chinese magnolia vine have a stronger effect than phenamine or cola, but, unlike these stimulants, they do not negative side effects. The berries of Chinese magnolia vine are shown to those who are engaged in intense mental work, and it is very important that their tonic effect does not deplete nerve cells.

Schisandra preparations increase the body's resistance to diseases and adverse environmental influences, stimulate the respiratory system and the work of the heart muscle. Often they are prescribed for the complex treatment of diseases that led to asthenic and depressive states. It is significant that as a result of taking Chinese magnolia vine preparations, there were never any signs of overexcitation.

Fresh juice of lemongrass berries can inhibit the development of many pathogens. The treatment of chronic gastritis with plant seeds has been proved to be highly effective: even a single dose of powder from Chinese magnolia vine seeds normalized the acidity of the gastric juice in patients suffering from either too high or low levels.

Summing up, we can say that Chinese magnolia vine gives a positive effect:

  • - with a general breakdown;
  • - with high mental or physical stress;
  • - with low blood pressure;
  • - with bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis;
  • - with anemia;
  • - with sexual weakness;
  • - with diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver.

Schisandra chinensis - contraindications.

Schisandra chinensis, like other medicinal plants, has its own contraindications. You can’t eat its berries, drink its juice and take plant preparations under the following conditions and pathologies:

  • - vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • - allergy;
  • - epilepsy;
  • - pregnancy;
  • - increased excitability;
  • - arterial hypertension;
  • - insomnia;
  • - arachnoiditis;
  • - increased intracranial pressure;
  • - acute infectious disease.

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Among the ornamental plants, there are many that will appeal to avid pragmatists. Planting lemongrass on the site will be an excellent solution for those who are important, along with the aesthetic pleasure from decorating the country landscape, to get a useful effect that will pay off the time, money and time spent on caring for the vine. Until late autumn, the plant does not lose its attractiveness. In spring, lemongrass captivates with white fragrant flowers, in summer ˗ lush emerald greenery, from which peppers peeled by ripening berries peep out. In autumn, it changes color, becoming lemon yellow, emphasizing the bright beauty of its scarlet fruits. Creepers grow rapidly, covering the supports with a carpet of leaves, and can hide behind themselves any imperfections of the garden: old buildings, fences, sheds, rugged walls. The arches and arbors twined by them look great.

Choosing a place to land

Chinese magnolia vine comes from the subtropics. The main place for its growth in the wild is the Far Eastern region, in particular the Amur Region, the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, less often it is found on Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Lemongrass owes its cultivation to gardeners, who fell in love with it for its catchy beauty, and the simple care and unpretentiousness of creepers added advantages to it in the eyes of the owners of summer cottages. They grow it in the Baltic states, Ukraine, Belarus, in the middle lane and in the south of Russia, in Western Siberia.

In the garden, the success of breeding creepers is directly related to the competent selection of a site for planting it. If it is done correctly, the plant will not only thank with high decorativeness, but also bring a good harvest of healthy berries. In the shade, lemongrass is better not to plant, it prefers sunny and warm places. Drafts and dry hot winds are equally detrimental to lianas, so the site must be protected from them. Best plant develops at the southern walls of buildings. Its landing on the western or eastern side is permissible. In this case, lemongrass will have enough light that will fall on it for half for.

Cultivation requires a thorough preparation of the soil. Abundant fruiting from vines can be expected only in loose, highly nutritious soil with a high humus content and with a neutral or as close as possible reaction to it. Good drainage is very important for them. The plant is demanding on the structure and quality of the soil.
Prepare a suitable substrate for it according to the following rules:

  1. If the soil on the site is characterized by high acidity for lemongrass, it is neutralized by the application of lime.
  2. Clay is added to peaty and sandy soil and the mixture is enriched with organic fertilizers.
  3. If the earth in the garden is heavy loam, poorly transmitting water and air to the roots of vines, they are prepared for their cultivation by introducing sand and humus.

Schisandra does not like excess moisture, therefore it is better to plant it in areas where groundwater is low. If they come close to the surface of the soil, it is recommended that the plant fill high shafts or choose natural elevations.

Disembarkation Rules

The time for planting lemongrass on the site depends on the climate of the area. In the middle lane, the procedure is carried out in the spring, from late April to early May. In the southern regions, it is better to land in the fall, in October. It is worth considering one nuance. Growing lemongrass will be more successful if it is immediately placed in a permanent place without replanting. Therefore, the timing of the procedure is determined by the time of acquisition of planting material. If you buy the vines bought in the fall for the winter, they may not take root during the spring transplant.

Bushes growing separately from each other do not develop well, therefore it is better to place lemongrass in a row of 3 specimens, leaving an interval of 1 m between them. They are planted in a trench with a width of 0.5 m and a depth of not more than 0.6 m. to facilitate further care of the vines, in the middle, at a distance of about 1.5 m, metal stakes are installed on which the trellis will be mounted. The bottom of the trench is covered with a 30-cm drainage layer of crushed stone, gravel, broken brick or slag, slightly compacting it. A nutrient substrate is poured on top, in which the soil is thoroughly mixed with the following components:

  • rotted manure;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • lime;
  • the sand.

There is another option for preparing soil for lemongrass: take in equal proportions leaf compost, turfy soil and humus, add superphosphate (0.2 kg) and wood ash (0.5 kg). The fertile mixture is crushed in a trench. In those places where the vines will be planted, a cone-shaped tubercle is formed from it, which is slightly compacted. If the cultivation of lemongrass is planned near the wall of the house, a trench is made at a distance of 1-1.5 m from it. This will protect the roots of the creeper from waterlogging: drops from the roof will not fall on them.

For breeding lemongrass on the site, it is better to choose seedlings that have reached 2-3 years. By this age, their height is usually only 10-15 cm, but their root systems are already well developed. Before planting, the underground part of the plant is dipped into a bucket with a clay mash mixed with mullein (1 liter of fertilizer per 1 bucket of water). The seedling is placed on a tubercle and, carefully spreading the roots on it in all directions, sprinkled with soil. It is important to ensure that the root neck of the plant is not deeply buried, but remains at the level of the soil surface. The earth around the vines is slightly compacted, watered well and mulched using peat or humus. A layer of organic substrate near its trunk will help to maintain moisture in the soil and feed the seedling. Young plants take root easily.

After landing

For the first time after placement in the ground, lemongrass care involves

  • protection from the bright sun (it needs shading within 2-3 weeks);
  • loosening the soil to a shallow depth;
  • weeding;
  • spraying vines with warm water in dry weather.

In the homeland of culture, the climate is warm, but humid, so its cultivation will require constant attention in the hot summer. Young lemongrass, which can die without sufficient water, are especially in need of regular spraying. Adult plants need to be watered in 2 cases: when the days are dry and after each feeding. Use warm water for the procedure, 5-6 buckets are consumed per bush. To preserve moisture in the soil for longer, the hole on top is covered with dry earth.

