What drugs are antihistamines. All about antihistamine medications

Drugs, antihistamines can be found in the usual home first-aid kit in almost every second person. But, surprisingly, almost no one who takes these drugs knows how to use them, how they act on a person, what it means - antihistamines, and what will happen if they are overdose or misappropriated.


Antihistamines are those that should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taken strictly in accordance with the dosage recommended in the instructions and according to the indications of health.

It would seem that what is written above should be known to everyone, because it is so simple, but for some reason very few people resort to this knowledge during the period of illness or at the time of overdose with drugs.

A bit of theory

Under the influence of negative external factors, namely, household chemicals, dust, flower pollen, animal hair, drugs and other types of allergens in the human body, substances causing the onset of allergies are gradually produced. One of these substances produced is histamine. If a person is healthy, then histamine is in the composition of the cells, if there is unfavorable contact with an allergic substance, then this provokes an allergy (that is, histamine from the cells comes out).

After the release of histamine outside, various symptoms of an allergic reaction appear as:

  • Cough;
  • Coryza;
  • Puffiness;
  • Urticaria;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Severe spasm of the upper respiratory tract;
  • A sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Drugs with antihistamine effect

In order for the patient to alleviate the symptoms of allergy, it is necessary to take drugs with an antihistamine effect, that is, those that could be in exchange with histamine and reduce its production.

So, the main property of antihistamine drugs is:

  • Reduced production of histamine in the cells;
  • Binding in a single whole of histamine, which is already out of the cells and began to show its effect, that is, the person began an allergic reaction.

As a result of use, the patient quickly eliminates the unpleasant allergic symptoms. Moreover, it means absolutely any allergic reaction - food, to household chemicals, for drugs, etc.

Can I take antihistamines as a prevention?

The opinion of allergol physicians is as follows: antihistamines do not have a prophylactic effect so pronounced as to swallow tablets constantly. It is easier to determine what exactly you are allergic to and avoid contact with this allergen substance. You must understand that it is impossible to eat a kilogram of oranges with Suprastin tablets. Treatment (treatment, not prevention) is prescribed if it is impossible to avoid direct contact with the allergen (for example, July has come, and you are allergic to poplar fluff).

What antihistamines are most effective?

Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Fenkrol, Diprazine are considered the most effective antihistamine preparations. The advantage of these medicines is that they have been used for several years and during this time they have been able to prove their effectiveness.

The remaining drugs, which you can see on the pharmacy shelves, are only analogues of the aforementioned products with a different name. For example, Clemastin is the complete analogue of Tavegila, and Diprazin is synonymous with Pipolfen.

Form release

Antihistamines are available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups. Dimedrol you can meet in the form of candles (a convenient form of use for small children). If the allergic reaction is overly pronounced, then intramuscular injection is indicated (these are solutions of dimedrol, tavegil, suprastin, and diprazine).

Side effects

Diphenhydramine, Suprastin, Tavegil and Diprazin have a hypnotic effect, as well as a sedative. In addition, the drugs in this series inhibit the human response to external factors. Due to the pronounced hypnotic effect of Dimedrol, many use it as a sedative. In addition, it has a very low cost, therefore, the tool is so popular.

It is not recommended to use antihistamines in case allergy sufferers have to perform work requiring increased concentration on this day, as well as those who will drive the car. If the allergic reaction is excessive, then in this case it is necessary to pay attention to Diazolin and Fenkarol.

Another side effect that must necessarily be taken into account when taking Dimedrol, Suprastin and Tavegila, is that they dry the mucous membranes. This can lead to the fact that if a person takes medication during the period of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, this can lead to such a phenomenon as pneumonia. The mucus will thicken, stagnate in the lungs, which is a good breeding ground for bacteria.


Take Suprastin with glaucoma, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, malignant tumors. Reception Fenkarol contraindicated in pathologies of the liver. Tavegil is forbidden to take during pregnancy, while Suprastin is allowed for treatment.

It is not recommended (and even forbidden) to take antihistamines to children who have had a specific reaction to vaccinations (and, in the opinion of most parents, is allergic). This reaction has nothing in common with allergies. Therefore, parents are strongly advised not to give children either Tavegil or Suprastin.

Drug benefits

The main advantage of antihistamine drugs is that they can be used even with a strong allergic reaction. Moreover, these drugs are available to absolutely everyone because of their cost.

Antihistamines of the 21st century have virtually no side effects, they can be applied 1-2 times a day. Such medications include Astemizol and Claritin (their analogues are Gismanal, Loratadin).

Colossal! Many parents are very attentive in this matter only with an infant, but after a year or two they usually cease to care much about it. And in vain. After all, just at 3-5 years old, the child increases the risk of developing an allergy to house dust mites, house pollen, animal dander, and household chemicals.

Is allergy treated with antihistamines?

Can a child with allergies go to kindergarten?

