A message on the subject of the natural unique of the Far East. Abstract on geography Topic: Kamchatka Peninsula

Glyadenskaya basic comprehensive school No. 11.


by geography

Theme: Kamchatka Peninsula.

  Natural unique Far


Finished: Marina Tykvenko.


Glanced in 2007

  Kamchatka Peninsula.Kamchatka is a country of natural contrasts, extraordinary originality, endearing beauty. Mountains, active and extinct volcanoes, vast valleys and lowlands, mountain and plain rivers, cold and hot mineral springs - all this is on the peninsula.

This is one of the most remote corners of the country from the European center of Russia. About ⅔ of Kamchatka’s area is occupied by mountains. This is an area of \u200b\u200byoung folded volcanic mountains with tundra and wooded vegetation. Two ridges stretch along the entire peninsula - Median  and Orientalshared by Central Kamchatka Depression  with the river Kamchatka flowing along it. The ridges are crowned with volcanic cones with snow caps and glaciers. From time to time, Kamchatka is shaken by volcanic eruptions. On the peninsula, there are about 130 extinct volcanoes. One of the most active and highest volcanoes in the world - Klyuchevsky, its height is 4750 m.

Active volcanic activity affects many other features of nature. So, soils as a result of eruptions periodically receive additional portions of primary minerals, which ensures their high fertility.

The forecast of volcanic eruptions is the science of volcanology. Almost all major volcanoes have special stations where they monitor the temperature of rocks with the help of modern instruments, conduct chemical analysis of gases, and listen to the crater of the volcano. In a few days, one can predict the onset of volcanic activity and warn residents of surrounding cities and villages.

Volcanologists are people in a dangerous profession. Sometimes they have to work on the ducts of the still-cooled lava, descend into the crater of the volcano, be under the “shelling” of red-hot stones, near the red-hot lava with a temperature of about + 1300 ° C.

The climate of Kamchatka is characterized by excess humidity throughout the year. The driest and warmest place is the Central Kamchatka Depression.

The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies the subzone of coniferous-birch park forests. The specificity of this subzone is the predominance of small-leaved trees (stone and Japanese birches) over conifers and the wide distribution of tall grass.

The stone birch has a gray or reddish bark and a thick curly crown: the height of the trees usually does not exceed 10 m. Due to the curvature of the trunk, the stone birch is little used in construction, but mainly for firewood and crafts. However, stone birch forests play an important water conservation and soil protection role.

Among the herbs are common shlamaynik, cornflower, bear pipe and other umbrella.

The mountain ranges are covered with thickets of cedar dwarf and shrub alder, mountain tundra, alpine meadows and the snow zone of Kamchatka glaciers are even higher.

A very large brown bear, Kamchatka sable, squirrel, chipmunk, lynx, Kamchatka cedar, and others live in cedar dwarfs. A reindeer lives in the mountain tundra, and a sheep ram grazes in alpine mountain meadows.

History reference.The first information about Kamchatka was obtained from the "tales" (reports) of explorers. The honor of the discovery of Kamchatka belongs to Vladimir Atlasov, who made campaigns there in the cities. Kamchatka was soon incorporated into Russia. He also made a drawing (map) of Kamchatka and gave its detailed description.

As a result of the First and Second Kamchatka expeditions, led by the Russian navigator Vitus Bering, the separation of Asia and North America was confirmed, discovered Aleutian  and Commander Islandsmade up maps.

Natural unique to the Far East. Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only region in Russia with periodically gushing geysers.

The most active volcanoes on the East volcanic plateau, composed of lava covers, tuffs, ash and elevated to m. Numerous geysers are associated with these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is Kamchatka's biggest attraction. For the first time geysers were discovered by an employee of the Kronotsky nature reserve in 1941, having penetrated the river, which later received the name Geyser(inflow r. Noisy) Here in a deep canyon-shaped gorge there are several groups of geysers. Among them “Firstborn”, “Giant”, “Triple”, “Fountain”, “Pearl”, “Double” and others - only 20 geysers, 10 large pulsating sources and more than 300 small, boiling and freely pouring. The largest geyser "Giant" is very original. Its eruption does not last long - two minutes, but thick steam continues to rise for another 10-15 minutes, covering the adjacent parts of the valley.

Grand Fir Grove (Kamchatka)   on the east coast of Kamchatka is part of Kronotsky reserve. These are unusually slender beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, the trunk diameter is 20 - 25 cm, the needles contain essential oils and smells good. Botanists attribute the fir grand to the ancient (preglacial) vegetation.

Hanka Lake   - large females in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above sea level. Its length is up to 95 km, width is up to 65 km, an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 4 thousand square meters. km, the average depth of about 4 m. About 13 rivers flow into it. The lake is rich in fish. A relic lotus plant grows on the lake, a giant water lily, the leaves of which reach 2 m across, water chestnut.

Lazovsky (Sudzukhinsky) reserve   (area 116.5 thousand ha) on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan, in the cedar-deciduous forests of which there are tigers, lynxes, sables, bears, wild boars, sika deer and Manchurian deer, pheasants and hazel grouse. A part of the reserve is also small (about 30 hectares) petrov Island,  located 1 km from the shore of the bay Xiaohe. Petrov Island is an archaeological and natural landmark of Primorye. It was inhabited a few centuries ago. In the relic yew grove, some trees reach 200-300 years.

"Natural unique of the Far East" - Arctic. The spurs of the Sikhote-Alin ridge, which has retained its originality, are beautiful and peculiar. A mighty, branched creeper Trees wrap around like a boa constrictor. Autumn on the Kamchatka Peninsula is considered the best time. Dust and piles of ash fly up, The god of fire rages in the earth. Russian commander Vitus Bering (originally from Denmark) is buried on one of the islands.