The first 2 years after planting Schisandra are characterized by intensive growth of the root system. In lianas, it is fibrous and located close to the soil surface ˗ at a distance of 8-10 cm. Therefore, it is important to carry out loosening care carefully and shallowly, dipping into the soil by only 2-3 cm. Schisandra responds well to fertilizers. Both organic and mineral compounds are suitable for it. During the period of active development of the root system, it is better to make them in a dry form, scattering on the surface of the soil like mulch.

When the seedlings reach the age of 3 years, the feeding pattern changes. Three times a season they are fed with complex mineral preparations. The first feeding is carried out in early spring, while the buds of the vines are still sleeping, introducing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions. You can use nitrofoska for it (based on 4-50 g per 1 m²). The time for the second comes after the end of flowering, when the formed ovaries actively grow. During this period, the plant needs more nitrogen, but it also needs potassium with phosphorus. Experienced gardeners recommend watering lemongrass with diluted and fermented mullein (1 bucket per 1 bush). It is allowed to replace it with bird droppings.

After harvesting, the vine is fertilized for the last time. Used for the third top dressing potassium and phosphorus. Mineral preparations are closed in a mulch using a rake, not forgetting to water plants abundantly after the procedure. Cultivating a crop will not be a hassle if you add compost to the soil every 2-3 years, deepening the nutritional composition by 6-8 cm.

Feet and Trim

Proper care of lemongrass involves its garter to the supports. It is advisable to grow vines on a trellis, then they will be better lit, and their brushes and berries will turn out to be larger. If lemongrass is not tied up, its decorativeness will decrease, it will be a low bush and most likely will not please the crop. It is better for the tapestry to be installed immediately upon planting the vines, in extreme cases ˗ next spring. At the time of her absence, wooden stakes can be used as a support for young shoots.

The posts for the trellis need to be selected long, their height after digging in should be 2-2.5 m. They are deepened into the soil by 0.6 m, and then 3 rows of wire are pulled. The lower one is located at a height of 0.5 m from the surface. Young seedlings are tied to it in the first year of their development in the garden. Between the remaining rows leave 0.7-1 m. They will be needed when the shoots grow up. Care in the form of periodic tying is needed for lemongrass all summer. Liana branches are arranged on a trellis fan-shaped, directing them up. They are not removed for the winter.

If lemongrass was planted near the house, support for it will be provided by ladders installed at an angle.

Pruning is carried out for preventive purposes and to enhance decorativeness. They begin to perform it when the seedling sprouts in one place for 2-3 years. In the life of lianas at this time, the stage of intensive root development is replaced by a phase of active growth of green mass. A lot of shoots appear on it, of which 3-6 need to be left, cutting off the rest as close to the soil as possible. If lemongrass is an adult, its old 15-18-year-old branches bearing few fruits are also removed, replacing the strongest young shoots.

The best time for pruning is autumn, when the liana has already dropped its leaves. If necessary, you can spend it in the first half of summer. In winter and late spring it is dangerous to do this: after removing the shoots, the plant will secretively secrete juice and may dry out. With the arrival of heat, it is only allowed to get rid of the root shoot. Do it every year, cutting it under the soil. If the procedure pursues sanitary goals, then dry, damaged, small shoots that thicken the crown are removed from the magnolia vine. The side branches of the creeper should not be too long. On them, when cropping, 10-12 kidneys are left.

  Schisandra ˗ is a very spectacular plant that will decorate the garden with its elegant decoration from spring to autumn. It will also come in handy in winter, its berries will give a boost of vitality and help in the treatment of many diseases. Tea made from leaves, stems or lemongrass bark has a pleasant color and delicate aroma. In addition to the healing effect, it tones, refreshes and perfectly quenches thirst.

Growing lemongrass on the site has its own characteristics. In order for the lianas to bring a rich harvest, you will have to try: choose the right place for them, carefully prepare the soil, put up supports, regularly spray, feed and trim. But the complexity of caring for a plant does not differ; even if you are a beginner in gardening, they will successfully cope with the recommendations listed above.

  • lowering the body's immune defenses
  • drowsiness
  • frequent fatigue
  • depression
  • headaches, as well as various pains and cramps in the internal organs

If you feel frequent ailments, you just need to cleanse the body. How to do it

Chinese magnolia vine has a fragrant aroma of essential oils, tones and stimulates the whole body. If you decide to grow this culture on your site, you should know that leaving and planting will not be difficult even for a novice gardener, and the appearance of this relict vine will highlight the walls of the house or columns of arbors with a magnificent waterfall of greenery and the redness of medicinal berries.

Chinese magnolia vine is a perennial, curly, woody vine with spherical bitter-sour fruits and a characteristic lemon aftertaste.

Chinese lemongrass is also called Far Eastern or Manchu lemongrass, and in China it is called "uvei-tzu", which means "berry of five tastes."

Schizandra got such an interesting name for its versatility of tastes. The peel of the plant is sweet, the flesh of ripe berries is acidic, in which tart bitter seeds are located, which, when stored, subsequently give a salty, sometimes even fresh taste. The Latin name of the plant is Schisándra chinénsis, derived from the words schizo (split, split, split), andros (male), since both male and female flowers grow on the same branch. Genus Chinénsis means the place of growth of the plant - China (China).

Eastern healers very much appreciated this wonderful plant along with ginseng for stimulating physical and mental strength, toning the whole body and treating most of the known diseases.

Characteristics of Chinese Schisandra

A relict subtropical plant, Chinese magnolia vine belongs to the species of flowering plants of the genus Schisandra and the family of schizandra.

The structure of the inflorescence resembles Magnolia. Schizandra grows in Japan, northeastern China, the Primorsky Territory, Amur Region, Sakhalin and the Korean Peninsula, and there are a total of 14-23 species. In our country in the wild only one species grows - Schisandra chinensis.

The trunk of the creeper can reach 17 meters in height and 3 cm in thickness, wrapping around the bushes and trunks of other trees and has many longitudinal lentils. The color of the stem varies from a shiny yellowish uneven and flaky bark to a dark brown color, depending on the age of the vine.

The leaves of Chinese magnolia vine are alternate, elliptical in shape with a pointed apex and wedge-shaped base. They grow several in pinkish brown petioles and are 5-10 cm long and 3-4 cm wide.

The flowers of this plant are dioecious, but are on the same vine. The pedicel is thin and long, at the end of which there is a small fragrant flower from white to pale pink. Flowering of Chinese magnolia vine occurs for a short time - from late spring to early summer. At the end of this period from the receptacle, a multifruit spike-like brush with 20-25 juicy fruits appears.

Chinese lemongrass in the photo:

The fruits of Chinese lemongrass are bright red, have a spherical shape and are arranged with a brush on the pedicel, like grapes. The crop bears fruit in August - September, and since there are a lot of fruits on one stalk, up to 3 kg of crop can be harvested from one vine.

