Eastern Siberia. Complex characteristics of eastern Siberia Eastern Siberia characteristic according to plan

Eastern Siberia is the most continental of the regions of Russia, one of two (together with Western Siberia) that do not go to any of the ice-free seas. Here is the "center of Asia" (in the city of Kyzyl, the capital of the Republic of Tuva) - the point farthest from all the oceans and seas washing the shores of Asia.

Why does East Siberia, located on an ancient platform, have a sublime relief?

The increased activity of the Pacific lithospheric plate moving under Eurasia (in the Mesozoic and Neogene-Quaternary), led to significant uplifts of the earth's crust. These movements covered the ancient Siberian platform, and folded structures of different ages.

During uplifts of individual sections of the crystalline basement along numerous faults, magma was introduced into the sedimentary rock. In many areas of the Central Siberian Plateau, magma poured onto the surface, thus forming an extensive lava plateau. Subsequently, when embedding rivers and denudation, a characteristic stepped relief was formed.

What minerals is rich in Eastern Siberia?

Deposits of crystalline basement rocks are associated with deposits of iron and copper-nickel ores, gold and platinum. Deposits of East Siberian gold (Bodaibo) have been exploited for about 150 years. Currently, Eastern Siberia accounts for over 10% of the total Russian industrial reserves of iron ore (Korshunovskoye deposits in the Irkutsk region, Nizhneangarskoye in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia ores and others).

Fig. 143. Central Siberian Plateau

The Norilsk region has unique reserves of complex copper-nickel ores. In addition to the main components (nickel, copper, cobalt), Norilsk ores contain platinum, palladium, gold, iron, silver, tellurium, selenium, sulfur and other chemical elements. Almost 40% of Russian copper reserves and about 80% of nickel reserves are concentrated in deposits of the Norilsk region. On their basis, one of the largest in the Russian Federation, the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, operates.

Why are not all coal deposits of the region being developed?

In tectonic troughs are the largest deposits of coal. Among them, the largest coal basin of the country stands out - the Tunguska basin. Only the already explored coal reserves in this basin are almost 5 billion tons. Currently, several deposits are exploited in the basin in the Norilsk region, which provide fuel to the city and the mining and metallurgical plant. Despite the huge reserves, there is no sense in increasing production here: coal from here will be almost impossible to transport (or it will be very expensive).

Of great importance for the country's economy is the development of the Kansk-Achinsk brown coal basin. It is very favorably located along the Trans-Siberian Railway. The deposits have one powerful (from 10 to 90 m) layer and are located close to the surface, so the coal is mined in an open way. Unfortunately, the coal of this basin is of low quality, high-ash and it is not profitable to transport it over long distances. Therefore, most of the coal mined is used at local power plants.

A large developed pool is Irkutsk. In it, the thickness of the coal seams is 4-12 m, and most of the explored coal reserves are available for opencast mining.

Why are the rivers of Eastern Siberia favorable for the construction of hydropower plants?

In the Yenisei and its full-flowing tributaries: Lower Tunguska, Podkalennaya Tunguska and Angara - huge reserves of hydropower are concluded. A cascade of the largest hydroelectric power stations has already been built on the Yenisei and the Angara.

Fig. 144. High river banks

Effective hydropower engineering is possible due to favorable natural conditions. For example, on the Yenisei, a relatively narrow river valley is deeply cut into strong rocky shores. As a result, the construction of hydropower plants is much cheaper than in other areas. And the area of ​​flooding of farmland in the Yenisei basin per unit of generated electricity is 20 times less than the national average.

What natural zone is most of Eastern Siberia located in?

The tundra and forest-tundra dominate on the northern plains and in the mountainous regions, and the Arctic deserts dominate in the Far North on the ocean coast of Taimyr and on the Arctic islands (Severnaya Zemlya).

Most of Eastern Siberia is covered with light coniferous larch forests, the border of which in the north goes quite far - up to 70 ° C. w. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, larch forests occupy half of the entire taiga.

Fig. 144a. Larch forest

Pine forests also occupy large areas in the Angara basin, and dark coniferous spruce-cedar forests occupy large areas in the Western Baikal region. Only in the southern regions of the region in the basins (Minusinskaya, Kuznetskaya) are there plots of steppes and forest-steppes.