“Sakhalin Relief” - Equipment: Tasks: Conversation with students: Purpose of the lesson: I Organizing moment - 1 min. "Relief of the municipality of the city district" Ohinsky. " II Updating of supporting knowledge - 5 min. III Study of new material. Method: problematic. The ridges of the Schmidt Peninsula. During the classes. Type: "lesson learning new material."

“Kamchatka Peninsula” - There are about 30 active and more than 130 extinct volcanoes on the peninsula. Winter on the Kamchatka Peninsula. The driest and warmest place is the Central Kamchatka Depression. From time to time, Kamchatka is shaken by volcanic eruptions. Kamchatka Peninsula. The mountains of Kamchatka. Autumn on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Information about Kamchatka.

“Far East Economy” - In 1888, the Suchanskoye field was discovered. Economic development of the south of the Far East. Timber processing - 5 sawmills, resin, match and plywood plants at st. Tithing belongs to the imperial family. Cartage. 23.9 million. Manufacturing industry. Development of coal deposits.

"Lesson Far East" - The geographical position of Russia. Assignment: What are the positive sides of the EGP region. It is washed by two oceans. It borders with foreign countries. It is rich in minerals. Fill the table. Practical task: To put on the contour map peoples living in the Far East. Library of electronic visual aids Geography Grade 9.

“Kuril Islands” - Kuril Islands. Performed by Cherkashin Maria. Gumennik is a small species found on Sakhalin Island, the Kuril Islands and Japan during the period of seasonal migrations. Reefs. about. Paramushir - Humpback Whale. Volcano Ebeko Paramushir. Aleutian Canadian Goose. The rocky coast of the Kuril Islands. Kuril landscapes.

There are 34 presentations in total

19.08.2014 6207 0

Tasks: to study the location of natural complexes in the Far East; to form knowledge about the uniqueness of the natural conditions of various regions of the Far East; to improve the ability to explain this peculiarity in solving cognitive problems.

During the classes

I. Testing of knowledge and skills on the topic "Far East: the land of contrasts".

The verification of the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills should be carried out in a condensed form. Factual knowledge can be checked frontally in the form of a small test of the options.

1) Match: Folding Age

a) Mesozoic;

b) the Pacific.


1) Sikhote-Alin ridge;

2) Kamchatka Peninsula;

3) Kuril Islands;

2) The Earth's crust of the Far East is formed by:

a) areas of Mesozoic and Pacific folding;

b) the area of \u200b\u200bPacific folding and the ancient platform;

c) the ancient platform and the Mesozoic folding region.

3) The territory of the Far East is washed by:

a) the Pacific Ocean;

b) the Pacific and the Arctic Ocean.

4) Geysers are located:

a) in Kamchatka;

b) in Kamchatka and Sakhalin;

c) in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Primorye.

5) Isotherms in the Far East extend along the meridian:

c) all year round.

b) In the summer in Primorye, the main direction of movement of air masses:

a) from sea to land;

b) from land to sea;

c) by sea along land

1) Match: Folding Age

a) Mesozoic;

b) the Pacific.


1) Sakhalin Island;

2) ridge Dzhugdzhur;

3) Koryak Highlands.

2) The Earth's crust of the Far East is formed by:

a) the ancient platform and the Mesozoic fold region;

b) the area of \u200b\u200bPacific folding and the ancient platform;

c) areas of Mesozoic and Pacific folding.

3) The high contrast of the nature of the Far East is predetermined by the large extent of the territory:

a) from north to south;

b) from west to east.

4) Active volcanoes are located:

a) in the Kuril Islands;

b) in the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka;

c) in the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

5) In winter, in Primorye, the main direction of air mass movement:

a) from sea to land;

6) from land to sea;

c) by sea along land.

b) In the south of the Far East, rivers have:

a) snow nutrition and summer floods;

b) rain nutrition and summer floods;

c) rain and spring nutrition

flood _______________

Definitions can be read in the following sequence:

1) Areas of the earth's crust, characterized by great mobility.

2) A tropical cyclone forming in the seas off the coast of East Asia causes heavy rains.

3) The deep-sea basin in the oceans.

4) The introduction of magma into the rocks of the earth's crust.

5) A device that records the oscillations of the earth's crust during earthquakes.

6) Giant waves that occur during an earthquake at the bottom of the sea.

7) Annually repeated seasonal high and long rise in water level, accompanied by flooding of the river floodplain.

8) Wind blowing in winter from land to sea, in summer from sea to land.

9) A cone-shaped mountain with a depression at the top.

10) A science that studies the structure and movement of the earth's crust.

11) Hot springs, periodically acting in the form of fountains.

12) A place on the earth's surface above the earthquake source located in the bowels of the earth.

13) Flat elevation with well-defined steep slopes.


Option I - 7, 12, 9, 10, 8, 1, 11.3, 5, 13, 6, 2, 4.

II option - 7, 2, 5, 4, 6, 13, 3, 11.9, 1, 8, 12, 10.

II. Gaining new knowledge.

This block of the lesson begins with the restoration of the general concept of the natural-territorial complex in the memory of students. The teacher organizes the analysis of the soil map and vegetation map.

1) What is a natural complex?

2) What are the common features of each natural complex of the Earth’s surface?

3) What is the basis for the allocation of PTC?

4) In what natural areas is the territory of the Far East located?

5) What natural areas occupy Primorye, Sakhalin, Kamchatka?

6) Using the soil map, determine the soil types in Primorye.

Usually, students answer these questions correctly, and the teacher only needs to emphasize that each natural complex is characterized not only by common features, but also by its originality, originality, and individuality of natural conditions.

Students in the last lesson were given advanced tasks. And now they are telling, using clarity, about the severity and beauty of the nature of the Chukchi and Koryak uplands, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Amur, Pacific Islands. Usually there are no problems with the selection of material, but the teacher can suggest such passages.