Propagation of the plant occurs vegetatively in vivo or with the help of seeds, followed by growing. Chinese magnolia vine grows in bright places on drained, fertilized and moderately moist soil.

Useful properties of Chinese magnolia vine

The birthplace of this plant is Ancient China, and began to grow and use its healing properties 250 more years before our era.

  • In the Chinese magnolia vine, all its parts, from rhizomes to fruits, contain essential oils that emit a delicate lemon-like smell if rubbed in the palms of your hands. Schisandra essential oil can be used in perfumes, alternative medicine, and to pleasantly fill a room or garden with a fresh, sour aroma.
  • The berries of Schisandra chinensis are rich in organic acids that the body needs to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increase energy metabolism, alkalize the body and improve digestion. They are quite a lot in the fruits: 10.9-11.3% citric acid, 7.6-8.4% malic and 0.8% tartaric acid, up to 500 mg of ascorbic acid.
  • Leaves and fruits to a greater extent contain macroelements of which the cells of the whole body, such as manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, aluminum, iodine, are composed. There is also a considerable amount of microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron.
  • Schisandra contains useful vitamins C and E and mineral salts, which help improve heart function and normalize water balance.
  • Schizandrin and schizandrol are the most valuable in magnolia vine - tonic substances that enhance the excitation of the cerebral cortex and increase the reflexivity of the central nervous system.
  • Far Eastern lemongrass improves the functioning of the cardiac, nervous, respiratory systems, restores vitality, relieves fatigue, increases the tone of the body as a whole and restores the regenerative functions of weakened organs.

Growing Chinese Schisandra

Growing Chinese magnolia vine on a plot or in a garden is not difficult. The attractive beauty of a green hedge with delicious and fragrant refreshing fruits will delight more than one generation of the family.

Varieties of Schisandra chinensis

Chinese lemongrass, like a climbing vine, will perfectly decorate the walls of the house, columns or the roof of the gazebo, give a picturesque view to the veranda.

The plant likes a not-so-lighted place of growth and moderate soil moisture.

Today there are no unequivocal varieties of Chinese magnolia vine, there are only forms and samples selected by experience. Here are some of them:

  • The first-born - is characterized by frost resistance, the vine grows not very high, about 2 meters, the crop is harvested in August, about 22 berries from one stalk.
  • Garden-1 - the liana reaches 1.8-2 meters in height. In September, you can collect 28 larger berries from one bunch.

Landing places and soil for Schisandra chinensis

Chinese lemongrass loves warm, slightly lit areas on fertile, loose soil and will not grow well in place with frequent stagnation of water. A flat area near a house or trees is perfect, but you don’t need to plant it near a tree, since the root system of the latter will take most of the moisture and the vine will be missed. Schisandra, in turn, will not contribute to the normal growth of the tree to which it is attached.

It is not worth planting a liana near buildings, it is better to retreat 1.5-2 meters from the wall so that the water flowing from the roof does not stagnate for long in its roots.

The best option for planting Chinese lemongrass in the middle lane is the west side of the buildings, and in the southern regions from the eastern sides so that the lemongrass has enough shade throughout the day.

Growing Chinese Schisandra from seeds

Chinese lemongrass can be propagated using seeds. Seeds for planting must be fresh, that is, torn from the pulp no later than a few months. It is more favorable to plant such seeds in the fall, and if you take the seeds of cultivated vines, this will improve germination. With spring sowing, stratification is a prerequisite.

  • Before sowing, you need to withstand seeds for 6-9 days in the water, changing it daily. In this case, poor-quality seedlings can be selected - they will float to the surface of the water after a couple of days of soaking.
  • Next, a stratification process is needed. To 1 part of the seeds, add 3 parts of pre-disinfected sand and sprinkle everything in wooden pots. The containers are placed in a warm room with a constant air temperature of 18-20 degrees. In this form, sand with seeds is moistened once every 2 days for a month. After a month, the seedlings must be stratified with snow. From above the pots are covered with snow and left in this form for another month.
  • It is not always possible to get snow at any time of the year, so instead of this option, the seedlings are left in their original form for another 2-3 months, but they are rearranged in a colder room, for example, in the basement.
  • Saplings are planted in the ground in grooves with a depth of 2 cm. They are sprinkled with greenhouse soil, lightly watered and spread peat on top. In this way, after 1.5-2 years, the sprouts can be transplanted to a permanent habitat.
  • Otherwise, it’s a little easier to go through the stratification process by sowing seeds immediately after soaking in the beds, sprinkling with sand and peat. This will result in a natural stratification of seeds without a special room.
  • True, the sprouted sprouts in this way are planted at a constant place of growth after 3 years.
  • The first year of life, Chinese lemongrass seedlings grow slowly by about 5-6 cm and need constant care: periodic moistening, weeding and darkening with gauze or net.
  • In the second year, the root and ground parts begin to curl actively. By the end of the 3rd year of growth, seedlings already reach about 50 cm in height.

Vegetative planting Chinese magnolia vine

As a rule, Chinese lemongrass is cultivated with seeds in nurseries, as this is a long and scrupulous process.

The most acceptable way for a summer cottage is to purchase Chinese lemongrass seedlings or dig up the root shoot of a cultivated fruiting Chinese lemongrass on your own.

It is important to pay attention when choosing a seedling of Schisandra chinensis on moistened roots and a small lump of earth on them. 2-3 year old seedlings take root better, they already have a fairly developed root system, despite the small size of the stem of 10-15 cm.

Planting Chinese Schisandra in the ground

  • In the southern regions, October is considered the best month for planting, while in other regions, the period from April to May is more favorable.
  • Since the plant is monoecious, in the presence of both male and female flowers on one vine, it is enough to plant one plant. If a large area under a hedge is planted immediately, at least 3 plants are planted at a distance of at least 1 m from each other.
  • Since the seedlings do not tolerate further transplantation, it is advisable to plant them in a permanent place of their future stay.
  • A feature of planting a Chinese magnolia vine is to supply the seedling with a high hedge for support and further good growth. It is necessary to dig two tall columns of 3 meters from the two ends of the landing row, pull a wire between them, which will serve as a frame for the vines. On both sides of the frame, seedlings are planted. A strong rope is tied to the wire, its second end is tied around a peg stuck next to the seedling. Such a scheme will help the young plant climb onto the frame and continue active growth. Experienced gardeners advise tying up only emerging shoots, thereby eliminating the strong development of the root system and promoting fruiting.
  • Along the rows of the arrangement of the frame, a ditch is dug, depth and a width of half a meter, laid on the bottom of the drainage to remove excess moisture, which will contribute to better adhesion of the roots to the soil. Crushed stone, broken brick or stones are used as drainage.
  • Prepared soil is poured into the drainage. For this, a fertile layer of earth is dug out, 65 kg of humus, 2-3 buckets of sand, 40-45 g of nitrogen, 150-155 g of phosphorus are added to it and mixed.
  • Conical tubercles are made above the earth so that the neck of the vine is slightly above the surface of the soil.
  • Before planting, you need to inspect the seedling, choose the strongest shoot and cut it into 3 buds. The shoot is cut so that its length does not exceed 20 cm, and the roots are coated with clay. Carefully spreading the roots, the seedling sits on a hill, sprinkles with prepared earth and is watered abundantly, in the amount of 2-3 buckets of water. Top it is advisable to add peat or rotted leaves and mulch.