The area has huge stocks of wood raw materials. The total stock of wood is almost 40% of the total Russian fund. However, the main forests are located in the poorly developed territory, where almost no logging is carried out.

Fig. 145. Fur gold of Siberia

An important wealth of the region are fur animals: sable, squirrel and arctic fox, the main object of hunting for the indigenous population of this region.

Agricultural land is concentrated mainly in the southern part of the region, in the steppe and forest-steppe areas and along river banks in the taiga zone.


Severe climatic conditions and the inaccessibility of many regions, a rare population, despite the myriad natural wealth, are a deterrent to the economic development of Eastern Siberia.

Questions and Tasks

  1. Determine the distance separating the European Center from Eastern Siberia, evaluate the transport conditions, population distribution and assess the physical, economic and geographical position of Eastern Siberia.
  2. "The Yenisei Valley - the line between Western and Eastern Siberia." Using atlas maps, provide evidence of this statement.
  3. What climatic features of the region impede economic activity and people's lives?
  4. Siberian rivers are characterized by a special regime. Do they lose their originality as a result of the construction of a hydroelectric power station? What environmental problems arise?
  5. In Eastern Siberia, extending in the same latitudes as the East European Plain and Western Siberia, there is no pronounced latitudinal zonality of soil and plant zones. Why?
  6. In your opinion, is it right to single out the Far North region from the entire territory of Western and Eastern Siberia? How would you draw its southern border? What are the distinctive features of nature and population called?

Determine the distance separating the European Center from Eastern Siberia, evaluate transport conditions, population distribution, and assess the physical and economic-geographical position of Eastern Siberia.

3375 km are separated from Moscow from Krasnoyarsk, 3100 km are the western borders of the East-Siberian economic region from the eastern borders of Central Russia. By rail from Samara to Krasnoyarsk - also about 3,000 km.

These distances can be determined by the map of geographic zoning or by the transport map of Russia, measuring the distance in centimeters with a ruler, and then using the scale.

The economic and geographical position of Eastern Siberia is considered one of the most disadvantageous. The territory is removed almost from all possible consumers of raw materials and products, and besides, Western Siberia and the Far East, with approximately the same resources, are on the way to these consumers. Harnessing the resources of these areas is more profitable. The involvement of the region in the Russian division of labor is hindered by low transport development. Only in the south are the main road and rail routes, and the central parts of the region and the north are guided by water transport.

Among the huge, but still unclaimed resources of Eastern Siberia, the world's largest Tunguska coal basin, small, but very important (due to the favorable location in the developed areas) Minusinsky and Irkutsk-Cheremkhovsky basins stand out. Many low-cost coal is mined at KATEK. The region is rich in copper-nickel-cobalt, iron, polymetallic ores, as well as gold, ores of other precious metals, and uranium ores. Explored deposits of aluminum raw materials (bauxite and non-felins).

The natural conditions of the territory allow the development of agriculture only in the southern parts of the region, where the agroclimatic potential is quite large. In the north, the conditions are favorable for the development of reindeer husbandry.

Great is the hydropower potential of Eastern Siberia. On the Yenisei and its affiliates, it is possible to build power plants with a total potential of more than 60 million kW. The largest reservoir of purest fresh water is Lake Baikal.

However, many of the wealth of Eastern Siberia has not yet been developed, this is hindered by remoteness and lack of demand.

"The Yenisei Valley is the boundary of nature features between Western and Eastern Siberia." Using atlas maps, provide evidence of this statement.

Indeed, the Yenisei Valley separates the West Siberian Lowland and the Central Siberian Plateau; a young plate with a powerful cover of sedimentary rocks and an ancient platform with traps and shields. Along the Yenisei descends to the south of the border of permafrost. Beyond the Yenisei begins the kingdom of larch - the only tree species that carries permafrost in the soil.

What climatic features of the region make economic activities and people's lives difficult?

Cold winters and harsh winds, especially on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, make it especially difficult for economic activity and the life of the population. Unfavorable for life and permafrost.