Volcanoes in Kamchatka

“Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the highest volcano in Kamchatka: 4750 m above sea level. But he is not the only one on the Kamchatka Peninsula, there are many of them.

Volcanoes smoke, and from time to time pour lava. For every volcano, the time is coming when, under the peals of an underground rumble, a black pillar rises high into the sky, illuminated from below, from the crater, with a crimson flame; then the arrows of lightning begin to sparkle, rain from the ashes, a hail of hot stone bombs fall on the ground, and fire rivers pour out of the volcano’s mouth, foaming and hissing, exuding a strong smell of sulfur.

In the fall of 1966, she woke up and began to rampage Klyuchevskaya Sopka. In recent years, the study of this volcano has advanced. The Institute of Volcanology was established in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In the forestry village of Klyuchi, not far from Klyuchevskaya Sopka, a volcanological station operates.

A volcano-physical station was also built at the foot of another volcano - Avachinsky Sopka. This is the first scientific station located on an active volcano. Climbers and volcanologists not only climb the tops of the volcano, but also descend into the crater. "

(According to N. Mikhailov.)

“We were approaching the crater ... Recently, molten rocks were bursting out of it ... We knew that the crater was not working now, but still it was a closed hole, but it communicated with red-hot layers of the earth. And who knows how strong his “plug” was! ..

We walked down cautiously. Needless to say, we feel like heroes ...

I sat on the big round bomb. Deep silence was broken only by a slight hiss of hot jets. I looked at the stones around me and thought about how here, in the edge of the fire-breathing mountains, the usual ideas of many objects are changing. There are stones around me. They vary in color, strength, composition. But they all have one thing in common: they are very young. We are used to the fact that the stones we meet every day, whether it's beautiful pebbles on the seashore or rough debris on the roads, overhanging cliffs in the cliffs on the river bank or, finally, high mountains, they all have a multi-million dollar age.

The stones that surrounded me have just been born. These are newborn stones. Some of them, perhaps only 2-3 years. Until that time, they were not stones, but a fiery melt, magma with a temperature of several thousand degrees. Magma spilled onto the surface of the earth and received a different name: lava. Lava, too, at first was liquid, red-hot. It is hard to imagine that until recently, the bottom of the crater we so boldly walked through was a gigantic cauldron in which a blindingly bright liquid boiled and boiled - a melt of stones. More recently, lava, boiling, poured over the edge of the crater, and these now cold, wet from dew stones flowed in a stormy stream, scattering sparkling sparks around. ”

(According to G. Ganeizer.)

Shiveluch volcano eruption

“Since ancient times, local residents have divided Kamchatka volcanoes into“ smoking mountains ”and“ fire-breathing mountains. ” Shiveluch was considered a "steaming mountain", weakly functioning, only occasionally moving. Hence, apparently, the name Shiveluch (Sheveluch). Over the past two centuries, only 6 of its eruptions have been noted. During the same time, Klyuchevskaya Sopka erupted 20 times, Avachinsky -

Meanwhile, Shiveluch, as evidenced by the annals of the Earth, is one of the oldest volcanoes on the peninsula. He is more than 5 thousand years old ...

In early February, on a clear, frosty afternoon, a fiery red ash column rose from the steaming crater of the Shiveluch volcano. Wind carried him west. Falling asleep, the cooled ashes covered a thick layer of snow in the decays, completely transformed the taiga, making the trees dull gray. Residents of the Kamchadal village of Kamaki reported what happened to the volcanological station ...

Meanwhile, the activity of the volcano intensified. With each passing hour, a column of ash blown out of the crater grew thicker, and the wind no longer took it to the side. Ashes spread across the sky in a swirling cloud and showered with dry, ringing rain.

Scientists notified by messengers arrived at the site of the eruption ...

Only in the evening managed to reach the crater. Despite the hot air, snow lay at an altitude of 2000 m, and it was very cold on the slopes of the hill ... explosions and tremors of the soil followed with increasing force. Fortunately, volcanic bombs fell away from the tent of scientists. A hot cloud of ash and stone fragments suddenly blew out of the crankcase and rolled down the slope. But suddenly she went up, exposing the fiery red lava on the dome ...

Hot ashes, climbing under a mask, blinded his eyes, burned his face. It became unbearably stuffy. Saturated with toxic gases, the air caught its breath. The fiery rockfall began. Red-hot debris, like shrapnel, pounded on a stone behind which scientists sat.

Continuously throughout the day, volcanologists observed the temperature of the dome and the dry stream, studied the composition of lava, ashes and sublimates, and determined the dynamics of the Shiveluch eruption.

A few years later, a permanent observation base was established on the crest of the volcano. ”

(According to S. Bytovoy.)

Underground Planet Boiler Room

“Winter frosty day. Windless and sunny - a happy combination in these parts. Dozens of skiers go to the village of Paratunku, which is located 50 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. One after another the hills covered with snow are left behind - and suddenly ... a valley covered with tender greenery. Stop, skiers! Here the winter ends. Steam swirls over a small lake, bathers splash in its water. The warmth. In ski suits, it is perhaps even hot, although from the contemplation of the snow, which lies in a dense layer just a few hundred meters away, goose bumps involuntarily run through the body. But clothes were dropped, and skiers jump into the lake breathing in the ferry. Good! The sun shines with might and main. Snow sparkles under its rays, and the tender greens covering the lake shore stretch even more persistently.

Fantastic? Perhaps. But only for those who have never happened to visit Kamchatka, in this land rich in natural wonders. ”

(According to L. Shevchenko.)