Chinese Schisandra Care

  • Special care is given in the first two years after planting. A young seedling needs protection from prolonged exposure to sunlight, regular abundant moistening of the soil and spraying of leaves.
  • Experts advise not to disturb the earth around the trunk with loosening and digging, so as not to damage the surface roots.
  • Starting from the third year of life, lemongrass is fed monthly with a solution of 30-50 grams of saltpeter monthly during the season, distributing it over the surface and mulching it, which will help maintain moisture in the soil. In the fruiting season, feeding is better not to use, otherwise the plant will give all the energy to the development of the leaf system, and the fruiting will leave until better times.
  • Adult Chinese lemongrass tolerates frosts well enough. At a very low temperature, annual growths freeze, but the plant quickly recovers the next year. You need to cover Chinese lemongrass for the winter only in the first years after planting.
  • Since Chinese magnolia vine is a liana, she loves high humidity. Adult plants are watered every time after top dressing in the amount of 5-6 liters of water per bush, after which the earth is mulched with dry earth to preserve water.
  • From the second year of planting in autumn, it is necessary to remove dried and weak shoots. This is a fairly thorough process, because in the end you need to leave 4-6 of the strongest and most developed shoots. Everything else is cut to the root. Lateral branches are cut so that about 10 buds remain on them. Every 10-12 years left strong shoots need to be replaced with younger ones.
  • In addition to circumcision, sanitary cleaning is carried out - the removal of dry, fatlique branches growing inside the bush.

Chinese magnolia vine - an easy-to-grow healing miracle from Ancient China

Chinese magnolia vine is a wonderful long-term medicinal plant, exuding a delicate fresh aroma of essential oils, pleasing the eye with the beauty of flowers. Drinks and juices prepared from the fruits of Chinese magnolia vine raise the tone of the body and restore strength.

Chinese magnolia vine is a flowing waterfall made from green leaves, a white-pink shade of flowers and catchy red berries will give expressiveness to the house or gazebo.

It is much more pleasant for lovers or avid gardeners not to buy Chinese lemongrass, but to grow it yourself, because this will not require scrupulous and costly care.

Recently, Chinese lemongrass has been very common in household plots, the cultivation and care of which has become available to amateur gardeners. No wonder they liked this wild-growing liana, because some other garden berry hardly possesses such qualities as lemongrass.

Schizandra doesn’t have any special tastes; I’m trying to learn how to eat it; more than a few berries fail. The Chinese knowingly called it a berry with five flavors. At first, it feels sweet and sour with brackish. then comes a bitter aftertaste. If you make tincture of lemongrass berries, do not be surprised, it will be salty.

But you can not pay attention to the taste, knowing what qualities this unique shrub possesses. Having chewed a handful of berries you will feel a surge of strength, vitality, your eyesight and hearing will be aggravated, you will not know all day tiredness and feelings of hunger. Moreover, all these actions of lemongrass do not deplete the nervous system, which is very important for long-term treatment.

Although it is called Chinese, it grows throughout the Far East, in China, Japan, and Korea. And they called it lemongrass because of the strong lemon smell, and the berries, leaves, and bark smell equally strong. By the way, all these parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Schisandra is a vine, wrapping tree trunks clockwise, reaching a length of up to 15 meters. The trunk of the shrub is quite thin. up to 2.5 cm in diameter. has a reddish brown color. the leaves have the same color and petiole. The leaves themselves are green, pointed, elliptical in shape. But the main decoration is fragrant white flowers in spring and clusters of red berries in late summer and autumn.

If you want to get such a miracle in your garden, create a maximum of conditions similar to the natural subtropics, and the plant will decorate your garden and treat your family for many years. The cultivation of Schisandra chinensis has long been successfully practiced in Siberia.

Selection of lemongrass seedling

This is probably one of the main factors to get yourself a beautiful, powerful vine. I advise you to buy seedlings only in nurseries, do not dig yourself in the forest, since there is a high probability that the roots will be damaged when digging. and with age at first it will be difficult for you to decide.

For planting, you will need a strong and healthy seedling, two or three years old. The roots of such bushes are usually longer than 20 cm. By the way, pay attention to them, if they are open, how wet they are, you should not choose a plant with dried roots. Better yet, buy a young lemongrass with a clod of earth or in a pot. So you will absolutely know that the landing will be successful.

Planting lemongrass

As always, before you sit down, you need to decide on the place. In nature, lemongrass can often be found on the edges of forests, somewhere near open places, in the wilderness and darkness, it does not grow. So in the garden we have to pick up a light partial shade for it, you can either the western or eastern side of the house.

Before purchasing a seedling, you also need to ask how the plant is pollinated. lemongrass can be monoecious, that is, on one tree and male and female flowers, or as a dioecious.

If you are going to plant a creeper near the house, you need to indent one and a half meters so that rain water from the roof does not flood the roots. You can plant it in the middle of the garden, but it is imperative that there is no draft, that the place is warm, not blown.

The soil for the plant should be loose, fertile and water-absorbing. Remember the subtropical forests with their light and always moist, leafy soil.

The timing of planting lianas varies depending on the climatic zone, preferably spring, from late April to mid-May.

The pit for the plant is made deep enough, up to 50 cm, because first you need to lay the drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay or brick, add the mixture of humus, turf and leaf soil in equal parts, to this you immediately need to add a liter jar of wood ash and two-thirds of a glass of superphosphate. If it is possible to get horse manure, then for lemongrass this will be the best fertilizer.

When purchasing seedlings, take an interest in their age, the best at the age of 2-3 years. Then their root system is more or less developed and they will grow faster. The peculiarity of lemongrass is that. that the first three years of his life he intensively grows roots, and only then he goes to grow up.

If you are going to plant several plants, then make holes at a distance of a meter and do not forget about the trellis, it is advisable to immediately install it.

When planting, you can not deepen the root neck of the plant, make sure that it is on the same level with the soil. After planting, you need to water the plant and immediately mulch it, you can leaf compost or humus. So moisture will last longer in the soil.

In the first three months, while our lianas will take root in a new place, they need to be shaded with something in the hottest time, you can stretch non-woven material or break branches from trees.