Siberian rivers are characterized by their special regime. Do they lose their originality as a result of the construction of hydroelectric power stations? What environmental problems arise?

The construction of hydroelectric power plants to a large extent regulates the flow, making it more smooth and calm. In mountainous areas, the area of ​​flooding is small. However, there are other troubles in Siberia. Around the large reservoirs a specific local climate is created. For example, in the Krasnoyarsk reservoir, water does not freeze even in the coldest winters (at temperatures up to -40 ° C), which significantly worsens the ecological situation.   Material from the site

In Eastern Siberia, which extends in the same latitudes as the East European Plain and Western Siberia, there is no pronounced latitudinal zonality of soil and plant zones. Why?

This is due to the elevation of the territory and the widespread spread of permafrost.

In your opinion, is it right to single out the Far North region from the entire territory of Western and Eastern Siberia? How would you draw its southern border? What are the distinctive features of nature and population called?

The Far North naturally stands out from the entire territory of Western and Eastern Siberia.

The natural border of this territory could be drawn along the southern border of the forest-tundra. In the administrative plan, it would include the Yamalo-Nenets and Taimyr Autonomous Districts. The main distinguishing feature of the Far North region is the dominance of the tundra and forest-tundra, the "focal" location of the population, and the inaccessibility of territories.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • wealth of eastern Siberia
  • natural resources test in eastern Siberia.
  • natural conditions of the north of eastern siberia
  • natural conditions resources of eastern siberia
  • natural conditions in eastern Siberia

The nature of Eastern Siberia is very vulnerable, in this region everything is interconnected. The resources of Eastern Siberia are inexhaustible. Mountain ranges with rocky peaks are picturesque. There are impassable terrain here: forests and swamps; very vast steppes. In winter, there are large frosts, and in summer hot days as in the desert.

Flora and fauna of Eastern Siberia

Trees in Eastern Siberia are very different: pine, cedar, spruce, fir, but the most common tree here is larch (in Eastern Siberia there are two species - Daurian and Siberian larch). A person who does not happen often in the taiga is unlikely to distinguish these two species from each other.

Squirrel is the most important fur species in the animal kingdom of Eastern Siberia. A resident of the mountains of this area is a black-capped or Kamchatka marmot. In the forests of Eastern Siberia, the Asian forest mouse, Siberian red and red-gray voles are common. Tuvan beaver needs protection and is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In Altai and the Yenisei in the regions of Southeast Siberia, a species such as the Asian long-tailed gopher is widespread. American gopher lives in the Northeast. In the taiga part, forest lemming, alpine Siberian vole, and several other species are considered very rare animals. Of the bats there are few watery nights and northern leathers.

In eastern Siberia, 10 species of insects. Such as Siberian cat, Daurian hedgehog. Several types of shrews, one of them is a tiny and flat-shrew shrew.

Of the large animals of the East Siberian taiga, the most common are brown bear, lynx, and elk. There are foxes - red or sivodushka. Small predators - colony, forest ferret; badger, ermine, weasel (in the south). Sable and reindeer are considered numerous. There are many different rodents - squirrel (the main object of hunting), white hare, flying squirrel, mouse-like rodents. Roe deer and beavers have been preserved in some places.

Northeast Siberia

Severe climate and permafrost. The temperature in winter reaches -60 ...- 68 degrees, and in summer the heat reaches 30-36. In the far north, arctic deserts with poor vegetation predominate. To the south is the tundra zone. Deciduous forests occupy the lower parts of the mountain slopes.

The fauna of North-Eastern Siberia differs from the fauna of other regions of Siberia. Mammals and birds appear in the mountains and plains close to common animals in North America. This is because there used to be land on the site of the Bering Strait.

The fauna is rich in steppe animals that are not found anywhere in the north. In the high-mountainous stony tundra, one can meet the Verkhoyansk black-cap marmot, and in the glades of the mountain taiga zone of the long-tailed Kolyma gopher. Among mammals in the mountains live various rodents and shrews (more than 20 species).

Of the predators - the Bering bear, the East Siberian lynx, arctic fox, sable, and ermine. Among the birds common capercaillie, pine nut, hazel grouse. In summer, on the lakes there are turpan, goose-goose and others (waterfowl).