Kamchatka geysers

“Everything here is saturated with the smell of sulfur. The slopes of the Valley of Geysers are hot, they are covered with outlandish flowers of crystalline sulfur, whitish patterns of ammonia, roses of the finest work. Near the geysers, the slopes are covered with geyserite - siliceous deposits of salts of mineralized water. These are deposits of either pearl, brown, or bright orange hues. In the valley there are many warm, hot and boiling lakes and simply puddles of the most different colors (from sky blue and turquoise to brick red). Mud cauldrons snort and spit in the thickets of the shelelike, and on the slopes with springs every centimeter puffs, gurgles with tiny hot fountains - lives its own busy life, reminiscent of the distant past of our Earth. The soil is buzzing underfoot, treacherously green grass grows in the hottest areas. Do not step on it - burn yourself!

The valley is especially good in the early hours when the air gets cooler and it is smoked by many pillars, jets and jets of steam. Huge, fantastically sinister clubs of it slowly rise above the geysers, cover the sun and the sides of the valley. A powerful jet of hot water in the first 30 seconds of the eruption of the Giant, one of the largest geysers, hits 30-35 m up, and the steam column reaches a height of 300-400 m.

There are 20 large geysers in the valley. They have curious names, data for character traits or for the color of geyserite: Firstborn, Neighbor, Sugar, Unstable, Big Stove, Fountain, Weeping ... No one can say how many geysers live. But, of course, they can be born and die. ”

(According to various sources.)

In the final part of the lesson, the teacher proposes a task to stimulate students' cognitive interest, develop their thinking and develop the ability to independently explain natural phenomena.

The Commander Islands are located at the latitude of Moscow. However, if in the suburbs there is a zone of mixed forests, then on the islands there is a forest-tundra. Explain the harsh nature of the Commander Islands.

If students find it difficult to explain, then the teacher teaches them the tricks of the logical approach:

1) highlight the main natural factor, under the influence of which the conditions of natural zones are formed on the plains (climate);

2) using maps, determine the peculiarities of climatic conditions on the islands in comparison with the climate of the Moscow region and the factors that explain these climatic features on the islands (the Commander climate is formed under the influence of the cold Kamchatka current and cold air masses from the Bering Sea, the Pacific Ocean and North-Eastern Siberia , so the climate of the islands is colder and harsher than in the suburbs);

3) identify the causes of low summer temperatures on the islands; It is known that vegetation develops in the summer, so it is important to explain why in summer over the islands the sea temperate air from the Pacific is very cool and humid (to answer this

the question is to use not only geographical knowledge

about the influence of the cold Kamchatka current on the thermal properties of sea air, but also knowledge of physics about the high specific heat of water, energy absorption during evaporation and high specific heat of vaporization and explain the features of the interaction of the atmosphere with the ocean surface, as a result of which, in summer, over temperate latitudes form over the ocean cool and moist marine air masses;

4) to draw a conclusion about the impact of the harsh climate on the development of vegetation and soil on the islands, guided by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of components in natural complexes on the example of the connection of climate - vegetation - soil.

The vegetation map shows that the tundra and thickets of cedar dwarf and alder in the Far East extend far to the south, in places up to latitude 50 °. Explain the causes of this natural phenomenon.

The peculiarity of this task is that students should name not only climate, but also other natural factors, permafrost, the location of mountain ranges and their height above sea level as the reasons explaining this natural phenomenon.

Using maps, compare the natural conditions of the Chukchi and Kola Peninsulas located at the same latitude. Explain the similarities and differences.

Explain why in the Far East there is almost everywhere excess moisture. Why is rainfall on the Pacific coast mostly in summer? Why is the total solar radiation in the south of the Far East less than at the same latitude within the mainland?

At present, there are 650 glaciers on the Koryak Upland with a total area of \u200b\u200b216 km2. The snow line lies at an altitude of 1200-1700 m, and in some places on the eastern slopes it decreases to 500-600 m. Explain why modern glaciation exists in the Koryak Upland, while there are no glaciers in the Urals at the same latitude and height.

Homework: § 42, prepare a report on the history of the discovery and development of the territory of the Far East.


SAMARA REGION SECONDARY SCHOOL № 8 "Educational center" of the city of Novokuybyshevsk of the urban district of Novokuybyshevsk of the Samara region

Geography lesson in grade 8 on the topic:

“Natural complexes of the Far East. Natural unique "

first category geography teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 8 "OTs" Novokuybyshevsk


Lesson type: combined.

Targets and goals

    To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of regional PCs.

    Continue to build skills on your own to characterize the PC.

    To form geographical images of natural unique farms of the Far East.

Means of education: maps of the Far East, natural zones of Russia, a video film, a computer, a media projector.

Methods and forms of training: teacher mini-lecture on the diversity of the region’s PC; characteristics of individual PCs by students.

Main content. Severe climatic conditions in the north of the region. The Chukchi Highlands are a combination of plain and mountain tundra with a mountainous Arctic desert. Kamchatka is a country of volcanoes and geysers. Volcanology is the science of volcanism. The largest island of Russia - Sakhalin - the kingdom of coniferous-deciduous forests. Primorye is an area of \u200b\u200bpronounced monsoon climate. Natural unique of the Far East.

Nomenclature. Khabarovsk, Laperouse Strait, Shelikhov Bay, Long Strait, Bering Strait, Chersky Ridge, Wrangel Island.

Lesson plan

Lesson stage

The content (purpose) of the stage



Organizational moment

Lesson readiness check

Geographic dictation

Check the assimilation of definitions and nomenclature on the topic: "the nature of the Far East"

Learning New Material

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe diversity of the region’s PTC. To form geographical images of the natural unique farms of the Far East

Homework message

Explain the contents of homework

During the classes

    Organizing time

Check readiness for the lesson, a quick look at contour maps.

    Knowledge check

Geographical dictation: indicate with numbers on the contour map (Appendix):

Option 1: Sakhalin, Kamchatka, the Dzhugdzhur Range, the Koryak Highlands, the Chukchi Highlands, the Amur River, the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, Peter the Great Bay, the Tatar Strait, Cape Dezhnev.