Planting Chinese Schisandra Seeds

This method of planting lemongrass is not very convenient due to the length of the process and the fact that the seeds require stratification for two months. But, in general, you can try.

The ripened seeds are collected and sprinkled in a convenient container, moist river sand is added there and the container is stored in a cellar or refrigerator to keep the average temperature at about 5-7 degrees. Every two weeks it is necessary to pull out the seeds and mix, if the sand has dried, then moisten it, but not too much.

In the middle of February - the beginning of March, the container with seeds is put in a warm place and kept at room temperature for a month. Then another month in the cold, you can again put it in the refrigerator. such a change in "weather conditions" makes the seeds wake up and begin active growth.

Sown lemongrass seeds in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Ordinary garden soil is mixed in half with river sand and a garden is arranged. On it mark furrows, a depth of two centimeters.

After planting seeds in the ground, the soil must be mulched with a mixture of sand and peat. This is necessary so that the moisture is retained longer, because lemongrass seeds must not be watered too often, only in drought.

Next year, seedlings can already grow without shelter. They are transferred to a permanent place after two years.

Watering lemongrass

Schisandra grows in the wild in humid places, so in the garden he needs to arrange such conditions. Although the roots of lemongrass do not go deep, they are on the surface, you need to water it a lot, up to 50 liters per watering on an adult plant, in the hottest months. In summer, shrubbery requires spraying with warm, settled water.

After each watering, you need to immediately mulch the soil, the roots of the plant are almost on the surface and their drying should not be allowed.

Top dressing

Schisandra loves organic fertilizers. Until the age of three, its growth goes to the roots and it lacks nutrients from the soil. After three years of age, autumn-spring feeding is mandatory for him.

  • In the spring, we feed with saltpeter, 1.5 tablespoons under the bush are closed shallow in the soil, then watered.
  • In autumn, superphosphate and potash fertilizers are introduced, which can be replaced with wood ash. Please note that chlorine-based fertilizers should not be added.
  • In summer, every three weeks, combining with watering under lemongrass, alternately freshly diluted chicken droppings are introduced, in the ratio of 1 to 20, infusion of cow or horse manure, 1 to 10.

Support for lemongrass

As for all winding vines, support is mandatory, without it you will not wait for fruiting. The lemongrass tied to the trellis is evenly shined by the sun and gets air access. So it is convenient to process, trim and harvest.

For trellis, they usually use columns three meters long, they will be dug into the ground by half a meter and the height of the support will be two and a half. Every half meter between the posts a wire is pulled, to which the lemongrass is tied up as it grows, first to the lower row, then higher.

How to prune lemongrass

There is also nothing complicated. At first, until the rapid growth of the aerial part began, pruning is not required. Then, every spring and autumn, you need to cut basal shoots, and try to remove it below the soil level.

In spring, only shoots are cut, sanitary pruning of broken or frozen branches is carried out only after the end of sap flow, in summer and autumn. Also at this time the extra shoots are removed. It is best to leave the three main ones, so it will be easier to care for the plant and increase its productivity.

Substitution shoots are left when crop yields begin to decline on the main ones, usually this occurs after 7-8 years. Two basal shoots are left from the basal processes, just in case, then the extra ones are removed.

Lemongrass propagation

Lemongrass is propagated in three ways:

  1. Layers, for them leave the root shoot of last year. In the spring, they choose the strongest vine, immediately after snow melting it is bent and strengthened, sprinkled with a layer of peat and humus mixture on top, 15 cm. The upper part of the lay is tied to the trellis. Over the summer, the root system will begin to develop, and in two years, an independent plant can be separated from the mother.
  2. Root shoots, for this they dig a few cuttings that have grown away from the mother plant, it’s better to dig a few, 2-3 pieces and immediately transplant them to a permanent place. At first, you need to provide shelter from direct light and watering.
  3. Green cuttings, cuttings-tops of shoots, 7-10 cm long, are cut in mid-summer, placed in a root solution for a day and then in a greenhouse with wet sand for growing. The next year they land in a permanent place.

Preparing lemongrass for winter

Usually, only young plants shelter for the winter, using fallen leaves and spruce branches. But if the climate is quite harsh, then the tops of adult vines can freeze, then it is also better to wrap them in burlap and tie them with lapnik.

Picking berries

If you planted a three-year-old seedling, then wait for the harvest only after three years. At the beginning there will be few berries, with each year the number will increase.

Berries are ready for picking. when they become transparent red and soft. It is more convenient to pluck them with whole brushes, along with the stalks, which then also go into use.

Healing properties of lemongrass

As I wrote above, it is used mainly to enhance immunity and give strength. Tea from leaves of lemongrass invigorates no worse than coffee, only many times more wholesome.

The use of lemongrass berries will make you resistant to any type of infection, E. coli, dysentery.

Schisandra is especially good to take during a cold epidemic, it has a huge amount of vitamins that will support the body at this time.

But of course, its main property is the restoration of the forces and work of the nervous system. It is taken by people with increased mental and physical stress, athletes also constantly drink tea from lemongrass or infusions from leaves.

Schisandra chinensis, video

  Category: Useful Information

Schisandra chinensis is not only useful, but also a very beautiful plant. From spring to autumn, the liana pleases the owners. In the spring, it becomes prettier, covered with snow-white fragrant flowers, in the summer it is made with an elegant brush of ripening berries, which in the fall are red against the background of lemon-yellow foliage. In the spring, plant seedlings, put up supports, do not forget to water and feed, and lemongrass for your care and garden will decorate, and it will add vitality and heal ailments.

Planting lemongrass in a permanent place

The success of its cultivation depends on where the lemongrass will be planted. He needs to take a warm place, well protected from cold winds, for example, near garden buildings.

In the middle lane, it is preferable to plant it on the western side of buildings, and in the southern regions - from the east, so that part of the day the plants are in the shade. You can plant along the fence, entwine with an arbor, an arch.

About breeding lemongrass - in the articleBreeding Schisandra chinensis. In the middle lane it is best to plant lemongrass in the spring, in late April - early May, to the south - planting is carried out in October. It is recommended to plant at least 3 plants at a distance of 1 m from each other.

When planting near the house, creepers are planted, retreating 1-1.5 m from the wall so that drops from the roof do not fall on the roots. They dig a landing hole 40 cm deep, 50-70 cm in diameter. Drain - expanded clay is laid on the bottom with a 10 cm layer, crushed stone, broken brick.

Compost foliage, humus, turfy earth are mixed in equal parts, 200 g of superphosphate are added, 500 g of wood ash and the planting pit is filled with this nutrient mixture. The most viable seedlings are 2-3 years old. With a small height (10-15 cm) they have a well-developed root system.

Growing Schisandra chinensis

During planting, the root neck should not be deepened, it should be at ground level. Planted plants are abundantly watered, and the root hole is covered with peat or humus. Young creepers easily take root.