Irkutsk region, Chita region. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Aginsky Buryat, Taimyr (or Dolgano-Nenets), Ust-Orda Buryat and Evenki Autonomous Areas, Republics: Buryatia, Tuva (Tuva) and Khakassia.

Economic and geographical position.

Eastern Siberia is located far from the most developed areas of the country, between the West Siberian and Far Eastern economic regions. Only in the south are the railways (Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur) and the Yenisei in short navigation provides communication with the Northern Sea Route. Peculiarities of the geographical location and natural and climatic conditions, as well as the poor development of the territory complicate the conditions for the industrial development of the region.

Natural conditions and resources.

Thousands of kilometers of watery rivers, boundless taiga, mountains and plateaus, lowland plains of the tundra - such is the diverse nature of Eastern Siberia. The territory of the region is huge - 5.9 million km 2.

The climate is sharply continental, with large amplitudes of temperature fluctuations (very cold winters and hot summers). Almost a quarter of the territory lies beyond the Arctic Circle. Natural zones alternate in the latitudinal direction sequentially: Arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga (most of the territory), in the south - there are sections of forest-steppes and steppes. In terms of forest reserves, the region ranks first in the country.

Most of the territory is occupied by the East Siberian Plateau. The plains of eastern Siberia in the south and east are bordered by mountains (Yenisei Ridge, Sayan Mountains, Baikal Mountain Country).

Features of the geological structure (a combination of ancient and younger rocks) determine the diversity of minerals. The upper tier, located here of the Siberian platform, is represented by sedimentary rocks. The formation of the largest coal basin in Siberia, the Tunguska basin, is associated with them.

The deposits of brown coal of the Kansk-Achinsky and Lensky basins are confined to sedimentary rocks of troughs on the outskirts of the Siberian platform. And with the Precambrian rocks of the lower tier of the Siberian platform, the formation of the Angara-Ilim and other large deposits of iron ore and gold is associated. A large oil field is discovered in the middle reaches of the river. Stony Tunguska.

Eastern Siberia has huge reserves of various minerals (coal, copper-nickel and polymetallic ores, gold, mica, graphite). Their development conditions are extremely difficult due to the harsh climate and permafrost, the thickness of which exceeds 1000 m in some places, and which is spread almost throughout the entire region.

In Eastern Siberia, Lake Baikal is located - a unique natural site that contains about 1/5 of the world's fresh water reserves. It is the deepest lake in the world.

The hydropower resources of Eastern Siberia are huge. The deepest river is the Yenisei. The largest hydroelectric power stations of the country (Krasnoyarsk, Sayano-Shushenskaya, Bratskaya and others) were built on this river and on one of its tributaries - the Angara.


Eastern Siberia is one of the most sparsely populated areas of Russia. The population (1996) is 9.1 million people, the average density is 2 people per 1 km 2, and in the Evenki and Taimyr autonomous regions this indicator is only 0.003-0.006 people.

The population lives in the south, mainly in the strip adjacent to the Trans-Siberian Railway, at the BAM line and at Lake Baikal. The population of Transbaikalia is higher than Transbaikalia. Most of the population is concentrated in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region. In the vast expanses of the tundra and taiga, the population is sparse, located by the “foci” - but to river valleys and in intermontane basins.

Most of the population is Russian. In addition to them live Buryats, Tuvans, Khakasses, in the north - the Nenets and Evenks (mainly living in the territory of their national-territorial formations - in the republics and autonomous okrugs).

The urban population prevails (71%), as most of the territory due to natural conditions is unfavorable for living and agricultural development. The largest cities are Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude.


The sectors of specialization of the East Siberian economy are electric power, non-ferrous metallurgy, timber, and pulp and paper industry.

The core of the modern economy of Eastern Siberia is the electric power industry. The most powerful thermal power plants in the area are Nazarovskaya, Chita, Gusinoozerskaya TPP, Norilsk and Irkutsk TPPs. A hundred-meter layer of brown coal lies here close to the surface. Extraction is carried out in large quarries - in an open way. These are steam coal, which is more profitable to burn on the spot for generating electricity at large thermal power plants than to transport over long distances (KATEK - Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy complex).