Option 2: Kuril Islands, Chukchi Peninsula, Sikhote-Alin Ridge, Middle Ridge, Kolyma Highlands, Lake Khanka, Bering Sea, Anadyr Bay, Bering Strait, Cape Lopatka.

After the dictation, students check each other's work: one or two inaccuracies - “4”, three or four - “3”, five or more - “2”.

    Learning New Material

The teacher in a mini-lecture describes the nature of the Chukchi Highlands, Sakhalin Island, and also tells the story of the development of the Far East.

The Far East has a unique position - on the border of the largest continent and the largest ocean of the Earth.

The physical-geographical zoning of the DV is based on two factors: surface structure features and the nature of vegetation. The most typical physical and geographical areas of the Far East: Chukchi Highlands, Kamchatka Peninsula, Sakhalin Island, Primorsky Territory.

Chukchi Highlands.  The climate is one of the harshest. The Chukchi Highlands are a combination of plain and mountain tundra with a mountainous Arctic desert.

Common inhabitants are reindeer, arctic foxes, lemmings, tundra partridges.

Kamchatka Peninsula.2/3 of the territory is occupied by mountains. From time to time, Kamchatka is shaken by volcanic eruptions. There are about 30 active and 130 extinct volcanoes. One of the most active is Klyuchevskaya Sopka (4750m).

The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies the subzone of coniferous-birch park forests. Small-leaved trees (stone and Japanese birch) predominate. In cedar dwarfs you can meet a brown bear, Kamchatka sable, squirrel, lynx.

Sakhalin  - the largest island of Russia. A characteristic feature of Sakhalin’s climate is high relative humidity and frequent winds.

rare species of animals have been preserved here - one and a half meter sea otter, fur seal. In the north you can see deer moss, and in the south - flowering magnolias.

Primorsky Krai  - Located in the southern part of the Far East. The monsoon climate in Primorye is most pronounced.

The Ussuri taiga occupies most of Primorye, where coniferous and broad-leaved species are combined. Only here Amur velvet, Manchurian walnut, and iron birch grow. The wildlife is also unique - the Ussuri tiger, mandarin duck, etc.

Natural unique.

Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only region in Russia with periodically gushing geysers. You can see such geysers as the Firstborn, Giant, Triple, Fountain, Pearl, Double.

Amur river. There are unique islands on the river. Among them, there are very small ones, there are similar to a drop. The islands undergo continuous changes - they appear and disappear, “swim” down the river or move upstream.

Kamchatka Fir Grove. Extraordinarily slender and beautiful trees. Botanists attribute it to preglacial vegetation.

Hanka Lake  - the largest in the Far East. Rich in fish, a relic plant - lotus grows on the lake.

Lazovsky Reserve. Located on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan.


Explain the reasons for the diversity of PCs on the Far East?

Tell us about the nature features of Kamchatka.


§ 42, prepare information on the nature reserves of the Far East.


    Barinova I.I. Development work on the geography of Russia: Grade 8: to the textbook I.I. Barinova "Geography of Russia: Grade 8" / I.I. Barinova. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2008. - 399s.

    Barinova I.I. Geography of Russia. Nature. 8 cl .: textbook. for general education. institutions / I.I. Barinova. - 12th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2008 .-- 285s.


Theme of the lesson: Natural complexes of the Far East. Natural unique.

Lesson objectives: To form students 'knowledge about the natural complexes of the Far East, To develop students' knowledge about the natural regions of Russia, to educate students about the nature.


I. Educational

To form students' knowledge about the natural complexes of the Far East

To form students' knowledge about the nature features of the Chukchi Highlands

To form students' knowledge about the nature of the Kamchatka Peninsula

To form students' knowledge about the nature of Sakhalin

To form students' knowledge about the nature of Primorye

To form students' knowledge about the natural unique of the Far East

II. Developing

The ability to work with various sources of information, the ability to highlight the main thing, systematize the material, the ability to see cause-effect relationships;

Independence in the replenishment of knowledge, the education of patriotism, environmental awareness, interest in the subject

III. Educational

To convince students that the study of the Far East is necessary for the socio-economic development of the country, human activities

Tools and equipment: textbook, atlas, contour maps, notebook, map of the Far East, map of Russia

I. Organizational moment

Greeting, checking absent, checking preparedness for the lesson

II. Checking homework

When checking homework, use the front-end survey type

  1. General geographical position of Eastern Siberia

  2. Climate features (type of climate, its main characteristics)

  3. General characteristics of the relief

  4. What natural regions of Eastern Siberia have we studied?

  5. What types of natural resources are found in Eastern Siberia? (examples)
III. Learning New Material

Knowledge Update

Motivation to learn new material

Teacher : So, we have already studied almost all natural regions of Russia. Today we will begin to study the last region - this is the Far East. We will get acquainted with the natural complexes of the Far East, the peculiarities of the nature of the region and with some unique ones of the Far East

Natural complexes of the Far East. Natural unique.(writing on the board)

The method of presenting new material is a conversation story.

Teacher : The position of the territory of the Far East on the border of the largest continent and the largest ocean of the Earth significantly influenced the features of the natural-territorial complexes of the region and their location. Marine air masses that land on land in summer are colder than the continent. Therefore, due to the cost of heat for heating them, summer air temperatures over the coast are much lower than in the interior of the mainland. Sea air brings a lot of moisture, which leads to an increase in rainfall compared to the interior of the mainland. These conditions are the main reason for the sharp displacement in the Far East to the south of the border of natural zones in comparison with mainland territories.

Teacher : Let us recall what factors underlie the zoning of natural regions?