Caring for them for the first time after planting consists in shading from bright sunlight, fine loosening, removing weeds, spraying with water in dry weather. In this case, sheltering the soil around the stem with humus will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture and at the same time such a mulch will feed the young plant.

Top dressing

To foliage lemongrass was magnificent, from the third year of life in the garden lemongrass intensively fed. Additional food begins to be given in April.

In the near-stem circle, 20-30 g of nitrate is scattered, followed by mulching the trunk circle with humus or leaf compost. In the summer, every 2-3 weeks, liquid organic dressing is carried out (fermented mullein or chicken droppings at a dilution of 1:10 and 1:20, respectively).

In autumn, after leaf fall, 20 g of superphosphate and 100 g of wood ash are introduced under each plant, followed by embedment to a depth of not more than 10 cm. Lianes begin to bloom and bear fruit for 5-6 years of life, that is, 3 years after planting on the site. After another 2-4 years, the most fruitful period begins. Bearing vines are fed with nitrophos (4-50 g / m2) in spring, after flowering, diluted and fermented mullein or bird droppings (a bucket for each plant) are brought in, in the fall - superphosphate (60 g) and potassium sulfate (30-40 g). Once every 2-3 years, compost (4-6 kg / m2) is embedded in the soil to a depth of 6-8 cm.


In the homeland, lemongrass grows in conditions of high humidity, so in hot weather plants are sprayed with warm water. Young plants are especially in need of moisture. Adult vines are watered in dry weather, spending up to 6 buckets of warm water per plant.

Watered after each dressing. To maintain moisture after watering, the soil is mulched with dry soil.


Schisandra is grown on a trellis. With this placement, the illumination of the plant improves, which contributes to an increase in the size of the berries and the enlargement of the brush.

Schisandra without supports looks like a low shrub and most often does not bear fruit. It is advisable for the tapestry to be established in the year of planting the lemongrass. If this cannot be done, the seedlings are tied to pegs, and a permanent support is established in the spring of next year. For the construction of the trellis you need poles of such a length that after installation they rise 2-2.5 m above the ground. Dig them to a depth of 60 cm, at 3 m apart.

The wires are pulled in 3 rows on the posts: the lower one at a height of 0.5 m, the rest after 0.7-1 m. In the first year after planting, the growing shoots are tied to the lower row of the wire, in subsequent years to the upstream ones. Garter is carried out throughout the summer, having young shoots fan. For the winter, the tied shoots remain on the trellis, you can’t remove them. When planting lemongrass near the house, slanted ladders are used as supports.


Schisandra begins to be cut from 2-3 years after planting. By this time, increased root growth gives way to the rapid development of the aerial parts. Of the numerous shoots that have appeared, 3-6 are left, the rest are removed at the soil level.

In adult plants, unproductive branches at the age of 15-18 are cut out and replaced with young ones selected from the shoot. It is better to cut lemongrass in the fall, after leaf fall. If the liana is very thickened, then pruning can be done in June-July. At the end of spring and winter, lianas are not pruned, because after pruning there is abundant juicing (weeping vines) and the plants dry out.

Only root shoots can be removed in spring, and this must be done annually. Cut root shoots below the soil level. When sanitary pruning, first of all, dried, broken and small branches that thicken the crown are removed. Long lateral shoots are shortened in a timely manner, leaving 10-12 buds.

Winter preparations

Young plants are covered for 2-3 years after planting with a layer of leaves 10-15 cm thick, and on top they put a spruce branch to scare away rodents. Adult vines are frost-resistant and do not need protection for the winter.

Medicinal beds

Schisandra chinensis

Sometimes lemongrass is grown specifically for tea or medicines, which are prepared from leaves and stems. In this case, the seedlings are planted in three beds. The next year in August, plants are mowed from the first garden.

In the second year, the second garden is mowed, and a year later, the third. During this time, plants grow on the first garden. The collected green mass intended for tea is spread on fabric or paper and dried for several days in the shade. Store in paper bags until winter.

They drink lemongrass tea to restore strength after physical and mental stress. It raises blood pressure in hypotensive patients and may well replace coffee. The invigorating effect of tea lasts 6-8 hours, so it is better not to drink it late in the evening. Read more about the beneficial properties of lemongrass - in the articles:

Why grow lemongrass?

Due to the high content of schizadrin, malic and ascorbic acids, as well as essential oils and many other useful elements in Chinese magnolia vine, not only the fruits and leaves of schizandra, but also the bark and seeds are valued. The Far East is considered the birthplace of this culture. But over the years, the plant has spread to many countries.

And now there is a fairly wide variety of cultivated forms and varieties of lemongrass. The wide scope of this miracle plant. Use Schisandra chinensis in the preparation of teas and drinks. It is also used in the food industry, as an additive to sweets.

In cultivation, its main thing is proper planting, as well as proper care.

How to choose planting material

The most suitable for planting are seedlings with an age of 2-3 years ( see photo) Despite the fact that their vines can be short, the root system will already be well developed. Schisandra roots should not be dry.

It is advisable that they be recently dug up and with a lump of land. Seeds are also used as planting material for planting and growing crops in nurseries. But it’s quite possible to grow a plant from seeds at its own site.

However, they need more scrupulous care. About some of the secrets of cultivation will tell the video.

How to plant a plant on the site

If you plan to plant Chinese lemongrass on your site, be sure to choose the right site. Choosing the right place with the right soil composition, growing Schisandra will give the most successful results. When choosing the right place, remember that Chinese schisandra loves warm sunny areas and cannot tolerate drafts and cold winds. Ideally, if you have a place to plant on the western or on the eastern side of the plots. Keep in mind that in the rain, water from the roof should not water the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to plant lemongrass from the walls, stepping back about 1.5-2 m.

What soil is favorable for the plant

First of all, the Chinese magnolia vine must create the closest natural conditions. Preference should be given to flat areas with fertile soil.

Planting lemongrass on loose soils with a light (or medium) composition and good drainage will bring excellent results. Your Chinese magnolia vine will fully develop in such areas, if proper care is taken. The soil should be moderately and evenly moistened. Favorable predecessors for Schisandra chinensis on the site are row crops and vegetables.

When and how to plant

The best time when a liana plant can be planted: October - for the southern regions and April and early May - for the rest of the regions. To begin with, a hole should be dug in a planned area of \u200b\u200b15-20 days, the depth of which should be about 40 cm (no more) and the diameter is from 40 cm to 60 cm. A layer of drainage should be laid on the bottom of the pit, and then pour the mixture consisting of:

  • 1 part of sod land; 1 part humus; 1 part compost.

When planting, do not deepen the root neck of the creeper. It is better to place it on one level with the surface of the earth. Plants should be located at a distance of about 1-1.5 m from each other. If the landing will be carried out in rows, then aisles are recommended to do 2.5-3 m.