Ban on visiting kindergarten there is no allergy, but in no kindergarten there will be suitable conditions for such a child. Even if they created a hypoallergenic life in the children's institution and are ready to follow an individual diet, one problem cannot be solved in any way - contact with infections is inevitable, because it is a team. And at that age (2-6 years), infections are the most serious danger for an allergic person, since they aggravate his condition. Unfortunately, often in such cases, allergy ends with asthma. Therefore, if your child is dear to you, try to abandon kindergarten.

Does tempering help cure allergies?

Partly yes. Hardening is generally useful for all children, and for allergies, it is even more relevant, as a hardened child is better able to resist infections (they often provoke an allergy). It’s not at all a fact that tempering will ease the condition of a child with pollinosis, but it certainly will not be worse.

Does the child need to carry anti-allergic first-aid equipment with him if he has not had any signs of allergy for a long time?

Need to. Stable remission does not mean that an allergy will never remind of itself, but it is impossible to predict in advance. Antihistamines should always be on hand, and if the child had anaphylactic shock, you must also have a hormonal drug, an adrenaline solution for intravenous administration and the necessary accessories (disposable syringe with a needle, tourniquet).

Do grass allergies help (for bathing babies, for ingestion)?

No, allergy herbs can not be used for treatment. They can aggravate the course of allergies, especially with pollinosis. The same applies to honey - it is dangerous for all allergies.

Alternative medicine remedies help allergies better than traditional methods?

It is difficult to answer this question precisely because many of the non-traditional means are based on a belief in their efficacy, but do not have scientifically proven effectiveness. However, there are cases when some of them did bring results. Traditional methods of treatment rely on the results of serious research. If you refer to homeopaths and other "magicians", then you take the bulk of responsibility on yourself, because they usually do not guarantee anything.

Skin prick tests can be performed on a child from 3 years. Blood allergy tests can already be performed on children from 6 months of age.

Which allergy test is better: skin or blood test?

If an additional load is not needed on the child's body or an exacerbation of allergies is now, then the test for blood allergies is definitely best. The most reliable and reliable in Ukraine today is the ImmunoCAP (immunofluorescent) method. If remission is now present, there is no skin rash, and there have been no acute life-threatening reactions in the past, then a skin test for allergies can be performed. It all depends on the individual state of the child.

Is it possible to completely get rid of allergies?

If during the examination it turns out that it is a pseudo-allergy, then definitely yes. Allergic reactions will not occur with proper treatment of chronic and associated diseases. If, however, there is a true allergy, then with the right approach and treatment, very long remissions can be achieved. It is possible to forget about allergies, the main thing is to responsibly and start treatment on time.

Is allergy treated with antihistamines?

No, antihistamines mask the absence of allergies, and as soon as they stop taking them, the allergies will immediately return and all the problems associated with it. Antihistamines are a symptomatic treatment to relieve an acute condition now, which would then pass, aimed at a long-term result.

How long can you take antihistamines, and are they harmful?

Antihistamines, depending on the group, can be taken from 7 days (1st generation: suprastin, tavegil, etc.) up to 1 year (3rd generation: desloratodin, levocytirizin, etc.). With prolonged administrations, toxic effects on the body are possible, up to the development of allergic reactions   on antihistamines.

How to find out if your child is allergic?

If a child has repeated complaints about:

  • prolonged runny nose (nasal congestion, sneezing, watery discharge) without fever and cold symptoms;
  • constant sore throat and cough for more than 3 weeks, which can be confused with a cold;
  • itching and itchy rashes, as well as itching in the eyes, nose, throat, are characteristic of allergies;
  • reduction of symptoms after taking antihistamines.

Can a child "outgrow" allergies?

Yes maybe. If you turn to an allergist as early as possible and begin to control and treat allergies, then with the right approach, the child can cope, the body adapts and “grows out”, so that in adulthood he will only remember that he once had an allergy. The main thing is not to start, not to let it flow, as constant exacerbations not only cause suffering to the child and disrupt its development, but also gradually increase the weighting of allergies and the transition to serious diseases that are difficult to treat.

What to do if an infant has an itchy rash on his body and he is not gaining weight well?

Such a child should first be examined for allergies to milk.

When is the best time to test for allergies?

You can be tested for allergies at any time, but preferably during remission (with a decrease in allergy symptoms).

How to deal with food allergies?

Most importantly accurate diagnosis. And if confirmed by the presence of an allergy to a product, then it should be excluded from the diet. Otherwise, the reason may be: food intolerance, lack of enzymes and diseases of the digestive system.

Can I Cure Allergies?

True allergy is a genetically determined disease, and allergies can manifest themselves even after a generation. Without appropriate treatment and lifestyle, allergies will steadily progress (allergic rhinitis will result in bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, eczema, etc.).

How accurate is the blood test for allergies?

Blood allergy tests are in principle more accurate than the percutaneous method. Therefore, if possible, it is better to conduct a blood allergy examination, and the accuracy of the analysis depends on the diagnostic method. So with the ImmunoCAP method (immunofluorescence), the reliability reaches 98%. This is the most reliable method not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world and is recognized as the gold standard of allergic diagnosis.

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