Student : Relief

Student : Animal world

Student : Vegetation

Teacher : The physical-geographical zoning of the Far East is based on two factors: surface structure features and the nature of vegetation. Consider the most typical physical and geographical areas of the Far East: the Chukchi tundra highlands, the Kamchatka young tundra-wooded mountains, the island of Sakhalin with coniferous-deciduous forests, the Ussuri taiga.
Chukchi Highlands.

Teacher : Let's mark the Chukchi Highlands on the contour maps.

The climate of the Chukchi Highlands is one of the most severe in the Far East. Therefore, the Chukchi Highlands are a combination of plain and mountain tundra with a mountainous Arctic desert. In the north of the Chukchi Peninsula, the mountain tundra rises no higher than 100-200 m, in the south of the tundra it is located much higher. The usual inhabitants of the tundra are reindeer, arctic foxes, lemmings, and tundra partridges. In the swampy lowlands, many waterfowl nest. There are walrus rookeries on the coast of the Chukchi Sea, and bird markets on the coastal cliffs.
Kamchatka Peninsula.

Teacher : No less interesting is the nature of Kamchatka. But before we begin to study the complex in more detail, let's get acquainted with the history of the development of the complex.

Listens to one student’s verbal response

History reference.

The first information about Kamchatka was obtained from the "tales" (reports) of explorers. The honor of the discovery of Kamchatka belongs to Vladimir Atlasov, who made campaigns there in 1697-1699. Kamchatka was soon incorporated into Russia. He also drew a drawing (map) of Kamchatka and gave its detailed description.

As a result of the First (1725-1730) and Second (1733-1743) Kamchatka expeditions led by the famous Russian navigator Vitus Bering, the separation of Asia and North America was confirmed, the Aleutian and Commander Islands were discovered, maps were compiled, and valuable material about Kamchatka was compiled. The second Kamchatka expedition was attended by S. P. Krasheninnikov, whose work “Description of the Land of Kamchatka” is one of the classic works of geographical literature.

In the XIX century. voyages began from St. Petersburg to Russian America with a mandatory call to Kamchatka, to Petropavlovsk. During this period, Petropavlovsk became the main base of Russia in the Far East. The city is located on the banks of the unusually beautiful Avacha Bay, which deeply extends into the land of the Avacha Bay. Avachinskaya, Koryakskaya and Vilyuchanskaya hills rise above it.
Teacher : Kamchatka is a country of natural contrasts, extraordinary originality, endearing beauty. Mountains, active and extinct volcanoes, vast valleys and lowlands, mountain and plain rivers, cold and hot mineral springs - all this is on the peninsula.

This is one of the most remote corners of the country from the European center of Russia. About 2/3 of Kamchatka’s area is occupied by mountains. This is an area of \u200b\u200byoung folded-volcanic mountains with tundra and wooded vegetation. Two ridges stretch along the entire peninsula - the Sredinny and Vostochny, separated by the Central Kamchatka Depression and the Kamchatka River flowing along it. The ridges are crowned with volcanic cones with snow caps and glaciers. From time to time, Kamchatka is shaken by volcanic eruptions. On the peninsula, there are about 30 active and more than 130 extinct volcanoes. One of the most active and highest volcanoes in the world is Klyuchevskaya Sopka, its height is 4750 m.

Teacher : Find active volcanoes on the maps of the atlas, mark them on the contour map (Ichinskaya Sopka, Mutnovskaya Sopka, Koryakskaya Sopka, owner. Shuveluch, Kronotskaya Sopka)

Teacher : Do you think volcanoes influence Kamchatka’s nature traits?

Active volcanic activity affects many other features of nature. So, soils as a result of eruptions periodically receive additional portions of primary minerals, which ensures their high fertility. The forecast of volcanic eruptions is the science of volcanology.

Teacher : Do you think volcanoes should be monitored and why?

Almost all major volcanoes have special stations where they monitor the temperature of rocks with the help of modern instruments, conduct chemical analysis of gases, and listen to the crater of the volcano. In a few days, one can predict the onset of volcanic activity and warn residents of surrounding cities and villages.
The climate of Kamchatka is characterized by excess humidity throughout the year. The driest and warmest place is the Central Kamchatka Depression. The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies the subzone of coniferous-birch park forests. The specificity of this subzone is the predominance of small-leaved trees (stone and Japanese birches) over conifers and the wide distribution of tall grass. Among the herbs are common shlamaynik, cornflower, bear pipe and other umbrella. The mountain ranges are covered with thickets of cedar dwarf and shrub alder, mountain tundra, alpine meadows and the snow zone of Kamchatka glaciers are even higher. A very large brown bear, Kamchatka sable, squirrel, chipmunk, lynx, Kamchatka cedar, and others live in cedar dwarfs. A reindeer lives in the mountain tundra, and a sheep ram grazes in alpine mountain meadows.

Sakhalin- the largest island in Russia, its area is 76,400 square meters. km, length from north to south more than 900 km, the greatest width - 160 km, the smallest - 47 km.

The island is mountainous, but the mountains are not high - the average height is 500 - 800 m. The highest point of the island is Mount Lopatina in the East Sakhalin Mountains. Its height is 1609 m above sea level. Sakhalin is located in the seismically active zone of the Pacific Ring of Fire, with which frequent earthquakes within it are associated. The last force of 8 points occurred in 1995. Sakhalin’s geological structure mainly involves sedimentary rocks, which are associated with oil, gas, and construction materials.

A characteristic feature of Sakhalin’s climate is high relative humidity and frequent winds. Precipitation is clearly distributed among the seasons of the year, which is explained by the dominance of monsoon circulation.

The island has many short, rapids of mountain rivers and mountain and valley lakes. The flora and fauna of the island are poorer than on the mainland. But in the adjacent sea waters, species that have disappeared or are very rare on the mainland, such as a 1.5-meter sea otter and a two-meter fur seal, are preserved here. In the north of the island you can find deer moss, and in the extreme south - flowering magnolias.