Sowing seeds

Chinese Schisandra seeds can be prepared independently from ripened fruits - berries. The photo shows how the seeders look. Before sowing, they need to undergo training in the form of soaking in water.

To do this, use water at room temperature, and the seeds in it can withstand about 7-10 days. Selection of low-quality seedlings can be carried out after two days - they will emerge and will be on the surface of the water. The next stage of pre-sowing preparation is stratification.

For this procedure, you need pre-disinfected sand, in which the seeds are mixed at the rate of: 1 volume of seedlings - 3 volumes of sand. The mixture is poured into special wooden containers that are placed in a room where the temperature regime is constantly kept from 18 to 20 degrees.

Care for the sanded seeds consists in regular moisturizing - 1 p. in 2 days. This stage of preparation should take at least 1 month.

The next step is stratification by snow. Seeds of culture in the sand are covered with a layer of snow and kept in this state for about a month.

If there is no opportunity to get snow, then you can put the containers for a longer period (from 2 to 2.5 months) into the basement. Seeds are planted on the bed manually. For this, grooves are formed in the ground with a depth of about 1.5 cm.

Top seedlings must be sprinkled with greenhouse soil, slightly moisten. Then the beds are mulched using peat. If planting was carried out in this way, then Chinese magnolia vine is grown before transplanting to a permanent place for 1.5-2 years.

How to care

Schisandra chinensis, in general, is not moody or whimsical. The main care for it consists of:

  • irrigation, which during the growing season is carried out more often. As a rule, one plant requires about 6-7 buckets of water; additional spraying in dry and arid weather; mulching - to retain moisture in the soil; weed weeding; pruning, which is recommended every year in the first half of March, to increase yield every year plants.

A mandatory item, which also includes care, is top dressing. The first feeding with nitrate should be introduced from the third year of the “life” of the liana.

In the periods of summer seasons it is necessary to introduce solutions of organic fertilizers, approximately 1 r. in 2.5-3 weeks. Chinese lemongrass for the first time can bloom and bear fruit when it is about 5-6 years old. Top dressing during this period is very important for the plant.

Nitrofoska, potassium sulfate and organics are considered the best. In principle, neither planting nor caring for Chinese lemongrass are too difficult. And, knowing how useful its fruits are, it is definitely worth trying to grow it yourself.

Schisandra chinensis planting, growing and care

I have many friends, and relatives too, who have problems with high blood pressure, but I have the opposite, pressure is always low and my state of health is not very good either. But I found a way for myself to deal with this scourge and helps me in this Chinese magnolia vine, and in this article you will learn what planting and care this plant needs.

This plant, in addition to increasing pressure, also helps to increase vitality. And all thanks to its unique composition: it contains vitamins E and C, various acids, pectins, tannins, etc.

For well-being, it’s enough to eat only up to 50 grams of Chinese magnolia vine fruits per day. You should not use Chinese magnolia vine in the evening, as it is exciting and will disturb your sleep. For the treatment of various diseases, not only fruits are used, lemongrass leaves also have healing power. Tea is made from the leaves of lemongrass and drunk in the morning and at lunch.

Schisandra chinensis planting and care

Schisandra chinensis is a liana reaching a height of 15 meters. Schisandra is both monoecious and dioecious. In young bushes, only male-type flowers develop during the first flowering.

Male flowers have stamens in the middle, and female flowers have greenish pistils, and each pistil has its own leaves. After pollination, each female leaf has fruits.

Schisandra chinensis has a pleasant lemon scent, which is why it got its name. Planting Schisandra chinensis is possible only in spring. This plant is very resistant to drying out of the roots, therefore, before planting, while the plant is on the road, the roots need to be wrapped with a wet rag.

When a pit is prepared for planting, a drainage layer (crushed brick, gravel) is laid at the bottom. Pour the earth mixed with dung humus and mineral fertilizers into the pit.

In no case do not bring fresh manure into the pit. When planting, the roots straighten and fall asleep with the earth, carefully tamping. When the lemongrass is planted, then sawdust or peat is placed on top. Young seedlings of Chinese magnolia vine not to be afraid of frost.

Schisandra chinensis cultivation and care

Schisandra chinensis is not a whimsical plant, so there are no difficulties when growing and caring. If you do not have the opportunity to establish a support for growing lemongrass, then there is nothing wrong with that.

Without support, lemongrass will grow in the form of a bush, but it may not bear fruit without support. If you decide to make a support, its thickness should not be more than 10 cm. With normal care, the magnolia vine bears fruit for the 4th year after planting.

Care for lemongrass is weeding, loosening and watering. It is important to monitor soil moisture during cultivation.

During care, lemongrass is fed with manure or compost. In the care of lemongrass when growing, it is important that the roots of the plant are in the shade, and the plant itself receives sunlight. This is very simple to achieve: plant low bushes around the vine (currants, gooseberries). They are harvested in September, when the fruits become soft and transparent. The brush is cut off completely, and then the berries are cut off from it.

Hello, dear friends, Chinese magnolia vine is a real vine. Stems can reach a length of 3 to 15 meters.

In this case, the length of the vines depends on the height of the support on which the bush settled. The story today is about how grow lemongrass chinese   on the plot, and I will start, as always, with a brief description of this interesting plant. Lemongrass has shiny leaves, on reddish petioles, broad-egg-shaped. The flowers are dioecious, white, hanging down from the axils of the leaves. Lemonica is monoecious (has both male and female flowers on one plant) and dioecious.

During the first flowering, in young bushes, often only male flowers are present. The number of petals is five. For female flowers, greenish large pistils are located in the center, which consist of individual leaves, and for male ones, stamens are located.

After pollination, each leaf gives a separate berry of bright red color. A fruit brush is formed from one flower, in which there can be up to 25 berries. An unusually pleasant lemon aroma comes from the whole plant, hence its name.

The fruit contains five different tastes at once. The leaves of lemongrass are bitter and pungent at the same time, the flesh is sweet and sour, and the skin is brackish. The content of many useful substances in the berries allows us to classify Chinese magnolia vine as a medicinal plant.

Pectins, organic acids, vitamins E and C, tannins - this is not a complete list of all the substances necessary for the human body contained in lemongrass. Berries are used mainly as a tonic, to restore strength, to increase blood pressure. To do this, it is enough to eat 25 - 50 grams of fresh pulp of lemongrass berries per day, along with the peel. Lemongrass juice should not be drunk at night, as this can lead to sleep disturbance. At home, in addition to berries, you can use fallen leaves of schisandra for brewing tonic tea. You need to drink it only in the morning and at lunch.

How to grow Chinese Schisandra

Schisandra can be planted only in spring. This plant does not tolerate drying out of the root system, so during transportation, it is necessary to wrap the roots with a wet rag. A pit for planting is prepared as follows: a layer of gravel, pebble or small brick is poured into the bottom for drainage.