Eastern Siberia is also distinguished by the country's largest hydroelectric power plants built on the Yenisei (Krasnoyarskaya to Sayano-Shushenskaya with a capacity of over 6 million kW); on the Angara (Bratsk, Ust-Ilim, Boguchansk, Irkutsk hydroelectric stations).

By generating cheap electricity and having a variety of raw materials, the district develops energy-intensive industries (non-ferrous metallurgy, pulp and paper industry).

For example, aluminum smelters (Shelekhovo, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sayanogorsk). Raw materials - local nepheline. Their complex processing with the associated production of cement and soda makes aluminum production in Eastern Siberia the cheapest. Sayan and Bratsk aluminum smelters are the largest in the world.

Also, gold, silver, molybdenum, tungsten, nickel, and lead-zinc ores are mined in the area. In some areas, mills are being established at the extraction site. For example, the Norilsk Copper-Nickel Plant (in the north - beyond the Arctic Circle), where along with the smelting of many metals, chemical products and building materials are produced.

The oil refining and chemical industry is represented by enterprises in the cities of Achinsk, Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Krasnoyarsk, Zima and others. Oil refining was developed there (along the pipeline from Western Siberia - refineries in Achinsk and Angarsk), the production of synthetic ammonia, nitric acid was developed. , nitrate (Usolye-Sibirsky), alcohols, resins, soda, plastics, etc. The Krasnoyarsk complex specializes in chemical processing of wood, the production of synthetic rubber and fibers, tires, polymers and mineral fertilizers th. Chemical plants operate on waste from the pulp and paper industry, on the basis of oil refining, on local coal resources, using cheap electricity from state district power stations and hydroelectric power stations. The rivers of Eastern Siberia give water (many water-intensive industries).

Large forest reserves contribute to the development of the forestry and pulp and paper industry. Logging is carried out in the Yenisei and Angara basins. Forests are transported along the Yenisei to the ocean and further along the Northern Sea Route, as well as to the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur highways for sending forests through them to other regions of the country.

The port of Igarka with a sawmill was built beyond the Arctic Circle. The main enterprises of the forest industry are located in Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk. A large Selenginsky pulp and cardboard mill was built (on the Selenga River, which flows into Lake Baikal). However, it should be noted that enterprises cause significant damage to the ecological state of the Baikal region, polluting the environment with industrial waste.

Engineering mainly serves the needs of the region. Large enterprises of the machine-building complex are factories in Krasnoyarsk (Sibtyazhmash, a combine and a factory of heavy excavators); in Irkutsk (heavy engineering plant). In Chita car assembly is presented.

Agro-industrial complex.

Agriculture is developed mainly in the south of the district. Livestock specializes in the production of meat and wool, as 2/3 of the agricultural land is hayfields and pastures. Beef cattle breeding and meat-and-wool sheep breeding are developed in the Chita region, Buryatia and Tuva.

The leading place in agriculture belongs to grain crops. Spring wheat, oats, barley are cultivated, fodder crops are significant, potato and vegetable growing are developing. In the north, in the tundra, they are engaged in deer breeding, in the taiga - by hunting.

Fuel and energy complex. Power industry is a specialization industry of the region. The largest hydropower plants in the country, state district power stations and combined heat and power plants using local fuel and hydropower resources work here. Norilsk TPP previously worked on coal, and now it works on natural gas from Western Siberia, which is supplied through a gas pipeline from a field 150 km from Dudinka.

Power stations of the region are connected by power lines and connected to the power system of Western Siberia.


The development of natural resources, the development of industry are constrained by the underdeveloped transport network. The availability of transport network is the lowest in the country.

Only in the south of the East-Siberian region passes the Trans-Siberian Railway. In the 80s, the Baikal-Amur Mainline was built (its total length is more than 3 thousand km). The highway originates from Ust-Kut, approaches the northern tip of Baikal (Severobaikalsk), overcomes the Trans-Baikal mountain ranges through tunnels punched in rocks and ends in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (in the Far East).