Two-thirds of the territory of Sakhalin is occupied by forests. In the north, light coniferous taiga from Daurian larch dominates (let's recall what complex this breed is typical for) with an admixture of birch and alder; in the south - coniferous forests of ayan spruce, fir mixed with broad-leaved species - oak, yew. Thickets of bamboo and creepers are widespread throughout the south.

Primorye, or Primorsky Territory,  It is located in the southern part of the Far East, on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan. On its territory such countries of Europe as Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Switzerland together could freely be accommodated. The appearance of the region is characterized by numerous ridges, ridges and free-standing hills. Tectonic they are quite young. Almost all the mountains of Primorye belong to the mountainous country of Sikhote-Alin.

The garbage climate in Primorye, characteristic of the entire Far East, is most pronounced.

Teacher : Let's remember what is typical for this climate

The monsoon climate of the temperate zone is typical of the southern regions of the Far East. Usually, when the mainland cools in winter and the atmospheric pressure increases due to this, dry and cold air rushes towards warmer air above the ocean. In summer, the mainland warms up more of the ocean and now colder oceanic air tends to the continent, bringing clouds, heavy precipitation; sometimes typhoons even form. The average January temperatures here are -15, -30 ° C; in summer, in July, +10, +20 "C. Precipitation - 600-800 mm per year - occurs mainly in summer. If snow melt in the mountains coincides with heavy rains, floods occur. Humidification is everywhere excessive (the humidification coefficient is more than one).

By the amount of solar heat, Primorye is one of the first places in Russia, not inferior to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

The abundance of moisture in the summer contributes to the development of a powerful vegetation cover. The most part of Primorye territory is occupied by the famous Ussuri taiga, in which conifers and broad-leaved species are combined in the most bizarre way. Cedar and larch grow alongside Manchurian walnut and Amur velvet. Over 250 species of trees and shrubs grow in the forests of the region. Primorye is one of the first places in Russia in the number of endemic plants — plants that are common only in this area. Amur velvet (cork tree), iron birch, maak euonymus and others grow only here. There are many relic plants in the region that have been preserved since Neogene.

The fauna of Primorye is diverse and rich. The Ussuri tiger, leatherback turtle belong to endemic species, the spotted deer, the black Ussuri bear, the Amur antelope goral, the small graceful mandarin duck, striking the beauty of its plumage, earthen thrush, belong to the remains of the Neogene and Quaternary fauna.

In lakes and rivers of the region lives up to hundreds of species of fish. In coniferous-deciduous forests there are many midges and ticks that cause harm to humans and animals.
Natural unique of the Far East.

Teacher : Let's listen to the messages of your classmates about the natural unique of the Far East

Valley of Geysers.  Eastern Kamchatka is the only region in Russia with periodically gushing geysers.

Most active volcanoes are on the East Volcanic Plateau, composed of lava covers, tuffs, ashes and elevated to 600-1000 m. Numerous geysers are associated with these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is Kamchatka's biggest attraction. For the first time, geysers were discovered by G.I. Ustinova, an employee of the Kronotsky Reserve, in 1941, penetrating the river, which later became known as the Geysernaya (a tributary of the Shumnaya River). Here in a deep canyon-shaped gorge there are several groups of geysers. Among them are “Firstborn”, “Giant”, “Triple”, “Fountain”, “Pearl”, “Double” and others - only 20 geysers, 10 large pulsating sources and more than 300 small, boiling and freely pouring. The largest geyser "Giant" is very original. Its eruption does not last long - two minutes, but thick steam continues to rise for another 10-15 minutes, covering the adjacent parts of the valley.

Grand Fir Grove  (Kamchatka) on the eastern coast of Kamchatka is part of the Kronotsky Reserve. These are unusually slender and beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, trunk diameter - 20-25 cm, the needles contain essential oils and smells good. Botanists attribute the fir grand to the ancient (preglacial) vegetation.

Hanka Lake  - the largest in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above sea level. Its length is up to 95 km, width is up to 65 km, an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 4 thousand square meters. km, the average depth of about 4 m. 13 rivers flow into it. The lake is rich in fish. A relic lotus plant grows on the lake, a giant water lily, the leaves of which reach 2 m across, water chestnut.

Lazovsky (Sudzukhinsky)  reserve (area 116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan, in the cedar-deciduous forests of which live tigers, lynxes, sables, bears, wild boars, sika deer and Manchurian deer, pheasants and hazel grouse. Part of the reserve is the small (about 30 hectares) island of Petrov, located 1 km from the coast of Xiaohe Bay. Petrov Island is an archaeological and natural landmark of Primorye. It was inhabited a few centuries ago. In the relic yew grove, some trees reach 200-300 years.
IV. Pin New Material

Mark geographic features on the outline map

What are the main factors underlying the zoning of the Far East

What type of climate is typical for the region

Compare the natural complexes of the northern and southern parts of the Far East, indicate their significant differences. 3. Describe the natural complexes of Kamchatka.

What is the main difference between the natural complexes of the island parts of the Far East from the mainland?

VI. Homework Briefing

Paragraph 42, start filling out the table, prepare contour maps
Subject: Population and economic development of the Far East
Lesson Objectives:

1. To study the population and specialization of the economy of the economic region.

To show the influence of EGP features on the development of the economy of the Far East.

2. Improve the ability to work according to the standard plan, analyze statistical data, and atlas maps.

Students should know:

1. EGP of the Far East.

2. The population and specialization of the district.

3.Lack of labor .

Students should be able to:

1. Perform practical tasks on a contour map.

2. Be able to analyze statistical   data, atlas maps.

3. Show inventory items.

Type of lesson: Workshop with elements of a lecture.

Lesson features:

Physical and economic maps of the Far East.

Map of the location and population density of the Far East. Statistical table “Territory and population of constituent entities of the Russian Federation”. Tasks for practical work.