Schisandra chinensis (Schizandra chinensis).

Then they pound the earth with a knoll, previously mixed with rotted manure, compost, peat. 300 grams of superphosphate must also be added here.

Lemongrass seedlings are not afraid of frost. Growing lemongrass is not very difficult. In the absence of artificial or natural support, it can grow by a bush, only in this case lemongrass begins to bear fruit much later, or even does not give rise to fruits.

The support should be made no more than 10 centimeters thick. Schisandra usually begins to bear fruit from 4 to 5 years after planting. The plant is very sensitive to soil fertility, so it should always be loose, moist, well-fertilized with compost or humus.

If possible, it is necessary to create such conditions for the growth of Schisandra chinensis so that its root system is in the shade and the stems in the light. This is achieved by planting low gooseberry shrubs, currants near the lemongrass. The picking of lemongrass fruits begins in September.

By this time they become transparent and soft. Usually brushes with berries are cut off entirely, and only then berries are plucked from them. Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you about how grow lemongrass chinese   on the garden plot.

I think that you will definitely plant this wonderful plant, which will delight you with its beautiful view, aroma and healthy berries. See you! All posts by the author Chinese magnolia vine - a gift to healthTwenty years ago, lemongrass in our gardens was considered a terry exotic.

Now it is much more common, but still ignored by summer residents. Weird! in late May - early June. Berries ripen in August - September.

The whole lemongrass plant - stems, roots, fruits - when rubbed, emits a strong smell of lemon. Schisandra berry-shaped, bright red, round, slightly elongated or spherical, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in cob-shaped drooping brushes of 20-25 berries. The taste of ripe lemongrass fruits is bitter-sour with a lemon aftertaste, the flesh is juicy.

Fresh fruits are little edible. They ripen in September and do not fall to frost. produced in September as they mature. Schisandra abundantly bears fruit in a year.

Average productivity -1-3 kg per bush. contain sugar, a significant amount of vitamin C, citric, malic, tartaric acids and some substances that have a tonic and stimulating effect on the human body. Lemongrass seeds contain up to 33% fatty oil.

Fruit juice, infusion of leaves, bark and roots contain citric acid, quinine and vitamins. for the preparation of medicines, as well as in the food industry for the production of syrups and fruit drinks. - From the leaves of lemongrass make a tea drink with tonic properties.

Stalks, bark and leaves of lemongrass can also be used to make tea. - From the fruits prepare jam, jam, jelly, syrups. From fresh, freshly picked berries, juice is squeezed, sterilized and stored in a cool, dark place.

Juice is used to make jelly and a refreshing, invigorating drink. * For fatigue and exhaustion, as a general strengthening agent, dry magnolia vine fruits are used to increase visual acuity and various heart diseases, kidney, skin and dystrophy diseases.

* As a strong tonic take infusion of lemongrass berries. 1 tablespoon of dried or fresh berries of lemongrass is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, filtered and taken 2 tablespoons before meals 4 times a day.

* Tincture of lemongrass fruits is prepared with 70% alcohol (1: 3). Fruits are poured with alcohol, insist for a day. Take the drug 20-30 drops with water before meals or 4 hours after eating 3 times a day.

Tincture of lemongrass increases working capacity, relieves drowsiness, causes vivacity and good mood. * Far East hunters have long considered the fruits of Schisandra chinensis a valuable firming agent.

Going to fishing, they took with them the dry fruits of lemongrass. A handful of such fruits gave them strength and vigor. With nervous excitement, insomnia, impaired cardiac activity and hypertension, lemongrass is contraindicated.

The use of lemongrass as a strong tonic, aphrodisiac should be carried out only with preliminary medical examination and medical supervision. You can get lemongrass by planting a root shoot or sowing seeds.

The seed method is considered the main, albeit longer. The fact is that seedlings up to three years old are kept in a special garden. The shelf life of lemongrass seeds does not contribute to their sales through the distribution network.

Germination is their condition, they lose after six months. If you managed, however, to get fresh lemongrass seeds, then you need to sow them in early spring, and even better in the winter., Planting the seeds are soaked in water for four to five days, then mixed with wet sand and allowed to stand at a temperature of +15 - + 20 ° C for about a month, then transferred for one month to a refrigerator or cellar with a temperature of 0 - + 5 ° C.

After stratification, the seeds are germinated at an ambient temperature of about + 10 ° C. Throughout the entire period of time, you need to monitor humidity; drying of sand is unacceptable. Germination can last up to 75 days.

Only after 2.5 months, the shoots fall into the "kindergarten" - seedling beds, where it requires "eye and eye". much simpler, since the stratification process occurs naturally. The first year, the seeds of lemongrass grow very slowly, they need to be regularly weeded, watered, protected from the cold.

In order not to indulge "in all serious ways", many choose breeding lemongrass using the root shoot method.   It is much more convenient, simpler and easier.

With this method: carefully dig out a young shoot, separate it with a knife or secateurs from the mother's root, transplant it to a new place and water it abundantly. An absolute guarantee can only be given by insurance, but practice shows a very good survival rate.

Growing lemongrass from the root shoot is much easier and faster there are, however. one dangerous moment. If the transplantation time is unsuccessful, that is, the probability of a strong release of juice, it is very difficult to stop it.

The result may be the death of the entire plant. Due to this feature of lemongrass, gardeners refuse spring pruning and prefer to spend it in the first half of summer. In caring for lemongrass, one of the fundamental rules is to ensure reliable support.

Of course, it can grow without support, but then you have to come to terms with the lack of flowering and fruiting. Some gardeners recommend removing the vine from the supports for the winter.

My opinion is that this is not necessary, because in the taiga in his homeland, he suffers quite severe frosts on his natural supports, without additional insulation. And to do this is not easy, the stems tightly wrap around the supports, intertwined.

Spring cold can damage buds and flowers. For the winter, it will be enough to mulch the soil. This can be done without removing the fallen leaves - an economical way, or adding humus.

Lemongrass is practically not afraid of winter frosts, but late frosts harm it. By the way, in his homeland they are practically not observed. Spring cooling can damage the buds and flowers - the potential crop will be lost.

Fallen lemongrass leaves for the winter is better not to clean Lemongrass likes soil in composition similar to forest. A mixture of sand and peat will be required in heavy clay and loamy soils.

Does not tolerate lemongrass acidic soils. Schisandra loves light, but in bright sunshine it feels unprotected, preferring partial shade. If you plant lemongrass in the shade, it will grow, but will cease to bear fruit.

He suffers drought painfully, young plants are especially sensitive to lack of moisture, and may even die. Schisandra can grow in the shade, but will cease to bloom and bear fruit

The most famous lemongrass species are wild-growing; breeders have been engaged in the cultivation of varieties relatively recently. The most famous of them are Firstborn, Purple, Oltis and Gorny.

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