The highway, together with the previously constructed western (Taishet-Bratsk-Ust-Kut) and eastern section (Komsomolsk-on-Amur-Vanino), forms the second, shorter way to Transsib, to the Pacific Ocean.

In the north of the district there is a small electrified railway, which connected Norilsk with the port of Dudinka.

The largest traffic artery is the Yenisei River. To the west of the mouth of the Yenisei, navigation on the Northern Sea Route is carried out even in winter. In the summer, with the help of icebreakers, ships are held to the east of the Yenisei. Igarka and Dudinka - forest export ports.

East Siberia as a geographical region

Remark 1

Different sources offer different patterns of physiographic zoning. But terrain features allow you to combine these schemes into a single system. This is especially true of Siberia. Western Siberia is a well-defined region within the West Siberian Plain.

The Yenisei Valley serves as a natural border of the regions. The whole territory of Central and Northeastern Siberia, lying to the east of the Yenisei, is called Eastern Siberia. This region stretches from the Ob-Yenisei interfluve in the west, to the mountain ridges of the Pacific watershed in the east. In the north, Eastern Siberia opens in the coast of the Arctic Ocean. The south of the region is bordered by Mongolia and China.

The region includes the territories of the Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal Territories, the Chita Region, Buryatia, Tuva and Yakutia. The region is striking in its size. On its territory can accommodate several large European states. The total area of ​​the region is more than $ 7 million km $ ² $.

  Relief and geological structure of Eastern Siberia

The tectonic structure of Eastern Siberia is based on the ancient Siberian platform, parts of the emerging Mesozoic platform of northeastern Siberia, folded areas of different epochs of mountain building. The complex history of the formation of the territory led to a large variety of relief. In general, the area is very much raised, so it is called "High Siberia." Mountains and plateaus occupy three quarters of the total area of ​​the region. Average heights exceed $ 500 m.

In the Cenozoic, the formation on the basis of the Siberian platform of the Central Siberian Plateau was completed. On Taimyr, a rejuvenation of the relief took place and the Byrranga mountains were revived. The following mountain systems also belong to the rejuvenated landforms:

  • Verkhoyansk Range;
  • chersky Range;
  • Koryak Highlands.

In the intermountain troughs lie such lowlands as Vilyuiskaya and North-Siberian. The Yano-Indigirka and Kolyma lowlands constitute the lowered edge of Eurasia. Some geologists distinguish the young Kolyma Plate at their base. The relief is dotted with fractures of the earth's crust and traces of igneous effusions. Flowing and freezing, magma formed lava plateaus.

Among the features of the relief, it should be noted that the mountain ranges block access to Pacific air masses, and the plains open up to the northern coast.

  Soil and climatic conditions of Eastern Siberia

The territory of Eastern Siberia is located in the regions of the arctic, subarctic and temperate climatic zones. Due to its geographical position and relief, a sharply continental climate was established here. Winter is very long, with little snow and cold. It is in Eastern Siberia (in the region of Verkhoyansk and Oimyakon) that the cold pole of the northern hemisphere is located. The minimum recorded temperature was $ -71 ° C.

Summer is characterized by low clouds and rather high temperatures (up to $ + 30 ° $ C). Wet air masses flow from the Arctic and the Pacific Ocean, setting the arctic front. Snow mountains and glaciers may form in the mountains. Permafrost is common in most of the region.

The soils of the region are diverse. From north to south, they change from the poor soils of the arctic deserts to the chernozem of the intermontane basins. Frozen soils predominate.

  Features of wildlife in Eastern Siberia

Tundra and forest tundra are common in the north of the region and in the mountains. But in most parts of Eastern Siberia there is light coniferous taiga. The main forest tree is larch. Cedar elfin cedar is common in the northern and mountainous regions. Pine forests (Siberian cedar) grow in the southern regions.

Remark 2

A characteristic feature of the animal world of Eastern Siberia is the abundance of fur-bearing animals. Their fur was a traditional craft for the local population. The most valuable fur animals are:

  • squirrel;
  • sable;
  • ermine;
  • marten;
  • columns;
  • otter.

Reindeer are bred in the plains of the north, in the southern regions - spotted, noble and red deer.

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