During the classes.

1. Org. moment.

2. FNZ.
2.1.Population of the Far East.

2.2.Work with thematic maps of the atlas.
2.3. Work in groups.

2.4. Compiling a table by students.


work: “Identification of the features and problems of the development of the Far East.
4. Summarizing the lesson.

5. Homework.

Communication of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

For a long time, the area remained sparsely populated. During the years of Soviet power, the population grew 8 times, but, despite this, the need for labor is constantly felt. The migration rate is the highest in the country. At present, the outflow of the population from the north is characteristic. The urban population prevails.
Using the political and administrative map of the religious composition of the population of Russia, name the peoples and language families living in the Far East.

Using the map of distribution and population density, name and show the large and largest cities of the Far East.

Describe the population density of the Far East.

Specialization of the economy.

The economic specialization of the region is extractive non-ferrous metallurgy, forestry, and fish processing industries.

By natural and economic conditions there are zones:

1. In the south, the fertile plains of the Amur Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories are populated. The monsoon climate provides good conditions for agriculture and human life. Along the Trans-Siberian Railway, industry, population and major cities are concentrated.

Formed South Yakut (coal, electricity, metallurgy) and Amur

(Komsomolsk-on-Amur - engineering centers)

In the Magadan Region and the Republic of Sakha, the harsh conditions of the north impede the economic development of the territory. The main transport axis - p. Lena, Northern Sea Route.

On the Pacific coast, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, economic development is constrained by the weak development of the social sphere and transport.

Development prospects:

1. Creation of technopolises;

2. In the south, to develop the fuel industry, electric power, engineering, defense industry.
1. Parts of the region (north, south, east).

2. Specialization (for each district).

3. Factors stimulating the development of this production (fertile land, monsoon climate, adverse environmental conditions, access to the ocean).

1. Features of EGP.

2. Economic development of the region.

3. Problems of the Far East and ways to solve them.

4. Economic relations of the Far East, contributing to its development.

1. How does EGP of the Far East affect the development of the region's economy?

2. Describe the structure of the economy of the Far East. What industries can be called specialization industries?

3. The Far East is a territory with a free economic zone in the Nakhodka region.

What do you think caused the creation of a free economic zone here?

4. According to Figure 88 (p.327 of the textbook), analyze the process of interaction between the Far East and other economic regions of Russia.

5. Analyze the main statistical indicators of the economy of the Far East.

2. Finish the practical work: "Identification of the features and problems of the development of the Far East."

3. Learn the geographical nomenclature on the topic

"Far East".

Subject: Far East Economy
Tasks:  1. Repeat and test the knowledge of students in the nature and population of the Far East.

2. To give knowledge to schoolchildren on the economy of the Far East.

3. To develop geographical thinking, memory, attention of students.

4. Stimulate the emotional attitude, interest in solving social and environmental problems of the Far East, in the development prospects of this part of Russia.

Lesson Type:  combined.

Visibility:  atlas of Russia, contour map, physical map of Russia, computer disk.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.
Greetings of students. Teacher reporting lesson objectives.

  1. Repeating and testing knowledge
Each student is given a strip of paper for verification work. The student’s task is to number the questions on a piece of paper and put a “+” sign next to them if they agree with the statement of the proposal, “-” if they do not agree.


  1. Almost the entire territory of the Far East belongs to the area of \u200b\u200bCenozoic folding.

  2. There are often earthquakes and earthquakes in the area.

  3. The main precipitation in the south of the Far East falls in winter.

  4. Far Eastern rivers are mostly flat.

  5. Amur is the largest waterway of the Far East.

  6. The largest of the region's lakes is Khanka.

  7. The flora and fauna of the Far East are poorer. Than Siberia and the European part of Russia.

  8. Volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is located on about. Sakhalin.

  9. In Primorye, the climate is monsoon.

  10. The Ussuri tiger lives in the taiga of the Far East.

  11. The shores of the Far East are washed by 3 seas.

  12. In the Chukchi Sea, whales and seals are found.

Strips of paper with student answers are given to the teacher.

On the board an unfinished test, supplement it

(I call students to the board in turn)

1. The population of the Far East …………….

2. The average population density ………… ..

3. Indigenous people: Chukchi, ………….

4. The prevailing population (urban, rural) ……….

5. For 500 thousand people. only in two cities .............

6. Problems of the district ..............
3. The study of new material.

The teacher asks questions:

1. What wealth does the Far East have?

2. Why are these riches used poorly?

3. After looking at the disk material on the topic, highlight the leading sectors of the economy of the Far East?

Work with atlas and outline map.

Assignment: sign on a contour map of 5 large industrial centers of the Far East.

Learning a student’s message about the city of Vladivostok.
Work with a student and workbooks.

From the text of paragraph 60 - write in the workbook the main problems of the Far East.

Checking independent work.

The student is informed about the prospects for the development of the Far East.
4. The final part of the lesson.

Teacher: What did you learn about the economy of the Far East?

Grading for work in the lesson.
Houses:on the album sheet invent and colorfully depict the coat of arms of the Far East, prepare a message about Khabarovsk, working with additional literature.

Topic: Far East Economy (2nd lesson)

The motto of the lesson is: “Who, if not us?

When, if not now? ”
Educational goals:
1. Formation of independent activities of students in groups in assessing the natural resource potential and specialization of the economic region.

2. To be able to analyze causal relationships.

3. Work on general educational skills: summarize and compare, listen, and be able to answer substantive questions.

4. Form key competencies.
Physical and political-administrative map of the Far East, landscapes of the Far East.
Methods and forms of educational activity:
Using the interactive method. Teamwork in groups in the discussion of questions posed by the teacher using the "Brainstorm".
Work organization:
1. The creation of four groups and the appointment of commanders.

2. Give an advancing task

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